Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 31 Betrayal (11)

Listening to the faint sounds of riots in the prison cell, Bruce smiled slightly. When he strode into the central control room of the observation tower, his face was as dark as water.

"At this moment, there will be a riot in the prison. Warden William, I think you owe me an explanation!" Bruce threw the gloves in his hand on the information console in an extremely angry manner, looking very angry and asking for punishment. look.

Warden William, who is now in his sixties and has worked in Abnosk for twenty years, was overwhelmed by the sudden riot in the prison cell. He never imagined that after he announced strict orders and under the threat of being shot on the spot, these prisoners would dare to cause trouble! If something like this happened under James's eyes, if he didn't handle it well, he would be doomed. He didn't dare to look at Bruce, so he just grabbed the communicator and shouted angrily: "Emergency gathering, all guards must collect their weapons immediately!"

Bruce looked at it coldly, snorted, and said coldly: "I will watch the security work outside for you. You'd better bring all your people in to quell this riot. If within half an hour, you If you cannot effectively control your prison, you will explain it to my father yourself when the time comes!"

William avoided Bruce's cold gaze and argued in a panic: "Your Highness Bruce, this is not a riot, it's just a little dispute between the prisoners. Don't worry, they can't cause trouble in the prison cell." What a trick, as soon as the automatic patrol gun is deployed, they have to go back to their cells obediently!"

He angrily kicked a guard who was still standing stupidly next to him, and whispered: "Hurry up and gather!" Then, while walking, he continued to Bruce: "Wait a moment, I will be there soon. Bring the prisoner who caused the commotion to you!" Under Bruce's cold gaze, William, who turned around to go out, almost hit the door frame.

Watching the embarrassed warden go out, Bruce walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the circular control room of the watchtower, looking down like an ant. The guards who gathered urgently from all sides of the prison to the gate of the prison cell made an inconspicuous gesture with his fingers behind his back. The personal guard who had been standing behind him walked out of the control room with understanding.

The guards gathered quickly. After all, when Emperor James was watching the game here, such an accident was enough to make everyone miserable. Amid the hoarse shouts of warden William, and under the leadership of warden Picard, the guards with guns and ammunition opened the door of the prison cell and swarmed in. They made up their minds to teach the prisoners inside who didn't understand the rules and the severity of their actions a lesson they would never forget!

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the spiers of the four watchtowers at the four corners of the prison building, casting a golden light.

In the control room of each watchtower, there are only a few guards responsible for controlling the system. The defense outside the entire prison building has been completely taken over by the special security guards of the Royal Bureau of Investigation.

The few guards left behind looked at the cold eyes of the unfamiliar Investigation Bureau soldiers beside them and felt uncomfortable all over. They suddenly felt a little flustered, and the dusk air made them feel suffocated inexplicably.

When the last guard disappeared through the door of the cell, Bruce looked at the bloody sky outside the window and gently pulled his neck with his hand. Then, several dull gunshots were heard from the four towers at the same time.

Bruce turned around and saw a guard who had been left behind, his eyes wide open, throwing himself in front of the console. Blood slowly flowed down the console, soaking the carpet underfoot into a mass of red blood. He frowned, walked to the console and pressed a green control button.

After watching the heavy steel door of the prison building fall, Bruce slowly walked out of the control room. He looked in the direction of the fighting arena, where was his target. And from now on, behind him, there are no worries.

*************************************************** *****

The commotion in the prison has ceased.

When the alarm bell rang for the first time, Tian Xingjian rushed back to his cell as if his butt was on fire.

Fatty's actions made all the prisoners wake up from their dreams and stopped fighting one after another. If the bell rings for the third time and they have not returned to their cells, automatic patrol guns will kill everyone who stays outside.

After a period of chaos, the prisoners fled back to their cells. Only then did they regain some sense.

The prisoners looked at each other in shock, and in each other's eyes, they found fear! The gradually awakening minds gradually felt scared, and panic spread among them. No matter how ferocious they are among the prisoners, facing the heavily armed guards, they are weaklings who can be slaughtered. Such a riot would definitely attract crazy revenge from the guards, especially at this time, with Emperor James personally visiting Abnosk Prison. Everyone knows what such a riot means!

The fat man rushed into the cell, wrapped the fire breather on the top of the cell with a sheet, and lit it on fire. As the fire alarm sounded, fire sprinklers all over the prison automatically sprayed out water, like rain, dousing everyone, and the prison became even more chaotic. The arsonist took out the disguise of the hole in the corner of the wall, pulled out the wires in the hole, cut the red prison door control wire with a knife, and quickly connected it to a homemade switch.

As the sheet fire was extinguished, the sirens stopped, the water spray gradually died down, and calm returned to the prison. No one noticed that within a few seconds of the fire alarm sounding, the two signal lights, one red and one green, on the cell door lit up at the same time, which meant that the automatic door had sounded an alarm because it had detected a circuit failure. However, it was covered up by the fire alarm, and Fatty took this opportunity to take over the alarm line with the controller.

Rex, Tou'er and others stared at the fat man in shock. They never knew that the fat man in the same cell had made such a hole in the corner of the wall. They also had no idea what this lunatic who dared to touch the prison wires wanted to do. ! They could only watch blankly as the fat man stuck the small iron piece he had prepared on the lock of the cell door, and then roughly opened the sensor of the cell door.

