Counterfeit Hero

Volume 3 Chapter 49 Despicable = Excellent

Through the window, Sanjad looked at the freedom fighters who had not dispersed for a long time. He let out a long sigh, shook his head and smiled bitterly, then slowly turned his head to Tian Xingjian and said: "You are right, they, including us, are too Paranoid." He watched Oberto pour tea for the fat man sitting on the sofa, and then said: "Since the day the Freedom Front was established, sacrifice has been its mission, but I have never thought about how big such a sacrifice is. the value of."

The fat man took the tea, said thank you to Oberto, and turned around and said: "If there is a war, there will be sacrifices. Without sacrifices, there will be no victory. This is an unbreakable truth. However, if sacrifice is regarded as the only goal, it will be unavoidable. Too pedantic and cruel.”

The fat man stood up as he spoke, walked to Sanjad, stared at the freedom fighters on the playground, and sighed: "If we talk about elite soldiers who are not afraid of death, they are indeed the best, but they got one thing wrong. Their mission is to win, not to die. On weekdays, they also plan to die at any time. They are not afraid of anything, they don’t like anyone, they scold and fight whenever they want, haha..." He turned around He looked at Sanjad and said, "Have you spent a lot of time thinking about their emotions?"

Sanjad smiled and said: "As expected of Al Gaffar's proud disciple, you are as accurate as your teacher!" He pulled the fat man to sit down on the sofa and said: "The Freedom Front has gathered people from more than ten ethnic groups. Warriors, to be honest, if a nation has been accustomed to looking down upon, oppression and servility for too long, it is the most difficult thing to overcome. How many of our ancestors who tried to organize national warriors to overthrow the racial hierarchy fell at the gunpoint of their own people?" Sanja De's face was gloomy and depressed, and his voice also sounded sad and vicissitudes of life: "How many ancestors were sent to the gallows by the same nation, countless! The inferiority of the nation, the laziness of the nation, and the servility of the nation have been deeply engraved in it. In the hearts of many people, they would rather live in numbness than be willing or dare to rise up and resist!"

These topics were too heavy, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while. Sanjad smiled bitterly and said: "The fighters of the Freedom Front all live at the bottom of society and have no way out. If we say they are aware, they may not have much. Gao, the only redeeming quality is that they are not afraid of death. They also know the nation and dignity. However, we finally found that this kind of thinking has changed more and more in hundreds of years of struggle."

The fat man nodded and continued: "Yes, it has become a kind of narrow ultra-nationalism. In essence, it is no different from those who formulated the hierarchical system. The difference is that the so-called lower ethnic groups have become higher. nation, and then trample the dignity of other nations underfoot." He looked at the three leaders and said without hesitation: "So, such warriors are not real warriors, what they rely on is not justice, but a kind of Paranoid, they fought and died on the battlefield one after another, but they did not win, why?"

Seeing that the three leaders were silent, Tian Xingjian said in a deep voice: "Because they can't control it, because they are lax, and because of their paranoia! They dare to die with the enemy in their arms. They can go crazy and crazy on the battlefield, but they just can't listen." Entering the command, fighting randomly, showing blood, showing a moment of bravery, breaking jars and smashing, a hundred deaths!"

The fat man was as confident as a crow laughing pig, but he didn't know that when he was extremely frightened, he broke jars and smashed jars, went crazy and went crazy, but he only obeyed orders and knew how to save his life.

Oberto slapped his thigh and agreed: "Yes! What you said really speaks to my heart. I have never understood why these guys who are not afraid of death can't win the battle. Why can't they win the battle only under the leadership of Aljafar? It is for these reasons that we can win! They are too fierce! The only one who can make them work together and obey orders completely is Aljafar!"

Oberto was a little excited. He took a sip of tea and said to the fat man: "Do you know, what did I think when you scolded them just now? My thoughts were one word, yes! My mood was two words, happy! I didn't understand why I thought so at the time, but now I understand, three words, I feel bad! I would rather they be scolded by you than see them die in vain!"

