Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 35 The End of Betrayal

When the royal transport ship slowly landed on the playground to the north of the prison building, the five hundred prisoners lined up neatly could no longer remain calm. This transport ship with a golden background and blue and white stripes is instantly recognizable as a royal ship. Except for the Gacharin royal family, no one dares to use such a painting!

The prisoners did not understand why those nobles who were destined to enjoy glory and wealth from birth, to have the most luxurious flying cars, the most beautiful women, and the most luxurious life, would launch a coup. However, this cognitive barrier does not prevent them from making judgments that are favorable to them!

My group of prisoners, some of whom were sentenced to decades or even centuries of imprisonment, would never have the chance to leave this prison, but suddenly, an opportunity appeared in front of them.

Emperor Gacharin, the aloof ruler who controlled the life and death of everyone in the Gacharin Empire, was actually attacked by the coup d'etat right next to him. Even in their dreams, no one would have thought that one day Emperor Gacharin would need his help.

What kind of opportunity is this?

A chance to go from certain death to being pardoned, and even getting a fortune after a riot in prison!

How many of the thousands of prisoners would turn down such an opportunity? no one knows.

What we know is that within minutes of Fatty proposing the plan, at least five hundred people accepted the instigation of the undercover agent who called himself the Mythical Legion in prison without hesitation. They picked up the distributed energy grabs and prepared to use their own He is going to gamble with his life of hundreds of years in prison.

Gambling, whether it's money or life, is these people's favorite entertainment!

Not every prisoner can get such an opportunity!

After excluding those that had been damaged and disassembled, there were only five hundred prison guards' energy guns left. Only the strongest, most ferocious, and longest-serving prisoners were eligible for this opportunity.

You can't talk, you can't make noise, you can't hesitate, you can't retreat, you can't run away. These are the limitations of this opportunity! Although every prisoner had doubts about those soldiers who were wearing green unmarked uniforms and wearing hoods with only one pair of eyes exposed, no one had the chance to ask questions. They didn't even have time to think. With ceaseless incitement and drive, he roared and rushed towards the investigation bureau's defense line.

They first occupied the two watchtowers in the east and south. The remaining soldiers stationed by Bruce on the towers were quickly eliminated. These two small battles made the prisoners' emotions even higher and allowed the temporary group to form a new team. The team has a little experience in cooperation.

Gacharin was a country in a constant state of war, and every adult male without defect was required to serve, and these prisoners were no exception. Ninety percent of them have served in the military, and 40% of these retired soldiers have been on the battlefield.

When the prisoner army, under the command and guidance of Tian Xingjian, crossed into the fighting area between the Investigation Bureau and the fighting field defense force, the entire prison fighting situation immediately changed subtly. Five hundred people may not be able to make the final decision in a battle involving thousands of people, but any neglect of it will have fatal consequences, especially when these five hundred desperadoes attack from behind.

In fact, at this time, both Bruce and Bonnie had put all their strength into the previous battle. On the open ground of the prison, soldiers from both sides fell one after another at an extremely fast speed. There was no concealment or fortification. There's just exposed bodies and ferocious firepower. Like two boxers who never defend, soldiers on both sides are using offense to win for themselves. Only when the enemies fall one by one can you get a chance to survive with fewer and fewer shots.

Therefore, when the prisoners suddenly opened fire on the investigative bureau security forces who were desperately attacking, Bruce was immediately in trouble. The investigative bureau soldiers who had been conducting strong attacks in the open area simply could not maintain the offensive momentum in such a front and rear pincer! Seeing that the soldiers in the center who had broken through at close range lost the follow-up of the troops behind them, Bruce gritted his teeth in hatred.

Since the prisoners can pick up guns and charge, then there must be guards behind them! Sure enough, Bruce soon saw that behind the prisoners, a whole team of prison guards were gathering in the distance. These guards who were imprisoned by him in the prison cell eventually caused him trouble!

Bonnie, on the other hand, was in shock and breathed a sigh of relief. She could hardly hold it in any longer! With only one reinforced battalion of the Army, one company of mythical mechas, and some trembling guards, she was able to hold on until now under the attack from the mercenaries and the Bureau of Investigation. She had done her best.

It seems that the transport ship that landed in a safe zone brought good news!

No matter whether it is the Mythical Legion or the Miracle Legion behind those prisoners and guards, this battle is over!


"Stephen, I think we're in a little trouble!"