The sensor is connected to the entire prison's control system. Since the alarm line has been cut off, when Tao'er and the doctor trembled as they watched Fatty savagely connect a black box and a game controller to the control system's data line, the alarm stopped. It didn't sound as expected. On the contrary, the doctor found that the black box that looked like a data transducer turned on the green light after a nervous beeping sound. That means that the fat man in front of him has successfully controlled a certain part of the system! .

The bell for winding up the prison soon rang again, and a few minutes later, the cell door slowly closed. The doctor once again discovered that the cell door of cell D2 was not completely closed. The lock was stuck by the small iron piece that Fatty stuck on it, and the alarm also did not sound. The doctor looked at the switch in the corner and vaguely understood.

This fat man had already planned and planned. What did he want to do?

Everything seemed so weird.

Looking at the sneaky fat man holding a game controller with an excited and lewd expression on his face, the doctor felt shuddering.

A minute later, with a creaking sound, the prison door opened, and there was a sound of dense footsteps. Prison guards armed to the teeth were like a group of vicious dogs with red eyes, and they rushed in in long lines. Ground floor lobby.

The guards had been so stimulated by this sudden riot that they lost their minds. Amid Wiliam's roar, they quickly took control of every corridor and staircase. Outside every cell, there was a guard with a gun aimed at him. , as if ready to carry out a massacre at any time!

The fat man was in a daze: "***, why are the guards dispatched en masse this time? Who is so cooperative with me!"

"Very good!" William smiled ferociously, his anger almost igniting his whole body, " dare you!"

The warden, who was destined to be severely punished after this incident, had red eyes and was breathing heavily. The veins on his forehead were bulging and jumping like winding earthworms.

The prison door was closed, and the entire prison fell into a deathly silence, gloomy and bloody.

"I will make you pay the price!" William yelled crazily after a series of deep, low-pitched laughter: "You, you, all of you, must pay the price!" His spirit was obviously trapped. Frantically, his voice became hoarse, "Picard, find the person who is leading the riot, and shoot the other people involved in the riot on the spot!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the prison cell, including the guards, were shocked! At least 70% of the people participated in this riot. William is crazy. He wants to kill everyone here! The hearts of the prisoners sank to the bottom, some lost their minds, and more people became noisy. They banged the cell door desperately and shouted, completely ignoring the guards holding energy guns in front of them, and the entire prison fell into a frantic din. middle.

Picard looked at the increasingly agitated prisoners around him and lowered his voice: "Superintendent, we can't explain it to the superiors! Moreover, how do you ask me to screen them now? No one will admit that they participated in the fight, and we can't help it. Handling so many people at the same time!”

William glared at Picard fiercely and said angrily: "Isn't this reason enough for them to riot together and try to escape from prison? There is no need to screen, the surveillance video will give us the answer. Now, you just need to shoot." !" He looked at the prisoners who were locked behind the cell door like trapped animals, and said with a ferocious face: "What I need is a vivid massacre! I have endured this garbage for twenty years, and now, They ruined my life, and I will ruin theirs, completely!"

"You can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, I was wronged!" A voice sounded, sad and aggrieved. William suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from. A fat man was lying on the door of cell D2, crying and fussing.

The entire prison cell suddenly became quiet, and the prisoners looked at the shameless fat man with some confusion. He was unjustly accused, so who else in this prison was not unjustly accused?

William sneered: "Look, someone actually dares to accuse me of killing innocent people." He stared at Picard intently, "Execute my orders, now!"

Picard raised his hand and said loudly: "All guards, listen to my" The moment his hand suddenly waved downward, gunshots rang out densely, like a symphony of death. , the entire prison turned into a bloody hell. Blood splashed along with the torn human body, and desperate howls echoed in the closed prison cell.

The first ones to be killed were not the fat man, but William and Piccard. Their bodies were torn into pieces by the dense energy bullets of more than a dozen automatic patrol guns. Then, hundreds of them followed the mechanical arms up and down. The hovering automatic patrol guns opened fire at the same time. No one could survive the bullet net that spread across every corner outside the prison building. The guards fell into a pool of blood without any reaction at all.

Massacre, this is real massacre.

The gunfire only lasted less than ten seconds, and the entire corridor and stairs of the prison cell were already littered with the corpses of guards.

The frightened prisoners stared blankly at what was happening in front of them, and they still maintained their hiding posture. What happened in front of them made them unable to believe their eyes. The guards who tried to murder them actually fell under the muzzle of the automatic energy gun at the last moment.

The doctor stared at the fat man blankly. He could not control his trembling body. He could see everything too clearly.

At the same time as Picard gave the order, the fat man pressed the start button of the game controller, and then the automatic energy gun fired. The mechanical killers flying up and down with death flames spitting out from the muzzle seemed to be pulled by an invisible line. This line is between Fatty's nimble fingers, and no one can avoid those devilish automatic killers.

When the fat man turned off the handle switch, the gunfire stopped.

All this was done by this fat man. He turned his hand into clouds and turned into rain. With a game controller, it was like playing a real game. He killed hundreds of people!

There was dead silence in the prison cell, and the doctor could clearly hear the sound of his teeth clashing as he trembled.

He knew that his judgment was correct.

Because, the fat man suddenly opened the cell door, looked around and walked out. .

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