"Hey, hahaha..."

"No matter how strong a person is in martial arts, it is impossible for him to make a move on his beloved. "

"Your head, I'll take it unceremoniously!"

Zank, who jumped high, smiled hideously, and the blades of his arms tore through the air, and the whole person fell violently.


The sound of gold and iron resonating sounded.

Zanke's eyes narrowed slightly.

A wanton smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Pleasantly happy!".

"Encountering three collectible heads in one day, this is a sight that has never been seen in the Imperial prison!"

Zonk's body twisted flexibly, and his arms shot down like lightning, and even the black pupils could barely parry.

"Little Bi!".

A slightly hoarse voice resounded through the night sky.

The Emperor Tool Zanke was wearing suddenly turned his huge green eyeballs, and in an instant, his body retreated.

The attack of the Hundred-armed Giant of the Emperor Gu failed.

Black Hitomi seized the opportunity and marched with the imperial tool in his hand, and the body of a puppet and a dangerous species was summoned out.

Seeing this, Zanke not only didn't have any fear, but became even more excited.

With all the strength of his arms, snow-white phantoms flashed quickly, easily knocking back the attackers around him.

Before he could catch his breath, the red flames slammed down like a rolling river, and the terrifying heat was terrifying.

But Zank was like a prophet of the future, and the moment the attack fell, he narrowly avoided it.

One emperor envoy faces three emperor envoys, and in the end, he can not fall behind at all, and Zonker's actual combat experience is really rich.

As a killer, Black Hitomi has a headache in the face of Zonk.

The eyes of the black pupils moved slightly, and the puppet Lockge on the side, Hunter and the female gunner Doya immediately joined the battlefield.

From the original three people to the current six people attacking at the same time, even if Zonke has a future vision, he is starting to scramble.

Doya's marksmanship is extremely accurate, and under her cover, Hunter and Lockger join forces to attack.

The Hundred-Armed Giant and Porus are eyeing each other, and will intervene in the situation at any time to deliver the strongest blow to Zonker.

As time dragged on, Zonk's strength and defenses grew weaker.

Just as Black Hitomi was about to summon the corpse of the super dangerous species to end the battle, a familiar aura came from behind.

Black Hitomi turned abruptly.

The oncoming blow was a sharp blow.

"Get out of the way!".

Porus's voice came from behind.

The black pupils turned their bodies abruptly.


It's like a cloth being torn.

The red pupil actually tore through the red flame stream and rushed directly towards Porus's position.

When Seleuc saw this scene, it was naturally impossible for her to get her wish.

The hundred-armed giant roared like a sonic wave, and then its massive body rushed forward at great speed, blocking Porus's body.


Watching the fierce battle between the trees, Hanyu sighed helplessly.

I thought that there would be no more head-on collisions with the night attack, but I didn't expect it to backfire, and it seems that they are bound to win the emperor.

At present, Hanyu's strength is among the best in the world, but it is still far from the true apex.

The power of the Heavenly Lock is great, but after all, it is only a treasure of the law gods, and if the target has no divinity, it is only a strong chain.

In the face of the super dangerous air ray that is not good at fighting, it can still be locked, but what about Estes and Red Pupil?

There is not much difference in combat power between Hanyu Tsukasa and Red Hitomi, and under normal circumstances, he can be slightly superior, but some of the emperors have secret skills.

Once Red Hitomi unlocks the secret technique of the Imperial Tool, Hanyu Tsukasa is not sure if he will still have the upper hand.

Moreover, the Emperor Gu [Village Rain] wielded by the red pupil is also a very troublesome thing, and there is no antidote to the curse poison it is contaminated with.

Therefore, Hanyu did not want to collide with the night attack in advance.

If he could, he still hoped that Night Raid would be able to defeat both Estes, so that he could easily take down the highest level of the Empire.

However, this idea is undoubtedly unrealistic.

Especially the two people behind him, it is estimated that they will not agree.

Hanyu turned to look behind him.

"Yo, boy, I didn't expect that in a short period of time, you would become the head of the Imperial Assassination Force, which is really not to be underestimated!"

"Hehe, Brand, what is there to say to this kind of guy, the previous shame, let's wash it away today!".

Lubbock's right sleeve is empty, but his left arm is wearing a weapon similar to the Emperor's Tail of Crossing.

As if sensing Hanyu's gaze, Lubbo waved his left arm's hand-armored vassal and said with a pretended relaxation

"Thanks to you, I have worked hard day and night, and after obtaining the courtiers, my strength has not only not decreased, but has become stronger. "

Lubbo clenched his teeth, his right palm straining, and his bones and joints rattled.

He didn't have any extra nonsense, and his left arm was thrown out suddenly.

Nearly transparent silk threads covered the surrounding jungle like spider webs, blocking all escape routes.

Hanyu smiled helplessly.

He calmly grasped the hilt of the knife, "There are really a lot of people in the night attack, it seems that my speed needs to be a little faster." "

Hearing the sound of gunfire throughout the night, Hanyu understood that there were no longer a few people dispatched during the night attack, and with the attack of the red pupils, the black pupils and the others might really not be able to deal with it.

Seeing Hanyu holding the hilt of the knife, Lubbock's pupils subconsciously contracted.

After the lesson of blood, he understood that the first time Hanyu drew his sword, it was so fast that it could not even be caught with the naked eye.

But as long as they carry the first slash, then the next moment is the time for them to fight back.

Hanyu's eyes closed slightly, and he took a deep breath.

Brand's strength is strong, and he took advantage of it when he was seriously injured last time, but this time it was different.

Brand was already prepared.

And the most difficult thing is not actually Brand, but the emperor's demon-haunted evolutionary ability.

You can only use speed to suppress him.

Come to think of it.

Hanyu opened his eyes.

The red dragon's heart in the flesh and blood seemed to wake up from its deep sleep, and the surging magic power like the wind and waves rushed out in an instant.


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