Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War

Comprehensive: Joan of Arc came to the door, begging me to go to the Holy Grail War Chapter 18

"Clang clang!"

"Master Jiang Shang! Did you see it!"

The girl held a heavy book in her snow-white hands, and lifted it above her head with some difficulty!

Matou Sakura has a super talent in the field of "magic"!

With Jiang Shang's help, she completed "Abyss in the Valley" in just one morning!

"Sakura, you're really amazing..."

Jiang Shang praised with satisfaction.

His slender white fingers stroked the girl's little head, giving her the approval she wanted most.

"Hey hey..."

"When Uncle Kariya comes back, I will also perform for him!"

The girl said happily.

Then he opened his hands, made a gliding motion, and ran towards the interior of the mansion.

Watching Matou Sakura's figure disappearing from sight, Jiang Shangcai turned around slowly.

at this time...

Kotomine Kirei, who was waiting outside the door, had already seen everything in his eyes...


What the girl calls Jiang Shang....

18. A compromise! Yanfeng Qili had an epiphany!

Kotomine Kirei stood sluggishly in front of the gate, he could clearly see everything that happened just now!

The girl took out the book from her chest!

as well as

What she called that mysterious heroic spirit!

Jiang Shang...

This name gave Kotomine Kirei a feeling of deja vu.

He racked his brains to think about where he heard the name.


No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure it out...


Just when Kotomine Kirei's brows furrowed tighter and his face became more and more ugly.

Jiang Shang's voice had already sounded from the courtyard.

"Since you're here, come in and have a seat."

Jiang Shang waved at Kotomine Kirei, and came to the stone table in the yard first.

On the stone table are some exquisite refreshments and the top black tea.

This is the afternoon tea specially prepared by Matou Tsuruno.


Kotomine Kirei nodded in awe.

But after entering the courtyard, he didn't sit on the stone bench, but stood beside Jiang Shang like a student.

Coming to the "Matou House" this time was his personal choice, and he didn't tell anyone!

Even his teacher didn't know about it!

"You must have known for a long time that I am the "Master". "

Kotomine Kirei flashed the "Command Spell" on the back of his hand, and confessed his identity to Jiang Shang.


Jiang Shang picked up the teacup and replied concisely.

"Since you already know your identity, why didn't you kill me?"

"Don't you want to get the Holy Grail! "

Kotomine Kirei asked straightforwardly.

The Holy Grail War he knew was a game of killing each other!

Either you die, or I die!

As for the master who is alone, if he meets an enemy follower, what will happen, the result can be imagined!


This oriental hero named "Jiang Shang" has no hostility towards him!

even now...

In the case of revealing his "real name", he still maintains a strategizing and lazy demeanor.

It seemed that everything that had happened so far was within his expectations!


Facing Kirei's questioning, Jiang Shang just smiled slightly.

"Holy Grail?"

"There's nothing worth chasing after something like a 'curse'. "

"It's better to find a place to fish than that kind of boring thing."

Jiang Shang drank black tea, and replied without interest.

The look on his face contained prejudice against the Holy Grail, as well as contemptuous disdain.

It so happened that Kotomine Kirei saw all of this.

"In this case, why did you respond to the Holy Grail call?"


"Why did the "Will of the Holy Grail" choose you..."

"Since you haven't pursued it, why don't you come with me..."

"Ah... so sorry..."

"I can't control my emotions..."

Hearing Jiang Shang's answer, Kotomine Kirei's tone became very excited.

He almost confessed all the true thoughts in his heart.

Fortunately, he stopped in time and chose to keep silent.

Jiang Shang didn't care...

Kotomine Kirei's visit again, although it seemed somewhat illogical.


Taking into account the choices made earlier with the "system".

I'm afraid this is the promise he needs to keep!

Before Kotomine Kirei is fooled by "enthusiastic citizens", guide him to the right path!

realize this...

Jiang Shang knew that he had to do something.

"The Holy Grail will select a qualified magician to take the position of master."

"And those who are persistent are more likely to be chosen by the Holy Grail."

"Kotomine Kirei, the confusion in your heart is the answer you have been looking for."

"This is the manifestation of your "obsession", and it is also the reason why you will be selected. "

"This is inevitable, not accidental..."

Jiang Shang put down his teacup, explaining Kotomine Kirei's confusion.

Kotomine Kirei, stupefied...

"You mean...the Holy Grail...will give me the answer?"

Kotomine Kirei asked in shock.

But if he did this, wouldn't he be making an enemy of his teacher?

"you are wrong..."

"The Holy Grail is nothing more than a human 'creation'. "

"The real purpose is to realize the "third magic". "

"It itself is a prop prepared by human beings in order to realize their wishes."

"How can such an unfinished fake give the correct answer?"

Jiang Shang once again vetoed the Holy Grail, and even revealed a secret that only a few people knew!


"how so..."

Kirei sighed in disappointment.

His brown eyes, with just rising highlights, went out again.

With empty eyes, he is like a puppet who has lost his soul.

Qi Li, whose hope was shattered, was beaten back to his original form again.

Seeing Kotomine Kirei's appearance, Jiang Shang had no choice but to pin his "clairvoyance" to find the answer from the future.

He counted quickly.

The pictures that happened in the future, in Jiang Shang's mind, developed towards two branches!

One is the ending in the original work.

The other is a new ending.

And the biggest branch point that led to all this was his heart-to-heart conversation with Qi Li!

That is to say...

In fact, from this moment on, Kotomine Kirei has already taken a different path under his guidance!

The suggestion from Jiang Shang will affect Kotomine Kirei's future destiny!

"Qi Li..."

"Your character is too extreme..."

"You have a serious cognitive bias, which also leads to your personality flaws."

"All along, you have strictly restricted yourself, corrected your cognition excessively, and lived a miserable life almost like an "ascetic monk". "

"But actually..."

"Everything in the world abides by the law of "balance of yin and yang", even the good and evil in people's hearts also abide by this rule. "

"You should accept your own evil, and find the most suitable balance between evil and good."

"In Eastern terms, this is: compromise."

Jiang Shang persuaded with emotion.

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