“Kinoshita-kun, how about this set?”

Mizuhara Chizuru pointed to a set of mannequin dummies in the store.

“No, it doesn’t look right for me at all.”The clothes Kinoshita Kazuya chose before were all simple styles, and the particularly colorful colors on the models were not Kazuya’s style at all.

“The so-called outfit of a mannequin is something that a store clerk who is very confident in clothing would come up with and put on display in the store as an ‘advertisement’ in order to sell the clothes in the store.”

Mizuhara Chizuru explained:”You can only know whether it is suitable or not by trying it on.”

Mizuhara Chizuru called a waiter in the store and prepared to let Kazuya try it on.

“Really? When I was shopping for clothes in the past, I saw this kind of complete set and thought it was originally a set. Kazuya said:”After all, the style is generally very uniform.””

Kinoshita Kazuya learned new knowledge.

Chizuru Mizuhara spoke to the clerk.

There was also a young girl opposite, with a ponytail and a beautiful back of her neck.

She is really a beautiful young girl. However, Chizuru Ichinose in Suwon mode today Crane looks more beautiful, every part of his body is beautiful, pure and fashionable

“That! Sorry!”

“We want to try on a whole set of clothes on that dummy, can we?”

The clerk came to the two of them:”Is this the suit you are talking about?”

Pointing to the dummy in front of him, the clerk didn’t notice it before. Two people, after all, they are not the only ones in the store, she is also taking care of other customers.

“Yes, trouble.”Kazuya nodded.

The clerk girl skillfully found the size that suits Kazuya. This skill of seeing through the customer’s needs at a glance is really amazing.

Kazuya entered the changing room.

A few minutes later,

Kinoshita Kazuya pushed open the fitting room. door, stepped out

“not bad.”Mizuhara Chizuru looked at Kazuya, whose clothes fit him well and his charm was increasing. He said with satisfaction in his eyes:”This suit suits you very well.”

Kinoshita Kazuya looked at himself in the mirror. His increasingly strong figure matched the clothes on his body.

“not bad. Kinoshita Kazuya smiled. He always chooses plain clothes, but now he can match this trendy multi-color style.

“This set is enough, do you want to choose another one?” Mizuhara Chizuru asked.

“I will probably buy 3 or 4 sets of clothes this time.”I have to try a few more times. Thinking of this kind of thing makes me feel troublesome. Most men don’t like shopping in stores to buy clothes.”

“Really? Then continue to choose slowly. Mizuhara Chizuru nodded and said,”There is still plenty of time.””

Then I couldn’t pick out a set of clothes.

Short-sleeved shirts, jackets, pants…

Kinoshita Kazuya chose a little more than two sets of clothes from this store.

After some twists and turns, after trying them on The result was also certified by Suwon Chizuru, and in exchange for a cost of almost 100,000, she received two sets of fashionable clothes from head to toe.

“Hey! Why don’t you change into new clothes now!”

After paying the bill, the clear voice of Chizuru Mizuhara came from very close to my ears.

“No, I’m used to washing them before wearing new clothes.”

This is what my family told me in the past. Although I didn’t pay much attention to it in the past, now I want to do more things according to their teachings.


Chizuru Mizuhara looked this way with a regretful smile. She preferred to get along with the handsome version of Kazuya Kinoshita who dressed up as a bumpkin again.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, they all like to get along with handsome guys and beauties.

Regardless. More or less, everyone is a good-looking creature

“Then please pack it up.”

Then the clerk said,”Please come here,” and took the two of them to the front desk.

After changing into the clothes they were originally wearing, the clerk folded them and put them in the bag.

Japan’s service industry is very good, and Kazuya also thinks When he was impressed by the really good service, the clerk passed by Kinoshita Kazuya and whispered into his ear at a volume that Chizuru Mizuhara should not be able to hear.:

“Your girlfriend is really cute. Boys should take the initiative and cherish her more.”

