Chicago 1990

Chapter 505: A truly long-term career

This incident still burned to himself, a few days later, the Los Angeles prosecutor who was robbed of the limelight by Santa Barbara County approached the door.

District Attorney Gilgahiti personally led the team, "Mr. APLUS, you saw Jody Chandler and MJ together in Dream Manor, right? You were mentioned in his confession."

"I'm waiting for the lawyer to come." Song Ya looked at his watch, "Soon, their flight has landed for half an hour, and it should be on the way now."

"Ok, let's wait."

Gilgahiti is not a small person. Although he is on the same level as Thomas Netden, who governs the surroundings of Dreamland, MJ chose the sparsely populated side in order to buy a large enough land (2800 acres). The jurisdiction is the elite zone of Hollywood, where countless companies, institutions, and wealthy people related to the film industry live and work day and night.

"Do you want to play baseball first?" Song Ya asked.

"What?" Gilgahiti was stunned for a moment, and he and his suits and suits looked at each other.

"Baseball, I'm practicing recently, for film performances." Song Ya picked up the bat leaning on the back of the sofa.

"Hey!" His entourage immediately pressed his hand to the holster on his waist.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not that stupid..."

Song Ya laughed, "Come on, anyway, I won't answer any questions before the lawyer comes, in order to avoid boredom."

Leading a group of prosecutors to the outside lawn, Adam Sandra and his'brother' Pangdun, who plays the second male, are practicing hard, "I will introduce you, Adam, this is Mr. Gahiti, here The district attorney is also Jewish."

Of course, such an important position must be Hollywood's ‘owner’.

Gilgahiti certainly wouldn't play baseball with stars seriously under his hands. He and Adam Sandra went to the lawn and chatted. Linda asked the servant to bring them carbonated drinks, and the entourage waited while holding paper cups.

Not long after, two cars drove into this Beverly Hills mansion, and another group of white men in the same suit and leather came down.

"Is your lawyer here?" an attendant asked.

"No, it's from an advertising company. I'm going to have a meeting here. Sorry, I'm going crazy lately. There is no rehearsal today, so I arranged a lot of things to do together."

Song Ya greeted him, "Sorry, there are a lot of things today. The meeting may not start until half an hour, so let's go in and wait."

"It doesn't matter, we arrived half an hour early." The visitor smiled and followed him into the villa.

Subsequently, A+ Pedal Company General Manager Riise and A+ Apparel General Manager Scott brought their hands down, as well as Song Asheng, Hayden, Donovan, Roberto Cleverville, and all the parties involved in A+ Apparel are basically coming.

"Mr. APLUS, your lawyer..." Gilgahiti came to urge him personally.

"It should be coming soon, oh, here it is!"

Song Ya saw Goodman and Hamlin's car coming in, "Shall we go to the swimming pool to talk?"


Accompanied by Goodman and Hamlin, Song Ya and them sat down by the parasol by the swimming pool.

"Mr. APLUS, when did you go to Dream Manor."

"I went there several times, twice? Or three times, I can't remember clearly." Song Ya replied after getting permission from the lawyer.

"Which time did you see MJ and Jody Chandler at the same time?" Gilgashi asked.

"The first time, I have to check the specific time..."

Basically, the other party didn't ask any unusual questions, and they all revolved around the interaction between MJ and the little boy. At that time, there was nothing between the two of them, so Song Ya answered truthfully.

"Are they arguing about the abilities of superheroes?" Gilgashi asked.

"Yes, MJ feels a little childlike. Anyway, I won't argue with children about such boring issues." Song Ya smiled.

"Remember what you are fighting for?"

"I don't remember, I actually didn't care. I was talking to MJ's lawyer."


"Uh... Lee Phillips? And Sandy Glenn is there."

"It's convenient to put the content of your conversation..."

"Sorry, that must have nothing to do with this case." Goodman interjected.

"Ok, only these?"

"Only these." Song Ya nodded.

"All right, excuse me." This testimony will not have any effect on the case, and is slightly biased towards MJ. Anyway, Song Ya tells the truth, there is nothing to hide, Gilgahiti confirmed the testimony and stood up and left.

Song Ya sent them to the parking place, and returned to Goodman and Hamlin and said: "Check when he will end his campaign, and allocate a suitable amount to him from the personal income of WhereIsTheLove I have donated. "

It’s the end of the year again. In addition to the charity organizations under the name of Aunt Susie, he also funded Michelle’s equal rights and youth organizations, Claire’s charity and feminist funds, campaign offices for some politicians, organizations for the follow-up reconstruction of the Los Angeles incident, The church of two black priests in Nancheng and so on.

