Counterfeit Hero

Volume 3 Chapter 39 Smuggling Ship

Milan fell asleep, her beautiful face still flushed with passion. She curled up like a child, her long silky hair fell on the pillow, and her long eyelashes trembled gently in her sleep, like silk. The satin back was exposed outside the thin blanket, the moving curves of the body drew a devilish arc at the slender waist, the plump buttocks rippled, and the thin blanket was pulled upward to create a round shape, in the small room with only the wall lamp turned on. There is a thrilling beauty and temptation inside.

Tian Xingjian got out of bed gently and slowly, covered Milan's exposed jade-like back with a thin blanket, and stood quietly at the head of the bed, looking at this beautiful woman who finally belonged to him. He didn't know whether he was happy or confused. He slowly put on his clothes, leaned down and kissed the sleeping Milan gently on the face, and said softly: "On the day when we will finally win, we will get married." He turned around and walked out of the room, gently closing the door. .

The wall lamp in the lounge emits light yellow and soft light, very quiet, Milan is still sleeping soundly. At this moment, she has become a woman and is very relaxed. She finally gives herself to her beloved, as if she is having a good dream. , she twisted her body slightly, stuffed her white right hand comfortably under the pillow, sunk her face into the soft pillow, and the corners of her beautiful mouth gently curved upward into a cute smile.

Change [Logic] to make a [Lada] giant truck, pull it on the [Hurricane] obtained from the Mechanical Repair Center, and the fat man gets on the transport ship bound for the capital. [Logic] will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, There are too many secrets involved in this mecha, and it is difficult to guarantee that after several battles with the Mythical Legion, the Gacharin Empire will know something about this mecha. Therefore, bringing [Hurricane] is a sign of the identity of the civilian mechanic. The best cover up. This trip will start from the capital. The entire operation has been carefully planned. A colonel from the Military Intelligence Agency named Clark will be responsible for the implementation of the plan. He will send Fatty to a smuggling ship and enter through the public star domain. Gacharin Empire.

The transport ship did not land at the Weiguo Airport in the capital city of Ludrit, but landed at a remote military airport. When the fat man walked out of the cabin door, Colonel Clark was already waiting outside the transport ship. He was a middle-aged man in casual clothes. He looked very kind and always smiled when he spoke, which made people feel very friendly. After confirming each other's identities, Clark enthusiastically took Tian Xingjian's luggage and pulled him into a flying car. This black extended flying car had obviously been modified. It was very fast and smooth, and the engine could hardly be heard. the sound of. Fatty, who was proficient in mechanics, knew at just one glance that ordinary missiles were completely useless against such a flying car.

The flying car followed the airport's automatic guidance road and was assigned to Small Flying Vehicle Highway No. 71. This road is in the middle of all roads and is a dedicated route for dignitaries and senior officials. Fatty felt a little flattered. Growing up in the capital, he never thought that one day he would ride in such a flying car and race on this heavily guarded special road. For the first time, Fatty felt that becoming a general might not be what he imagined. It was hard to accept that he regretted not being promoted in order to retire.

After more than an hour of high-speed driving, the flying car turned onto a small road through the automatic guidance road. The small road had many forks. There were no signs at any of these intersections. After twists and turns like a maze, the small road ended at A beige four-story building stretched to the end.

Under the leadership of Colonel Clark, the fat man walked into the small building and passed through more than a dozen security lines before actually entering the interior of the small building. This building is not as small as it looks from the outside. It is a building with hundreds of floors. However, only the top four floors are exposed from the ground, and its exit is on the ninety-seventh floor. The whole building is oval-shaped. In the middle of the building, there is a patio that goes from the ground floor to the top. The aisles on each floor are crowded with officers wearing uniforms of the Military Intelligence Bureau, busy coming and going. Needless to say, This must be a secret department of the Federal Military Intelligence Service.

Tian Xingjian knew about the headquarters building of the Intelligence Agency. It was not far from the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of National Defense. Due to the mystery of the intelligence agency, many tourists liked to take photos in front of that antique-looking building. Now I thought about it, I'm afraid that only general affairs are handled in that building, and the real secret agency is not exposed to the public eye.

Colonel Clark led Tian Xingjian to the ninety-ninth floor. This is the rest area of ​​the building. It has wine, coffee shop, dance hall, restaurant, guest rooms, etc. The fat man was taken into a guest room while looking around. Clark He turned sideways and invited the fat man into the house, and said with a smile: "You should rest for a while. Don't worry about the plan. We have already made arrangements. A smuggling ship will take off from Kandila City in two days. We have already contacted the smuggler." , you will arrive at Mozic via a smuggling ship as a stowaway. Since the war began, many Gacharin's Vibo people have returned to the Gacharin Empire through this method. Such smuggling will not have any impact on your identity. Influence."

