Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 63: Obsessed

Hamilton's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of every citizen of the LeRay Federation. After experiencing a brief period of confusion and fear, the entire federation was boiling!

The indifferent spirit of the Lelei people, the bloody spirit of the Lelei people who fight to save their capital and fight for two to earn one, and the bravery of the Lelei people in the War of Independence, were completely inspired at this moment!

The federal government took great pains to choose this special episode of "Heroes" to declare war. The footage of federal heroes jumping into the abyss under gunfire that was repeatedly shown on TV had a better effect than imagined. The moment Hamilton declared war, no one explored why war came to the Union so quickly, and no one cursed or complained.

Since war has come to the Leray Federation, let it come!

Two years of war are enough to make the backbone of the Leray Federation straighter than before, enough for this peaceful country to forge its iron bones in the blood and smoke of gunpowder! When the disaster really struck, the entire Lelei Federation was like a hedgehog under attack, suddenly shrinking together and tense.

At a time when unity must be achieved, those who were criticizing the president one minute immediately took a firm stance on the federal point of view. Mature politicians, whether in power or in opposition, have given up on the debate about war and war. No one will mention any policy mistakes, and no one will hold people accountable for the outbreak of the war. What people can see is a group of people holding arms and shoulder to shoulder. Men who stand together!

And every soldier recruitment point in the Federation was crowded with enthusiastic young people in an instant.

When answering the recruiting officers' questions about why they joined the army, most of them quoted the closing words of Helen, the flower of the Federation, at the end of the "Heroes" special program, where the [Warcraft] mecha soared into the sky amidst gorgeous artillery fire:

"This is a country of heroes and we will never be conquered."

Tian Xingjian's silly photos appeared on TV. On recruitment posters, patriotic brochures, newspapers and magazines, the words Tian Xingjian have become the spiritual pillar of Lelei people.

Looking at this fat face, many people couldn't believe their eyes.

The researchers in the laboratory were shocked.

The staff of the Military Research Office of the War Department were shocked.

The maintenance camp students at the Garipalan Military Academy were shocked.

Also shocked were Bernadotte's chief confidential secretary Yuna, and many female officers who had heard the rumors and were deeply disgusted by the fat staff officer.

Karl couldn't believe that the fat man who saw through Russell's strategic intentions turned out to be the mysterious federal hero.

An's mother, who had watched Tian Xingjian grow up, couldn't believe that the timid little fat man she knew so well could actually do such an earth-shattering thing.

The person who couldn't believe it the most was Catherine, the beauty in the command department who had challenged the fat man. It turned out that before this fat man squeezed his way among the girls, he had already won two Purple Emblem Medals of Freedom. Before he showed off his special forces skills, he rescued hundreds of federal soldiers from thousands of miles behind enemy lines. After he killed the assassin and molested Prince Gacharin Stephen in a public class, he even went to arrest someone else's father.

And when all the federal people saw the interview, Mei Duo, a nurse at the Central Army Hospital who was curled up on the ground and crying bitterly, Milan who was lost and fainted several times, and federal prisoners of war who were crying, everyone's eyes were blurred by tears.

Continuous battlefield records were played, and on TV, the scene of a lonely [Warcraft] fighting an entire mecha regiment alone made the entire federation, especially the mecha warriors of the federal armored division, feel overwhelmed with emotion.

They swore an oath before setting off: "We will never be conquered!"

In the initial stages of the war, the passionate soldiers of the Federation burst out with unimaginable power.

On March 6, 2062, the Fourth and Ninth Mixed Fleets confronted the Desik Fleet in the public system. They fought to the death against an enemy whose military strength was significantly superior to theirs, and defeated the Desik head-on with a one-to-one battle loss ratio. After defeating the 13th and 14th mixed fleets, they threw away the 6th and 7th Dexik mixed fleets that came to support, and calmly retreated to the central system of the Federation, giving the Dexik Empire a head-on blow.