He also kept his promise to donate money to Elizabeth Taylor's Anti-AIDS Fund, Howard University and the University of Chicago.

"OK." Goodman made a note.

"Okay, let's do business."

He walked into the villa and there were a lot of people in meetings, so he stayed in the living room. "We made a lot of money this year, right? Scott?" Roberto Clerwell was chatting with Scott. "How are the dividends arranged, how much can David Cole and I get?"

"It won't be a lot. You can get around 80,000 dollars together." Scout replied.

"80,000? We have a total of 8% of the shares of A+ Apparel. I have read the financial statements. There is no reason to only take one million profits out of dividends." Roberto Clerville was not very happy.

"The boss has new arrangements for next year. We need to invest our profits in." Scout replied.

"What's the arrangement?" Roberto Clavier looked at Song Ya.

"I want to do A+ apparel as a real business." Song Ya replied, "hasn't you introduced it yet?" He motioned to the advertising agency, "Let us welcome the negotiators of Ogilvy Advertising..."

"Wow, they are not cheap." Roberto Klevell exclaimed, "Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean you are not good." He felt that he had failed and apologized to the other party.

"It's okay, we are really not cheap." Ogilvy's people laughed.

They are a veteran advertising company, founded by advertising master David Oweig, basically stable in the top three in the world, provide a full range of brand promotion, public relations management and government lobbying services, and have a series of super multinational clients. Of course, small business is also done. This time, the leader is a middle-level company, who focuses on fashion business.

"So, let's talk about your suggestions first, I believe you already know my needs." Song Ya motioned them to say first.

"Okay, Mr. APLUS."

The other side took out the documents and started listing them one by one.

"Our suggestion is that your company should first shrink the product line and deepen several elements that customers have already impressed, such as cheap prices, T-shirts, pure cotton, fashion patterns and so on."

"What about autumn and winter clothes?" Scout asked.

"It's not a bad thing to admit failure and stop loss in time." The other party replied: "Stand firmly, and then see the situation in a few years. It is a good idea to open a sub-line brand for autumn and winter clothing. Your price confusion in the autumn and winter market has caused the brand. Not a small negative impact."

All characteristics of Sri Lanka are recognized.

"As much as possible, give full play to the star appeal of APLUS and Miss Mariah Carey."

Song Ya coughed and interrupted, "I add that Mimi and I will charge the replacement fee at the market price from next year, otherwise part of the company's profits will actually be saved from the personal income we deserve, Donovan ." He gestured to Donovan.

"Yes, I agree with this approach on behalf of Miss Mariah Carey." Donovan said.

"please continue."

"Your company also intends to join the U.S. Textile Association, Fabric Association and other associations related to the apparel industry?"

" we can do it, but the Cotton Industry Association..."

"Next year A+ apparel will sponsor some research institutions in the two cotton-producing regions of California and Arizona." Scott Dai Songya replied.

"That's not enough."

"What should we do? You are professional." Song Ya said.

"It is a good idea to sign some long-term purchase agreements with local farmers, so that you can also influence the votes of some cotton growing areas." The other party is really professional.

"Agricultural electoral districts are generally like party sites, right?" Riiser asked.

"It's okay. Many tech tycoons who are more pro-Donkey Party bought large tracts of land to become farmers. They generally support the Donkey Party at the federal political level, but they support the local power of the Elephant Party."

"No problem." Song Ya nodded, seemingly more than a double-headed snake.

"You still want to have a place in fashion shows and awards, right Mr. APLUS?"

"Yes, we have to show our designers a way out, otherwise the brain drain will be very serious."

Song Ya learned the lessons of Barn, combined with Sun Yansheng's employment theory, and planned to straighten out the path of A+ apparel. At least there should be no more executives' collective heart toward industry giants.

"Is it necessary? Since we only sell low-priced T-shirts." Roberto Clever asked.

"I just said that I want to treat A+ clothing as a real career to do Roberto, the long-term one, not just run away." Song Ya said to him: "Otherwise, we can't do it for long. Not much."

"But what about the profit in that way?" he asked again, "you spread money everywhere like this."

"If you do a good job, you won't worry about profits." Song Ya replied: "The money to spend cannot be less."

He spread his hands and lay back on the sofa and stopped talking.

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