Complete Body

Chapter 1376: : Wandering Starry Sky

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The Suzaku was moving forward in the planetary debris zone. Although the hull was not damaged, countless impacts could be seen on it. After leaving the Oclea Galaxy Alliance, Zhixi shut down the power system of the Suzaku.

Let the Suzaku fly anywhere.

"Let's take a closer look and see if there are any survivors."

At this time, in the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the Suzaku, a huge ship was slowly advancing, and the heavy hull and energy shield were sufficient to withstand the impact of these planetary debris.

It was the several civilized races in the ship's driving hall who were speaking. They were wearing dark uniforms, tall, and a little weird in appearance, and their skin was covered with various cracks, and they were a little hard, like covered armor.

The head is flat, and although the facial features are growing in the normal position, the shape looks very strange, and from the human aesthetic point of view, it is very ugly.

The Stars of Anil, a top civilization living near the edge of the Oclea Galaxy Alliance.

This ship is their mine ship and is preparing to return.

"The detector did not find any signs of life, and the power system was not operating, and the shuttle was floating." One of the operators replied.

"Can you determine which civilized shuttle belongs to?" asked a captain of Anilen, his name is Cyril, the captain and captain of this mine ship.

"It cannot be confirmed, nor can it be identified, and its appearance is completely different from what we know. It may be from the side of the Oclea Galaxy Alliance." A crew member replied.

"This is unlikely, tens of millions of light-years away, how long does it take to float like this? And there doesn't seem to be any damage to the outside of the ship, indicating that it has not suffered a huge impact, or that there is not much time for wandering in the stars. , No more than two thousand years at most. Maybe it's an unknown civilization on our side, or it's a shuttle built privately." The captain said.

"Captain, do you think this kind of material can be built privately?" The operator showed the data analysis message of the detection system.

"String energy high-order state matter? How is this possible, which civilized race is so generous?" This Xiang Chang was a little surprised.

"Maybe it was affected by some gravitational field during the galaxy war, and was teleported here, or should we contain it?" The manipulator was naturally very careful.

"Send a message to communicate first. If there is no reply, then think of another way." Captain Cyril is naturally unwilling to take the risk. After all, the mine ships have resources they have collected for several years, and they are not regular mining ships. Ships, similar to human private contractors, have their own ships and do some contract mining.

"Captain, in fact, we don't need to be afraid. Judging from this situation, the owner of this ship should be in a dormant state. Maybe he escaped after being hunted down. We don't have any malice. Maybe the other party will be grateful to us." The other crew members said.

"Although our galaxy alliance is stable now, any small omissions may have a great impact, not to mention the interlocking with the Euclea galaxy alliance. If there is any accident, it may be caused by our temporary negligence!" Captain Cyril Said solemnly.

"Then we just missed it. In case this is a stray ship, our loss will be great!" The crew obviously took a fancy to the hull materials of the Suzaku.

"Well, I know what you are thinking in your heart. Please communicate first. If there is no reply and send a search ship to salvage, even if the other party counterattacks, it doesn't matter how many search ships are lost." Captain Cyril looked at the surrounding crew. Said helplessly.

"Well, we are just a mine ship. Even if we salvage the other party, there is nothing to be doubted. You have too many concerns." The crew said quickly. First grasping novel

Before long, without any response in communication, several search ships quickly approached the Suzaku. These ships without any offensive and defensive weapons were only responsible for the salvage of the starry sky.

The Suzaku did not respond, the golden hull glided quietly in the starry sky, and the search ship quickly surrounded it, and issued a binding light to fix it.

Everything went well, and it didn't take long before the Suzaku was towed into the mine ship.

For the sake of safety, countless monitoring facilities were installed in the mine ship, but no matter how their scientific and technological logistics are, the Suzaku is still as stable as Mount Tai, not to mention opening the door to enter, even the door cannot be found anywhere.

At this time, Zhixi was still in a state of slumber, and the outside world could no longer affect her unless she ended slumber.

However, she did not worry that the Suzaku would be captured and dismembered by other civilized races, because the superstring material, heteromorphic crystals, and the fusion material of tin crystals contained in the ship hull did not worry about any attack at all.

At the beginning, the Cyril Stars did not intend to dismember the Suzaku. They seemed to want to get a response from each other through different methods, but they all failed.

Then some bold people directly wanted to destroy the Suzaku, and the natural result was also very obvious, and they all lost the battle.

In order to maximize the interests of the mining ships, under the conditions of ensuring normal Starship, these crews will also salvage some ships during the voyage, of course, they are all intact, and the dilapidated ones are not attractive to them.

So now the Suzaku has a high degree of attention to them, and the Cyril has become more and more interested in the Suzaku after repeated destructions to no avail.

And there are many suggestions that this ship is directly traded to the black market, there will definitely be a very high transaction price.

Some think that it will be placed in the storage compartment first, and then handed over to the fleet for disposal after returning to the destination.

Anyway, I feel that I got a big deal this time.

But they didn't expect that it was because this shot, not only them, but the entire galaxy alliance was almost devastated.

The mine ship continues to sail in the planetary debris Although the collection mission has been completed, the buyer still needs some special materials, which can only be obtained if they go deep into the nebula.

This is one of the reasons why the mine ship needs to pass through here on the way back.

At this time, Zhixi didn't know that she had been captured by some civilized races, and of course she was not worried that the Suzaku would be attacked in any way.

Just after the mine ship disappeared in the depths of the planetary debris zone, several ships appeared in the starry sky where the Suzaku docked. It is easy to distinguish from the signs on the above that these are ghost ships.

"Captain, Cyril has captured our target, what shall we do?" In one of the largest ghost ships, the commanders of several civilized races looked gloomy.

"Cyrillic? It's just a mine ship, destroy it!" The leader was a captain who was not very tall, but was very majestic, his name was Hadinaya, from Morico.

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