
Chapter 182: 【ruthless! 】

Not only Shalpa, but even Hock was somewhat unconvinced by Philip, waiting to see what the guy could do to solve these goblin troubles.

And Philip's approach surprised everyone.

This guy first directly dragged a cart of food to the end of the team, then greeted the driver and the groom, and untied the tarpaulin ropes on the cart. The bag of wheat flour in the bag was directly carried down. Moved half a cart of food down, then untied the bags one by one, and dumped them out naked, piled up in the open air!

The fragrant smell suddenly sucked the bow, so many goblins behind them came forward, these goblins unconsciously crowded forward, but also took care of the sword-guards in the caravan, far around, To the eyes of the same size as mung beans, the bones kept turning, but they just stared at the pile of small, mountain-like food.

Philip stood swaying side by side, and deliberately reached out and grabbed a large handful of wheat flour, allowing the fine wheat flour to slowly fall from the gap between his fingers, and was blown away by the wind. There was a sound of drooling sound very clearly in the distance, the goblins were about to move, the greed in their eyes became more eager, and even some goblins were fierce, and the subconscious crowded forward.

"Food! Oak! Oak!"

Philip's face and a sloppy smile made a clear "Please," gesture, and then stopped looking at those goblins, turned on the horse, took the guards and coachmen around, drove the cart, and carried the rest Half a cart of grain continued to move forward, catching up with the brigade.

When Philip walked this way, the goblins in the back suddenly burst into a cheerful noise, a buzz, swarming up like an ant, and the first few goblins running almost crazy went into that one. Among the piles of grain like hills, he desperately grabbed his hands, regardless of being alive, and stuffed them into his mouth. The goblins in the front are like this, but the others are unwilling. They pushed and squeezed. The God Seal Throne Goblin raged in a field, and soon they started fighting, beating, biting, pushing, and more. The goblin pulled out the weapon and hacked it.

After Philip walked back to the brigade, Charlie and others waited at the end of the convoy, watching the chaos of the goblin with food bows in the distance, and Shalpa was disdainful. The idea is too naive! Do you think that this way can lead to the internal disturbance of the goblin? Such a point of food is not enough for them to divide! Soon after the division, the remaining goblin tastes the sweetness and will run more crazy to chase us!

Philip just smiled and didn't explain to Sherpa, but looked at Charya: "Sir, I have to borrow ten mercenaries and ten Landis archers."

Charlie is simply: Here you are! "

Soon, in the evening of the day, Philip took the second step.

He pushed half a cart of grain to the end of the convoy and stopped it, as he did during the day, and untied a few bags and dumped it on the ground.

Although the goblins didn't understand what it meant, but with the experience of the day, there was a burst of cheers. A group of goblins rushed up and hugged!

But this time Philip didn't leave!

He shouted, and returned with twenty soldiers and rushed forward. The archer fired in a round and immediately nailed seven or eight goblins to the ground! Immediately afterwards, Philip and his mercenaries rushed up and slashed, killing the goblins and screaming, and immediately fled.

After dissipating these goblins, Philip got off Malay and looked around. These goblins really had a lot of courage. Although they just fought in the field, these guys did not go far, but after running a safe distance He stopped there, reunited the brigade, flexed his muscles, and looked forward to it.

Philip asked someone to find a few undead goblins on the ground and set them before him.

He was already tall and straight, looking at a group of small, thin, green monsters in front of him. Philip's face was stern, and he yelled at several goblins. These captive goblins looked terrified, shrinking their heads and looking timid, as if they didn't dare to look at Philippe.

After Philip had deliberately passed a fire, and after making two laps around several goblin captives, he reached out and patted several guys, as if examining something.

Just when several goblins were scared, Philip suddenly drank, pointing at a seductive armor that was worn by the upper body of one of the goblins and said that it was armor, but in fact it was not known where these guys dug it out. The broken iron piece was **** with a rope and used as a breastplate on the chest.

The goblin he was pointing at hadn't responded yet. Philip twitched his fingers, two bites, and the mercenary flung fiercely, recording the breastplate of the goblin. Poor that the goblin was almost unfazed, Philip picked up the breastplate in his hand and looked at it twice before he seemed satisfied, and he let out the goblin with a wave of his hand.

The goblin soul didn't keep his house. Suddenly, Philip walked to the grain cart and grabbed a small bag prepared in advance. The bag contained about two or three pounds of grain and was thrown directly into the hand of the goblin: "Go!" The guy was completely frightened, holding the grain bag in his arms, just staring blankly at Filippu, until Philip kicked it impatiently and followed, and the guy suddenly understood and held the grain. Rolled away and ran away.

Next, Philip will dispose of the remaining goblins as usual, leaving the broken armor on them, or the broken leather robe of the belt, or a seductive rotten sword, etc., and then every A small bag of food was shot away.

The goblins were stunned one by one, and when they ran away, they kept looking back at Philip.

I'm afraid these guys must be thinking: Is this human crazy? How about using these fragrant foods to replace these garbage on us?