Whether it’s his voice or his smile, he feels like a little devil.

“Um…, We are not in that kind of relationship!” After Kazuya denied it, the clerk said to him,”Ah, it is indeed like this, how youthful he is.!”

You’re really nosy, didn’t I just look at your beautiful back of the neck a few more times?

Then, left

“Let’s continue to visit other stores.”Mizuhara Chizuru tidied up her clothes and prepared to start again.

“Let’s go.”Kazuya said


It’s already afternoon.

Kinoshita Kazuya and Mizuhara Chizuru walked out of the clothing store.

On this crowded street, under the scorching sunshine, Mizuhara Chizuru and Kinoshita Kazuya were walking side by side, looking just like the other shopping boyfriends and girlfriends around them.

Soon he walked to the door of a wagashi shop, and Kinoshita Kazuya stopped. This shop was very popular, and people lined up at the door.

“Miss Mizuhara, can I call you Ichinose?” Kazuya asked. He now plans to get along with Mizuhara Chizuru as friends, and the stage name Mizuhara Chizuru will be put aside for the time being.

“Huh?” Mizuhara Chizuru didn’t understand at first.

“You can call me Ichinose, no problem.”But Mizuhara Chizuru understood that this was probably because Kinoshita wanted to have a good relationship with him, so he changed his name.

“That’s good.”

Kazuya had a hunch that in his relationship with Ichinose Chizuru, the name Mizuhara was an obstacle between them.

“Miss Ichinose, what do you want to eat?” Kazuya Kinoshita looked at it at a glance:”Tamako yaki, taiyaki, octopus dumplings, or Mitarashi dumplings.?”

“No.”Mizuhara Chizuru subconsciously refused.

“Shopping is very tiring, and you will get tired easily if you don’t eat something.”Kinoshita Kazuya smiled.

“Well, then Kinoshita-kun, just go and buy it. Mizuhara Chizuru shook her head:”Don’t worry about me, I’m not hungry yet.””

“How can this be possible? You came out this time to help me choose clothes, and I bought you some snacks to express my gratitude.”Kazuya said with sincere eyes.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll have some dumplings.”Mizuhara Chizuru looked away in embarrassment.


Dumplings are one of the most common street snacks in Japan. The main ingredient is glutinous rice. The number of dumplings in a bunch varies, but three, four or five are common.

The reason why it is called this is because a shrine in Kyoto holds a”Mitarai Festival” to offer sacrifices and pray for blessings. Dango is a tribute used in the ceremony, so it is called”Mitarai Dumplings”.

Tuanzi has a theme song that belongs to it but does not belong to it,”Tuanzi Family”》

《The big family of dumplings” in《CLANNAD》In the plot, it is the favorite song of the heroine Furukawa Nagisa. She has always loved and felt the Dango family with her whole heart. In the anime, Furukawa Nagisa recruits members of the drama club in order to realize his dream, and the poster he puts up is that of the Dango family.

In the tune of”Tuanzi Family”, there is a hint of warmth, cuteness, and pure tranquility.

But as the plot brings sadness, it makes people forget the time and space they are in, and even make people shed tears for no reason.

“Let’s go and queue up in front”


Mizuhara Chizuru agreed softly, walked from side to side behind Kazuya, and started queuing.


Kinoshita Kazuya saw the familiar big bow.

The beautiful blue-eyed girl is now walking down the street side by side with a man in a suit.

She also saw Kinoshita Kazuya and the beautiful girl next to him.

However, it looks familiar.

Kazuya waved hello to Ruka Sarakatsu, Ruka Sarakatsu just nodded and said goodbye.


“What’s wrong, have you seen someone you know?” Mizuhara Chizuru asked.

“Well, I met an acquaintance whom I met during the morning workout. Kazuya turned around and said,”I wonder who the person next to her is? Her boyfriend? He’s obviously a social worker.””

“What do you mean?” Mizuhara Chizuru was a little confused.

