Cosma Empire

Chapter 1338

“Close the door to the conference room…” Durin looked down at the paper on the table and ordered that the guards standing by the door would slow the door and no longer accept the late entrance.

There was no need to close the door, and no attention was paid to those issues, not to them.

But Durin asked to close the door today, and it made some people feel a little disturbed by the fact that Section Head of the Treasury looked at Section Head of the Ministry of the Interior, that the two people met in the air, and that they looked back at the moment.

Durin seemed to have completed the document, raised his head, grabbed his eyebrows, and thought about it for more than a dozen seconds, saying, “The launching of this interim meeting is not a matter of my time, as everyone has seen, the number of participants in the meeting is not uniform, the Bureau is even one of me, and we can’t even do something by voting.”

According to the statute of the new party, if a vote is required to determine a matter, one must be present among the leaders of the new party or the Chairman of the new party committee, and the number of officers exceeds three.

Other arrivals should have more than half of the number of members eligible for restaurants and any elements requiring a vote would require the concurrence of at least two officers and the support of two thirds of the membership before it could be adopted.


seems that the simple requirement is actually more complex, and of course it is not mentioned here that today’s meeting is involving only Durin alone, and naturally it is not possible to initiate any vote to adopt something, which is why some people are disturbed and are here.

Even if Durin wanted to confront them, it would not be possible to do so today, and if Durin wanted to borrow some problems for them, it was just hard and far from threatening.

Those people, Durin’s fear of doing more terrifying, will not be fatal for them today.

People are watching Durin, absolute silence at the conference site, and Durin continues to say, “But there are some questions that I have to ask to make it clear to you what has happened to the new parties over the past time and what will happen now and beyond.”

He looked at a circle where there was no bare resistance, and Microslightly Nodded said, “Over the past period, the infiltration and attacks by the party’s external forces on us have caused us to be in a very difficult process, and many people have abandoned their original ideals and pursued to leave us, not only by themselves, but also deeply harmed us.”

“In the course of these people’s departure, the internal order and discipline of the party have been severely undermined, and people have no minds to hold their jobs, and they are always watching others and observing themselves.”

“Even now, there are some similar things that are going on, some people who are reluctant to work, others forget to comply with our rules…”

This sentence has led to a small number of disturbances in the stairs hall, even though some people do not like Durin, have to admit that he is very right.

When fear is destroyed, people have become unscrupulous, and in the past they have been loyal to their positions and to their own work, and they will do nothing to accomplish the tasks assigned to them by their superiors, which will give people a serious atmosphere of work.

Now, this atmosphere is neither serious nor orderly, and a romantic and unsatisfactory working attitude has made the process of working within the new party the lowest in history, which can affect others.

Although the new leadership has replaced the new members to improve the cohesion of the new parties, these problems still exist.

Durin cited a number of examples of these issues, and he also produced a document that was placed on the screen behind it by reintroducing it, a paper documenting some of the elements of the New Party’s third quarterly work summary report.


‘s all illustrative, as well as some data, but Durin left these things and picked out some of them alone, and “… compared to the documents I read before, we can see clearly that these elements of the painting circle are seriously misleading, whether data or descriptions, and that the real content is somewhat different…”

“We are a political party, and we are not enterprises on Ritz Street, and they need to fraudulently deceive ordinary shareholders with false content and false data, but we don’t need it.”

“We need more truth, more accurate descriptions and data, to tell ourselves, as well as those outside who wish to know some and so on ordinary people, the empire is moving towards a more brilliant direction, and our new party, too, is rapidly restoring its livelihood.”

“But these things have been destroyed with inconceivable mistakes, and I do not know what people out there would think, and specific practitioners may not need to take any pressure on them, but I want members of the Bureau to do so.”

“Secretary-General, please stand up and tell me why this happened?”


view of the majority of the people in the stairs room is concentrated on the first ranked fourth individual, who is the Secretary-General of the secretariat of the New Party Committee, whose terms of reference are similar to that of the former party’s executive branch, but are somewhat different.

The work of the secretariat is to accept the leadership of the Bureau of the New Party and to implement a structure for day-to-day work in accordance with the Bureau’s request and comments, and if the Executive Department is a complete person, then the secretariat of the New Party Committee is to be handsome and feet, to be responsible for more specific work, to resolve specific issues and to provide feedback to the Bureau members.

In normal circumstances, this section should not be too big, and, after all, there are people on it, and there are people down there, but the world is like this, so long as there are people, it will be a mistake.

Changes and changes in the power class of the new party have also had an early impact on the work of the Secretariat, with some having a good relationship with Odka, some having good relations with Bower, some with other leaders, and others with the Dili Party and the Labour Party.

Now there has been a change in leadership positions associated with them, some of whom will focus on coping, not on work, and possibly even on errors that are deliberately occurring in order to make Durin look bad on the face.

There are so many people in this empire who want Durin to be embarrassed, so long as there are enough interests, good arrangements, and what else is the kind of human being that can’t do?

Durin without the slightest hesitation to point out that there were problems in the Secretariat’s conduct that had led the Treasury Section Head Sighed in relief, and he understood that, as soon as he read, the Secretariat was like the Bureau’s arm, Durin wanted a package, and the first was to take control of the Secretariat.