Tian Xingjian put down his luggage, looked at this very luxurious guest room, smiled and nodded to Clark: "Okay, thank you for your trouble." Clark waved his hand and said: "This is my job, the really dangerous one. It's people like you. If I don't do my job well, not only will the task not be completed, but your safety will also be in question. Okay, I'm going to have a meeting now to study the follow-up arrangements for this mission. You can rest first. No need to disturb." Clark waved his hand and left.

In the next two days, the fat man stayed bored in his room reading information. He only went to the restaurant when eating, and occasionally went to have a drink. However, his status was special. Even though he was in the intelligence department, he could not go to the restaurant. Do not allow too much contact with people. On the third day, the smuggling ship finally got news. Tian Xingjian, with the help of Clark, used Boswell's disguise potion.

It is a strange thing to see one's own face look different in the mirror. Over twenty years have been enough for everyone to know their own face well, and people will always believe what they see. We are also accustomed to the face in the mirror, but rarely think about it. In fact, in the eyes of others, our face looks opposite to the face we are familiar with in the mirror. Therefore, many people will have a strange feeling after taking photos or videos. No one can truly understand themselves, and even themselves sometimes feel strange to themselves. The fat man looked at the other face in the mirror and felt it was very strange. This face was neither Tian Xingjian's nor Zhang Yuan's. He only made some minor changes based on his original face, which completely transformed him. Became another person. The fat man was a little worried: "If I don't change my pretty face that makes people and gods angry, it will be a big loss."

The transport ship carrying [Logic] and [Hurricane] landed in the city of Kondila. As a smuggling introducer, Clark introduced Tian Xingjian to a short-looking smuggler and paid a considerable fee. , from here on, Fatty knew that he would truly embark on an unknown journey.

Under the leadership of the smuggler, Fatty quickly arrived at the suburbs where the smuggling ship docked. These smuggling ships all enter the customs through formal procedures. The federation has strict control over flying ships. No one can infiltrate a transport ship under the surveillance of radars all over the world. There are generally two smuggling methods. One is through formal Channels come in and transport smuggled items, which are generally strictly controlled, such as medicines or weapons, energy, etc. Through the operation of insiders, after obtaining permission to take off, these smuggling ships are not busy leaving. Instead, they leave the original airport where they took off and landed in the name of maintenance, fill the base with cargo before taking off, or simply dock in space. In the secret base in the air, small ships launched from the ground are responsible for the transportation of goods. After arriving at the destination, the goods are usually distributed directly in space to the next party, who then disperses and brings these smuggled items through various channels. Usually, the country of entry turns a blind eye to items that are in short supply. During wartime, such smuggling activities are even encouraged. The tariffs on all such items entering the country are basically zero.

Tian Xingjian soon saw the smuggling ship he was about to board. The smuggling ship was docked on a maintenance barge. It was an old [Apollo] medium-sized civilian transport ship. It had a history of hundreds of years and looked dilapidated. , some maintenance personnel are still nervously making final preparations for the transport ship.

The smuggled items on this ship are not energy weapons or other substances that are prohibited from being exported to the Gacharin Empire. Instead, they are some luxury goods. Such materials are strictly controlled by the Gacharin Empire. However, from the intelligence point of view, this ship The captain of the smuggling ship is very capable. Many of the famous Gacharin nobles are clients of the captain, and they provide a lot of help for such smuggling.

After the guidance and coordination of the smuggler, the crew of the transport ship signaled Fatty to park his truck and mecha in the luggage warehouse. Fatty obeyed the orders of these aggressive-looking crew members. After parking the mecha, he was taken into the transport ship. , the interior of the transport ship is as shabby as the exterior, especially the bottom floor, which is dirty and messy, has a suffocating smell, is rusty everywhere, some broken electronic equipment is piled in the corner, and the handrails in the corridor are also shaky , Fatty was a little doubtful whether such a ship could take off, and whether it would disintegrate in the universe halfway through the flight.

The fat man's room was in the crew cabin on the lowest floor of the transport ship. There were four beds in total, but three of them were filled with dusty discarded parts. Obviously, no one lived in this crew cabin with him. A tall and strong crew member who brought him here impatiently pushed the fat man into the room, threw his luggage on the bed, and stared at him: "Fat man, you know what this ship is for, so let's talk ugly first. , don’t run around, don’t move around, we will just take you back to Gacharin, whether you live or die depends on your performance, don’t cause trouble for me." He waved his thick arm and made a gesture. He said with a threatening gesture: "The restaurant is on the deck. If you want to eat, you can go up there by yourself. No one will bring you food here."

After the crew member finished speaking, regardless of the reaction of the frightened fat man in front of him, he turned and walked towards the door. When he walked out of the cabin, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to the fat man: "By the way, don't make this place dirty. , I'm going to see this place getting dirty when you leave, so be careful and get beaten!" He snorted, closed the door hard, and went straight away. The fat man looked around and thought to himself: "***, in this world, the only people who have to suffer when they spend money to travel are the stowaways. Please tell me not to make this place dirty. ***, how can it get dirtier after it's like this?"