On March 12, 2062, the Federation's 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 8th fleets, which fought fiercely in the Little Pyrenees system for nearly half a month, defeated Gacharin's local combined fleet and annihilated the Desik Empire's 2nd fleet in an ambush. After part of the Nine Mixed Fleet and most of the escorting Desik supply transport fleet, they retreated to the Galileo system.

On March 15, 2062, before the Desik Empire stormed the Galileo jumping point and the army pressed on the border, the Lucerne Army of the Leray Federation divided into five lines, broke through the Gacharin Army's defense, and tore open a wide area on the Lavos Plain. The gap of fifty kilometers went straight to the city of Wari. While the main force of Gacharin's army was heavily surrounded, the federal peripheral troops used large-scale interspersed maneuvers to separate the imperial troops stationed in the Lavos Plain. The advance was overwhelming.

On March 20, 2062, seeing that Lucerne was beyond redemption, Stephen was forced to announce as the heir to the throne that Gacharin would withdraw from the war. On the same day, the Gacharin Lucerne Front announced that it would lay down its arms and accept the supervision of the Leray Federation.

On March 21, 2062, the twenty military districts of the four planets of the Little Pyrenees and their fleets broke into internal strife and swore allegiance to different camps. The Gacharin Civil War broke out, and the Little Pyrenees became an undefended galaxy. .

On March 24, 2062, the Desik Empire forcibly leased the Gacharin Empire's Buick Blue Planet as an advance base. On the same day, the Desik Empire broke through the Galileo Galaxy space jump point.

On March 29, 2062, the Galileo Galaxy War kicked off. In order to compete for space control, the Desik Empire and the Leray Federation had a total of fourteen space fleets and fought fiercely.

On April 1, 2062, in order to preserve its strength, the Leray Federation was forced to abandon the Galileo system. Under the guidance of Russell, the army began to implement the Lucerne retreat plan.

On the same day, the joint fleets of the Tatanian Commercial Autonomous Alliance and the Puditok Federation attacked the Athena star system in the Thor star field of the Dethic Empire. As a diversion, the members of the Fifa League officially intervened in the war.

On April 10, 2062, the Leray Federation reached a secret agreement with Stephen, forcing James to declare the Reinhardt Armed Forces as traitors and appoint Stephen as the successor to the Gacharin Empire. The Imperial Army in Lucerne was released from custody and returned to the country to join the war. .

On April 15, 2062, the Galileo Space Battle ended. The Dethik Empire barely won the victory with its powerful space fleet, and both sides suffered more than 60% battle losses. After buying enough time for the Lucerne retreat, the Leray Federation fleet retreated into the Newton system. .

The Galileo Galaxy has fallen again.

On April 18, 2062, the border dispute between the Naga Federation and the Lane Republic rapidly intensified, and the two sides declared war. On the same day, the Feiyang Republic passed one hundred and twenty-five proposals in a row to expand its army and prepare for it again.

On April 19, 2062, the Jiepen Empire sent troops to the Columbus System of the LeRai Federation's Baimu Star Area. On the same day, the Salega Federation announced reinforcements to the Columbus System of the LeRai Federation.

On April 25, 2062, the Jeppon Empire broke through the interstellar jump point. The next day, it landed on the Midway star near the jump point. The Leray Federation was attacked from both sides. Congress passed an emergency proposal to stop the consumption of all non-essential supplies. Within one year, the Federation will expand its military by three million and build ten new fleets.

Since then, at 0:00 on January 1, the first year of the new AD, the earth's poles are north and south, from the zero degree line to the east, and along the equator 360 degrees, the southeast corner of the interstellar map of human society has completely changed into The bright red color represents war.

War does not depend on human will. For thousands of years, the contradictions in human society have been accumulating and compressing. Everyone knows that the day they are finally released will be the beginning of disaster, and that will be the beginning of mankind. The end of the world, no one wants to face this day.

Even President Hamilton, who had declared war on thirteen countries, still felt like he was having a nightmare. He couldn't believe that this day had just come.

