Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 33 Tactical Seminar

After the chat, the room full of soldiers in different uniforms sat down neatly and began the analysis meeting. This was the first war situation analysis meeting for teams from different camps gathered under the flag of the Southeast Expeditionary Force of the Fiji League.

This meeting also marked that the Southeast Expeditionary Force had formed a huge group.

The main force of the Space Force. It is composed of two large fleets of Feiyang and two mixed fleets of the Republic of Lane. In total, it has six space carriers, thirty-six giant battleships, eighty medium battleships, and hundreds of cruisers and high-speed assault ships.

After the merger, the Gacharin Original Sixth Fleet and the Petite Pyrenees Regional Fleet, which are affiliated with the Independence Army, have a total of one old aircraft carrier, five large battleships, 12 medium battleships, 81 assault cruisers and Part of the frigate.

According to the plan, the Sixth Fleet and the Petite Pyrenees Regional Fleet will be combined into the Fifth Fleet of the Expeditionary Force, responsible for protecting transportation lines within the system. However, before the end of Mozic's operation against Stephen, they temporarily maintained their original organization and cooperated with the two Feiyang fleets to conduct a space blockade in order to completely control the planet's air superiority.

The central main force of the ground forces is also composed of eighteen elite armored divisions from the two major countries Feiyang and Lane. Since they are fighting far away from the homeland, they need to concentrate on carrying teams with a high combat effectiveness index. Therefore, there is no mechanized infantry establishment.

Among these eighteen armored divisions, twelve belong to the Feyan Republic and six belong to the Lane Republic. The six armored divisions mobilized to Mozic are all first-level troops of the Feiyang Republic. And the rest. It is stationed on the planet Minsk.

The bandit army became the new 19th Division of the Expeditionary Force, while the six armored divisions of the Independence Army were integrated into four large armored divisions, each with the designation of the new 20th Division of the Expeditionary Force. The 21st, 22nd and 23rd Divisions.

The armor strength of the Freedom Front is the weakest. After reintegrating the scattered mecha teams, adding the looted mecha equipment and some mechas provided by the expeditionary force, a large armored division was finally formed. However, the combat effectiveness Still needs to be adjusted.

As for the infantry, which is the main body of battlefield defense, there are more than 20 mechanized infantry divisions owned by the Independence Army, and the eight infantry divisions formed by the Freedom Front.

These infantry divisions. Equipped with a standard self-propelled artillery regiment, each squad has a heavy energy cannon and a portable missile launcher, plus a small number of transport mechas and ground transport vehicles modified from flying vehicles. They barely have a certain combat effectiveness and maneuverability, and are assigned to The 1st and 2nd Infantry Groups of the Mozchi Theater.

In addition to these two infantry armies, the Mozic Theater Command also has the establishment of the Third Infantry Army.

In the Third Army. Mainly the Freedom Front teams. Because the Freedom Front is still expanding at an extremely fast rate, small-scale resistance organizations and individuals are gradually gathering under the banner of the Freedom Front. But. Due to equipment defects and insufficient personnel training, these people have not been systematically trained, and the insurrectionists with only energy rifles cannot form combat effectiveness in modern warfare. Therefore, this group army can only be regarded as a very large reserve training camp.

The arrival of Douglas was like a dose of stimulant injected into everyone's heart. As long as they thought of the six armored divisions, everyone felt particularly confident and the atmosphere of the meeting was high. It was also much more lively. However, the requirements of this battle are too bizarre. To completely annihilate the enemy's twenty armored divisions and nearly a hundred infantry divisions within two weeks, no matter how you look at it, it is not something that a few of the colors here can accomplish.

Although everyone knows that if the battle plan can be successfully achieved and annihilation completed, the strength of the Southeast Expeditionary Force will be achieved. Will jump rapidly, and in terms of material equipment. The current tense situation can also be greatly alleviated by implementing the strategic plan of dividing Mozic in two. However, without diamonds, who would dare to take on this porcelain job?

After Gordon explained the current troop distribution and fighting situation, everyone's eyes were focused on the fat man. The war department had been discussing for several days, and the plans reluctantly made by the staff had been rejected one by one, and everyone present Yes, even though he has fought many battles for a long time, he has no clue about such a bizarre battle. Didn't this fat man propose a beheading plan? Come out with it.

"General Tian." Gordon handed the laser pointer to the fat man. According to the agenda of the meeting, Tian Xingjian proposed a plan for everyone to discuss.

"As for General Fisichella's goal of completely annihilating the Stephen Group within two weeks, I can understand the great significance of achieving this strategic goal, but..." Fatty's opening remarks took a turn, and he spread his hands and said: "If you want to start from It is almost impossible to annihilate the opponent in an overall battle. Even if it is possible, it cannot be completed in two weeks."

"General Tian..." Douglas, who had been watching with interest, frowned and said: "Can I interrupt... In my opinion, this is not impossible. In fact, we made this strategic arrangement after repeated deductions. of."

"Really?" The fat man looked suspicious.

Douglas nodded seriously, but to his surprise, the fat man rubbed the back of his head innocently, and said without any shame: "Great, then you can tell me."

There is no such way to get off the donkey down the slope. Everyone present felt a little blushing.

Especially when several of the division commanders thought about this morning, when the fat man was walking around in a brand new major general uniform, smiling and walking back and forth to let the guards salute, they felt that they really had a severe headache.

Douglas smiled slightly and made a continue gesture.

The atmosphere was a bit strange. The fat man looked left and right, and even glanced at Douglas, but Douglas avoided them. He had no choice but to continue: "I really can't think of a way to combine twenty armored divisions with close-quarters troops." A way to eat a hundred mechanized infantry divisions in one go.”

Still silence.

"This...Based on the above judgment, my idea is to concentrate our efforts to annihilate the main force of Stephen's group and completely destroy the skeleton of his group. Within two weeks, complete the killing of his leader group or annihilate most or all of his group's core troops The tactical goal is to achieve our strategic intention of destroying the Stephen Group."

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