Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 758 She is especially good at close combat

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The onlookers were all acquaintances, and there was nothing to mind about being quiet. She used to fight with her comrades in the army, and there were more onlookers, so she didn't have any psychological burden at all.

Gong Juese didn't mind people watching.

Before the two started fighting, Gong Juese asked boldly: "Jingjing, although you said yesterday that you have never lost a fight, but after thinking about it carefully, I still think you should do something."

Quietly smiled and said: "You don't need to give in, just show your true skills, if you beat me with one move, I will admit it."

"That's what you said, so I'm not going to be polite." Gong Juese said with an air of embarrassment that I would definitely win you.

Seeing Gong Juse like this, An Jing felt it was funny: "I said it." After a pause, she asked: "What weapon do you want to use?"

"It's up to you." Gong Juese was extremely confident, confident that An Jing would never be her opponent.

Gong Juese has always been very confident in her kung fu. She has never met an opponent.

Therefore, for An Jing who proposed to fight her, no matter how good An Jing is, she actually didn't pay much attention to it.

I feel that no matter how high the quiet skill is, it is definitely not as good as her.

Quietly smiled and said, "Then why don't we all use our bare hands and don't use any weapons?"

Gong Juese was startled for a moment, never expecting An Jing would choose to go bare-handed, and then she responded with a smile: "Since you want to go bare-handed, then go with bare-handed, I have no objection."

Jing Jing is very good at close combat, seeing Gong Juese so easily agreed to her bare-handed, she just felt that Gong Juese really underestimated her.

If it is a weapon, it is really difficult for her to defeat Gong Juse. Gong Juse has practiced this since she was a child.

But bare hands

Ha ha, then her chances of winning are much greater.

"Is there anything else? If not, let's start the competition!" Gong Juese asked extremely boldly.

Jing Jing immediately responded with a serious face: "Okay."

Immediately, the two started fighting.

Gong Juese was full of confidence at the beginning, and even planned to secretly give An Jing two moves, but before she gave in, she found that An Jing was much better than she imagined.

Jing Jing's body is very flexible, her movement speed is also very fast, her shots are fast, accurate enough, and ruthless enough, which made her restrain the confident smile on her face, and began to look serious, like Jing Jing's real contest.

Gong Juese's kung fu is very high, but her strength has always been active attack, not defense.

Jing Jing is different. She has mastered melee combat with a high degree of proficiency, and is not only good at attacking proactively, but also good at defending.

He doesn't have a weapon in his hand, and he is only good at attacking. Compared with An Jing, a close combat master, Gong Juese doesn't have any advantage. After a while, Gong Juese will have some difficulty. He doesn't dare to underestimate An Jing anymore. Fight against quiet.

Originally, both Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing felt that An Jing would be settled within a few tricks.

After all, Gong Juese could easily deal with the two of them at the same time, and the skills of the two of them are not bad, and they can even be counted among the top ten in the army.

But now, Wang Anjing and Gong Juese had matched more than fifty moves, not only did they not lose, but they were on the verge of winning, which surprised Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing.

I didn't expect An An to be so skillful.

They have never seen An Jing fight, so they always feel that An Jing's skills are not very good.

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