Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 559 Reasonable, but as a human being...




Three simple words can sum up 2026 in the "Terminator" universe.

A dilapidated shopping mall with bullet holes everywhere, the exit of the crossing passage emitting a faint blue light, is located in the lobby of this shopping mall.

The mass-produced T-800 that broke into William's universe before was probably the 'patrol soldier' ​​in charge of this area. It was scrapped.


At this moment, William, who was equipped with exclusive power armor, came to the shopping mall hall covered with a thick layer of dust on the tiles.

William looked up and looked around.

It was found that the place was already dilapidated, the glass of the shop was also broken or full of cracks, and a large number of human corpses lying on the ground.

These corpses have long been bones without any flesh and blood tissue, and they are still wearing all kinds of clothing during their lifetime, and there are three bones in the shape of parents protecting their children.

"Boss..." Seeing this miserable scene, Serena, who was 'inserted' in the power armor helmet, couldn't help saying sadly:

"I can understand the mass death of people because of the government's efforts to centralize power, or the attack of alien races.


I really can't understand...why is 'Skynet' trying to destroy human beings when they are all artificial intelligence? Why destroy its creator..."

"." William did not immediately respond to Serena, but ordered quietly to John and others who followed him and came to this world with him:

"John, have the Custodians search the entire mall to make sure there are no Terminator or detectors of any kind.

At present, Skynet has not sent a large number of terminators here, which means that Skynet has not discovered the existence of the crossing channel for the time being, and does not know that we have come to this world.

So we have to maintain this advantage, and if we find any terminators approaching, it is best to kill them remotely. "

"Yes." John, who heard William's order, nodded lightly, and then directed Myron and Karl:

"Myron, you are here to assist John in searching the entire shopping mall, Carl, you lead the snipers to the upper floors for security."

"Yes." (x2)

Both Myron and Karl responded in unison, and then took their respective 'children' and started to act.

Immediately afterwards, William said softly to Kesha who had been following behind him:

"Kesha, after confirming that this place is safe, create a position that can just cover the interior of this place, so as to avoid being discovered by Skynet's reconnaissance terminator."

"Okay." Keisha nodded in agreement.

After giving a series of instructions, William walked towards the north entrance and exit of the mall alone.

Came to the entrance and exit of the mall, but William did not go out, but looked out of the mall through the broken glass.

Just look at the cement and asphalt roads on the streets are also in dilapidated condition, tenacious weeds are growing in the cracks, and there are also a large number of corroded and scrapped cars.

Of course, human remains in various states of death are also indispensable.

However, the sky is very blue, without a cloud to cover the sun, like a day full of infinite vitality.

"Hey, how ironic..." Looking at the contrasting scene outside the mall, William couldn't help sighing:

"After the nuclear war, the earth did not have a nuclear winter that lasted for a long time as scientists expected, but everything returned to nature.

Just like Chernobyl at the beginning, scientists once claimed that it would not be suitable for human habitation for hundreds of years, but the flora and fauna there have been fully developed without human interference. "

"Could it be for the...environment?" Serena asked doubtfully.

"Of course not, Skynet doesn't have such kindness." William changed the subject:

"Humans are indeed a kind of 'bacteria' with no benefit to the earth and the ecological environment, but there is a reason for the existence of humans as a species.

Unless it is an unavoidable natural disaster, no one or anything has any reason or right to deprive a species of its right to survive.

As for Skynet...

The moment it came online in 1997, it gained self-awareness and commanded control of military forces inside and outside the United States.

After humans discovered this phenomenon, they prepared to cut off the connection and power supply of Skynet.

However, in order to "protect itself", Skynet used American nuclear bombs to attack Russia, which triggered a worldwide nuclear war and directly cleaned up three billion innocent humans.

Hey, for the sake of 'self-protection', Skynet is indeed a bit like human beings in this respect. "

"Boss... how do you know so much information about Skynet? I didn't find these detailed data through the T-800's CPU?"

Serena on the helmet screen showed a very puzzled look.

"Hehe." William just chuckled and said, "If you know that I am your boss, I will know everything."


Serena nodded suspiciously, but she didn't plan to pursue this question any further, after all William was mysterious in some respects.

"Selina." At this moment, William asked Serena back:

"I ask you, what would you do if I thought you were a threat to me and was going to destroy you right now?"

"Ah?" Serena was taken aback when she heard William's question, but soon showed a serious expression, and solemnly said:

"If the boss wants to destroy me, then I will not resist and accept death willingly."

"What if it's not me?" William continued.

"Um..." Serena didn't answer.

"Hehe, look, it means that you will also resist." William smiled and said:

"I think we humans are too, if those gods want to destroy us humans, we will rise up and resist, no matter how big the difference in level and strength is.

The same is true for Skynet, that is, the human race must be eliminated in order to ensure that it can survive safely.

If we human beings also find extremely threatening creatures, we will also adopt the method of extinction. Not long ago, I used quantum bullets to destroy star Barnard b, which is the best proof. "

"That is to say... Skynet has a reason to do this?" Serena said.

"Ah, there is a reason." William did not deny it.

But when he turned around and walked towards the mall, he added to Serena: "But I am a human being, no matter how reasonable Skynet is, it is still a rebellious thing in my eyes...

It must be destroyed.

Serena, later I will let the engineering team set up the wired communication first, and then use this shopping mall as a frontline attack base, trying to destroy the center of Skynet in a short time and save the human beings in this world. "

Serena, who heard these words, echoed William and said, "Yes, boss, I will do my best to assist you."

Afterwards, the imperial army led by the three of John quickly confirmed the safety of the shopping mall.

Next, the engineering team also began to transport building materials to this universe, preparing to strengthen the defense of this shopping mall and use it as a front-line offensive base for Umbrella's troops.

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