Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 226: Speaker of the Dead

"So, not only the Banshee, but also the Irish leprechaun? We really caught something good this time!"

Like a flying Peter Pan, Charlotte sat lightly on the branches of the Tree of Death, looking at the two ghosts entangled in silver chains with a playful look on her face——

In other words, the former Mrs. Fantasso, and little Masbo.

In the other world, after the shining silver chains appeared, the original Ikabu quickly transformed into Charlotte.

——This was not beyond Alexis’ expectations.

After all, that evil smile from before was so familiar.

Besides, Charlotte also said that he would show up at the last minute.

"But it's really the last minute!"

Alexis was very depressed about Charlotte's "keeping her word".

At that moment, she really thought she was dead——

Her intuition told her that even if she was already a ghost, as long as she was hit by that shot, she would probably die completely.

——Because that was definitely not a normal shot.

And now, after seeing Mrs. Fantasso who fired the gun turn into a green succubus with red eyes and webbed hands after being entangled in a silver chain, Alexis was even more certain of her guess.

——But what kind of ghost is this? Why did her blood-red eyes keep crying after she revealed her true form?

——Why did Charlotte jump to the branches of the Tree of Death as soon as she caught her with the chain?

——Also, why did little Masbo, who had always seemed normal and friendly, turn into a small ghost that looked a lot like the goblin in the movie after being entangled in a silver chain?

"They are all local British ghosts, or goblins, attracted by your "resurrection"."

Looking at the confused Alexis, Charlotte explained,

"The one who's been crying is Bansi."

He pointed at the green succubus who had transformed into Mrs. Fantasso,

"It is said that when she meets someone who is about to die, she will shed tears to warn him."

"So, is she actually a denouncer?"

"Or perhaps the Agent of Death!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"Essentially, she is the same as Valkyrie in Nordic mythology. They are both human symbols of death. The difference is that the latter is a god, while she can only be regarded as a goblin."

"Then the reason she keeps crying now is--"

"Because of you Alexis!"

Charlotte looked like it was natural,

"According to the rules of death, resurrection is of course against the rules. For her who is essentially a symbol of death, it is naturally not allowed. Right, Bansi?"

"She must die!"

Bansi's voice was very nice, but even though she was tied up in chains and crying all the time, there was no hint of sadness in her words.

In fact, it was a sound like a court pronouncement——


So cold that Alexis wanted to run away! !

"So, she sneaked into this world to kill me because my "resurrection" would violate the rules?"

"That's understandable."

Charlotte nodded,

"As the movie premieres, the signs of your "resurrection" will become more and more obvious. I predict that the ghosts nearby will be able to sense that the time to cause trouble is the last 30 minutes."

As she spoke, Charlotte held up the book "Spells and Magic of the Supernatural World" that had a hole punched in it by a gun.

"This is the defense method and trap I have set up a long time ago - as long as this book is within a certain range of you, it will resist all harm for you. It is something like a stand-in doll!"

"No wonder I always thought this book was a bit strange."

Alexis suddenly realized,

"But what if I'm not within range of the book at the time?"

"That's okay, because you actually have a layer of protection on your body."

Charlotte shook the book in her hand,

“But that layer of protection is not as strong as this one.

In particular, it also comes with a trap function to lock in attackers. "

Having said this, Charlotte stretched out her arms and looked like she was embracing the world.

"Actually, to be precise, the entire wall-painted world of "Sleepy Hollow" is actually my trap - you haven't forgotten what this world was originally used for, right?"

"Seal, seal the ghosts!?"

"That's right!"

Charlotte snapped her fingers,

"This world of painted walls can actually be said to be a huge trap. All ghosts that come in and want to attack you will step into the trap first. This book is just a mechanism that triggers the trap."

"...Why do I suddenly feel like I'm actually a bait?"

Alexis' face turned a little dark.

"It's not impossible if you insist on understanding it this way."

Charlotte shrugged.

"The reason why I didn't enter the wall painting world together this time was because I needed to monitor them from outside - in fact, I monitored both Bansi and the Irish leprechaun over there when they entered this world."

"That's why you can show up at the critical moment!"

Alexis understood.

In her heart, Miss Ghost had a deeper understanding of the evil nature of Charlotte—

This is basically an insidious hunter who digs a trap, puts a lamb in the trap as bait, and then lurks aside waiting for the beast to be caught!

As for Alexis herself——

Obviously, she was the lamb that was used as bait!

Of course, Alexis would not dare to complain about the sinister and mysterious Charlotte.

Depressed, she had to ask another question,

"I understand the reason why Bansi attacked me, but that -"

She pointed at the Irish leprechaun on the other side who was also tied up in chains.

"What's going on? It doesn't look like it has any intention of hurting me."

"It didn't exist in the first place!"

Charlotte shrugged. He shook the chain in his hand, and the tied Irish leprechaun suddenly trembled, and even showed a slightly flattering expression on his face.

"This kind of little leprechaun likes to follow traces of magic power. It's actually just here to join in the fun."

"So, was it actually caught by you?"

"So be it!"

"Then can we leave now?"

Alexis asked,

"The wall-painted world of 'Sleepy Hollow' is much scarier than the one in the movie. If possible, I don't want to stay here anymore."

"I'm afraid it's not up to you!"

Charlotte sighed,

"After all, there is a big tiger in the trap!"


Alexis was stunned for a moment, and then she felt the will of destruction and death coming from behind her.

--headless rider!

Seeing the headless horseman in black clothes and armor slowly walking out of the jungle, Miss Ghost instantly understood what Charlotte meant -

The Headless Horseman, formerly known as Duralhan, is a powerful ghost originating from Irish folklore.

In the British Isles, just a stone's throw away from Ireland, other fairies and ghosts have appeared, so why is the Headless Horseman absent?

In particular, "Sleepy Hollow" is originally a movie related to him.

"Here you go!"

Just when Alexis didn't know what to do, Charlotte, who was still sitting on the tree of death, threw a skull to the death knight coming from a distance.

"Although it's not yours, if we have a head, our communication should be easier!"

--comminicate! ?

Alexis was stunned by Charlotte's behavior, but what stunned her even more was the Headless Horseman's next move——

The opponent caught the skeleton Charlotte threw and put it directly on his broken neck!

PS1: "Speaker of the Dead" is the sequel to "Ender's Game". The Ender series has a great influence in science fiction literature. Unfortunately, the production of "Ender's Game" was so bad. It was basically a children's movie just to sell models! For this series, I recommend everyone to read the novels and forget about the movies. PS2: Bansi is indeed a kind of fairy in British legend. It is famous for its ability to predict death, and its image is indeed that of a girl in green. However, this Green Goblin is not Eva Green. PS3: The Irish leprechaun is a kind of goblin that appears in Harry Potter, but it is also one of the goblins that has always existed in British legends, which will be discussed in detail later. PS4: Valkyries are the informants in Norse mythology. They will appear on the battlefield and lead the souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla to prepare for Ragnarok. PS5: Duralhan is the Headless Horseman. Many of you should know this prototype.

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