Tian Xingjian has a happy-go-lucky nature. He has never stayed in any place before when he was escaping from the battlefield. At least there is a room and a bed here. He simply tidied up the bed, took a clean cloth and laid it on it. After a few seconds, I fell asleep after a while. He was groggy and didn't know how long he had slept. The fat man was suddenly awakened by the violent vibrations of the transport ship. He stood up, walked around several beds full of broken parts, walked to the porthole and crawled to take a look. The transport ship was in action of the anti-gravity device. Slowly rising into the sky, the sky is dark and it is already night.

The fat man felt a little hungry and had slept for at least seven or eight hours. Looking at the time, it turned out to be ten o'clock in the evening, so he decided to go to the restaurant to have something to eat. By the way, I wanted to see how this ship was doing. After all, I was a little worried that if it fell apart in space, it would be really doomed.

In addition to the cargo hold and power compartment, the transport ship is divided into four floors. The bottom one is the luggage compartment, which is used to store items such as mecha flying cars. The two middle floors are crew rooms. Tian Xingjian lives on the bottom floor near the luggage compartment. . The top floor is the wine, restaurant, entertainment room and captain's room, control room, command room, etc.

The fat man went up the stairs. There were many crew members on this smuggling ship. They all looked tough and brutal. Most of them were concentrated in the crew room on the first floor. They were noisy, gambling, drinking and fighting. Some guys watched the fat man smuggling by. He deliberately stared and bluffed. Seeing the frightened and honest look on the fat man's face, they laughed as if they had won the lottery.

Like a sheep passing through a pack of wolves, the fat man finally made it to the top floor. Although this floor looked shabby, it was much better than the two floors below. At least it was clean, and the layout of the restaurant was also very good. Yes, some of the crew members who were eating inside were not violent at all. They were sitting in the restaurant chatting in low voices, appearing very peaceful and quiet.

The fat man felt as if he had gone from a noisy hell to a peaceful paradise. He shrugged incomprehensibly. He had never done smuggling work, so it was impossible to truly understand the thoughts of these crew members who were traveling through the universe with their heads in their hands. of. Smuggling is not an easy job. In addition to being attacked by space patrols from various countries, you also have to be constantly wary of other smuggling ships. Firefights often occur due to conflicts on some lines. In space, pirates are everywhere. These pirates usually own space mechas or even one or two space energy cannons. They modify their own high-speed ships and even purchase warships eliminated by the army through some channels. In terms of strength, they are much stronger than smugglers. Therefore, ordinary smuggling Ships will spare no effort to equip them with long-range high-precision radar and speed-increasing power units in the hope of escaping before pirates discover them. .

However, if the pirates discover the smuggling ship in advance and target it, then the ownership of the ship will basically be declared. The speed of transport ships can rarely compete with high-speed ships, and most pirates will leave them alive. However, if he sets his sights on a certain ship, then it is equivalent to a death sentence for everyone on the ship. They only want the ship, not the other party. people.

The fat man ordered a set meal at a price that was ten times higher than in the capital. While waiting for the meal, a group of leaders who were obviously higher than the ordinary crew members walked into the restaurant with a woman in their arms. A woman would actually appear on such a smuggling ship, and this woman was wearing a captain's uniform, which aroused the Fatty's interest. He looked at the captain very carefully. She was between 18 and 25 years old. The reason why the range was so wide was because she had a breathtakingly beautiful and delicate face. However, her face There was no expression on his face, his slightly furrowed brow looked a little sad, and his whole person looked much older than his actual age.

The group of people sat down. Although the beautiful captain was sitting in the front seat, no one talked to her. The other people chatted separately. There was no situation like the fat man imagined where the crew members were trying to please the captain, especially since the captain was the captain. An unacceptably beautiful woman. This made Fatty feel weird.

The set meal he ordered was finally served an hour later. By this time, the entire restaurant was already crowded with crew members. Some crew members stared at the fat man who was occupying a seat alone, but no one came up to chase him away. It seemed that this restaurant It was a forbidden area for the violent tempers of these crew members. They would rather circle around in front of the fat man irritably and keep pointing their eyes, but none of them dared to go beyond the boundaries. The fat man didn't care about these guys. He pretended to be stupid and didn't even look at them. He ate his meal in a slow and orderly manner. The crew also had nothing to do with him. After a while, a middle-aged man wearing chef's clothes walked up to the fat man and coldly ordered: "Eat quickly, and get out after you finish."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, looked at the few plates left, and nodded repeatedly with a look of horror on his face: "Okay, okay, I'll finish it right away, finish it right away.".

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