Stephen, who was flipping through the battle reports, suddenly looked up. His cousin, Colonel Rhett of the Guards and leader of the Royal Intelligence Department, was standing in front of him with a serious face.

"Oh?" Stephen was a little confused. Judging from the battle report in his hand, this operation was an almost perfect success! The entire situation in Mozic is under his control. So far, nearly 30% of the troops stationed there have laid down their weapons and declared their allegiance.

What trouble will there be at this time? Is it that the mythical army from Buick Blue is back, or is Bruce missing from the prison?

Are these troubles? The Mythical Legion is indeed very powerful, and their combat effectiveness is unrivaled in the entire Gacharin. However, the current Mythical Legion is just an armored division that was crippled in Milok and has not fully recovered. No matter how powerful it is, they only have one division! If this division was still in Tanvir at the beginning of the coup, it might have caused trouble. However, this division is now in Buick Blue!

James, the Iron Bowl ruler of Gacharin, is a little more troublesome, but he has paralyzed Skynet, blocked his communications, and mobilized his right-hand man. He is only one person!

Someone who can be completely wiped out with one bullet!

"The 39th Armored Division reports that two regiments are moving towards the prison. Look at the mechas and signs..." Rhett's tone was a little anxious: "It's the Mythical Legion!"

"Impossible!" Stephen stood up suddenly, "It is absolutely impossible for the Mythical Legion to appear here. If they can appear now, they will definitely not be where the 39th Division is, unless... they have been in Tanville all along! ".

"I know, this doesn't make sense. If they had been in Tanville, they would have taken action long ago and would not have waited until now!" Rhett spoke very quickly. As Stephen's cousin, his father had already connected the entire family with Stephen is tied to the same chariot. Once the coup fails, disaster awaits the entire Howard family. At this critical moment, Rhett felt that he could not keep calm. "The report found that there were some changes in the signs, and the expression of the god... was very kind."

"Kindness?" Stephen felt dizzy in his head, and he seemed to have a strange association with this word.

Rhett frowned and continued: "At least, that's what the report said. Moreover, the other party used all mechas modified from the Army's new generation individual soldier standard mecha [Crazy Dragon]. On the surface, The modification marks are very heavy.”

"Isn't the Mythical Legion equipped with [King Kong]? How can it use the Army's [Crazy Dragon] that has not yet begun to be installed? Moreover, the modification work of these mechas is very complicated. Who can arm two of them outside our sight? Group?" Rhett put down the report in his hand and asked doubtfully

"Yes!" Stephen was stunned for a while, as if he suddenly came back to his senses, "My father, the Royal Logistics Headquarters that he personally controls, plus those retired soldiers of the Mythical Legion who are affiliated with the Logistics Department!"

"Many years ago, when I was a child, I went to the Royal Logistics Headquarters, which didn't need to exist and was only for leisure people. In the conference room there, there was such a sign!" Stephen's face was ashen, "As a child , can clearly distinguish between evil and kindness!"

Rhett suddenly realized that by connecting these conditions, even an idiot could understand what was happening. No wonder the retired soldiers of the Mythical Legion can only enter the Royal Logistics Headquarters and live and work in Tanvir!

"What should we do now?"

"Stop them!" Stephen said decisively: "Immediately order the 108th Armored Division and the 62nd Infantry Division to cooperate with the 39th Division to surround and annihilate this force. They must not be allowed to get close to Abnosk. Order the aviation force, Immediately take our general reserves to airdrop to the prison and order Krachi to have his troops move closer to the prison immediately. Now is the time for him to show his loyalty. If he still allows his troops to stay thirty kilometers away from Abnosk Besides, I will make him understand what the price is!"

Stephen stared at Rhett and said word by word: "There is still no news at this time. Bruce must be in trouble. We must not let that person come out alive!"


Seeing the transport ship George was riding in lose power and fall into the atmosphere, there was no trace of emotion on Reinhardt's face. George's ship did not turn into a ball of fire as imagined, but it was only a matter of time. The atmosphere will soon cause this piece of metal to lose power and fall freely, eventually turning into a ball of fire.

Reinhardt just watched quietly.

It was as if the fatal volley was not an order issued by himself, as if he was just a bystander, forever watching the rise and fall of forces in the empire as an outsider.

How long have you lived like this? Ten years, or fifteen years?