Only if the Secretariat as a whole is under Durin’s control can he truly acquire a large portion of his authority.

Power is really not that simple, whether it is the leader or the President, and their control over the members of the party’s lower bodies and organizations is basically through the Secretariat.

The Secretariat is such a crucial point that everyone in the Bureau is cultivating mountainism, even if only one of their phones, in order to avoid making people feel that they are crossing power.

Such a critical position, once Durin is in control, will be further terrifying by his weight and power within the party.

The Secretary-General’s face is very difficult to stand up, and he looks at Durin, one look, one look, and two look at him a few seconds later, and he’s down and confessed in an unexpected way.

“Mr. Durin”

He just started his head and was interrupted by Durin’s voice, “Please call on my vice-president on a formal occasion.”

Secretary-General sighed, “Yes, Your Excellency, I recognize that I have experienced some errors in my work, and I need to review my practice to the members of the General Assembly during this period of time, and I should not bring too many personal emotions into my work, so…”

A series of reviews made everyone think differently, and, of course, as the supreme officer of such an important section, Mr. Secretary-General seems to have been reviewing his own mistakes, but carefully delineating the taste of his mistakes is not as serious as it is.

It’s a circumvent technique, and it’s a little bit lighter to get out of here, and Durin has a face, and he has a stage.

Durin was satisfied with a little bit, and his hands went down and some things went too far, and he was clear, but that did not preclude him from taking this opportunity to continue to expand his influence, “I am not trying to target anyone, but to tell you that attitudes are important to our cause.”

“I do not care how the other chairmen work in the party before this, but from here I will no longer accept the kind of people who are not in compliance with the rules and who can mix one day.”

“Here, what we need is a soldier who is serious about our cause, and we will unite and win another fight!”

The whole but less enthusiastic applause is like those who spend money helping poor girls, who smoke “good” after the events, and those who have received some assistance, but far from enough, are less polite to answer a statement of “good”, which everyone knows.

People can’t all think Durin’s doing the right thing, just think Durin can’t think that everyone likes himself.

Durin talked about some of the problems that exist in the current discipline and in the working order over the next period, not too many of them of a top-heavy nature, many of them dry, which may sound more dry, but he didn’t even say all about it.

Looking at the time to 11: 00, it was felt that Durin had already said everything about it, and considering the purpose of Durin’s opening of the meeting and whether the next attitude to him would require some change, Durin suddenly shut up.

Suddenly, as quiet as it came, the stairs were silent again, and there was some slight look at Durin, and Durin was staring closely at Section Head of the Treasury.

The sharp view made the latter somewhat comfortable, and the more he was afraid of continuing to hide the disturbances and tensions in his own heart through a number of small actions.

After an eight-nine minute of calm, Durin picked up a piece of material on the table. “Just this morning, someone sent me a piece of information about some of the more special prosecution elements.” He said he said he looked to the head of the Ministry of the Interior, “The same material has been sent to the Ministry of the Interior, Section Head of the Ministry of the Interior, please tell me and all participants. Have you received such a retrieval?”

The Section Head of the Ministry of the Interior looked at the head of the Department of Finance, which had begun sweating, and suddenly felt that it was warming in the context of its starting line.

What’s he gonna say?

The answer is, Durin will certainly not let him go, and he will be asked how he is disposed of, and the result is that he has a very core process that he didn’t even at all tell Durin!

Durin, as Vice-Chairperson of the New Party Committee responsible for internal affairs, chaired the day-to-day work of the New Party with the assistance of the Secretariat, by the Chairman of the Party responsible for the affairs of the Party and the Committee for the Subsidiary Party.

This naturally also includes a number of issues for the Ministry of the Interior, which, as required by the regulations, must inform the Bureau at the first time once it receives high-level prosecutions within the design of the new party.

After all, any political group, even ordinary groups, has a very sensitive and dangerous dimension to the issue of high levels of corruption, which must be communicated to the upper level, as well as to ensure the impartiality of the firm and subsequent methods of disposal.

But the Section Head don’t at all reported this to Durin, who hid it, allowed Section Head of the Treasury to spend so much time erasing the issue of the prosecution, and then thought of going through this crisis through the old gentleman who was easier to talk about.

If the answer is not received, it is also a trap, I’m afraid. What if the prosecution is not only a member of the new party’s organization, but also entitled to participate in today’s meeting?

Durin suddenly raised his sweat, and he realized that the recent series of initiatives might not be aimed at dealing with Section Head of the Treasury, but rather against himself.

After a period of silence, he licked a slight, dry lip, “Yes, Your Excellency, I have received such a retrial material, but according to my personal judgement, the contents are not precise and the prosecution does not have all the names to report, and I think that the possibility of fraudulent plantation is much greater and has not been addressed.”

It’s a coincidence that I got it, but I suspect it’s a liar, as if I hadn’t seen it, Durin had to be brave about his machine.


put down the papers in his hand, indifferent expression’s nodded and smiled, and he said, “So, after your contact with the prosecution material, did you have the relevant content of the report…”, and he looked at Section Head of the Ministry of Finance, swept, “What about Section Head of the Treasury?”

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