Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 3 Layout

The ground war on the planet Lucerne is in full swing. With the support of strong logistical forces, the Leray Federation uses the Milok Twin Stars as its forward base and invests a total of fifty-one fully mechanized infantry divisions and thirty-six armored divisions, with a total strength of one hundred and eighty-eighth. More than 100,000 people occupy most of the western hemisphere of Lucerne and the Xiangshan line in the eastern hemisphere. Four army groups with one million people launched attacks on Mount Amayo, Donggu City, the Luofengshan Pass of the Lazi Defense Line and the City of Rotsk respectively.

The Lach Defense Line was a defense system for the western region established by the Gacharin Empire at the beginning of its development. After the successful landing of the Leray Federation, the Gacharin Imperial Army stationed in the west of Lucerne came under the command of Liebgot. With the active withdrawal, this defense line has been strengthened again. A total of 23 infantry divisions and 16 armored divisions are deployed on this three-dimensional defense line of only more than 400 kilometers. Behind the defense line, there are hundreds of missile bases. and land-based aviation bases, firmly guarding the door to the eastern depths. The city of Rotsk is a small city on the side of this defense line, with a population of less than three million people. It is the only way to bypass the Lazi defense line and avoid heavy troops. However, this place has also become a heavily guarded military fortress, and the defense system is even more complete and stronger than the Lazi defense line.

The Leray Federal Lucerne Western Front chose to use the 3rd Army's 16 infantry divisions and 10 armored divisions to storm the Luofengshan Pass line of the Lacy defense line, while the 4th Army's eight infantry divisions and three armored divisions were deployed in Rotsk. The southern section of the Lazi defense line fluctuated between attacks and breaks, and the intention of containment was obvious.

Mount Armayo and Donggu City in the east have become the top priority of the entire Lucerne planet battle. Eighty percent of the Leray Federation's transportation capacity has been invested here, and a steady stream of subsequent troops are deployed to support the attack on Arma. The first group army, which is about to maneuver, and the second group army, which is advancing directly towards Donggu City, intend to open this passage to Wari city. As soon as this passage is opened, the vast eastern Lavos plain will become the Lere federal army. To the southwest, it threatened Rotesk, and to the northwest, it penetrated into the hinterland of Gacharin's occupied area, galloping freely, dividing the Gacharin defense system scattered in the east into countless small pieces and eating them one by one.

The Gacharin Imperial Army was not to be outdone. While the Federation launched its offensive, it relied on its solid defense system to consume the Federation's effective strength, and used the advantages of the land-based air force to carry out uninterrupted small-scale airdrop counterattacks. In this road woven by the air force, On the large network, small units of the Gacharin Empire Army continued to attack. Often, before the Federation had time to consolidate the area captured in the previous hour, the Gacharin Empire's air force began to airdrop, establishing a blockade at the rear of the area and cooperating with the front. The troops counterattacked. The two sides often got into chaos, with thousands of soldiers disrupting the organization and strangled each other in a fighting area of ​​dozens of square kilometers.

This is Lucerne in the year 2061 of the new AD. At the same time, many major events have occurred in human society. In October, Emperor Kerman of the Binart Empire passed away, and Crown Prince William ascended the throne and became the new emperor. At the beginning of his accession to the throne, this ambitious former highly talented student of the First Military Academy issued a series of orders to prepare for war and began to transform the domestic economy into a wartime economy.

The actions of the Binart Empire caused a chain reaction throughout human society. As a military alliance dominated by an imperial country, the Western Union is organizationally closer and more united than the Fifa League, which is dominated by democratic federal countries. Almost in Binart, At the same time that the Erte Empire began to prepare for war, these countries also began to take similar actions.

In view of this, the Fiji Alliance countries began to base their military policy on winning three local defensive wars within their territory at the same time. Xiang Strike First and Be Strong is based on ensuring long-distance delivery and has the ability to transform into a full-scale war involving nationwide mobilization. Maintaining force as a deterrent has become the top priority for all countries. Everyone knows that this war is inevitable, and all that is needed now is just a fuse.

The superpowers cannot move, and the frictions between several major powers are still limited to local areas. No one dares to blatantly provoke a large-scale war. As the confrontation between the two sides becomes more and more tense, the friction between the major powers in the two camps becomes more and more intense. As I get smaller and smaller, I seem to be afraid that the first shot of the world war will be fired because of me. In October of this year, there was only one life-and-death war, and that was the war between the Leray Democratic Federation and the Gacharin Empire. Both sides have put all their efforts into the Galileo Galaxy. The human society is paying more and more attention to this place. At the Supreme Council of Humanity, where the West York and Fifa League are confronting each other, there are demands for the Leray Federation to cease military operations and for the Gacharin Empire to unconditionally withdraw from the Galileo Galaxy and accept sanctions. The quarrel became more and more intense.

