When Li Wei led Zhao Qian to appear in front of his family, Liu Chunzhi and Li Jianping were stunned. It took a long time for Liu Chunzhi to react, but she didn't give Zhao Qian a good face, turned her face away, and said disgustingly: "Jianping, let him go, I don't want to see him."

This kind of reaction was what they expected. Li Wei hurriedly went over to his mother and said, "Mom, there was a misunderstanding in the middle. Zhao Qian's sudden departure is also compelling. Please forgive him."

Liu Chunzhi said: "I care about his identity and identity. I can't look down on such a man, let him go. Jianping, what are you still trying to do? If you don't do anything, I will call the security guy over."

Why should everyone know about things at home? Besides, Zhao Qian was also a public figure. If the trouble is too big, Zhao Qian's influence on Li Wei is not good. Li Jianping had to stand up and say to Zhao Qian, "Mr. Zhao, let us please."

Liu Chunzhi ignored Zhao Qian at all, and Zhao Qian had no choice but to follow Li Jianping out.

When Li Wei had an accident, Zhao Qian and Li's family had a brief meeting. Zhao Qian is most familiar with Li Jianbo, and only has a slight impression of Li Jianping.

Li Jianping took Zhao Qian to the outside and walked slowly. Zhao Qian proactively said: "Big brother, I know that the sudden departure at the beginning caused trouble to everyone, but as Awei said, I did encounter irresistible factors at the time. So I have to go. I make you bother."

Li Jianping looked at him. He didn't have much favor for Zhao Qian himself, but for the sake of his younger sister, he couldn't make bad words to Zhao Qian or directly fist. In the early years when his heart was strong, he would still fight with people at every turn. Now he has also learned to be smooth and patient.

"Mr. Zhao came from afar, I will arrange a place for you."

Li Jianping took Zhao Qian to open a guest room, and after arranging for Zhao Qian to stay, Zhao Qian stayed Li Jianping. He first admitted his mistake: "It was my fault to leave without saying goodbye, but I promised my elder brother that I would never fail Ah Wei in the future, and I would use my own actions to express it."

"One of you in the entertainment industry will perform more than one, and all of them are actor and actress. Oscar owes you a golden figure." Li Jianping hurts people and does not carry a dirty word, and what he says can annoy you.

But at this moment, Zhao Qian is also good-tempered, letting Li Jianping slander and insult him and dare not say a word for himself.

Here Li Wei is guarding carefully in front of Liu Chunzhi, but seeing her mother's anger on her face, she cautiously said: "Mom, Zhao Qian really has no other troubles, so please forgive him this time. He is very kind. Looking at you, it makes people feel sad to look at others."

Liu Chunzhi snorted coldly and said, "The surname Zhao is not a good thing. You should make a clear relationship with him as soon as possible. Our family can't get a close relationship like this, and I dare not want such a son-in-law."

"Mom!" Li Wei was anxious, and then said: "He proposed to me, and I agreed. Anyway, I won't marry anyone except him in this life. It doesn't matter if my mother agrees or doesn't agree, so be it. "

Liu Chunzhi was even more angry when he heard this, and pointed at Li Wei and cursed: "You will face me, do you want to **** me alive."

Li Wei's face was tense. Yang Man came in when the mother and daughter were in a stalemate, and pulled Li Wei up to let her go out first, and then came to comfort her mother-in-law.

"Mom's blood pressure is already high, so I'm so angry. It's not worth it to say that I'm sick."

"I don't agree with this marriage. The surname Zhao is not a good thing. Weiwei must have been fascinated by something. Go and call Jianping. I have something to say to him."

"Mom, you often teach our family and everything is right. I don't think this can happen like this. You are such a daughter. Is it because an outsider made your mother and daughter enemies? Even if you want to solve this problem, this is not the way... …"

Liu Chunzhi immediately asked: "How? Do you have any way to tell me?"

Yang Man just said casually, what could she do, and quickly said: "I have nothing to do, but I think I have to discuss this matter. Mom, Weiwei finally brought people back. You might as well listen to them. How do you say it. Maybe that Zhao Qian is not as bad as you think. Didn't your opposition make Weiwei feel even more unhappy."

After Yang Man said this, Liu Chunzhi calmed down a bit. She usually doesn't like her eldest daughter-in-law very much. She didn’t expect her eldest daughter-in-law to be willing to talk to her at this critical moment. Liu Chunzhi looked at her eldest daughter-in-law and said after thinking about it, “This marriage has to be discussed. You Go and call Jianping over."

Seeing that her mother-in-law's tone had eased a lot, Yang Man knew that the anger in her heart should be reduced a little, and then she got up and promised: "Okay, mom, I'm going now."

Yang Man hurried out the door, not far, but saw Li Wei sitting on a bench in a daze. Yang Man walked over and said with a smile to his sister-in-law: "Weiwei, don't be sad. There is a big brother and sister-in-law in this matter."

Hearing that Li Wei looked up at Yang Man hurriedly.

"Sister-in-law... can you help me?"

"I don't know how much I can help. Your mother's temper is clearer than I am. I'm afraid this matter is still going to be grind. You have to prepare in your heart. If you know, our mother will eat soft or hard. , You can’t go head-to-head, you have to think of other ways to relax. To put it bluntly, let her calm down first, everything is easy to discuss." After all, Yang Man knows too well that the only thing that mother-in-law has to worry about now is the life-long affairs of the sister-in-law. I've always wanted to marry my sister-in-law, but now it's hard for someone to come to the house, and in every way she is an excellent young man. The mother-in-law is just angry, and it's easy to do everything after everything is solved.

Of course, Yang Man, an outsider, could see clearly. She and Li Wei confessed a few words, and then hurried to find Jianping. But after searching for a long time without seeing him, he had to call Li Jianping.

Soon Li Jianping came out, and the couple met. Li Jianping first asked, "Where is Mom?"

Yang Man said: "It's not too good. I'm still angry. I told you that you don't know what to do in the past. You should deal with it carefully."

Li Jianping nodded and went to the small villa where he lived. After walking a few meters, Yang Man chased up from behind, took Li Jianping and said, "I'm asking you, which side are you on? ?"

Jianping asked in confusion, "Which side?"

"Do you support Mom's decision or Weiwei?"

Li Jianping hesitated. Zhao Qian told him a lot in that room just now. He could also clearly feel the sincere attitude of Zhao Qian, but he disappeared for a while without knowing what he did. The actual thing that hurt my sister. Now that the two are reunited, Weiwei must be happy.

Li Jianping hesitated for a long time, and then said, "I will call Jianbo first."

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