Comprehensive Manga: Saiyans Beginning in a Dream

Chapter 22 Ways To Improve Mental Power

Different from the situation when he quit the game before, Qin Chuan did not wake up directly in bed this time, but fell into darkness.

In the darkness, the option of choosing the world appeared in front of Qin Chuan again.

[Dear kobolds, please choose the mission world you want to enter: 1. "Dragon Ball"; 2. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"]

"...The second world is actually this."

Qin Chuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that the second world would be similar to Dragon Ball in style and might have high martial arts value, but he didn't expect it to be JOJO.

How should I put it... The world of this work is very different from Dragon Ball.

Even in the early stages of the plot of Dragon Ball, the moon is already blown up at every turn, and in the middle stage, it is even threatened by blowing up the earth, which sounds scary.

As for the plot of JOJO, excluding the special case of BOSS Pucci in the sixth part who reshaped the universe, it is basically just an urban superpower work. The limit is to demolish buildings and smash streets.

To be fair, Qin Chuan's 4,000 combat power in the Dragon Ball world is not needed, just the 20 combat power he got simultaneously in reality...

Oh no, it should be 40 combat power now, and it can achieve similar effects.

However, this world also has something that the Dragon Ball world cannot do for the time being, which is the improvement of the spirit and soul.

That's right, the work "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" has the power called "stand-in", which is the embodiment of spiritual power and a symbol of the soul.

In the world of Dragon Ball, it is difficult for Qin Chuan to improve his spirit and soul in a short period of time, but in the world of JOJO, it is easy to do it.

One of the ways to awaken the avatar is to be stabbed by a special "arrow" in the work, and then you can awaken directly without any complicated steps or costs.

It's just that if the substitute is not awakened, he may die.

But Qin Chuan is not too worried about this, because even if he really dies, the worst he can do is lose a mission world, and Qin Chuan can't afford the loss.

After all, the biggest role of this world is to provide him with opportunities for spiritual and soul evolution. In terms of the upper limit of force value alone, the Dragon Ball world is simpler and more crude.

"Then let's enter the new mission world and try it."

There is no point in just thinking so much here. It is better to go in first to see the situation. Qin Chuan directly chooses to enter the second mission world.

However, the system then popped up a prompt that left Qin Chuan speechless.

[Dear Kobold, your remaining play times today are 0, please try again tomorrow]

"In other words, I can only enter one mission world every day?"

Qin Chuan scratched his head. The meaning of this reminder was obvious. He had used up the remaining times in the Dragon Ball world today, so he could not enter the second mission world.

However, since there is a setting for the remaining number of games, it means that this number can still be added - but Qin Chuan doesn't know how to add it yet.

This broken system is said to be a game, but many settings have to be explored step by step. There is not even a tutorial, which really makes Qin Chuan want to complain.

If you put this design into reality and let netizens see it, the producer's horse will be gone long ago.

However, although he failed to enter the second mission world, the main mission of the mission popped up smoothly, allowing Qin Chuan to know the situation of this world in advance.

[Current World: "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"]

[Main mission: Destroy Dio]

[Synchronization of player kobold strength: 0%]

[Players are requested to try their best to advance the main mission and unlock strength synchronization]

Dio, the BOSS of the first and third parts of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", is also an important character throughout the first to sixth parts.

Among the fans of this work, some people jokingly said that this work should be DIO's wonderful interpersonal relationship.

But Qin Chuan doesn't care about this. What he cares more about is... is this Dior the Dior of the first film or the Dior of the third film?

There is a big gap between the first and third parts of this work. The "stand-in" that Qin Chuan wants to get is only available from the third part.

The protagonist's ability in the first and second parts is the "ripple breathing method", a fighting method that uses a special breathing frequency to generate ripples like solar energy to increase strength.

After all, Qin Chuan, who already has a combat power of 40 in reality, really doesn't like the ripple breathing method very much.

Although the ripple breathing method has the effect of slowing down aging, Qin Chuan is not in urgent need of this effect now.

As for the effect of killing vampires, he doesn't even need it. He can't meet vampires in reality.

As for whether he could kill the evil spirits Yotsugamiko saw, he didn't have much hope - after all, the essence of Ripple's killing of vampires was to simulate the energy of the sun. Those evil spirits wandered under the sun all day long, but he didn't see them die.

It's better to use a substitute to destroy the evil spirits.

"Destroy Dio... I hope it's Dio in the third part, otherwise the timeline of the first part is really useless to me."

At this time, Qin Chuan could only hope that after entering the mission world, he would be in the timeline of the third part, so that he could obtain the substitute ability more easily.

Of course, in addition to this, there is an even worse possibility, which is that after entering the mission world, you find that it is actually the timeline of the second part.

Because in the timeline of the second part, Dio was not actually dead, but was locked in a coffin and sunk into the sea and fell asleep until he was fished out decades later.

In that case, Qin Chuan would have no way to kill him. He couldn't let Qin Chuan go to the sea and gamble his luck to fish out Dio's coffin.

"I can only make plans after entering the JOJO world tomorrow."

Qin Chuan felt that he should not be so unlucky. After struggling for a while, he chose to turn off the system.

By the way, Qin Chuan still regrets choosing the name Kobold when he was naming it yesterday.

This directly caused the system to call itself a kobold every time it prompted it. After hearing it too many times, it always felt like being scolded.

There was nothing he could do about it. Who told the system to call itself an "infinite horror VR game" at that time? When he heard about infinite horror, what naturally came to his mind was team battle PVP.

So at that time, I thought I could hide my identity as much as possible, so I came up with a strange name. Little did I know that I was the only player in this world, so I picked up such a pseudonym for nothing.

In short, after he gets a substitute from the JOJO world and improves his mental power and soul, he will probably be able to deal with the evil spirits around him.

Even though I can't see the evil spirit now, I still feel a bit awkward after knowing that there is indeed an evil spirit.

PS: Tamiya Shione is just an original supporting character. Like Akagi, she is a tool used to contact the main female characters. I also searched specifically to make sure that I didn’t have a name conflict with any unpopular anime character (

Although I am a newbie, I will still avoid bad habits such as giving away girls. I hope everyone has suggestions and I will work hard to correct them.

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