Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War

Comprehensive: Joan of Arc came to the door, begging me to go to the Holy Grail War Chapter 49

"Although my aptitude is not high, I managed to learn a lot of magic in a year."

Kariya sincerely asked.

He wanted to help that poor girl from the bottom of his heart.


Jiang Shang rejected his request.


"You should stay at Matou's house and protect Sakura."

"after all..."

"In case the enemy also learns from our "stealing house"..."

"Bagster is in combat mode and has no time to take care of a child."

Jiang Shang patted Kariya on the shoulder and gave him another task.

"I see..."

Yan Ye replied solemnly, he actually knew very well that it was Jiang Shang who was protecting him.

after all...

As a half-baked magician, his strength is still too weak.

In a regular battle, if you are not careful, you can only become a drag.

Instead of doing this, it's better to stay at Matou's house obediently and protect the people around him.

"Go and rest..."

After arranging the tasks, Jiang Shang waved his sleeves, indicating that everyone can go back and rest.

He watched Kariya and Illya leave.

It was only then that Joan of Arc, who had maintained her spiritual form, returned to her physical form again.


"When the time comes, you will come with me..."

"I will control the avatar, and together with Illya, I will be responsible for the frontal assault."

"Your task is to sneak into "Einzbern" while taking advantage of the chaos, find the terminal of the castle, and close it..."

"As long as the program of "Ahad" is stopped, the Holy Grail War can be completely ended from the very beginning. "

It was not until after Ilya left that Jiang Shang revealed the "true purpose" of the raid.

"The end of the castle..."

"Please rest assured, I promise to complete the task..."

Jeanne replied with a serious expression.

The solution proposed by Jiang Shang is obviously the most feasible method.

"So be it..."

"It's getting late, you guys go to rest too..."

Jiang Shang gestured to the crowd.

Especially Bagster, he was looking forward to the elf knight's carefully prepared breakfast tomorrow morning.

After getting permission...

Bagster and Habe Meow walked towards the second floor together.

The Matou family lacked nothing but people.

Therefore, many vacant houses are unoccupied and appear deserted.

Jiang Shang stretched lazily, with a trace of tiredness on his face, and a long yawn.

So much happened tonight...

It's been a long time since he's been active like this tonight...

He is going to have a good sleep and wake up naturally until tomorrow!


He was just about to say goodbye to Joan, but when he returned to his room, Joan grabbed his clothes.


"I...I see you are a little tired..."

"I just learned some massage skills, let me help you relax."

Jeanne said with some embarrassment.

After a year of getting along...

Joan of Arc and Jiang Shang have become close friends who talk about everything.

The two people based on the premise of "righteousness", this pure friendship has not mixed any strange feelings.

But sometimes the behavior between the two, in the eyes of outsiders, seems to be more intimate than lovers.


"Then let me enjoy it."

Hearing that there is a benefit of being free, Jiang Shang immediately cheered up.


He happily made a decision that made him regret for a long time...

50. Cold-blooded butcher! Emiya Kiritsugu's determination!

at this time

The "Snow City" thousands of miles away...

On Emiya Kiritsugu's laptop, an important piece of news suddenly popped up.

A large-scale fire broke out at the port of Fuyuki City!

The video of the news is full of flames, and even the black night is dyed into a dim yellow!

Coupled with the sound of violent explosions, it seems like the end is coming!

As for the fire, it has not yet been clearly stated.


As the Master, Emiya Kiritsugu came up with the answer almost instantly!

This must be the work of the "Servant"!

The Fourth Holy Grail War had already started before he arrived at the scene!

"Who is it? Could it be that man..."

"If this continues, the whole city will be threatened..."

Emiya Kiritsugu clasped his hands together, placed them in front of his nose, supported the table with his elbows, and assumed a posture of "Commander Ikari".

He calmly analyzed the situation...

The more it drags on, the more the situation will get out of control and develop in an unfavorable direction.

He must arrive in Fuyuki City as soon as possible and start the beheading operation against "Taigongwang"!

In the eyes of "Emiya Kiritsugu"...

This Eastern Heroic Spirit from the Age of Gods, even in the present world as a Servant, possesses terrifying strength!

If it is a direct confrontation, even King Arthur must not be his opponent!


As the "magician killer", Emiya Kiritsugu had no choice but to find another way!

for example...

Let your followers hold back...

And he went around and stole the house, and used the simplest method to slaughter the entire Jiantong family!

Without the energy provided by the master, even "Taigong Wang" must have to leave the stage hastily.

Emiya Kiritsugu thought calmly...

This is the most likely method he has come up with during this period of time!

He sighed complicatedly, got up from the seat, and walked to the window gloomyly.

He looked at the white snow outside, at the dark sky above...

Irisviel and the knight girl have already taken a private plane and set off urgently...

If nothing else...

We will arrive at "Fuyuki Airport" tomorrow morning...

Emiya Kiritsugu had already sent Maiya to Fuyuki City to investigate the situation long ago.

The batch of weapons that was entrusted to professionals must have arrived.

he knows...

I only have one chance...

Everyone in the Matou family may be the Master...

When he successfully raids, no matter men, women, old or young, they must be completely wiped out to prevent future troubles!

Every room, every closet...

Under the bed, in the attic...

Any possible hiding place must not be let go!

He had to make sure that all the members of the Matou family were killed by his gun!

In Emiya Kiritsugu's dim pupils, no guilt or sadness could be seen, because he had long been numb.

"All of this... is for righteousness..."

The stubborn man stood by the window, murmuring expressionlessly.


He returned to his seat again and continued to study the information of other masters.

Because of the special heroic spirit "Taigongwang", all his thoughts were spent on this.

The "Kotomine Kirei" that caught his attention in the original work came second instead...

at this time...

The six documents had already been piled up on his desk...


The master of bow-rank servants: Tosaka Tokiomi.

The master of the spear servant: Kenneth.

Master of the Servant of the Art Rank: Unknown.

Master of the Riding Servants: Webber.

The master who kills the servants: Kotomine Kirei.

as well as...

It wasn't until tonight that he found out about it from Maiya through an international long-distance call.

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