And all military strategists, media, military academies, and even topics on the streets are attracted by the war between these two small countries. The names of rising military stars who emerged in this war and famous military generals on both sides began to become familiar to people. Among them are General Mikhailovich, Commander-in-Chief of the Supreme Command of the Leray Federation, General Bernadotte, Commander-in-Chief of the Frontline Command, Lieutenant General Brown of the Fourth Fleet, and Lieutenant General Snyder of the First Fleet. , the temporary military advisor of the Gacharin Empire - General Liebgot of the Naga Federation, General Reinhardt of the Mythical Legion, General Heiliger, who is famous for his bravery in combat, and so on.

And General Russell, the former first general of Gacharin's military and now the military adviser to the Leray Federation, has become the focus of the news!

When the ground war on the planet Lucerne entered its third month, Russell issued a statement, publicly admitting for the first time that he was leading the Freedom Front resistance movement. In the statement, he enumerated the tragedies caused by the racial hierarchy. , with fierce words and severe condemnation of this crime of blatant trampling on civilization in the form of a legal system. Since the bourgeois revolution on ancient earth, it is obviously a retrogression of the times for human society to have such a country that divides national classes again after thousands of years! In the statement, Russell called on all resisters of the Gacharin Empire to unite and overthrow the Morton family.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! With the release of Russell's statement, the federal countries immediately stood on the moral high ground and criticized several imperial countries with racial systems. The lower-class races living in these federal countries took to the streets to express solidarity with their compatriots who were still oppressed in imperial countries. In Gacharin, a series of attacks shocked the entire Gacharin ruling class. The Freedom Front united with some small resistance groups to launch four sneak attacks targeting energy, transportation, military institutions, and government institutions! The target was clear and the action was decisive. All four sneak attacks were successful, but only three freedom fighters were killed, and none were captured. .

The four sneak attacks occurred on four planets in the Little Pyrenees star field, two in a group, and broke out at the same time. Both the precise timing and the thorough planning are astonishing. What's more important is that these four sneak attacks did not involve large-scale firefights, but were carried out by small teams! This means that as long as the Freedom Front is willing, it can launch large-scale multi-target attacks at any time!

The entire Gacharin Empire was completely confused by these four attacks. Various rumors began to circulate in the streets and alleys. No one knew where the next attack would be. The army and local security forces used their maximum strength to defend. However, How can we prevent the panic among the public and the people?


Tian Xingjian sat leisurely in his seat in the technical department, flipping through the Gacharin Empire's "Glory Times". This is a mainstream media controlled by the Information Administration under Gacharin's propaganda department. It is full of articles praising virtues and virtues, and typically reports good news but not bad news. However, some clues can still be seen between the lines of some critical news.

For example, the front page of this newspaper reported the Freedom Front's attack on the One Plus Heavy Energy Compression Plant. The entire article condemned the Freedom Front's shameless destruction of the great empire and boasted about how the army crushed the enemy's sabotage actions. . However, Tian Xingjian easily obtained the information he wanted to know. In this attack, the newspaper said that more than ten freedom fighters were killed. Fatty estimated that this number had to be divided by ten. The newspaper said that only one workshop and seven energy tanks were damaged. Fatty analyzed that such damage was at least irreparable and complete, and the amount of damage had to be multiplied by five times the amount published in the article.

Journalists in the Gacharin Empire are indeed very rigorous. They are even so rigorous that they have a fixed pattern when they commit fraud. Tian Xingjian finds it funny every time he compares the newspaper's data with the data secretly transmitted to him by the Freedom Front.

Fatty was very satisfied with this operation of the Freedom Front. These guys completely implemented his teachings. Both the formulation and implementation of the plan were flawless and shocking. This attack only used a total of eight teams and less than 200 people. The ability to achieve such results is enough to show that the Freedom Front has fully understood and mastered the code of raids behind enemy lines. Fight if you can, and run if you can't. The most important thing to consider before making a plan is not the means to destroy the target, but how to escape.

