Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 282 Her husband's first nagging

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"You had menstruation before you came here, so what do you need to pay attention to during your menstrual period?" Xiao Changyi asked proactively.

It's not good to be quiet and happy, her husband really cares and cares about her.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a matter of months." An Jing smiled to reassure him. "Actually, there are not many things to pay attention to, that is, don't touch cold water, don't eat cold food, and keep warm, don't wash your hair during this period, don't do strenuous exercise, and drink some brown sugar water.

Xiao Changyi immediately said: "Then hurry into the inner room, don't catch a cold, just call me if you have anything, and I will do it all for you."

Seeing Jingjing just looking at him with a smirk and not going to the inner room, Xiao Changyi simply led her there.

Then, Xiao Changyi took out a winter coat from the cabinet, and helped An Jing put it on without asking An Jing's opinion.

While dressing An Jing, he also said very seriously: "You don't have to do anything these days, I will do everything well."

Quietly continued to watch her husband smirk.

Xiao Changyi said again: "I'll go to the town to buy brown sugar later, but you must not touch the cold water while I'm not there."

When had her husband been so nagging? Today is the first time! Still for her!

An Jing still looked at her husband and smirked, hoping that her husband Gao Leng would keep nagging like this.

But Xiao Changyi, who was in a hurry to go to town to buy brown sugar for An Jing to drink, how could he keep nagging, and after exhorting Jing Jing a few more words, he drove the bullock cart to the town.

When Xiao Changyi came back from town, he not only bought brown sugar, but also red dates.

In the evening, due to the menstrual period, An Jing's feet were much cooler than usual, so Xiao Changyi boiled a bucket of hot water and carried it to the inner room to let An Jing bathe his feet.

"Xianggong, you can go clubbing too, the basin can still fit your feet." An Jing was looking forward to the invitation. She hasn't soaked her feet with her husband.


Then, Xiao Changyi and An Jing soaked their feet together.

The two rose chairs were placed opposite each other, and a wooden basin was placed in the middle. Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing sat on a rose chair, and their feet were placed in the wooden basin. The water in the wooden basin was steaming hot.

There is a bucket of hot water next to it, and there is a scoop inside. If the water in the wooden basin is getting cold, Xiao Changyi will take the scoop and heat the water in the wooden basin again, so that the water temperature rises again.

Soaking feet is really a very comfortable thing, and soaking feet with a loved one, An Jing and Xiao Changyi have only one thought in their hearts, and time stops at this moment.

Quiet's hand was also a little cold, but Xiao Changyi held it tightly in his big hand. His high body temperature could warm her up.

If his hands couldn't warm her, he let her hands tuck into his clothes.

Quiet not only warms the hands, but also warms the heart.

"Xianggong, you see my feet are smaller than yours." Quietly stepped on Xiao Changyi's feet, and the man smiled and was in a very good mood. She likes days like this.

Xiao Changyi looked down at the situation in the tub, and said, "Your hands are also smaller than mine."

Jingjing didn't know what to think, but suddenly she couldn't be happy. After laughing for a while, she stopped laughing and said, "Xianggong, if my hands and feet are bigger than yours, think about it, wouldn't it be funny?"

As soon as Xiao Changyi thought about it, he stopped, shook his head and said, "Don't think about it."

Seeing that Xiao Changyi didn't want to think about it, the quietness was even more joyful, and he kept laughing.

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