Chapter 125

Mo Yi tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy as if made of lead. The eyelashes fell heavily, and his vision was blurred. Only some blurred patches floated in front of his eyes.

A pair of hands rested on his spine, and a cold touch touched his skin through the fabric.

Mo Yi tried to move his body, but his limbs were as numb as if he had lost consciousness, and the amplitude of the transmitted motion was small--

His cold cheek pressed against the opponent's equally cold neck socket, but seemed to bring a strange temperature, rising from where the two touched.

Mo Yi's throat was filled with a low, dumb and fuzzy moan. Yin seemed to want to say something, but he could only emit some monotonous syllables.

He felt his head lifted by a hand in the vagueness, and then something seemed to stick to his lips.

Soft and cold.

The thin, dry **** clung tightly to his lips, rubbing softly, licking with a wet and warm touch. Passing his lips, he gently opened his teeth.

Mo Yi's head was groggy, and he subconsciously followed the touch of temperature, and pressed his lips tighter, sucking the moist tongue in his mouth.

The fresh pine forest breath in the other's mouth escaped from the joint, and was sucked into the mouth along the body fluid.

The gentle and warm temperature slowly penetrated into the blood vessels around the body along the respiratory tract and oral cavity. The strength of the body was visible to the naked eye, and it warmed the body from the chest.

……not enough.

Mo Yi struggled to raise his arm, and backed fiercely, drawing a little more temperature.

... not enough, not enough!

He pricked the tip of his tongue strongly towards the source of warmth and licked it fiercely. Sucking, sucking, the sweet smell spread from his lips, the thick rust smell permeated the mouth, and the warm blood instantly filled the throat Sliding down, burning temperatures along the way.

The chest and chest fit closer together, and you can almost feel each other's micro-tremor--

Mo Yi's mind gradually returned to the cage, his fuzzy mind gradually became awake, he blinked a little blankly.

The vision has become clear, and the senses all over him have come back to life--

Mo Yi looked at the enlarged face before him, and his head was blank for a moment.

There was a tingling sensation at the tip of his tongue, and a tiny electric current came from the warm and humid mouth, which made him very clearly aware of-

He poked his tongue into the other's mouth.

Wen Yan's deep facial features were in front of her eyes, her fluttering eyelashes drooping slightly, and the corners of her eyes glowed with abnormal redness.

There seemed to be a loud bang in my ears, and Mo Yi felt that the pores on his body were all exhaling hot, and the blood was flowing fiercely above his head.

He hurriedly backed away, but didn't want the two to fit too tightly. Instead, he almost tripped himself over the sudden action.

On the contrary, Wen Yanyan diseased his hand quickly and helped him not to let Mo Yi fall.

So Mo Yi dizzyly replanted back, the height of the two was similar, the second contact became familiar with the road-

The four lips reattached.

Mo Yi held Wen Yan's neck and neck and ended the second short kiss.

He took a step back, panting, staring openly and smelling only one step away.

There was no change in the pale face of the other person's deep outline, except for a pair of light gray eyes with water light and a light red at the end of the eyes.

Mo Yi's gaze control fell on the other's lips unknowingly--

Wen Yan's original pale lip color was dulled. It turned into a ripe red, and the slightly thick lower lip was stained with bright blood.

Mo Yi pursed his lips subconsciously, and there was a slight pain in his lips, as if telling him:

That's right, you did it, not dreaming.

More blood poured over his head, his cheeks were almost smoking, Mo Yi said dryly:


He didn't know where to look. He could only move to his side and face a shocked face.

Jiang Yuanrou stood stunned a few steps away, a pair of eyes almost stared out, and the whole person stood not far away.

Mo Yi's brain stopped working.

He felt that the heat in his face was ignited.

If you ignore the red ear tips, Wen Yan looks calm and calm. He turns to look at Jiang Yuanrou, and then reaches out to her and says:

"Hello, I'm Mo Yi's friend, Wen Yan."

His voice was low, with a slight husky.

Jiang Yuanrou as a whole has not calmed down from the shock just now.

After all, whoever experienced the moment of life and death in the horror copy, after turning his face, he saw his friend kissing a strange same-sex passionate tongue-or twice-and there was no way to react instantly.

She subconsciously held Wen Yan's outstretched hand, and then answered mechanically:

"... Jiang Yuanrou."

After speaking, Jiang Yuanrou seemed to be returning. Her eyes turned between Wen Yi and Mo Yi, and her face was reddish. She clenched her fist to her mouth and coughed awkwardly. A whisper, then said:

"That ... you talk first, I'll go to other rooms, I'm familiar here anyway."

After that, she fled and fled.

Mo Yi looked at Jiang Yuanrou's back. The temperature on his face rose instead of falling. He also gave a low cough and looked away awkwardly.

After looking at the rest of the room, he realized what Jiang Yuanrou said just now.

They were standing in the middle of a dilapidated room at the moment. The walls of the room were covered with rough wallpaper. The dim green lattice could hardly distinguish the original color under the heavy dust.

There was nothing in the room. There were scattered pieces of sawdust and bricks on the ground. There was a crooked window on the wall. There was no glass on the window. Only a few wooden sticks were crooked on it, revealing the dark black outside. No bright sky.

Mo Yi looked at the window a little bit dreamily, and then took a step in that direction--

A faint fluorescent blue countdown appeared in the gap between the board and the board, staining the rough surface of the board with a layer of light blue.