"Rules for Raid Behind Enemy Lines" is a book that collects Fatty's numerous experiences. It is more of an escape code than a raid code. What this code teaches is to teach people how to harass and tease others and then run away quickly. It's like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman on the street. If he doesn't use his brain and runs up to hug her and have sex with her, he will naturally be beaten to death immediately. However, if you are a pervert who has learned the rules of raiding behind enemy lines, you will have the experience to plan in advance what kind of pleasure you want to have, and then choose several escape routes before taking action. If you want to kiss someone on the mouth, then of course you have to face him head-on. If you want to be addicted to hands, the hug from behind will be more tactile. If you want to have sex, then you are a rapist. Perverts don’t do such unskilled work.

The mission assigned by Russell has been laid out, George has been put on the line, and Bruce has also started investigating himself. The Mythical Legion has also begun running around under the baton. The rest is to see how to execute it. . Fatty has never been to the prison before. It will be the biggest battle behind enemy lines and the last battle of his mission!

The fat man put down the newspaper and stretched his body in an inconspicuous manner, causing Christina across from him to roll his eyes. The fat man smiled naively and said, "His Royal Highness George is coming again today, why don't you run away?"

Christina was startled, looked at the time, and while hurriedly packing her things, she said harshly to the fat man: "Damn it, fat man, it's all your fault. George now treats this place as his office! Who told you The one who provoked this guy?!"

The fat man shook his head in confusion and sighed: "His Royal Highness George is the best among people in terms of character, knowledge, and cultivation. It is a blessing for me to make friends with him and learn something. I really don't understand why His Highness is so interested in You are so good, but you just want to avoid him? Could it be..." The fat man's eyes were very suspicious, "Your sexual orientation is..."

"Bang!" A book flew into the fat man's face.

The fat man said nothing as he watched Christina continue to pack her things. What she just packed was books, and now, the woman was stuffing a fruit knife into the small bag. Life is precious, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, fat man, look away.

Christina ran away quickly, and the fat man smiled slightly. Sometimes, it is easier for men to talk to each other and friendship grows faster without a woman. Between men, they will always call each other brothers and pat their chests to show their loyalty after three glasses of wine. However, when there are women, such behavior is mostly done to women. Therefore, when there are no women, we should find a way to let them run away on their own. In the days to come, I and George will not be fair-weather friends. What I need in the future is a friendship that George can't let go of!

Since the dance, George has become Liu Bei who visits the thatched cottage three times. Originally, a researcher at the peripheral laboratory of the Mythical Legion was not worth George's efforts. However, after the fat man won George's favor by flattering him at the ball, he also stole the show at the following ball. His gestures were full of etiquette. As well as the wonderful dance moves, the nobles who are keen on dancing are surprised and envied. Regardless of whether this guy is a noble or not, he has conquered many noble gentlemen and ladies who regard dancing as the first pleasure in life. His performance at the ball, He looks more noble, chic and orthodox than many nobles.

George felt that spending some time with such an interesting talent was not cheap. In addition, Fatty is not only Christina's friend, but also a master of mechanical modification, and he is also highly regarded by Reinhardt in the Mythical Legion. No one knows better than George what kind of status the newly established Mecha Research Laboratory holds in Reinhardt's mind. The leader of the Mythical Legion, who respects scientists to the point of paranoia, will seriously consider every suggestion from the top scientists in the laboratory!

Talent is rare, so George spends a lot of time to win over and corrupt the fat man. Especially after he and Fatty attended several dance parties held by friends, Fatty had become a prom expert. Many nobles who were interested in the orthodox etiquette and dazzling dance moves shown by the fat man at the ball tried to make friends with him.

George was very happy that the person he had made friends with was recognized by most of the nobles. He didn't know that all of this was actually caused by himself. The fat man just used some small tricks to arouse his interest. These nobles The reason why they surrendered after all was because George and Fatty were inseparable, so they made a small investment in the fox next to the tiger.

Of course, there are many people with bad intentions among them, and Fatty has begun to get involved in the vortex of the battle for the successor to the Gacharin royal family. Especially recently, Fatty could almost feel that no matter where he went, there would be a few pairs of eyes staring at him. Who else could be spying on an ordinary researcher besides Bruce?

The fat man looked at the time, pulled up a drawing from the computer, and then placed a lot of data messily on the desktop. He held one of them in his hand and was ready. He wanted George to push it away. When I opened the door of my office, I saw a scientist who was angry about the flaws in the new mecha designed by the rookies in the core research laboratory of the Mythical Legion.

Only by entering the core laboratory, becoming the No. 1 core of the laboratory step by step, and becoming the leader in mecha development can we ensure our own safety! Only in this way can it reduce the chance of George treating himself as an abandoned son at a critical moment, and make Reinhardt willing to offend anyone for his own sake.

After all, the people he was about to offend were the two princes of the Gacharin royal family. .

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