Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 256 Meiezi is a naughty kid who needs to be taught a lesson!

From the perspective of the Nergigant, the Roar of the Fire Dragon is undoubtedly a provocation to it.

A small flying dragon dared to act so arrogant in front of it. How could this be tolerated?

The male fire dragon felt very wronged. It only knew that its home had been invaded, but who knew that there was an ancient dragon among the intruders.

If it had known earlier, it would have flown as far as it could.

But the matter was over, and it was useless to say more. The male fire dragon waved its wings desperately and took off into the air, intending to escape from this place.

However, the Nergigante's strong legs kicked hard, and it flew up with its flapping wings. It was close to the male fire dragon almost instantly, and its powerful right hand firmly grabbed its neck, and used its weight to pull it directly from the sky. Come down and hit the ground hard!


“Ho ho ho—!”

The male fire dragon roared in pain and struggled all over, but it was completely unable to resist the Nergigante's huge power.

Then, a blazing red light began to appear in its mouth and was aimed at the Nergigante, as if it was planning to fight to the death, but what greeted it was the Nergigant's equally powerful left arm——


A palm full of power fell heavily on the head of the male fire dragon, directly smashing its head open on the spot. There was no chance of attack anymore, and the originally struggling body also completely quieted down and fell into eternal sleep.

“Ho ho ho ho ho—!!!”

After doing all this, Nergigante roughly threw the body of the male Fire Dragon aside and roared fiercely at it, as if to say, 'This is what will happen if you provoke me! ’.

After watching all this, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but mourn for three seconds of silence for the Fire Dragon, lamenting its injustice and misfortune.

The male fire dragon protects his nest and drives away intruders, which is reasonable.

On the contrary, you, Nergigante, broke into someone else's territory and killed the owner in turn. This is simply unjust.

Where did the bandits and robbers come from?


On the other side, after taking care of the Fire Dragon, the Nergigante turned to look at her and roared at her.

But compared to the roar directed at the male fire dragon, this roar towards her was a bit like a complaint of dissatisfaction.

But the question is, why? !

Fujimaru Ritsuka really couldn't figure out what this bully Nergigante wanted to do. It couldn't be that he wanted to consume her to death here, right?

If this was the case, she was not going to sit still and wait for death.

Coincidentally, Nergigante didn't seem to intend to continue the stalemate like this. Suddenly, it rushed towards her in an instant, seemingly preparing to attack.

She never let down her guard from beginning to end, and the moment she saw the other party's actions, she immediately prepared to summon the Shadow of the Spiritual Base.

But this time, she also didn't sense the hostility and dangerous aura on the Nergigante.


It was this moment of doubt that caused her movements to stagnate slightly, allowing Nergigante to successfully rush to her and grab her in his hands.


With Fujimaru Ritsuka's confused look on her face, the Nergigante that grabbed her flapped its wings, rose out of thin air, and took her flying in a direction completely different from the camp.

"Hey, where are you taking me-?!"

This is a completely different area from the ancient tree forest. There are almost no plants visible to the naked eye. There are only rocks everywhere and large tracts of brilliant white crystals.

If nothing else, she should be currently in the area called the Dragon Crystal Land, in the exterminator's lair.

Not only her, but the killed Fire Dragon was also brought back by the Nergigante. At this moment, it placed the body of the Fire Dragon in front of it, looking at her expectantly.


She still hasn't fully understood the situation.

All she knew was that after Nergigante brought her home, he first looked at her left and right like he was studying a new toy, then he pushed her this way and that, and now he seemed to be asking her to eat.

No, shouldn't the Nergigante she remembers be a cruel and ruthless fighting maniac?

Why does this guy in front of me look like a naughty kid?

However, what is certain at present is that Nergigante seems to regard her as a companion.

Or maybe he saw her as a toy.

But why?

Just because she is wearing the [You Are a Dragon Suit] too?

More importantly, looking at Nergigante's expectant eyes, how should she tell it that she didn't eat raw food?


Perhaps after playing with Fujimaru Ritsuka for a long time, but finding that she didn't eat anything, Nergigante finally became a little impatient, yelled at her dissatisfied, and then stretched out his fingers to push her to the ground. .


The Nergigante's lair is not as comfortable as the Fire Dragon. The ground is covered with cold, hard white crystals, and it still hurts when you fall to the ground.

After being played with for so long without any gains, she felt that she really couldn't go on like this anymore, so she got up from the ground and said a little more seriously:

"If you keep doing this, I'll get angry!"


However, Nergigante was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem, or it did not think there was any danger in Fujimaru Ritsuka's warning.

On the contrary, it seemed to think that Fujimaru Ritsuka was challenging its majesty, so it roared back with a stronger voice and raised its paw slightly, intending to teach Fujimaru Ritsuka a lesson.


However, when the claws were swung down, they were blocked by a large sword wrapped in black mist. A dark figure wrapped in black mist appeared in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although it was impossible to see the true appearance of the dark figure, it could be vaguely seen from the outline that it was a tall man wearing armor.

Shadow of the Spiritual Base, Siegfried!

The moment he saw the Spirit-based Shadow appear, all the thorns on the Nergigante's body suddenly exploded, like a cat with exploding fur. He bared his teeth and roared at it, his eyes full of vigilance.

Although it didn't understand where the spirit-based shadow in front of it came from or what it was, its nerves tightened instantly and told it that that thing was quite dangerous!

Looking at the Nergigante, who was on guard and in a fighting posture, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I just want you to understand the current situation a little bit."

"Although I have let down your good intentions, Bie Biezi, I am not a toy for you to manipulate!"

"Siegfried, come on!"

Following Fujimaru Ritsuka's order, Siegfried waved the magic sword in his hand and rushed forward.


However, Nergigante is not that kind of bloodless ancient dragon. When facing an enemy that can feel the threat, the fighting blood flowing in its body is more boiling than before. It roared and faced it directly.


"Will this make you more honest?"

Seeing the Nergigante in front of him finally falling to the ground exhausted after suffering countless attacks, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a little surprised even though he said it easily.

Because Nergigante was much more resistant to beatings than she had imagined, and it showed signs of getting stronger with every setback, almost making her think that the opponent's physical strength was unlimited.

Fortunately, she is not bad either. As long as the Holy Grail in her hand is not used up, the Spirit-based Shadow will never stop fighting.


The Nergigante screamed feebly. After being beaten for several hours, it probably understood that the Shadow of Soul Base was Fujimaru Ritsuka's method, so its voice was full of confusion and grievance.

"Why are you still feeling wronged?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled helplessly, and when she saw the Nergigante finally settling down, she began to think.

So what to do next?

Come on!

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