There are 40 minutes left.

They should now be in Jiang Yuanrou's old home.

Mo Yi frowned slightly and turned around, but met with Wen Wen who came to him--

His eyes were subconsciously attracted by the other's bright red lips. Mo Yi instantly felt that his temperature had dropped slightly, and his cheeks had warmed up a little. He coughed lowly, then broke the deadlock:

"That one……"

With two words exiting, Mo Yi stopped a bit awkwardly-he didn't know what to say next.

He was silent for a moment, and then asked without a word:

"Well, do you need to treat your wound ...?"

As soon as he talked, Mo Yi regretted a little--what did he say? !! Treating a wound? Let the fog?

And the wound was bitten by him!

Wen Yan's face showed a smile: "Okay."

Mo Yi froze and looked up at him.

I saw Wen Yan's long legs walked in front of him, then kissed again, a bit of salty rust spread in the mouth, with a wet tongue tip licked on his lips .

Mo Yi's cheeks became hot again, he took a step back sharply, and looked at Wen Yan with a gaping expression:

"Wait, wait, you ... what do you mean?"

Wen Yan gently rubbed his wet lower lip with his thumb. The pale blood color fainted at his fingertips. His light eyes focused on Mo Yi, and then said:

"Blood cannot be wasted, especially if you are still weak."

Mo Yi knew that Wen Yan's blood could save his life, but in this way, it was ... too ...

He frowned, and opened his mouth as if to say something.

But the next second, Wen Yan took another step forward, preventing Mo Yi's words to be exited.

Mo Yi stepped back subconsciously, and his back was stuck to the cold and hard wall.

Wen Yan's deep voice came into his ears:

"I mean ... can I chase you?"

Mo Yi couldn't help but hesitated. The cold touch of the wall behind his sweaty shirt passed into the close skin, which successfully calmed his mind.

The bewilderment and overwhelmingness that had just been pulled back from the edge of life and death, receded from the body like a tide, leaving only sane, dark, hard gravel.

Mo Yi frowned slowly, a pair of dark and dark eyes looking back at Wen Yan:

"We are the same **** and not even the same species."

The faint light on the head cast a deep shadow on Wen Biao's tall brow bone, and a pair of light pupils hid in the shadows, staring at him with a burning gaze:

"You and I all know that I don't care about this, and you don't care about this, why use this reason to fool me."

Mo Yi laughed lowly, straightened his back against the wall, and approached Wen Wen a step closer:

"Then you can tell me why?"

They were close enough that Mo Yi could even see the tips of the ears hidden in his black hair, against the wishes of his master, revealing a reddish color inconsistent with the calm appearance.

Mo Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Wen Yan. The dark eyes had a slight sense of oppression, making it hard to see:

"You and I all know that your attitude towards me has been strange from the beginning, so ... don't pretend to use my love at first sight."

Wen Yan looked at him deeply:

"Of course not at first sight."

Mo Yi frowned and said resolutely, "So we've seen you before."

Wen Yan didn't answer, but turned his face slightly, and the light on his head cut his sharp face into bright shadows and color blocks.

So Mo Yi got the answer he wanted.

He stepped back slightly, his eyes were drooping, his eyes were cold, and he seemed to want to say something.

The next second, Wen Yi stepped forward swiftly, arms around him slender arms, cold cheeks against Mo Yi's warm neck side, he could not help but stunned.

Mo Yi was about to push him away, and he only heard a slight trembling sound from his ear:

"... I'm really worried."

Mo Yi's action was a meal.

Wen Yan embraced his arms without exerting force, but just relaxed loosely. Even so, Mo Yi could feel the gentle trembling coming from the maneuvering body near him:

"This copy is more difficult than it should be. In order to exclude my influence, it even sets you in the middle."

Wen Yan's cold breath came lightly against his neck fossa:

"... I really, very ..." The remaining words were swallowed into his throat, and he could only hear some vague syllables.

——The nose is lingering with the scent of pine forest.

Mo Yi's thoughts were complicated.

His arms stiffened in the air, turned his direction, and unnaturally, hesitantly, patted Wenyi's back gently.

The two maintained this unnatural embrace.

Wen Yan's low, faint voice came from his ears, with a slight temptation and uncertainty in his voice:

"... So, do you agree?"


"After all, you don't hate me, do you?"

Mo Yi's eyes dropped, and his gaze fell on the tip of the bright red ears near him. He hesitated for a few seconds, and then he replied indifferently:



small theater:

Excuse me, Mr. Wen Ye, do you have any experience in the strategy?

Wen Yan: "Coquettish men have the best life. Some people eat soft but not hard."

Mo · Eat soft but not hard · Yi: "..."? ? ?

Plan pass√


Me: In order not to let everyone eat soil, so today I am here to distribute dog food for you!

Jiang Yuanrou: "..."? ? ?

Thanks to AnnaDoylex2, Yingyangbeijingzhenxue, cherryontop rocket launcher

Thanks to the obsessed with He Fang group's Taipa x5, Mingyue Lock, sterling silver chocolate, p = np sugar, worshipping the current year, cherryontop, Shishimeier, Youyouzimo mines

I like congratulations on your successful escape. Please collect: ( Congratulations on your successful escape. The literature is updated the fastest.

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