Now, every day, member states of Western Europe and the Fiji League are declaring war on each other, and human society has fallen into complete chaos. It all seemed to have started when the Gacharin Federation and the Desik Empire launched an attack on the federal fleet in order to prevent Emperor Gacharin from falling into the hands of the Leray Federation, resulting in the death of the Fifa League military observers. of. But in fact, Xiyo has long been determined to win the star field where the Lelei Federation is located.

Human exploration and actions in the universe can never be separated from interstellar jumping points, and these jumping points are the roads that make up the map of the entire universe. A star field without jumping points would take hundreds of years to travel even at the speed of light. , it takes thousands or even tens of thousands of years to pass through, and the interstellar jump point, folding these spaces in half like paper, only takes a few days, a few hours, or even a few minutes.

On the interstellar map, in the intertwined spheres of influence of West York and the Fei League, the Leray Federation, especially the Leray Central Star Region, is like a small hole in the middle of a funnel, dividing West York Binart, Desik, and Naga. The federal way of contacting the great empires in the north, such as Jiepen and Suss, was able to outflank Feiyan, Lane, and the Chakna Republic.

As long as this area is opened up, in terms of overall strategy, Xiyo will be able to completely suppress the Fiji League by relying on its geographical location and its own military advantages. This is why, after seeing Gacharin's failure, the Desik Empire couldn't wait to jump out and join hands with the Naga Federation to drag the entire human society into the war!

They are almost ready, even if they are not completely ready, the federal countries are even less ready! Moreover, as long as the Lere Federation is captured, the geographical advantages and the complementarity of several super countries will be able to launch a superior attack on the Fifa League.

Hamilton sighed. When the war with Gacharin began, he had thought that one day this war might trigger a world war. This was not something he could decide. The Federation could neither surrender to Western Europe nor prevent the war. It is even more impossible to face Gacharin's attack without resisting.

After the Fiyan Alliance is fully mobilized, it will not be easy for Xiyo to take over the Lere Federation in a short period of time. The Feiyang Republic and the Binart Empire are currently desperately gathering troops on the border. It indicates that soon, the main focus of the war will no longer be the four star regions and six star systems of Le Lei and Gacharin!

What Hamilton hopes most now is that the Special Reconnaissance Regiment of the 16th Armored Division of the Marine Corps and the 1st and 2nd Regiments of the Tiger Special Brigade of the 1st Armored Division staying in Mozic can find the federal hero Tian Xingjian. This man has become Le Thunder is the hero of the Federation, and his luck seems to have always been with the Federation. If he is still alive, he may be a shot in the arm for the Federation that is facing enemies from both sides!

*************************************************** *****

Of course the fat man is alive.

At this time, he was blushing and looking at Bonnie with a ferocious expression. In his hand, he was still tightly holding the pieces of clothes torn from Bonnie's body.

Bonnie huddled in the corner in shame, anger and fear, unable to fight back against the fat man who was advancing step by step.

Her clothes had been torn to pieces, and strips were hanging down on her jade-white skin. Her seductive tombs were raised, and under the embrace of her arms, she was shy and half-exposed, trembling. The plump and round buttocks and the slender waist form two devilish curves. The slender and graceful body is mostly exposed. The strips of cloth hanging on the body are more of a temptation than a cover.

The fat man's face was an extremely abnormal red color, his nostrils were breathing heavily, and wild beast-like roars came from his throat. His eyes could no longer see the white of their eyes, and they were covered with bloodshot eyes.

The fat man walked up to Bonnie step by step, and suddenly opened Bonnie's arms, revealing the two red beans beating on her chest. Bonnie's tears finally couldn't help but fall.

Outside the room, the little kid was flying around the world, shouting: "Where's the sedative? Where's the sedative?"

"If Yin and Yang are harmonized, the world will be king." The little kid didn't expect that he would get such a result after incorporating the joy of Tantra and the seventy-two moves of Yin and Yang harmony theory into the last move.

Fatty, you've gone crazy. .

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