Li Wei dragged large and small luggage and finally embarked on the train to return west. After half a year away from home, she missed the three people at home. In fact, she didn't know when she really regarded the parents here as her own parents.

Compared with the family in Shangshufu, this family is too simple and not so rich, but it makes Li Wei feel warm. Although Li Minghua didn't talk much, he only knew how to work, but he was an honest man. Liu Chunzhi is a broken mouth, but she is hardworking and hardworking, and she never spares her children. She loves her second son who is not related. Li Jianping doesn't read much, but he is a good brother.

Although she was on the phone every week, she really missed them.

After staying on the train for two nights, I finally arrived at the provincial capital. After getting off the train, the bus was gone. Fortunately, there was a train passing Wuxian in the evening.

After many setbacks, he finally returned to his hometown where he had been far away for a long time. Li Wei walked off the platform, dragged a lot of things out of the exit, and saw Li Jianping at a glance. Li Wei's mood became a little excited at this moment, and she waved hard at Li Jianping.

Li Jianping rode a tricycle to help Li Wei pull the luggage, and helped his younger sister carry those big bags and small bags onto the car, which was just right.

"You have to work hard too, taking so many things back and forth."

Li Wei said, "Hey, I just bought something to honor you when I went out. There was nothing like this when I left."

Li Jianping took his sister back to the newly rented place, a suite in a family community. Without the small yard, the kitchen and toilet are in the house, about sixty square meters. Li Wei is not often at home, and the family can barely live in.

Li Minghua and Liu Chunzhi are still busy in the store, so the house looks a bit deserted.

Li Wei put down her backpack and sat down on an old sofa. She didn't want to move after nearly three days.

Li Jianping asked, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Li Wei said: "Whatever."

Li Jianping went into the kitchen to work. Li Wei turned on the TV, then settled on the sofa watching the TV to pass the time.

Before long, Li Jianping came out with two bowls of steaming omelette noodles, and the siblings were eating dinner together.

"How is business in the store recently?"

"It's okay, but I heard that Xinhua Street is also about to be renovated, and we don't know how long our store will be open. Parents will continue to return to Yongning to farm if they can't continue."

Li smiled and said, "I'm afraid they can't farm the land with peace of mind now. I'm afraid it will take a while until the renovation is completed. Mom and Dad take the opportunity to take a break. Mom is really hard to worry about the business every day."

Li Jianping said: "That's true, but parents are tired people. You say let them rest. They can't sit still."

After eating the noodles, Li Jianping said he would go to the store to see. Li Wei went to wash the dishes and took a shower by the way. Later, I was so tired that I stopped waiting for my family to come back and fell asleep deeply.

It was almost lunch time when Li Wei woke up the next day. A night of good dreams made the tired Li Wei finally regain his strength.

"You can really sleep. I thought you had to sleep until the afternoon." Liu Chunzhi hadn't seen her daughter for a long time, and couldn't help nagging when she saw it.

Li Wei just smiled and opened the luggage bag after the meal. She bought a camel sweater for Li Minghua, a down jacket for Liu Chunzhi, and a woolen scarf and gloves for Li Jianping.

When she took out these filial things, Li Minghua frowned and said: "I bought so many, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money."

Li smiled and said: "It's okay, I usually earn some, so don't feel bad." In addition to bringing gifts to everyone, Li Wei also bought a lot of Lincheng specialties.

In the afternoon, Li Wei made a call to Chen Yating's house. Fortunately, Chen's house did not move and the call was connected. The two agreed on a meeting place on the phone.

The two sisters hadn't seen each other for half a year. Chen Yating's hair had reached her shoulders, and her clothes gradually revealed a femininity. It seemed that Chen Yating was completely planning to say goodbye to her past self.

"Study medicine is very hard, right?"

"Thank you, but fortunately, we only took two years of professional courses, and we spent most of the last year in internships. Unlike their clinical studies, not every five or six years can't come out. I'm just a freshman. Help me run the relationship, I found an acquaintance in the Chinese Medicine Hospital and said that I would go directly for an internship at that time. But Wei Wei, now I can’t even find the blood vessels. I can’t control my hands well, I’m really afraid that I will be complained about the injection ."

Li Wei listened to the words of his best friend, and mourned for two seconds of silence for the future patient Chen Yating.

"The boy you told me in the letter belongs to your school? Isn't he studying clinic?"

Chen Yating's smile was half shy, and she nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

It seems that love has brought Chen Yating's transformation. It is a good thing that she forgot the injury that the physical education teacher gave her.

The two of them rode around the city and saw a lot of piercing words "demolition" written on the walls. Wuxian will be greatly changed in a year or two.

They strolled around, and then the two went to the park square again. There were children on the square skating around wearing roller skates. This scene reminded her of the first time her second brother took her to the county a few years ago. Almost five years have passed in a blink of an eye. When Li Wei was feeling emotional, someone called her suddenly.

"Are you Li Wei?"

Li Wei looked for her voice and tilted her head, but saw that it was Ji Yifan. She was very surprised.

"Brother Ji!"

"I thought I had confessed to the wrong person, but I didn't expect it to be you. Has that kid Jianbo come back?"

Li Wei shook his head and said, "No, I don't even have news about him."

Ji Yifan said: "This stinky boy hasn't contacted us for a few years. It seems that he had a good time abroad, so he forgot about his brother. It's too interesting. When he comes back, I and Hu Zi I must teach him a good meal.” Ji Yifan said and looked at Li Wei secretly again. The sister Li Jianbo has not seen for a long time, but she has become better off. Huzi has a good vision.

"Where did Brother Ji go to college?"

Ji Yifan smiled and replied: "I, I am studying at the police school in the provincial capital."

It seems that in the future, he will inherit his father's inheritance. Li Wei asked, "What about Brother Tiger?"

"He, isn't he doing business with his second uncle? I heard that he has made a fortune. This kid is doing well. Wait for him to come back and let him treat him.

But in just a few years, everyone has changed a lot.

"Weiwei, have you ever met someone you like?"


"Yes, your school is a comprehensive university. There should be a lot of boys?"

Li Wei shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in these." In fact, she didn't have the time to do these boring things.

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