Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 328 Terrorists are intimidated

Undertake the file of 'Water Spirit';

"Madaha (what)!!??"

Seeing that his accomplice had become two lobes, and even vertically turned into two lobes, his tongue, lungs, and intestines were all cut by a flat burn, which immediately made all the terrorists in the hall terrified.

Fortunately, the leader who was closer to the 'woman' reacted, pointing to the lightsaber suspended in the air and yelling loudly:

"Yitila Kunayi (shooting)!! Yi... um... um..."

But suddenly, the 'woman' made of water stretched out her hands and wrapped the leader's head, making it completely drowning and unable to speak.

Corax, who was holding a lightsaber, also released the optical camouflage function in an instant. He held the characteristic lightsaber in his right hand, and took off the Gauss submachine gun attached to the PIA armor in his left hand.





Suddenly, more than a dozen terrorists were slaughtered by Corax alone in a few seconds, and even a whole body was not left.

"Madaha Dasang (what's the situation)?!"

"Mohar Sutra (enemy attack)!!"

Of course, such a big movement in the manor in the center of the town immediately attracted other terrorists who were on patrol to find out the situation.


But before the screaming terrorists rushed into the manor, the unique sound of Gauss gunshots rang out from all over the town.

As Corax had arranged outside the city, once he had eliminated the boss here, the rest of the Shadow Squad members would begin their clearing mission.

Faced with a sudden onslaught, the enemy does not know where they are, and the leader who can command them is dead, plus the combined forces of the UNSC and Umbrella know that they are entrenched in Iraq.

All kinds of pressure together, it can be regarded as a complete collapse of the terrorists in the town, some directly throw down their firearms and kneel to surrender, and some turn around and run.

The terrorists who knelt down and surrendered were not shot and killed by the shadow team, but those who escaped fell one by one.

Seeing such a scene, the terrorists who chose to surrender, like dominoes, kept their guns far away one by one, and knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands.

After all, the Spartans were educated to try not to kill the surrendering humans if they could control the situation.

Because these surrendered humans are high-quality 'refills' to supplement D-class personnel.

As for the leader who caused the terrorists' defeat, he was not actually choked to death by the water.

in the hall;

The 'woman' saw that Corax used an extremely cruel way to deal with the terrorists, especially the lightsaber that radiated heat in Corax's hands, so scared that it/she immediately retracted her hands, and retreated to the corner of the hall to shrink into a ball of water.

"Cough! Cough cough!" At this time, the leader knelt on the ground and choked out the remaining liquid in his respiratory tract in pain.


The PIA armor stepped on the floor tiles, making heavy and oppressive footsteps.

"Don't...don't kill me..."

In English with a strong accent, the leader looked up at Corax, who was approaching, and prayed for his life:

"As long can let me go, I can give you anything, money, women, everything, let me go! Please!"

With that said, the lower part of the white robe dressed as the leader Shepherd began to become 'dark' obviously.

Because of Corax's height of about 2.5 meters, and the horrible corpse residues around him, the leader was terrified...


And Corax did not execute the opponent immediately, he squatted in front of the leader and closed the lightsaber clenched in his right hand.

Then Corax held the hilt of the lightsaber in his right hand, slammed it on the leader's left chest, and asked in a low voice:

"Tell me all about the 'water'."


Hearing the lightsaber hilt in front of his chest, the leader stuttered a little with fright, but he remained calm in order to survive, and turned his head to look at the 'water' hiding in the corner.

He quickly explained: "She was found by a group of children at the lake this morning, and the children also had a good time with her, and was found by our patrol team and brought back."

"Anything else?" Corax continued to ask quietly.

"And...and..." The leader's pale face became a little embarrassed: "We found that she is very afraid of sand, and anything related to fire, and is very defensive about those who try to violate her..."

"Invasion?" Corax was stunned, but soon knew what was going on.

According to the information and data controlled by Umbrella's artificial intelligence, H-films occupy the most space in the computer hard drives of terrorists in various strongholds.

(In "Terrorist Attack on Boston", CIA officials once said that there is no useful information in the computer at all, there are only H movies, a lot of H movies.)

"Okay, thank you for your help." Corax still replied in a low voice.

"Could that be..."



Just when the leader thought that Corax would really let him go, Corax's right thumb tapped the hilt button, and the pink light instantly melted the leader's left chest.

Immediately afterwards, Corax turned off his lightsaber again, letting the leader's corpse with a stern smile on his face fall to the ground.

Then he put the hilt of the lightsaber on the suction cup on his left waist, got up and looked at the 'woman' who was hiding in the corner and had returned to his human form, secretly observing him.

Use the communication again to report to Tina Hui: "This is B-019. It is temporarily determined that the abnormal phenomenon is not hostile to humans, and I request the support of dispatching technicians."

"Flagship received." Tina also quickly replied in the communication:

"A team of technicians has been arranged to rush to your location. Please be sure to clear the enemy in your area within ten minutes to ensure that the technicians will not be disturbed when they are working."

"Yes." Corax nodded lightly, and switched the communication channel to command the Shadow Squad:

"Bind all surrendered terrorists and secure the area."

"Yes." (x4)

After hearing the replies from the members, Corax turned his attention to the 'woman' not far away.

He just slowly approached the corner of the wall, and stopped at a certain distance from the 'woman', watching her not to run away.

On the contrary, after the ‘woman’ found out that Corax was not hostile to her, especially that she did not have any unreasonable thoughts, the expression on her face was no longer panic, but she observed Corax curiously.


In the next few minutes, through Corax's single-soldier camera, it can be seen that the project folded his hands to Corax several times, and then pointed to the group of terrorists who had become corpses.

What the project was trying to convey seemed to be thanking Corax for showing up in time, and even performing a dance for Corax that didn't belong to any faction.

In the end, the item was transported away in a more friendly manner by the technicians who arrived.

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