Follow one's will, forever suppress one's ambitions and emotions, forever dress up as a bystander to an empire, forever hide a secret, carry this heavy secret on one's body, and live in pain!

Now, it was his last time to watch as the heir to the throne disappeared before his eyes!

Reinhardt smiled slightly, his smile still as warm as the spring breeze: "My dear brother, that position was originally mine!"

In this world, no one except Emperor James and Reinhardt’s mother knew that Reinhardt was just the product of a woman’s betrayal and a man’s drunken sex!

This most clichéd thing, but the easiest thing to happen among nobles, happened to Reinhardt!

He was so arrogant that he would never forget the day when he knew the truth!

He would rather be the son of a commoner than the illegitimate son of an emperor who could marry eight wives.

It turns out that the reason why he rose to become the supreme commander of the Mythical Legion was not because of his wisdom and ability, but more because of his blood relationship with that person. An illegitimate son, used as a covert watchdog to protect the imperial power, is the best choice.

Everyone is jealous of themselves, but who knows the secret behind this? Who knew that he would be jealous of everyone with a normal identity?

I am jealous of George, because this idiot just has some fantasies about rehabilitating Gacharin, but he thinks he is smart. He always likes to dress up as a drunken aristocrat, trying not to arouse others' vigilance. Little did he know that he had no qualifications at all to make people wary, but he was the heir to the throne of Gacharin!

There are also Stephen and Bruce, who are also idiots who like to play tricks. One is complacent about being Liebgot's student and thinks he is the smartest genius in the entire royal family; the other plays low-key all day long and makes himself look sunny. The prince of sports.

But they can be called princes!

And Bonnie, this smart woman, this woman who relied solely on her own ability to become the first female officer of the Mythical Legion, this woman who loved the proud Reinhard so much, she was so jealous!

Why don't you marry her? Why do you always keep aloof from her? The reason is ridiculous, but it's just because this woman is far more qualified and proud than herself!

And his pride was completely stripped away by his identity as an illegitimate son. Is Reinhard who has lost his pride still Reinhard?

The supreme commander of the mythical legion is no longer a reason to be proud. Now, he wants to regain a true pride: that is, to become the greatest emperor of the Gacharin Empire!

George has been turned into ashes; James will be killed in Bruce's attack; also killed at the same time is Bonnie, who has been transferred to only one company, a woman who is truly qualified to be proud.

Their disappearance will pave the way for themselves. Whether in reality or spiritually, no one in this country will know their identity, and no one will be more qualified to be proud than themselves.

Then, on the grounds of counterinsurgency, find and kill Stephen and Bruce, and he will rule the country with a strong posture. I believe that under the new rule, this country will explode with tremendous power and become a great empire in the future games. .

"General, Philip's tracking device has lost contact."

The report of the commander of the second regiment, O'Sullivan, interrupted Reinhardt's contemplation. He raised his head, smiled slightly and said: "Very good, you will personally lead a company of the second regiment to Abnosk immediately. You must ensure that there, Not a single living person.”

"As you command, General!"

Watching his confidant leave, Reinhard felt a little funny. Philip finally gave the signal to take action.

It is a pity that this descendant of the former Nademik dynasty who is hidden in the Gacharin royal family will never know that his ridiculous revenge only fulfilled another member of the Morton family.

Betrayal is just the beginning of another betrayal, it will never end!


Tian Xingjian sat in the control room of the transport ship, crossing his legs and nonchalantly switching the transport ship's holographic scanning system with his fingers.

The prisoners have all attacked, and the freedom fighters who have changed into guard and guard uniforms are also ready. As soon as the Bureau of Investigation security team is defeated, the freedom fighters will quickly turn their guns and seize the opportunity before the defense forces can react. The key position opens the door for the main attack of the Freedom Front.

Suddenly, a picture came into his eyes, and the fat man jumped up suddenly.

On the top floor of the fighting arena, two girls were silently watching the battle in the direction of the prison cell.

"An Lei!"

Fatty almost fainted, why did she appear here?

Almost immediately, Fatty thought of the reason. In this fighting event that only allowed men to participate, An Lei had only one way to sneak in, and that was through her friend and student, the Imperial Princess Susan.

And she came here for only one reason, and that was for herself!

"Report, the mercenaries and the Investigation Bureau suddenly launched a desperate charge. Now, a hole has been torn open in the defense in the southeast of the fighting arena!"

This news left Fatty dumbfounded. .

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