Chicago 1990

Chapter 700: ?May 95

In May 1995, the alliance formed by companies such as IBM and Microsoft refused to accept multiple new audio-visual digital format standards. This caused all affiliates in the camp to face great business risks and hindered the listing of DTS.

The founder Terry Beard began to hesitate again, but this time he was short of time. DTS must be listed on the Nasdaq before the end of the year, otherwise it is very likely that he cannot compensate the C round Wall Street investors. Bankrupt by betting on an agreement. Of course, this is a game process. Wall Street investors will lose money if they really go bankrupt, and a compromise should be reached in the end.

   In this respect, Terry Beard’s slowness is also good. He can always drag the trouble to the last juncture so that others can't bear to actively seek solutions.

Netscape went smoothly. Unlike Song Ya’s repeater-style lectures, Jim Clark and Bacchus made high-profile speeches in various technology forums and media. Microsoft was wrong. Netscape is right, the future of the Internet, the Internet It can be described as a new information technology revolution that is closely related to people's lives. It is not profitable, but we have a market share and eventually will be profitable. Various subversive concepts have been proposed, and the response has been very enthusiastic.

   Academia, technology industry, network industry, and Wall Street all like them, especially Big Mouth Bucksted. His jokes about Bill Gates and Ballmer are widely reproduced and quoted.

However, Microsoft hasn’t given much response yet. Maybe it’s because they are used to it. They don’t care about the clamor of a small emerging company. They devote themselves to the development of the Windows95 operating system. Launched in December or September.

According to Dr. Mei’s report, 3DFX is now on the right track. Their three creative founders chose to open the 3D acceleration engine for free. This has attracted a lot of game companies to join the 3DFX camp and start based on new ones. The engine develops games in order to be launched to the market as soon as the 3DFX hardware accelerator card is launched in the middle of next year.

Song Ya is satisfied with everything. He didn’t know that the sudden accident after seeing JavaScript saved him from being compressed by Jim Clark, nor did he know that Goodman and others had quietly been in the post-APLUS era. He only knew that because of the sudden'illness' this time, his wife Mariah Carey took the initiative to fly to Silicon Valley, crying and apologizing face to face, and also promised that he would never cause trouble by changing agents again next time.

   For the United States, the biggest change in May was the sudden breakdown of auto trade negotiations with Benzi.

  Before, the book was basically submissive to his father, at most pretending to be coquettish and then squeezing in. The U.S.'s strong response to the political and business circles of the book is estimated to be greatly underestimated. Starting from the textile trade war in the 1950s, the war on color TV, steel, automobile, semiconductor, multiple textile agreements, steel product agreements, color TV agreements, Automobile trade agreement, parts agreement, telecommunications agreement, mobile phone agreement, semiconductor trade agreement, plaza agreement, Louvre agreement, financial service agreement, structural barrier issue agreement, comprehensive economic agreement, etc...

If you cannot compete, you will add tariffs. If you cannot compete, you will be forced to limit production and accept US financial capital. If you can’t, you will be forced to purchase US parts. If you can’t, you will support your competitors, patent wars, financial wars, and even direct personal threats. Smelly book entrepreneurs and politicians, in short, will not give up until they reach their goals. In the end, please swallow them obediently! The United States has become very proficient in this bandit tactics, and the economic ties between Miri and Japan have become deeper and deeper. Even financial products such as the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Pension Fund have been forced to open up to US capital, not to mention other large companies. Now, you have me in you, and I...but not necessarily you...

The book capital has been pitted in the United States. Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, etc. have left the market with huge losses, but from another aspect, the book companies that have survived 95 years are heroes, such as Sony and some large cars. Enterprises, such as some low-key traditional industrial capital.

   If the face is completely torn apart, both sides will be injured. With this ruling crisis of the current leader, the Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole suddenly announced his candidacy, officially kicking off the election that will last more than a year.

Bob Dole is at the peak of his political prestige. He led the Elephant Party to regain the majority of the Senate and the House of Representatives in the 94 midterm elections. He forced the Congress to pass a series of bills led by the Elephant Party. The smooth issuance of the telecommunications bill to please the technology industry and throw all the pressure on the donkey party in the House of Representatives.

But he is not yet qualified to stand in front of the current chief. He must first kill the opponents of the Elephant Party in the primary election, persuade the strong Elephant Party politicians such as Colin to retire, and do everything possible to prevent the recurrence of the elephant party during the last general election. The third party of party votes appears.

  Similarly, Song Ya didn't know that in order to appease the National Truckers Union and other organizations that still have Italian or Mafia influence, Bob Doll called Giuliani to let the other party let Motula go.


  New York, Carl Letterman asked the special prosecutor in great anger, "Motura withdrew all the testimony suspected of perjury. With this little thing left, you agree to let him easily exchange for not prosecuting!?"

   "Perjury? Do you have any evidence that the testimonies he withdrew were all perjury."

   The special prosecutor asked as he cleaned up the files, "Just observe with your naked eyes?"

   "Yes, the series of subtle reactions in his body, and the questions I specifically asked according to behavioral studies, I at least know that his testimony about the APLUS shooting in a nightclub in Harlem was fabricated." Karl Letterman replied.