“Ms. Ichinose, is it common for high school students to find a socialite as their boyfriend?” Kazuzu Kinoshita doesn’t understand Japanese female high school students in real life, but he does understand them very well in anime.

“Not really. When I was in high school, the most people around me were college students. Mizuhara Chizuru said:”What’s wrong? I’m very concerned about it.””

“A little bit, it’s normal to see acquaintances and strangers showing concern for each other. Kazuya nodded:”But don’t worry too much. She is a high school student. She would have reminded me just now if she needed help.””

I quickly walked to the door of the wagashi shop that sells dango, and Kazuya and the others were immediately there, and the conversation ended just like that…….

“Miss Ichinose, what flavor of dango do you want?” Kazuya asked.

When Mitarashi dango first came out of the pot, it was just a baked white glutinous rice dumpling.

It didn’t actually taste that good.

Nowadays, with the changes in life, With the improvement of the level, various flavors of dango have also been developed.

The classic Mitarashi dango is brushed with soy sauce, there are also the common pink and white green hanami dango, matcha dango with red beans poured on the surface, and fine seaweed sprinkled on it.

Salty dumplings and so on, there are many flavors, there are only flavors you can’t think of, there are no flavors that chefs can’t do.

Under the cover of modern cuisine, there are many strange foods that have failed.

“I’d like the red bean and matcha dango.”Kinoshita Kazu said

“Then I’d like a savory dumpling.”After Mizuhara Chizuru chose, her eyes were still drifting to other flavors of dumplings.

After a while

“alright.”Kazuya Kinoshita handed the packed plastic lunch box to Chizuru Mizuhara:”Your salty dumplings.”

Mizuhara Chizuru took it with a cheerful smile on her face.

“Thank you Mr. Kinoshita, no, it’s Kinoshita-san.

Kinoshita Kazuya was startled:”You’re welcome, Ichinose-san.””

The two of them should be able to reposition their distance as classmates in the future…….

Kinoshita Kazuya had only heard of the name of dango but had never tasted it. He was a little curious about the taste of this dango, which seemed to be made in a similar way to the deep-fried glutinous rice balls eaten by relatives when he was a child.

Kinoshita Kazuya and Mizuhara Chizuru walked out of the store.

Go to a suitable place and stand

“It’s better to leave after eating”


Mizuhara Chizuru responded, picked up a bunch of salty dumplings, opened her mouth and took a bite. Kazuya saw the girl’s cherry lips and the white glutinous rice meeting at the mouth. The stickiness of the glutinous rice brought out white threads, and the girl’s pink tongue Go out and circle around the small piece of dumpling, cutting the thread.

Kinoshita Kazuya paused slightly, his eyes following her movements a little absent-mindedly.

Mizuhara Chizuru is like Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty in her teenage years, a beautiful and beautiful life was born.!

“What are you looking at?”

Finding that Kinoshita Kazuzu was also looking at herself, Mizuhara Chizuru came over and tried hard to express her majesty, but the constant stirring of the dumplings in her mouth made her round face look a little funny.


Kinoshita Kazuya coughed lightly and withdrew his gaze.

He picked up the most beautiful matcha dumpling, looked at the matcha dumpling with red beans on the surface, opened his mouth and took a bite.

The taste was that there was a freshness in the sweetness of the red beans, and it was a bit weird when he first entered the mouth. After chewing it twice, I found that it was elastic and chewy, and there was still a fresh residue of matcha in my mouth, which was surprisingly good.

Kazuya took a bite of a dumpling that was about the same size as the big glutinous rice balls made by his grandma, looked at Mizuhara Chizuru and said:

“I’m going to buy two cups of milk tea. What flavor do you want??”

“……”Mizuhara Chizuru looked at the still hot sun:”Then I’ll trouble you, Kinoshita-san. I’d like a cup of iced vanilla milk tea.””

“Hold on.”

As a street for young people, milk tea shops are indispensable.

