Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 64 Nothing

The taupe Buick Blue Planet floats quietly in the universe. At an imperceptible speed, it slowly rotates around the star that pulls it, gives it light and heat, and is also named the sun by humans but has the number b-7-2. This rotation, which profoundly represents the passage of time to humans, has been going on since ancient times and will continue to do so. Until one day's destruction.

Compared to the universe, the ancient Buick Blue is as small and inconspicuous as a speck of dust. For Buick Blue, the human fleet, which is less than 30,000 kilometers away from it, is even pitifully small. If Buick Blue had life, it would be like an elephant, feeling ridiculous about the fight between two swarms of ants.

Human beings are not ants. In fact, human wars could have destroyed any planet as blue as Buick thousands of years ago. I don’t know whether this kind of technology is a kind of progress or a kind of sadness. At this moment, in the dark and vast universe, technology once again created a dazzling battle composed of thousands of battleships.

The Desik fleet, which jumped in an unreasonable manner and used its inertial speed to launch an attack, has crashed into the front of the Southeast Expeditionary Force fleet. This was a long-planned raid. Hall, the commander of the Desik fleet, used the most direct method to kill the defense and firepower advantages of the Feiyang and Lane warships at an infinitely close distance.

The swarming high-speed cruisers, destroyers and space fighters replaced the powerful battleships and became the protagonists of the first wave of confrontation. These relatively thin space killers were flying, staggering and fighting at unimaginable speeds.

Countless energy blasts and homing rounds. Weaving and impacting wantonly. Every energy cannon on every battleship on both sides was desperately spitting out deathly light balls. Fighters flew among the battleships and strangled each other. A red or blue energy shield flashes. When passing through the battleship at high speed, a rapidly passing light and shadow was projected on the dark and thick armor of the battleship.

The battle became more and more intense as the distance shortened.

One flower, and another. Explosions, big or small, bloomed like fireworks against the background of the dark night sky. A flash in the pan is fleeting. A dense group of battleships were intertwined together, and energy cannon fire was flowing. The small strangling space caused many battleships to collide with each other, break into pieces, and explode. There are also some battleships. The battleship, which was rolled and sliced ​​horizontally after the explosion, was smashed into two pieces, including the people and things inside the ship. It was thrown into the void, like splashing blood.

The moth-like fighter planes relied on their own agility to dodge in this extremely chaotic battlefield. There were also many fighters that had no time to change direction, as if they were thrown into flames. It hit the battleship with the energy shield shining brightly and turned into a ball of small sparks.

This is a silent and tragic picture, in the vacuum of the universe. No explosions were heard, and no tragic screams were heard. In this silent world, human beings are smearing the desolate universe with the most cruel and splendid killing methods. It was as if God had lit a string of silent electric firecrackers here.

"The left wing of the First Fleet has completed its maneuver and entered the preparatory attack area."

"The right wing of the Fourth Fleet has completed its maneuver and entered the preparatory attack area."

"The system's anti-interference capability has returned to 60%."

"Desik's fleet is divided and intends to attack our transport fleet."

In the central command room of the expeditionary force's flagship aircraft carrier "Poseidon". Reports from various systems such as command, communications, electronics, fire control, damage control, landing, etc. were coordinated one after another.

Relying on accurate and rapid responses, the expeditionary fleet withstood the chaos in the early stages of the battle. After that, in nearly two hours of tug-of-war, the Feiyang and Lane joint fleets gave full play to their military literacy as soldiers of a super military power and their combat effectiveness created by warship technology. With a powerful blockade, the advance of Desik's fleet was blocked.

While the Second, Third and newly formed Fifth Fleets of the Expeditionary Force fought bloody battles on the central battlefield, the First Fleet and the Fourth Fleet of the Expeditionary Force smoothly accelerated away from the enemy and completed the attack on the Desik Fleet on the left and right. Strategic maneuvers on both wings.

The battle situation became more delicate. The Desik fleet did not seem to realize their disadvantage, and still frantically strangled the expeditionary force in the middle. Their high-speed advance has never stopped since the battle began. Two of the three fleets have been completely integrated into the formation of the Southeast Expeditionary Force fleet. Under their cover, another Desik fleet was passing sideways in front of the expeditionary force's formation, moving at high speed towards the assembly airspace of the expeditionary force's giant transport ships.

