Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 612 Winchester

In fact, Charlotte wants the crew of "Supernatural" to take advantage of the filming opportunity to visit supernatural locations across the United States. She does intend to take the opportunity to discover some ghosts or other things to enhance her own power.

In particular, this is very consistent with the positioning of the Winchester brothers in the story.

——These two brothers originally drove around the United States in classic cars, constantly looking for and catching ghosts!

In fact, the first place Charlotte wanted the crew to go was the famous Winchester Mystery House.

——This is also the real-life origin of the surnames of the two brothers Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester in the script.

The so-called Winchester Mystery House, located in San Jose, California, is a very large building.

The Mystery House was built in 1884 by a widow named Sarah Winchester. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Her husband, William Winchester, was the inventor of the famous American "Winchester Rifle."

When her husband Winchester and their one baby girl die suddenly, a grief-stricken Sarah visits an "astrologer."

The "astrologer" told her that her husband Ming's rifle had caused many deaths, so her home was "cursed" by the ghosts of those shot.

In order to break the curse, she must constantly build rooms for these ghosts to live in, and the houses must be built as weirdly as possible.

——Superstitious Sarah believed this statement.

She bought a Victorian farmhouse with eight houses in San Jose, California, and then began to add houses one by one around the farm using the huge inheritance left by her husband until the house was built to a height of seven stories.


Later, there was a big earthquake in San Francisco, and the upper three floors of the house collapsed. Sarah ordered people to start rebuilding.

——For 38 years, Sarah kept building the "Winchester Mystery House".

Houses continued to grow, collapsed and were rebuilt. It was not until Sarah's death in 1922 that construction of the "Winchester Mystery House" stopped, and it still maintains its original size today.

And because it is for "hooligans to live in", although the Winchester Mystery House looks elegant and antique on the surface, the design inside the house is even more weird -

There are so many doors and windows in the house that it’s scary. Sometimes a window will suddenly open on the floor, and an unsuspecting person may fall out of this window accidentally;

When some doors in the room are opened, there is no way out, only a cold cement wall;\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

When some doors are opened, there is a void in front of them. It is so empty that if one is not careful, he will fall from a height into the garden below the building.

The windows are equipped with acid-etched frosted glass, and the patterns on it are spider webs...

Some people who have never believed in the existence of ghosts also said that they heard some strange sounds or saw some weird phenomena when they visited the mystery house.

From Charlotte's point of view, this is a very normal thing——

After all, the Winchester Mystery House is huge and has a weird structure. It’s not strange to get lost in it without anyone to guide you.

In this kind of environment, people will naturally be nervous and easily hallucinate.

What's more, as the birthplace of many absurd and weird legends in the United States, according to Charlotte's magic theory, the Winchester Mystery House will indeed give birth to some ghosts because of people's fantasy or belief. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Although it may be very weak.

In fact, Charlotte had visited this place once before as Patrick Jane——

Now the owner of the Winchester Mystery House has turned it into a supernatural attraction.

It is open to the outside world for visiting.

——Of course there is a fee.

Charlotte walked around inside and found a few "things", but to him, this was better than nothing.

However, if you want to film the American TV series "Supernatural", this is a good location.

Of course, how to make it a location seems to be a problem.

However, it's not difficult.

In addition to being proficient in spells, Charlotte now has another ability that is not an ability, but is better than an ability——\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e


While it may not be to the extent of Batman buying a bank to relieve his friends of their debt problems, it would still be fine to buy the Winchester Mystery House.

Especially in the United States, it is actually quite expensive to maintain an old house like the Winchester Mystery House.

The reason why the current owner of the house charges a fee for open viewing is to reduce losses.

But as far as Charlotte knew, she still couldn't make ends meet.

——No way, this kind of special supernatural attraction is not like places like Las Vegas with as high a flow of tourists.

——Except for some paranormal enthusiasts, there are only a few people who like to visit here.

Anyway, it is impossible to expect to make money.

Therefore, Charlotte is confident that it will be easy to buy this place. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

In this way, the problem of allowing the "Supernatural" crew to shoot exterior scenes here is solved.

Of course, this is not the only reason why Charlotte wants to buy the Winchester Mystery House.

After all, even if it can be used as a location for TV series or even movies, unless it has a high usage rate, it will still cost money to maintain this old house.

Charlotte's real purpose is to take advantage of the fact that this place is the source of many supernatural stories in the United States and turn it into a house that will be helpful for her practice of magic.

——Although Charlotte is still studying how to do it specifically, the prerequisites are in place to achieve this goal.

However, Charlotte is not going to tell Lao Qiang and the others this purpose, let alone Mr. Westwood, for the time being.

Therefore, the need for filming "Evil Force" became his reason or excuse.


Mr. Westwood did not know these inner thoughts of Charlotte.

After he accepted Charlotte's point of view, he no longer struggled with the specific shooting issues of "Supernatural".

——Those are all details later.

Instead, he flipped the script on "The Vampire Diaries."

"So what's this show about? A vampire-themed teen romance show? Are you planning to make a show like 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'?"

——"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is a drama series that began to be broadcast on B TV in 1997. As its name suggests, it is a fantasy-themed youth drama series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar.

This series is now famous, but Westwood is not optimistic about this genre——

"I have some connections in TV station B. As far as I know, the ratings of this series are declining. Now, TV station B actually has an opinion on whether to continue to renew this series. . And if we make another similar series..."

"I got you."

Charlotte nodded,

"However, you may have misunderstood. "The Vampire Diaries" is actually not the same genre as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"..."

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