He used two or three characters in each word, which made Tian Xingjian couldn't help but laugh. He felt that Oberto had a straightforward personality, was straightforward and cute, and had quite a bit of the temperament of a leader who leads troops into battle.

The fat man smiled and said: "No one can tell what this war will be like, but I hope that when the Federation does not gain absolute advantage, the most important thing is to be patient and preserve the strength of the Freedom Front. If necessary, I will come here in person. However, general resistance activities should be reduced as much as possible. First, unify everyone's ideas. Use good steel on the blade and fight in a mess. It will not fundamentally shake the Gacharin Empire royal family." He turned his head and looked at the playground. The freedom fighter on the board said: "I think they should also understand these truths. If I were the enemy, their bloody fighting methods would only make their sacrifices in vain. Victory by any means is the most important, and cunning is also Well, no matter how deceptive they are, they’d better learn this way of fighting from now on. Whoever is the most insidious, despicable and shameless to the enemy will be the best warrior!”

"Protect yourself and attack the enemy! These are the eight words, the most basic one, obey orders, fight when necessary, and run away when not necessary. War does not happen overnight." Seeing that the time is almost up, he came to hang out. A fat man who looked familiar but made everyone hate him stood up to say goodbye.

When the three guides walked him across the playground, what they saw was a neat phalanx of freedom fighters.

Back in the dormitory, the fat man took a shower and turned on the TV. Gacharin's news organizations were all controlled by the royal family. Although this country was not a dictatorship, it was still relatively strict about the concentration of power. Basically, the law of press freedom was This is not feasible in this country. The Information Administration will strictly censor news, especially when it comes to the royal family’s face and political trends. Sometimes, it has to be said that news control has great benefits in stabilizing the situation.

Now, the war situation in the Galileo Galaxy is being broadcast on the news. The news commentator is frothing at the mouth and shouting under the guidance of the host: "...The Gacharin Imperial Army is gaining victory after victory, and the corrupt and fallen Federation is fundamentally They will be driven out of the Galileo galaxy soon, and the great Gacharin royal family and the righteous Gacharin people will eventually achieve a glorious victory."

Fatty looked at the battle scenes on the news and laughed while listening to the commentators' righteous words. As one of the people who knows this war best, Fatty is very familiar with the situation on both sides. It should be Gacharin who is gritting his teeth and supporting him now. The Empire, their logistics and military strength have been stretched by the powerful power that the Federation has gradually exerted. Looking at the lies in the news, Fatty felt that sometimes the news is also a wonderful entertainment. If these things are recorded and compared after the war, , it will probably make many people laugh out loud.

The fat man was naked in his underwear and was wiping his hair with a towel. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. This bitch had no sense of being a civilized person. He opened the door while watching TV, turned around and saw stupidly He asked quietly: "What's the matter?" Standing at the door was the beautiful front desk lady.

Christina looked seriously at the fat man in front of her who was naked and wearing only a pair of underpants. He looked at her innocently, not surprised or surprised. Until the fat man's face became a little impatient, Christina was finally sure. , this guy didn't have the slightest hint of shame, she smiled calmly and said: "Mr. Zhang, the technical department invites you to come over. There is a question that I would like to discuss with you."

"Oh..." The fat man nodded and said, "I'll be there right away." Christina smiled slightly, nodded and turned to leave. The fat man was about to enter the room when he suddenly remembered something and shouted to Kristina. Tina shouted: "Hey, wait for me, I can't find the way to the technical department."

Christina turned around with a headache and looked at the fat man standing naked and jumping in the middle of the aisle. She nodded and stood there waiting quietly. She felt that her smile seemed a little stiff.

Watching the fat man rush back into the room, only a few seconds later, Christina finally realized that it was a mistake to come to this guy in person.

The fat man bit his pants and got dressed while closing the door. His bare thighs were exposed, but he put on leather shoes on his feet. He put on his clothes and walked towards Christina, jumping He quickly put his pants on his feet, and when he reached Christina, he finally put them on, fastened his belt generously in front of Christina, and pulled up his crotch. The fat man said to Christina with a simple and bright smile: "Okay, let's go. Your face seems a little pale. Are you sick?"

