Clan Cultivation: Starting with Liver Experience

Chapter 170 One-stop capture method

During the time Lu Ya left, there was no disturbance from beasts or threats from foreign enemies.

The population of Yongze City is increasing. Three new commercial streets have been opened, and more than a thousand new monks have been added, including eight foundation-building monks.

Yongze Castle, which had become dilapidated due to the raging beast tide, began to become lively again.

The prosperity of the past seems to be returning bit by bit, and everything is moving in a good direction.

For Lu Ya, there was nothing else for him to worry about and he could immerse himself in his own cultivation.

In just half a month, his cultivation reached the peak of the third level of foundation building.

What surprised Lu Ya was that he originally thought that he would encounter some small bottlenecks from the early stage of foundation building to the middle stage of foundation building. But when he was fully prepared and started to make breakthroughs with his running skills, he found that just a slight With a poke, he entered the middle stage from the early stage.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, without any sluggish feeling, just like it should be.

Afterwards, Lu Ya thought carefully and finally focused on the technique.

"The peak-level Changchun Kung brings not only an increase in practice speed, but also polishing of bottlenecks," Lu Ya muttered to himself as he looked at the skill panel.

Get up from the futon and place the eagle eggs on the futon to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Lu Ya stepped out of the quiet room.

In half a month, the earthbending technique has reached the level of proficiency, but the Xuanyuan Spiritual Shield and the Qi Capture Technique have still not been introduced.

This made Lu Ya a little irritable.

After all, every time he learns a new spell, he is repeatedly lashing out at his poor spell talent.

Fortunately, as long as you are willing to take the time to figure out and study, you can always practice successfully.

Arriving at the courtyard, there were many various items placed in the courtyard, ranging from an egg to a boulder as large as two people high.

These are the tools used by Lu Ya to practice Yiqi Grasping.

Lu Ya stood still for a moment, and began to skillfully perform kneading with his hands. A trace of mana overflowed from his body, interacting with the surrounding heaven and earth, and gradually gathered into a ball.

You can vaguely see the shape of a palm slowly taking shape.

As the palm took shape, Lu Ya's consciousness seemed to spread out a tentacle, gradually establishing a connection with the palm.

Just before the connection was completely established, the spiritual energy palm suddenly disintegrated into scattered spiritual energy and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"There is still one last step left."

Lu Ya stopped squeezing his hands and calmed down his restless mana for a while.

Then he practiced again.

This time it went very smoothly.

Unknowingly, the aura palm was fully formed, and Lu Ya successfully established a spiritual connection with it.

"Finally it worked!"

Lu Ya was excited as he looked at the spiritual energy palm floating in front of him.

In Lu Ya's perception, he seemed to have grown an extra arm and an extra hand.

This feeling goes against the common sense of the human body, but it is very novel.

It was as if an extra organ suddenly appeared in the body. It seemed unexpected, but it was so harmonious with the body, as if it was already there.

Lu Ya began to try to control the spiritual energy palm. Following his thoughts, the spiritual energy palm began to twist like twitching, opening and closing continuously.

After practicing for a while, the aura palm gradually returned to normal, and began to make different gestures under Lu Ya's thoughts.

Sometimes the fingers are joined together to form a sword, sometimes the thumb is raised high, and sometimes the other four fingers are made into a fist, leaving only one middle finger pointing to the sky like a sharp sword.

After completing the research, Lu Ya began to test various functions of the aura palm.

Starting from the eggs, Lu Ya manipulated his spiritual energy palm to pick them up one by one, until he finally faced a piece of black iron that was the size of a human head and weighed two hundred kilograms, and was finally unable to pick it up with his spiritual energy palm.

This kind of power is already pretty good, and there is absolutely no problem with a magic weapon like a Royal Envoy.

Lu Ya's thought came to him again, and his palm, which was originally only one round larger than an ordinary person's hand, suddenly swelled to the size of a truck tire.

The hand that was controlling the wheel-sized hand once again grasped the piece of black iron. The black iron trembled slightly and began to be slowly pulled up.

"The strength has increased by about 50%, and I should be able to lift up to 300 kilograms of weight."

Lu Ya expressed satisfaction with this result.

"This is still a spell that I have just started to learn. Once I gain experience in this spell, the power of the spell will become stronger and stronger. Only then will I be able to exert the true power of a grappling method. However, it is really difficult to accumulate experience in this spell." .”

However, having mastered the Qi Capture Technique, Lu Ya has one less thing to do. Now he only needs to successfully cultivate the Xuanyuan Spirit Shield, and then use the water-bending technique to reach the limit of transformation, so as to give birth to supernatural powers.

Thinking about it this way, it seems not so far away anymore.

Lu Ya looked at the floating aura palm and sighed: "Time is running out."

Then he controlled his palm to fly to the center of his back, stretched out his fingers and scratched his back.

This position is usually difficult for normal people to touch with their arms, but Lu Yayu used his spiritual energy palm to do it easily.

After scratching the itch, Lu Ya felt relaxed all over his body. The depression of previous failure was gone, and he raised his head and laughed a few times.

After laughing, Lu Ya studied the spiritual energy palm again.

He placed his palm in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Then he used his right hand, flicked his fingers, and hit the floor with his fingers.

The spiritual energy palm also made the same movement as him, but there was no sign of any guidance.

After repeated attempts several times, I found that this aura palm could never release the spell.

Lu Ya was immediately discouraged, but he turned around and put aside this unhappiness.

It is already a good thing that this palm is under his control. How can he be greedy and ask for more.

He let his palm float in the air and cut off the supply of mana. As a result, he waited for a full quarter of an hour before the aura palm gradually began to dissipate.


Lu Ya nodded again. Such a long-lasting time was indeed a bit outstanding.

Overall, this Qi capture method is quite cost-effective, especially the connection with one's own spirit, which makes Lu Ya very satisfied.

As long as he develops his ability in this area and summons two or more spiritual energy palms, Lu Ya can adopt group fighting tactics and use his extra arms to blast his opponents in one-on-one battles.

The test was finally over, Lu Ya struck while the iron was hot, stood there and kept casting spells, summoning the aura palm.

Then Lu Ya discovered the limitations of this spell. Only when the previous palm dissipated would the next palm appear. This meant that at most one palm could be summoned at the same time, so its actual combat effectiveness was compromised.

However, Lu Ya was also mentally prepared. If this spell was so heaven-defying, its reputation would spread throughout the world of cultivation.

As he gains experience and understands this spell more and more, he will naturally find a way to break this limitation.

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