Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 325 Suga Natsumi: I have a bold plan!

Fujimaru Ritsuka is not particularly averse to becoming famous, because it means more commissions and makes it easier for them to investigate the abnormal conditions in the world of Conan.

However, through the Internet and reports, exposing the [Chaldea Mystery Agency] to the public eye that has nothing to do with it will only cause a steady stream of troubles.

For her, the ideal situation is to be well-known in the field related to the occult field, but not well-known to the public outside the field.

Otherwise, she would rather maintain the status quo.

"That's it."

Although she felt a little regretful, Suga Natsumi did not force anyone to make things difficult for her. She shrugged slightly and smiled nonchalantly:

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

After saying that, she picked up the cup and drank the soda in one gulp, stood up and said with a smile:

"But anyway, thank you for the hospitality."

"Fangao, go back!"

"Ah, oh."

"thanks for treatment!"

Seeing Natsumi Suga stand up and prepare to leave, Hodaka Morishima imitated her and drank the coffee in one gulp, stood up and bowed slightly to Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, and then hurriedly followed them.


Fujimaru Ritsuka sent them to the door, then also handed over the business card and said with a smile:

"Although it is best to be safe all the time, if you really encounter trouble accidentally, you can try to contact us."

"And it's not just limited to supernatural events. You can contact us for any mysterious events that cannot be explained by common sense."

"Any mystery?"

Natsumi Suga took the business card and looked at it carefully curiously, exclaimed, then blinked and smiled:

"I understand, I will definitely ask you for help if I need it!"


Suga Natsumi nodded to Fujimaru Ritsuka again, turned around and left with Morishima Hodaka, and walked downstairs. Suga Natsumi couldn't help but sigh:

"You don't want to be famous? Miss Ritsuka and the others are really an interesting group of people!"

"Right Hodaka?"

"Everyone has their own ideas. It's normal to not want to be famous, right?"

As Morishima Hodaka answered, he recalled the experience just now and unconsciously said in his heart:

Rather than saying it’s interesting, it’s more desirable, right?

What he yearns for is not the luxurious office owned by Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others, but that they can live freely according to their own ideas without restraint.

Especially when he thought that Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu seemed not much older than him, he couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously touched his cheek.

The wound on his face had completely healed, and the gauze and band-aid had been removed, but the wound in his heart did not dissipate so easily.

But fortunately, he escaped, and with the help of Mr. Keisuke and Miss Natsumi, he put his life on a new track.

At this time, Natsumi Suga on the side also sighed:

"But it's really enviable. It would be great if I could have both money and freedom."

Morishima Hogao glanced at her and rarely complained about her speech, but nodded in agreement:


"I said Fan Gao,"

Suddenly, Natsumi Suga thought of something, came over with a smile, and said mysteriously:

"I've got a great plan!"

Seeing the other person's beautiful face magnified in his field of vision, and the smell of perfume seeping into his nasal cavity, Morishima Hodaka quietly distanced himself with some embarrassment and asked doubtfully:

"what's the plan?"

Suga Natsumi laughed evilly in a low voice:

"You see Li Xiang is so cute, and she is so rich and has a good personality. If you can successfully date her, wouldn't you have everything?"

"what are you talking about?!"

Morishima Hodaka didn't know what he thought of, his face turned red instantly, and then he quickly distanced himself from her and said angrily:

"This kind of thing is impossible no matter how you look at it?!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka is indeed cute, but perhaps the gap between their situations is too great, and he simply cannot have the idea of ​​pursuing each other, or in other words, he simply does not dare to think about it.


He looked down at the business card belonging to [Chaldea Mysterious Firm] in his hand and murmured:

"We shouldn't see each other again, right?"

He didn't think he had any reason to come here again.

After all, he didn't believe in these ghosts and ghosts, and he didn't think he would be related to any mysterious events.

Although he said this, he still put the business card into his small yellow bag and put it away carefully.


“I didn’t expect that editors would come to my door.”

Seeing Natsumi Suga and Hodaka Morishima leave, Fujimaru Ritsuka sighed slightly, feeling that the changes that had taken place after leaving this time were a bit big.

However, the interview was just an interlude for them. After taking a short rest, they began to get down to business today——

"These are the information we have investigated during this period, and there are also some suspicious clues."

Haibara Ai showed Fujimaru Ritsuka the results of her and Mashu's investigations during this period. Fujimaru Ritsuka looked through it carefully and found that the content was much more detailed than what was spoken orally last night.

First, they conducted an on-site investigation into the unknown transparent creature that appeared in the online video and confirmed that it was not a rumor.

However, they did not find the existence of magic power in those unknown creatures, which seemed to be another system completely different from the mysterious system in their world.

In addition, in addition to those strange and unknown creatures, there is also a very rare and strange phenomenon, which is that a large or small substantial water mass will occasionally float in the low air, but it will soon fall down.

But because this phenomenon is so rare, they only found descriptions from netizens on the Internet and have never seen it with their own eyes.

Others include unusual heavy rains in history, occult phenomena related to rainfall, and even ghosts and gods in charge of rainfall, etc... This part of the information is relatively complicated.

"According to the original plan, we are going to visit here to see if there are any relevant clues."

While Fujimaru Ritsuka was still checking the information, Haibara Ai showed her the phone.

"Weather Shrine?"


At this time, Ma Xiu on the side actively answered:

"The Weather Shrine is said to be the only weather-related shrine in Japan. Although not many people visit it, it seems to be quite famous. It is said to have a history of 800 years."

"More importantly, the main deity of the Meteorological Shrine is the Eight Meaning God. It is said that he can control eight weather phenomena: sunny, cloudy, rain, snow, thunder, wind, frost, and fog."

"This is very suspicious!"


At this point, Mashu's tone became a little excited, but Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little confused and didn't understand why Mashu said that.

However, the Weather Shrine presides over the gods who control the eight types of weather. Is this reasonable?

So, she asked cautiously:

"Um... may I ask, what's suspicious?"


After hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's speech, the gentle Mashu couldn't help but look serious, and persuaded her earnestly:

"Even if the other party has no contact with Chaldea for the time being, senior, it would be better to get to know him in advance, right?"

Chaldea has arranged cultural courses for her, which include introducing the myths and gods of various civilizations.

But what she remembers are usually the most famous ones, or the stories of the Servants who have come to Chaldea.

So she could only laugh and scratch her head, and promised:

"Well, I'll definitely do it next time."

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