Kinoshita Kazuya quickly bought two cups of milk tea from a milk tea shop.

He found Mizuhara Chizuru and handed her her vanilla milk tea:”Milk tea cup There is some water on the wall, please pay attention.”

There is ice in the milk tea. According to the principle of liquefaction in physics, all the water molecules in the air run to the milk tea cup.

“Thank you Kinoshita-san.”Mizuhara Chizuru took the milk tea and took a sip.

“Take another break and start again. Kinoshita Kazuya continued to eat the dumplings:”Okay?”?”

“OK, Kinoshita-kun.”

Mizuhara Chizuru nodded.

Afterwards, Mizuhara Chizuru accompanied Kinoshita Kazuya to find several clothing stores and bought clothes.

“Is there anything Ichinose-san needs to buy?” Kinoshita Kazuya asked.


“Then let’s separate here.”Kazuya said:”The appointment time for my hair salon is coming soon.”

“What else will Kinoshita-kun do next?”

Mizuhara Chizuru was very curious.

“Let’s dye it a new color and style our hair. Kazuya touched the hair on his head:”Now I am very dissatisfied with this hairstyle and color.””

“Then do you want me to go with you?”

Mizuhara Chizuru thought that she agreed to help and stayed with her until the end.

“No, you’ll have to wait for a long time. Unfortunately, I can’t treat you to dinner today. Kazuya turned around:”That’s it, bye.””

The two walked to the tram stop.

After watching Mizuhara Chizuru get on the station, Kinoshita Kazuya was also ready to go to the hair salon.

The next hair salon they went to passed without any special incident.

Kinoshita Kazuya invited The designer cuts a suitable head and dyes the hair again. Even the original black is better than the orange originally chosen, and then all is left to the designer. After that

, the eyebrows are also trimmed by the designer.

Because I plan to cover the whole body They all dressed up, and Kinoshita Kazuya completed everything with the momentum of letting everything go.

It cost more than 20,000 yuan in total.

Looking in the mirror, except for some small details on the face that need to be fine-tuned with the universal point, it is already A newly minted handsome guy from Tokyo.

Just like that, this Saturday I learned how to choose clothes, how to request hairstyle and eyebrows, and how to practice the intonation of speech, and then disbanded at dusk. Then after arriving home

“I’m back. Kazuya, who was even more tired than usual, took off his shoes, went into the bathroom, took a shower and put on new clothes. A blue screen appeared on the system.:

[Charm: 6↑]

Kinoshita Kazuya looked at himself in the mirror now, and he finally looked a little more handsome than before. after

[1 unit of energy point, target: Kazuya Kinoshita, body and face fine-tuning]

[Character: Kazuya Kinoshita]

[Charm: 7↑]

Kinoshita Kazuya looked at himself in the mirror and smiled handsomely


A night of silence. the next day.

Half past six in the morning.

Kinoshita Kazuya woke up when the alarm sounded, turned off the alarm on his cell phone, rubbed his temples, took a deep breath, and sat up.

After getting out of bed, dressing and washing, Kinoshita Kazuya ate two pieces of bread, drank a carton of milk, then put on his sneakers and went out.

Even if you become a handsome guy, you can’t give up on fitness, and you can’t miss out on exercising every day.

Walking out of the apartment, Kinoshita Kazuya looked up into the sky. There was only a little bit of morning light in the sky, and the darkness of the night had become ambiguous. Under the little sunshine, the city was gradually becoming noisy.

People were soon coming and going on the road, and Kinoshita Kazuya found that he was gradually attracting more attention than before. Most people would focus on him when they passed him. ten minutes later.

Kinoshita Kazuya walked into the park that was exceptionally quiet in the morning light, adjusted his breathing, and started jogging.

Unknowingly, the morning sun shone on Kazuya’s body, making the beautiful boy gradually brighter.

Some ladies gradually approached Kinoshita Kazuya and jogged with him, but they could never keep up with Kazuya and could only follow a short distance away.

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