   "Your theories cannot be used as evidence in court, and Motura has already withdrawn that part of the testimony."

   The special prosecutor said quietly.

   "It's politics, right? It's political considerations, right?" Karl Lightman stared at him with bright eyes.

   "Whether it is or not, we have decided to reach a non-prosecution deal with Motula, then my task force will also be formally dissolved. This matter has passed."

  The special prosecutor said: "Perhaps a university campus is more suitable for you, Agent Letterman, you should go there to teach psychology, human behavior, or something."

   "Aren't you from Mayor Giuliani?"

   "I am from the New York prosecutor, and I am not loyal to a certain politician."

"Haha, I can detect that you are in a guilty conscience, Mr. Prosecutor. You are his person, isn't Mayor Giuliani always showing the image of iron fist and selflessness? I didn't expect that he would make dirty transactions in private! "Carl Letterman said: "Can you guess something?"

   "Don't deal with me by dealing with criminals! Carl! Stop being so romantic. Mr. Giuliani is no longer a prosecutor, but a mayor, a politician, OK?"

The case in front of Motula was done in a cliche, and the special prosecutor was unhappy, but he couldn't say it clearly, and simply hinted: "This is the end of this matter. Anyway, the New York prosecutors will not follow up. I also remind you not to bother you. Director Fries, they are all in the same group!"


   Song Ya came back to Chicago Highland Park to learn the news, "Motula and the prosecutor reached a plea agreement, and then he was let go?"

   "We don't know what deal they made."

Hamlin said: "Maybe there is something unfavorable to us in those testimonies of Motula. He hates you APLUS so much. Maybe it's time to use some political relations in New York. Didn't you say that the police in the Mayor's Office Is the commissioner from Dingkins?"

   "Fxxk, I don't necessarily buy the Inner City Broadcasting Company." Song Ya said, "30 million for a message? I am not being taken advantage of."

   "The latest negotiation result from Alicia is a capital injection of 30 million yuan. Before the deal is concluded, the Inner City Broadcasting Company took the initiative to divest some of the loss-making assets to make their financial performance healthier."

Goodman analyzes: "There are two things that the Sutton family will never give up. The first is money. The Inner City Broadcasting Corporation will not survive 95 years without this 30 million, and the price cannot be discussed. The second is Right, no matter what the Sutton family wants to maintain the management right until 1999, Dingkins also supports them. The result of their investment in the Inner City Broadcasting Company is definitely not to let them out."

   "Yes." Song Ya spread his hands.

   "You said before that you have some follow-up thoughts about the Inner City Broadcasting Corporation. What is your idea of ​​APLUS?" Hamlin asked.

   "I was bluffing with Alicia."

Song Ya shrugged, "It's actually very simple. You have also read the provisions of the telecommunications bill passed by the Senate. Everyone judges that if the bill is passed, competition and mergers and acquisitions in the cable industry will become more intense. The powerful African-American media people in here were packed into several small TV stations under his family, packed and packaged, and then sold to cable operators or TV networks at a premium. Last year, the broken TV station er was acquired by Comcast at a premium. Now, this should be able to recover a lot of blood, at least it will make me lose less!"

   "It's a clever approach, but we just injected capital into the Inner City Broadcasting Company. If the Sutton family wants to do it so early, they won't give up the radio station." Goodman smiled bitterly.

   "I know, that's why I refuse to buy it."

   Song Ya reluctantly went around in the room, "So, Goodman, you go to Dingkins, let him find the police commissioner for help."

   "This is a good help, if you don't buy the Inner City Broadcasting Company..." Goodman reminded: "Playing with Dingkins is not a good operation."

"I'll buy it, it won't work, there is a last resort. Isn't Gordon of BET always looking for me to invest and want to create a new black 24-hour news station? After I bought the Inner City Broadcasting Company, The senior media guys dug up my new TV station and then talked about cooperation with other companies besides the TCI cable network where BET is located on channel resources, etc." Song Ya said.

   "The Johnson of BET will hate you." Hamlin said.

"The traditional media industry is not like the technology industry. This is not an emerging incremental market. The competition is a little bit more and I have less competition. If I want to enter the game, it is impossible to not sin at all. It depends on who can be bullied. "

Song Ya's eyes lighted, "Johnson is from the Elephant Party. The Donkey Party now needs a black media mouthpiece comparable to BET. The Inner City Broadcasting Company is the main radio station, Oprah is the main producer of variety shows and talk shows. There is some market space. And since Giuliani of the party has let off Motula so easily, then there is nothing for them to maintain our friendship!"

   "APLUS, there is a news I think you should read it."

At this time Linda walked in and turned on the TV, “The father of former billionaire and actress Milla Jovovich was sentenced today for suspected Ponzi scheme. Mr. Jovovich was convicted of multiple fraud charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. The court ordered the refund of 77 million dollars of illegal gains in several fraud cases and imposed a fine of 150 million dollars...'

   The TV announcer reported: ‘Even if you don’t know it in advance, the profits made by investors in the Ponzi scheme are illegal. New York prosecutors have begun to pursue recourse and called on some investors to voluntarily return the profits. ’

   "This unlucky ghost, sure enough, the sentence was more serious than some murders."

   Song Ya watched the ashes of Mila's father on the TV screen and murmured.

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