Philip stood far away, watching the captives run back to the goblin group, pointing, yelling with the other goblins, and then the goblins were quiet for a while, and a burst of warm cheers burst out. !!

In the cheers, the goblins who had been captives were quickly snatched away by other divisional companions, and they were beaten again and again.

Next, the goblins were no longer attacking, but gathered together in groups, as if eagerly discussing something.

Philip didn't leave this time, so he stood with a team of guards waiting.

After a while, a few bold-looking goblins ran across, ran far away, stood still after more than ten steps, untied some broken copper and iron, and threw them towards Philip far away. On the ground, he pointed to Philip and whispered in his mouth, not knowing what to say, occasionally mixed with a few k ok.

With a sly smile on Philip's face, his head crooked, and immediately the mercenary guards took a few small bags of food from the car and threw them away. Those few, the goblins caught them and fled back quickly. Then cheered again.

exchange! exchange! These humans are really willing to exchange with us! !!

Goblins are greedy, but their timidity is undoubted! Although greed is extreme, it will force them to become fierce, but if they can't do their best for the goblin, who wants to do their best?

The goblins' minds are simple, one of the simplest comparisons:

Kill this human, get food for three things, and get food.

One result, two different methods. Obviously, fighting with these full-blown, murderous human warriors is far more dangerous than the second one:

Since it is wrong, the choice of goblins is very simple.

Soon, the grapefruits moved by smelling the wind. These green guys took off the torn armor on their bodies and ran to Philip in groups, throwing things on the ground in the distance. Tempting iron pieces, and even some guys dropped the sharpened tree stick in their hands on the ground. Three Philip seemed to ask nothing. As long as it was the guy who surrendered his weapon, he would not refuse to come. food.

The goblins cheered the birds and wrestled.

At first there were only dozens of them, and then hundreds of goblins embraced them, and Philip's half of the car's grain was quickly replaced. Facing more goblin ran away without food, Philip clapped his hands from afar, pointed at the empty grain cart behind him, and yelled a few times: Tomorrow!

tomorrow! "There are so many goblins, there are always people who can barely listen to a few words. Philip called them a few times, and the goblins just realized that, although quite unwilling, but looking at the human sharp weapon armor on the opposite side, the goblins still Choose to retreat.

Since he could not kill and bleed, and Dai could get food, why not do it?

This night, Charlie and others gathered beside the fire, and Shalpa still ridiculed Philip. "You use a cart of food today, and you change a cart of scrap copper and iron. Is this your idea?" Philip lightly Smile.

Xia Ya sighed and stared at Philip's bear before whispering: Your approach worked. "There was a sound of killing from a long distance in the wilderness:

The scream of the goblin came from afar, and it was more noisy than it was the other day. The drivers in the convoy were restless. Even the mercenaries and warriors were wary.

Charya looked at Philip, and Philip looked at Charya, but they looked indifferent.

"How do you think of this method?" Charlie frowned.

"It's very simple ... the goblins are not united." Philip said lightly: "In fact, goblins are like human continents, human beings have human nature, and they must deal with the enemy. If they can find the weakness of the opponent's human nature, they can do more with less, and the goblins have their own weaknesses Their weakness is cowardice and disunity! ", What are you talking about? How can I not understand? "Shalpa shouted.

Instead, Hawke and Russell glanced at each other, both of them were weird, and Russell sighed: "Shalpa, you can understand the sound of Shalpa when you listen to the sound of the wild, listen carefully for a while" Yi? There seems to be a killing sound ~ ~ Are those goblins hitting themselves? ""That's it. Russell grinned twice: "The goblin's temperament is greedy, cunning and fierce, bullying, scaring and stupid. During the day, what did Mr. Philip do when he deliberately sent out food that hit a cart. As a result, I calculated it. At least three or four hundred bites, the goblins were divided into a small bag. The goblins were very hungry. We all dare to grab, you imagine! The goblins outside are afraid to say that there are two or three thousand or four hundred goblins that have food. The other goblins have no hungry guys. They do n’t talk about unity. They can rob us, they ca n’t rob our companions. Is it? "Shalbard suddenly suddenly" Ah! That's it! what! I understand! Robbing us, compared to grabbing goblins, it seems that it is more difficult to grab a companion. "Huh, those goblins who switched to food during the day, I'm afraid they will be all killed by his company tonight!" Russell hesitantly sneered. "Mr. Filippoe changed the weapons of those guys with food! Those goblins were empty Set off, no iron, no armor, no weapons, only food and even the ability to resist "Hawke was beside him, looked at Shalpa with a little sympathy, and then grinned and patted this guy, low "You, wait to lose." The next morning, before the caravan set off, the goblins could not wait to appear around the caravan. Looking at it from afar, the goblin's familiarity seemed to be It is indeed a little less, many goblins are stained with green on their bodies, which is obviously the blood of their companions!

Everyone looked carefully, sure enough! Those goblins waiting in the distance have weapons and clothes on them! In other words, those goblins who changed clothes and weapons yesterday did not exist anymore. "

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