Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 19 Meeting

On the seventh day after entering the prison, after work was over, Tian Xingjian was taken into the management room by a guard in his forties.

In the management room, besides Elliot, there were two prisoners wearing prison uniforms. The fat man only glanced at these two people and knew their identities. The information Russell gave was very clear. One of the two prisoners who had the ability to have a guard outside to help guard the door was the brother of the current Emperor James, the Imperial Prince Sidney. This short, thin but energetic old man was not the only member of the Morton family to enter Abnosk Prison with the title of prince. Before him, at least four princes died of old age in Abnosk Prison.

The other tall man in his fifties was the former Army General Gold who single-handedly sent Russell to the military headquarters. He was arrested on suspicion of an assassination attempt on Emperor James. Since he was once the best friend of the Imperial Prince Sidney, James sent the military authority to Abnosk Prison to play chess with Sidney without even looking at the evidence.

Obviously, they are representatives of the nobility and the military. Not only are these two good friends, but they also lead the two forces of the nobility and the military in the prison. Therefore, the two forces are currently united unprecedentedly. The fat man smiled slightly. At least, the two forces would be united before the prison escape. However, in this betrayal country, it was hard to say anything. He stretched out his hand to shake hands with the two of them and sat down calmly.

Sidney looked carefully at the fat, unattractive man in front of him, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. This old man, who was originally a very wealthy man, had been in prison for a long time, and finally he was stripped of all disguises. He pinned his last hope on this operation, but he never expected that the person sent to assist him in his escape would be such a white and noisy fat man.

Gold looked at the fat man thoughtfully, and his military intuition made him realize that the seemingly harmless fat man in front of him was not as simple as his wretched appearance.

There was silence in the room, no one spoke, not even simple greetings. The fat man sat quietly on the chair and looked at Sidney and Gold. Sidney finally couldn't bear this atmosphere and said, "Why don't you speak?"

The fat man smiled slightly and said, "Because I want to know how strong your desire is to leave here."

Sidney said without hesitation: "Every day, every minute, every second!"

The fat man smiled and said: "But you just wasted three minutes and five seconds. It seems that you don't trust us very much... No, to be precise, you have doubts about my ability. You are hesitating and wavering, Can’t make up my mind.”

Gold said: "Mr. Zhang, you know, after all, this is the first time we meet, so we have to be cautious."

The fat man nodded slightly and said, "I understand. However, since I appear in front of you, it means that the work outside has been done, and what we need to complete this operation is unreserved trust and full cooperation!" He shrugged and smiled slightly: "What I don't understand is, even if the plan fails, what else can you lose? Lives?..."

Seeing that Sidney and Gold were silent, the fat man stood up slowly: "If you don't have the consciousness of a narrow escape, or feel that it is necessary to stay here for the rest of your life, you will bet on your life. If you have any doubts about exchanging freedom, I think our conversation can end here, and my trip is in vain."

Sidney waved his hand, motioning for the fat man to sit down, and sighed: "Perhaps, after staying in this prison for a long time, the edges and sharpness of the body have been smoothed away. Some ideas will change unknowingly. You You're right, we really have nothing to lose. A foolproof plan is inherently impossible, and such an action requires taking huge risks." He and Gold looked at each other, and smiled at the fat man: "Lasse If we don’t trust the people sent by General Er, no one can trust us anymore. Therefore, from today on, we will give you complete and unreserved trust, and all our actions will follow your command. I hope, there will be One day, I can personally cook a few of my specialty dishes for you outside."

The fat man is Wei Wei, Russell's information is very accurate, and Sidney's biggest hobby is cooking.


In December of 2061, no matter how turbulent the international situation was, and no matter how brutal the killings on the battlefield, Abnosk Prison remained as peaceful as usual. Only the gradually increasing number of guards showed that the situation in Tanvir was not peaceful.

