This little girl would really not be able to leave if she didn't leave. Lu Ya could already see the fierce wolf-like eyes hidden in the crowd.

"Hey, senior!"

The little girl waved the storage bag in her hand and stamped her feet vigorously when she saw Lu Ya left without looking back.

Holding the storage bag in her hand, the little girl looked at Lu Ya's retreating back reluctantly. When she couldn't see it anymore, she turned around and prepared to go back.

She was in a good mood when she went shopping. She finally saw something she liked, but she couldn't get it, which made her a little unhappy.

The little girl suddenly felt a little cold, and the atmosphere around her was a little solemn.

She couldn't help but look left and right, but found that the passers-by around her were looking at her with strange and penetrating eyes.

She was startled, thinking of her elders' repeated instructions, and regretted why she had to sneak out alone.

But it was too late by now. She buried her head deeply, like an ostrich, and walked out quickly with her head lowered.

After taking only two steps, she felt someone blocking her way.

She raised her head in slight panic, twisting her clothes with one hand and holding her storage bag with the other, and timidly looked at the fierce-looking man standing in front of her.

The fierce man showed a smile that he thought was kind, but actually scared the little girl to death, and said softly: "Little sister, you have had enough fun, it's time to go home with my brother."

"No, I don't know you." The little girl shook her head like a rattle and backed away quickly.

Xu Shi retreated in a panic, and her back suddenly bumped into someone.

It was all too familiar to her, saying she was sorry and turning her head away.

Then he saw a woman's face with an inexplicable smile. She was looking at him with a doting look on her face: "Little sister, go home with your sister-in-law quickly. Grandpa should be angry if you go back late."

After saying that, she stretched out her weak and boneless jade arms and hugged the little girl in front of her, as if she was intimate.

When those caring people around saw the man and woman in front and behind, they all showed fear, and at the same time they also felt a little regretful and unwilling.

But this unwillingness disappeared with the wind after meeting the fierce man's warning eyes.

The moment the little girl was hugged by the woman behind her, she felt a chill on her back. Her whole body seemed to freeze and she lost control of her body.

Everyone watched helplessly as the two people took the little girl and quickly left the night market while talking and laughing.

"Damn, this Rakshasa ghost couple is so lucky that they unexpectedly met a big fat sheep who has no experience in the world."

"Who says it's not? There are hundreds of high-grade spiritual stones. I almost couldn't bear it anymore."

"It's gone, let's think about it carefully, it doesn't matter if we don't get this windfall, we can carry hundreds of high-grade spiritual stones at a young age, and we don't know what the big background is. Don't waste your life if you get it when the time comes. "

"Hmph, after snatching this spiritual stone, I just hid it in the wild. In this chaotic world, no one can find me."


Not to mention the innocent little girl, Lu Ya was squatting in front of a row of iron cages, looking with interest at the seven or eight puppies that were just one month old.

In the iron cage, every puppy is either lively, quiet or naughty.

But when Lu Ya looked over, they all looked at Lu Ya curiously with their black bean-like eyes, which was really cute.

The owner of the dog stall was an old monk who was in the middle of Qi training. He was wearing a Taoist robe that had been washed until it turned white. Although his face was covered with weather, he looked at the puppy in front of him with tenderness.

"You can choose which ones you like, as long as you treat them well."

The old man looked at the little eagle on Lu Ya's shoulder, then looked at Lu Ya, and said with a smile.

"My dear, these bastards look pretty good. Their parents must be of high cultivation."

Lu Ya stretched out his hand and touched a puppy with a long head and a tiger head, looked at the old man with a smile and asked.

Unexpectedly, the old man's eyes darkened and he was silent for a moment before replying: "Yes, their parents are first-level high-level monsters."

Seeing him like this, Lu Ya didn't continue to ask questions. He then touched each one, grabbed a strong and bright-eyed puppy, and asked, "How much does this one cost?"

"It's all the same price, ten middle-grade spiritual stones for one puppy."

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Lu Ya's surprised eyes and his voice became a little lower.

To be honest, this price is not cheap at all.

The average descendant of a first-order monster beast can only have one to four middle-grade spiritual stones at most. These inconspicuous looking puppies actually have ten middle-grade spiritual stones. It is really a big deal for some lions.

"These are all descendants with a trace of Tengu blood. They can all be called alien species. If I didn't feel guilty when I saw them, I would never be willing to take them out to find a good home for them." The old man sighed and explained.

"Senior is a dignified and upright person at first glance. I can rest assured that I will leave this second son to you."

Strangely enough, the old man's appearance was much older than that of Lu Ya after his disguise, but he called him "Senior Lu Ya" as if it was a matter of course.

After all, the world of cultivation still relies on cultivation.

Lu Ya grabbed the puppy in his hand, and the puppy looked at Lu Ya and kept wagging its tail. From time to time, it stretched out its pink tongue to lick Lu Ya's fingers.

"Let's just get this one. It's fate."

Lu Ya took out ten middle-grade spiritual stones and handed them to the old man's hands. Then he stood up with the eagle on his shoulder and the puppy in his hand.

In this way, he, Lu, had achieved half of his goal of holding Huang Qingcang on his left.

The rest is just waiting for these two little guys to grow up.

"Senior, walk slowly."

The old man's respectful voice came from behind, and Lu Ya slowly walked away.

After walking for a while, Lu Ya heard waves of anxious and angry scoldings coming from behind him.

He turned around and saw a group of three people walking angrily on the street. In front of them, two city guard monks were clearing the way with a man in their hands.

"Senior, it's really none of this junior's business. I'm really just passing by."

The male cultivator who was caught cried and argued loudly.

"Stop talking nonsense and find it for me!"

A city guard monk who was in the late stage of Qi training scolded.

"That's him, that's him, I remember it very clearly, he had a gray bird on his shoulder."

When the male cultivator saw Lu Ya, his eyes burst into surprise, and he quickly pointed at Lu Ya and said.

"Looking for me?"

Lu Ya was a little confused.

With the male cultivator's identification, the group quickly pushed aside the people around them and came to Lu Ya.

Before the city guard monks could say anything, a young male cultivator walked out of the three people behind them and asked Lu Ya angrily: "Where is my little sister?"

Lu Ya glanced at him lightly and said in a nonchalant manner: "You are looking for my little girl. Why are you asking me? I don't know your little girl."

"Still quibbling, if it weren't for you, how could my little sister go missing!"

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