"Where are we going?" An Tanche chased after him and asked

One thing to say, Toru Azumi is also on a first date. Although he knows that the process of dating is to eat, go shopping and watch movies, and if the boyfriend and girlfriend can still do the things they like after dating, Azumino has no specific plan.

But fortunately, Kasumigaoka Shiyu made an appointment today, Azumi didn't need to think about other things, he just had to follow Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

"Just follow!" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't turn her head.

Originally, she had already planned for today, and found some exciting activities to guide Azumi Toru, which proved that Abu Toru had thoughts on her. Recently, An Tanche treated her differently from others, she couldn't bear Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!

As a result, there was an extra Kirisu Mafuyu, so she had to think about another project.

From two people to three people, there are only a few games that can play multiplayer sports. Either watch a movie or go to an amusement park.

You can watch some horror movies, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu can pretend to be scared, and then throw herself into his arms. After all, boys have no resistance to this kind of behavior. As for the amusement park, it has a haunted house in it, which can be done in the same way as a horror movie.

This time Kasumigaoka Shiu intends to pretend to be a weak girl. After all, boys are machismo, and they will have a desire to protect weak girls.

Originally, some dessert shops had couple activities, which could be implemented perfectly, but with the addition of Mafuyu Kirisu, Kasumigaoka Shiwa really couldn't participate in that kind of activities again. After all, isn't it obvious that he has thoughts about Toru Azumina by participating in this kind of event?

Of course, she had expressed this idea since she asked An Tanche out. But she didn't reveal this on her own initiative, it was Azumi who didn't follow the routine and brought Kirisu Mafuyu together, she didn't admit it.

But she didn't know that Toru Azumi had told Matsuki Kirisu that she had thoughts about Toru Azumi.

"You won't just keep walking like this?" An Tanche asked helplessly.

The three of them had been walking for more than ten minutes, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't say where they were going. Toru Azumi wondered if Kasumigaoka Shiwa was angry and walked him on purpose.

"What's the rush? It's almost there."

After walking for another five minutes, Toru Azumi found a movie theater in front of him.

"It's not going to a movie, is it?"

"That's right! We'll have lunch after watching a movie, and then we'll go to the amusement park." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu told her today's itinerary.

Talk about it!

Azumino Toru had no objection, and obeyed Kasumigaoka Shiwa's arrangement. Needless to say, Kirisu Mafuyu, it is best if she can not move, and she also likes watching movies and TV. Going to the movies now is exactly what she wants.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu went to the counter to buy tickets, it seemed that she wanted to choose a movie to watch by herself.

After buying the tickets, Kasumigaoka Shiwa handed two of them to Toru Azumino and Mafuyu Kirisu.

"Fortunately, there will be one soon."

Azumino Toru took the ticket, gave one to Kirisu Mafuyu, and took a look at the name of the movie on the ticket.

"Midnight Ring"!

Toru Azumi: "."

Good guy, it's actually a horror movie, and it has such a familiar name! Azumi felt that Kasumigaoka Shiyu had ulterior motives, but—isn't this something that only boys want to do? Is it the other way around?

But An Tanche didn't panic at all, no matter what purpose Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had, even if she made money, Atan Che would never lose money. It's impossible for a horror movie to not take advantage of it at all, right?

There was still a little time before the ticket check, so Toru Azumi went to buy some food.

You can't watch a movie without popcorn and happy water, right? This is standard for watching movies.

When An Bin came back with popcorn and happy water, it happened to check the ticket. Azumi couldn't open his hands, so he asked Matsuki Kirisu to hold the ticket for him.

Since it was the weekend, there were quite a lot of people watching movies, and there were small queues at the ticket gates. Carrying two buckets of popcorn and three cups of happy water, An Bin followed behind the two women.

After checking the tickets, the three of them followed the large group into the auditorium No. 2.

The movie theater that Kasumigaoka Shiwa brought Azumino Toru and the others to is the largest movie theater here, and the auditorium is naturally not small, and the screen is also big. The three found their seats, and the two women sat down on the left and right with Azumi Toru.

It was the first time in Azumi's life that he came to the movie theater. After putting away the food, he couldn't help but look around.

There are three rows of seats, all of which are eight consecutive seats. There are two aisles in the middle and aisles on both sides. The location is stepped, similar to a university classroom. However, the movie theaters are similar, not much different from the movie theaters in Toru Azumi's previous Huaguo.

The position of the three is in the middle column and back. There are not many people, and there is no one around.

Think about it too, who comes to the cinema to watch horror movies in broad daylight?

Perhaps the staff of the movie theater also thought of this, the auditorium began to turn off the lights, and the environment became dark, only the screen was lit, giving it a little atmosphere.

After a few minutes of commercials, the film officially begins.

At the beginning of the film, there is a weird background music, which immediately begins to mobilize the atmosphere.

In his previous life, Azumi had watched the Ring at Midnight, but the beginning of the movie he is watching now is different from the one he watched in his previous life.

I didn't expect it to be just the same name, but it's okay. Toru Azumi had some expectations.

Toru Azumi began to concentrate on watching movies, and because of this, he forgot what purpose Kasumigaoka Shiwa had. At this time, more than ten minutes of the movie had passed, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu began to prepare her own plan.

It was pitch black and nothing could be seen. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's left hand began to slowly grope for Azumi Toru's right hand, which was holding the handle, and put it on it. Azumura also noticed it.

What's the meaning? Want to take advantage of me?

But why is it on my hand? Hold it, interlock your fingers with me?

That's it?

An Tan was furious.

Although Toru Azumi wanted to interlock fingers with Kasumigaoka Shiyu backhand, but his current character design is that he is not interested in Kasumigaoka Shiyu, so he can't take the initiative.

Neither take the initiative nor refuse.

In fact, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had this idea, but she still held back for a while and didn't do such intimate things. Her affection for An Tanche has not reached the level of giving it for nothing.

Feeling the slippery feeling from the back of his hand, Toru Azumino continued to watch the movie. This little ambiguity can't distract him.

The movie is getting better and better, the atmosphere is getting more and more scary, the background music is just right, and the tension begins to fill the audience.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu waited for a long time but did not wait for Toru Azumi to do anything, so he decided to step up his efforts. Her body slowly turned to An Tanche's side, ready to wait for the scary scene in the movie to lean towards An Tanche.

I can't believe you're indifferent to a physical touch?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is still very confident in her body. After all, her mature body is bumpy and full of sensuality, but she doesn't look fat at all, which really makes men want to stop.

The timing of the movie is also very suitable, the horror scene just appeared, and with the frightening music, Kasumigaoka Shiwa leaned directly towards Azumino Toru——

But she relied on loneliness!

Toru Azumi had been paying attention to Shiyu Kasumi for a long time, and from the corner of his eye, Shiyu leaned towards him, and he threw himself directly into Mafuyu Kirisu's arms.

"It's scary!"

At this moment, Kasumigaoka Shiwa was already stunned, maintaining a slanted posture, looking at Toru Azumino who was buried in Kirisu Mafuyu's arms.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "???"

who I am? where am I? What am I going to do?

Is it not friendly to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu? ⊙▽⊙

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