Fatty lived a very comfortable life in prison for more than a month. Except that he had little freedom and had to get up early to go to work every day, which made people unhappy, the rest of his life was enjoyable. Rex, who has recovered his body, is no longer the overlord of the D2 cell. Now Rex is very honest and obedient in front of the fat man. The thieves all thought that it was because of the fat man's beating, but only the fat man knew that this guy Because he refused to recall the pain, he was affected by his own instructions rooted in his subconscious.

The doctor, Tou'er and others are no longer worried. They found that as long as the fat man was not stimulated, he was a completely non-threatening person. However, this guy was a bit shameless. He had been stealing meat from other people's rice bowls for a long time, and he called it sharing the blessings. If someone went to slap him, When it comes to food, you can only take the trouble. This guy always stuffs good things into his stomach first, and then goes around shamelessly committing crimes. Even so, Tou'er and others feel that life is much better now than when Rex ate the essence of five meals by himself.

For people in trouble, sometimes only a small amount of kindness is needed to gain their gratitude. As time goes by, Dr. Tou'er and other prisoners who have been oppressed and bullied by Rex for a long time gradually develop a feeling for Fatty. Believe me, as the de facto boss in the cell, Fatty didn't bully anyone. Even if he stole a piece of meat from someone else's rice bowl, he would give it a mean smile. For vulnerable people at the bottom of prisons like Tou'er and Doctor, gaining respect and living a relaxed life is what they dream of!

And the consequences of this kind of trust were that the fat man learned all of Tou'er's unique skills.

Tou'er originally lived on the streets of Tanvir and was the leader of a thieves organization. He was young but very senior. His superb stealing skills are even more superb. He once made a bet with someone to compete in stealing skills. In the end, they hooked up a group of tourists. When the thieves walked away, they passed by more than 20 people and created a small chaos to steal thirteen After collecting his wallet, the person who bet with him automatically gave up. This experience was Tao'er's most bragging memory, and everyone in the cell had heard him tell it several times. .

And Tou'er's craftsmanship is indeed as he said, as long as he wants to, he can steal it! Not to mention that his dexterous hands seemed to drop a piece of fluff when he got into someone else's pocket. The important thing is that this guy has too much experience in stealing things. A long life of stealing has given Thief a pair of vicious eyes. He can tell where a person's wallet is in an instant, and he can also accurately tell whether the jewelry the person is wearing is valuable. When and where to start, what kind of opportunity to create, how to change the target after the attack, and how to escape can be written into a textbook.

Now, it's all the fat man's fault.

It only took half a month for Tao'er to admit that this fat man was a born thief. His honest expression and dexterous movements were two extremes from his wretched personality and fat figure. And his learning ability is so amazing. Touan'er just started, and the fat man can draw inferences from one case to another. Touan'er often sighs, this fat man is actually most suitable for one profession in his life, and that is to be a student! When a student is regarded as a treasure by every teacher, his learning ability can make even the poorest teacher feel like a genius professor.

Later, Tou'er no longer dared to compete with Fatty in skills. When the two of them competed against each other, Tou'er was defeated countless times. It's not that the fat man is much more skilled than the thieves, but that the bitch's expression and his ability to create opportunities are too strong. Coupled with his shameless and extremely despicable actions, he is simply invincible.

The Doctor is Thief's partner. In this era, banknotes have long since withdrawn from the stage of history. Modern people use credit cards that have gone through hundreds of serial encryptions, and the Doctor is an expert in cracking credit cards. This guy was originally a senior programmer, and in order to commit crimes, he also learned biosimulation and other technologies. As long as the thief steals the bank card, he can use the dander collector in his hand to gently pick up a little of the other party's hair or dander. , the doctor can completely simulate the other party's DNA and deceive the recognition system through the program.

The reason why these two unlucky guys were thrown into Abnosk Prison was because they stole something they shouldn't have stolen. It was also a card. The doctor's curiosity hurt them. Just as the doctor inserted the card into the computer and cracked the password When he was about to read the content, he was captured by the special police descending from the sky. They were sentenced to one hundred and twenty years in prison for stealing state secrets and other crimes such as theft. .

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