After taking the fat man to the technical department, Christina turned around and walked into the observation room on top of the technical research room through another small door.

Leaning against the door and rubbing her stiff face, Christina was a little bit dumbfounded. Growing up, this mechanic named Zhang Yuan was the first guy who almost drove her crazy. His behavior was completely He is a typical gangster, nymphomaniac and exhibitionist, but the honest look on his face seems to be telling himself that he is a piece of rough jade, completely ignorant of secular etiquette, and his actions are absolutely unintentional and innocent.

"The gangster will pretend to be stupid, and the beautiful woman will act as a steed, so she can... drive!" The honest bitch walked into the technical department with a smile.

The technical department is a huge circular room with two workbenches and a total of eight maintenance stations. In the maintenance station, which is like a huge circular hole, there are mechas waiting for troubleshooting hanging on the hooks of the conveyors. These mechas A was sent to the technical department because of difficult problems. When the fat man came in, the six workbenches of the 2a maintenance station on the second maintenance station that relied on robotic arms were already crowded with mechanics from the technical department, and they were discussing something intensely.

Seeing Tian Xingjian enter the door, Dale, the director of the technical department, waved to him and shouted: "Zhang, come here."

The fat man walked up to the maintenance station. Before walking up the stairs leading to the workbench on the robotic arm, he looked into the maintenance station and couldn't help but gasped. Hanging on the conveyor hook, it was a [King Kong ] Military mecha, Fatty walked to the workbench as if nothing had happened, but his heart was in turmoil: "How come the [Mythical] Legion's special mecha appears here?"

Walking up to the workbench, the fat man asked Dell doubtfully: "What type of mecha is this? Why have you never seen it before?" Dell smiled bitterly: "Don't say you haven't seen it before, neither of us have seen it. This is special. A model of military mecha." The fat man was startled and said quickly: "I'd better avoid touching these confidential things, otherwise I'll have to report them every time I go out on the street." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Dale grabbed him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the military mechas sent to us are not just one or two. The Paladin Company is not an ordinary maintenance company," he said with a smug expression. He raised his eyebrows and continued: "As long as the problem can be found out, the military department will also provide major rewards."

The fat man habitually looked at his work computer and found that there was nothing on it. With a silly and confused expression on his face, Dell couldn't help laughing and said: "This mecha can't have any records." Seeing the fat man's sudden realization, Seemingly, Dale continued: "The military sent this mecha for us to freely modify. Not only us, but two other civilian maintenance companies also received this mecha."

"Free modification?" Fatty asked curiously: "Military mechas should have a dedicated research and development department. Why bother sending them to us? Aren't you afraid of leaking secrets?" Dell said with a smile: "What do you think? This mecha Although it is a special model, I heard that the confidentiality level has been lowered from S-level to C-level. The research and development department is developing newer mechas and has no time at all." He smiled arrogantly and continued: "Don't talk about C-level mechas. We have also come into contact with even A-level mechas. This kind of mecha has been captured by the enemy and has no confidentiality value. It was sent here to improve its performance through our modification experience. It is the equipment for the new generation of the empire's standard mecha. Choose one of the mechas.”

Fatty knew in his heart that this kind of special mecha, which was originally a [Myth] Legion, had been eliminated due to performance and confidentiality reasons. He did not expect that the two [King Kong] he captured at the time actually led to the update of a new generation of mechas. , however, [King Kong] is an excellent mecha after all. Its elimination proves that the [Myth] Legion has more advanced mechas. You must know that [King Kong] is also equipped in small quantities in the Myth Legion. Most of them It's still a lower level [Demon Tiger].

Placing the task of improving performance on private maintenance companies can only explain two problems. First, the technological strength and mecha professional talent pool of the Gacharin Empire are far lower than those of the Federation, and they are already stretched thin; second, this company The Paladin Company is not that simple as Russell's intelligence said. It is one of the private mecha maintenance companies closest to the core of the Gacharin Empire. .

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