Come To the Second Element, Show Your True Skills

Chapter 26 Sonoko Machida's Reunion

"Brother Che, tell me what's going on!"

When the phone was connected, Machida Sonoko's voice sounded like a half-smile.

"Ahem! Sister Yuanzi, what's going on? I don't understand!"

Toru Azumi decided to pretend that he didn't understand anything, and it was impossible to admit it right away. Even if he knew what Sonoko Machida was talking about, Toru Azumino would not be able to confess right away.

"Stop pretending to be confused! Tell me, what happened to "Sword Art Online"?"

Azumino Toru didn't expect Machida Sonoko to be so direct and not reserved?

"Sister Yuanzi, how do you know?"

"Hmph! Do you think I don't follow your Twitter? I also made a special follow, and I will have a notification tone when you have news."

emmm, Toru Azumi has nothing to say.

"Tell me, why did you write a new book and haven't told me yet!"

"Suddenly there is a new idea, and then I write it."

"Are you writing two books a month? Is it too late?"

Of course it was in time, and it was more than enough.

But Toru Azumi would not say this. In the past, Machida Sonoko was given a volume every month, but it was delayed until the end. Machida Sonoko still thinks that Toru Azumino can barely finish one volume in a month.

"It's okay, I wrote a lot during the holidays."

"Really? However, you are not allowed to delay the manuscript for me, otherwise I will go to your house every day to urge the manuscript."

Machida Sonoko began to threaten Toru Azumino. Brat, it's fine to write a book with double-opening, but you didn't tell me about it!

However, if Machida Sonoko could go to Toru Azumi's house every day to urge manuscripts, maybe he really wanted to delay the manuscript. The two of them had little time to meet each other, and Toru Azumi had no chance to deepen their relationship with Sonoko Machida.

"Don't worry, Sister Yuanzi! When did I delay the manuscript?"

Sonoko Machida naturally knew that Toru Azumino had never delayed the manuscript, and was very punctual. Sometimes Sonoko Machida wondered whether Toru Azumino had written it long ago. However, now An Tantou is double-playing! Who knows if he can make it in time.

"Hmph! If you delay the draft to see my sister, how will I deal with you!"

"What if I didn't delay the draft?"

Will you clean me up if you drag the manuscript? That's not okay. Toru Azumi felt that he needed something sweet.

"Isn't it what you should do without delaying the draft? What else do you want to do?"

Ah, An Tan is speechless. Only then did he realize that he was actually working, and some requirements were his job. It doesn't deserve to be praised. However, Azumi does not do business at a loss.

"No, I'm double-opening now, and I want a reward if I don't delay the draft."

"Are you a child? You need to be rewarded!"

"I'm not yet of age, Sister Yuanzi."

".What reward do you want?"

Sonoko Machida remembered that Toru Azumino was still in high school.

"Of course it's the same as the previous one!"

What reward was that before? A kiss of course. Machida Sonoko on the other end of the phone gritted her teeth. Just now she said that she was underage, but now she exposed her wolfish ambition and plotted against her.

"What? Don't you have confidence in breaking the sales of tens of millions?"

"How is it possible! This is good, this reward will be after breaking ten million, if it does not break ten million, how about canceling this?"

Now Toru Azumi really wants to sell 10 million novels, so he decided to do whatever it takes. If he can't sell 10 million novels with double releases, he will release 3 novels, and then go to the Mount Fuji Bunko to vote for a novel.

There are still many good novels on the theme of past lives and different worlds.

Sonoko Machida agreed. After all, she still doesn't think Toru Azumino's Harumono can break through tens of millions. The first volume is only 300,000 now. You can't write 30 books, can you? Even if it is written, it will be two years later, maybe the two of them have already.

Cough cough, well, Machida Sonoko is still fond of Azumino Toru, after all Azumino Toru has grown up a bit now, he is even more handsome, and he doesn't look immature anymore, Machida Sonoko is heartbroken every time he sees it. If she hadn't known the ages of the two of them, she might have taken the initiative to chase them.

Finally Machida Sonoko told Azumi Toru not to delay the manuscript, and hung up the phone. Azumi resisted the urge to send her the second volume of Chunwu. A small leak will sink a great ship.

The next day, when Toru Azumi woke up, "Sword Art Online" had already gone on sale.

After washing up and preparing breakfast, Toru Azumi clicked on Twitter while eating.

[nice! ]

[Asuna is awesome! ]

[Unexpectedly, the old thief Azumi is also good at writing this kind of fantasy fighting style theme. ]

[Why did you finish the first volume? What about the middle one? Not just one roll, right? ]

[How can it be? I have written the first volume, and there must be a second volume! But I strongly urge you to write about what happened in the middle! ]

This time, there was still no comment from that crazy person, which made Toru Azumi a little unaccustomed. He couldn't even curse.

Now the comments are all old fans, new fans have not yet joined, and it is estimated that it will promote a wave of sales by then.

At this time, Kirisu Mafuyu also went downstairs, and Toru Azumi prepared breakfast for her.

It was only natural that Kirisu Mafuyu looked as if he hadn't woken up yet. After all, what happened last week had a big impact on her. Recently, she was always afraid that An Tanche would "sneak attack" her. And women always pay special attention to what is the first time. She was afraid that An Tanche would attack her again last night.

That's why she had a dream last night, dreaming that An Tanche kissed her again, and kissed her on her own initiative. When he woke up, remembering what happened in the dream, Kirisu Mafuyu became so irritable that he rolled over on the bed.

Pretending to be calm while eating breakfast, he didn't even dare to look at Toru Azumi. Azumi Toru didn't pay attention to her appearance either, he was still reading the comments on Twitter, and the number of followers also started to increase. The number of followers has already reached more than 200,000 before. I don't know if Sword Art Online can attract the readers of Shock Library and double it.

But in the short term, there should be no hope.

Kirisu Mafuyu had already finished her breakfast, and she kept thinking about the scene in her dream where Toru Azumi kissed her, that evil smile, and domineering posture - Kirisu Mafuyu's face turned rosy.

"What's wrong Mafuyu-san? Why is your face so red? You don't catch a cold, do you?"

Azumi-kun also finished eating, and noticed Kirisu Mafuyu's rosy cheeks, and couldn't help asking.

"Ah! I, I'm fine!"

Kirisu Mafuyu was still thinking about the things in his dream, but when he heard Toru Azumi's voice, he became shy for a while, and his face turned even redder.

Toru Azumi stretched out his hand, put it against Mafuyu Kirisu's forehead, and measured it, he didn't want Mafuyu Kirisu to get sick. Feeling Toru Azumino's hand, Mafuyu Kirisu's body froze, motionless.

"It seems to be a bit hot!" Azumi muttered to himself, got up and leaned against Kirisu Mafuyu, head to head to measure.

Now Kirisu Mafuyu couldn't bear it anymore, pushed Azumino Toru away, ran back upstairs and got into his room.

Now Azumi understood, it was because of shyness. Thinking of Kirisu Mafuyu who looked shy, Azumi couldn't help laughing.

Kirisu Mafuyu is so cute!

There is nothing to do today, and the second volume of Harmono and Sword Art Online has been written, and the third volume Azumino Toru doesn't want to start yet. And this week is Golden Week, and the holiday time is still long. So Toru Azuma decided——

Get back to sleep!

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