"The Desiks do not lack the courage to fight." Looking at the high-speed sprint, flying fighter planes and fierce energy cannons of the Desik fleet strangled into the middle of the expeditionary force, Fisichella said thoughtfully. Focusing on the giant transport fleet with almost no protection.

Lieutenant Colonel Drabin, deputy chief of staff of the Expeditionary Force Headquarters, who had been standing next to Fisichella and acted as the command and coordinator, smiled slightly. The rotation of the fleets on both wings has already formed a pincer attack on the advancing Dersik fleet. As long as Fisichella gives an order, the expeditionary fleet will be like a monster, pulling the fleet from its chest into its mouth. And the Desik fleet that pounced on the giant transport ship could not escape the fate of being surrounded and annihilated.

"The First and Fourth Fleets are on standby." Fisichella raised his eyelids and said calmly. Outside the bridge, the fierce battle in the distance and the transport fleet that was about to be attacked seemed to have nothing to do with him, and the flank maneuver that the two fleets took two hours to complete seemed to be just to choose a better position to watch the battle.

Everyone was stunned. The officers looked at each other, wondering why Fisichella would issue such an order. "The First and Fourth Fleets are on standby." Drabin reacted quickly and, as the command coordinator, confirmed Fisichella's order in a firm tone.

Although he was puzzled, and even though Fisichella was actually a very receptive and gentle person in normal times, no one in the entire bridge questioned this. This order will soon be passed to every warship in the fleet.

"Is there any news about the reconnaissance team sent to the meteorite belt of Resource Planet No. 3?" Fisichella asked, leaning his hand on the armrest of the command seat, holding his head, staring at the interstellar map on the main console.

"Reporting to General, there are no signs of electronic, biological, or energy activities within the current investigation scope. The investigation team is expanding the scope of investigation." The voice of the intelligence coordination officer came from the communicator at the main console. .


Fisichella sighed softly and said: "Cancel the landing temporarily and let the transport fleet move closer behind us."


In fact, everyone knew that the First Fleet only needed to change its direction slightly to stop the Desik fleet that was attacking the transport fleet. However, no one said anything. Even those military staff officers who dared to slam the table with Fisichella at the combat analysis meeting were unusually uniformly silent at this moment.

Because everyone knows that perhaps Fisichella is not outstanding in terms of combat style, decisiveness in killing, and analysis and preparation of combat plans. However, his combat accomplishments alone are enough to make him Ranked among contemporary famous generals.

Fisichella's command at the moment of battle can definitely be ranked among the top five military generals of the Feillan Republic!

Since he said to cancel the landing, he must have his reasons. In terms of command before the battle, no military staff officer here dares to criticize the decisions he made. These seemingly unreasonable decisions are actually the cumulative result of extremely keen intuition and rich experience. Their validity has been proven time and time again over the years.

The transport fleet quickly moved behind the First Fleet. Their straight track slowly disappeared from the sight of the raiding Desik Twelfth Fleet, hiding behind the First Fleet of the Expeditionary Force. If Desik's Twelfth Fleet, which was cutting across the battlefield, wanted to continue its pursuit, in addition to bypassing the Expeditionary Force's First Fleet, it could only pass through the middle of the First Fleet!

Dethik's Twelfth Fleet did not pause. This Desik space force, which seemed to be only equivalent to the second-rate fleet of the Lane Republic, seemed to ignore the existence of the powerful first fleet of the expeditionary force, and they just rushed past. There was no sign of a change of direction.

When the data from the central information station showed that the Twelfth Fleet of Desik began to accelerate at a position three thousand kilometers away from the First Fleet, Fisichella smiled.

The command center was tense at this moment, and everyone held their breath. Less than 8,000 kilometers behind the First Fleet, the three Desik fleets completed their jump in a ball of white light and emerged in space. Facing front and rear attacks, and facing the disadvantage of the expeditionary fleet being dispersed, Fischer La smiled happily.

"The Second, Ninth, and Thirteenth Mixed Fleets of the Dethik Empire." The intelligence coordinator quickly determined the identity of the enemy.

Fisichella smiled and asked Drabin: "Do you think Hall would be very angry if he found out that there was nothing in our transport ship?".

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