Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 56 Bet

Mars Freeport is a light blue planet.

In many ways, the four major ports of Freeport are very similar to the birthplace of mankind and the center of Freeport, God's Domain---Earth.

The same blue planet also has abundant water resources. It has also been abandoned after over-exploitation. It is also a place where pirates, mercenaries, adventurers, underworld, and free business groups gather.

The only difference, perhaps, is the location of the five free ports.

The Mars Freeport is the center of the Mars commercial channel and is located in the southeastern star domain. The Odin commercial channel controlled by the Odin Free Port is located in the north-east. It is connected to the commercial channel of Mars to the south and to the commercial channel of Jesus to the north.

After passing the Jesus Channel and detouring to the center of the human interstellar plane, we arrived at the core star field where several major countries and superpowers are located. The Earth, God’s Domain, and the God’s Channel controlled by it, are located within it.

Another free port, Port Allah, is not connected to these four free ports. It is independent of the far west. Around it, most of them belong to neutral business alliances and small countries. Relatively speaking, the current situation is the most stable in Port Allah.

Mars Harbor is a busy scene at the moment.

In the densely packed space port suspended in the orbit of the planet, countless large and small cargo ships, passenger ships and armed ships are coming in and out in an endless stream. At the port terminal, all kinds of giant containers are piled up. Big Mac-like mechanical arms were lined up on the dock. Constantly rotating, bending and stretching, loading and unloading cargo and containers. behind them. Rail freight cars are waiting in line. They will send the goods to the cargo yard or warehouse outside the dock, where the densely packed cargo mechas will carry out the next step of boxing and storage.

The war, on the surface, seemed to have little impact on Freeport. on the contrary. The place looks more prosperous than it did before the war broke out.

However, only the people living here know that their lives have been completely and profoundly changed by the smoke that pervades the entire human society.

Look at the passenger port. What the shuttle landed from the space port were groups of refugees with their families and families in tow. Among them, there are mostly Lere and Gacharin people, there are also some Salga people, Lane and Naga people, as well as a small number of Tatania and even Sus, Jiepen and Chakna people.

This is not the first time Freeport has encountered such a situation. Many people living in Freeport now came here to take root when their ancestors escaped from the war. It's just that the flow of refugees is almost crazy like today. This is the first time people see it.

Cities in Freeport. Already overcrowded. Inn, hotel. It was already filled with wealthy refugees. And in the slums around the city. Also crowded. Almost all the residents who originally lived here rented out their spare rooms. In exchange for a considerable amount of income. What's more, the family simply moved to farms or small towns and rented out all the houses.

Even so, it could not accommodate the influx of refugees.

The refugees who poured into the Free Port in batches, after experiencing short-term disappointment in the city, have gradually begun to trek towards remote towns and agricultural settlements.

On both sides of the highways that run across the entire planet, at a glance, there is an endless stream of hikers. They carried boxes and baggage, held children, and carried old people on their backs, marching hard under the scorching sun. There are no longer enough vehicles for them to reach their destination. In the city passenger transportation center, whether it is a passenger plane or a shuttle bus, there are signs that tickets are sold out every day, and private transport vehicles are already crowded with people.

Many people only choose to trek on foot. Whenever a hover car or truck passes by them, they will stop, look hopefully, and wave their hands. However, what they usually encounter is the wind whipped up by the hover car whizzing by.

What makes people desperate is not just that they can't find a place to live or can't get a car. In this world, there are also robberies, frauds, abductions, and murders.

All kinds of crimes happen every day. How many you encounter along the way just depends on your luck.

There is no war here, but this is a free world!

On the road leading to Bering Harbor, a luxurious Bonaparte wide-body suspension vehicle was speeding smoothly.

On the roadside, a crying woman sitting on some scattered luggage passed by the car window.

"They should be restrained." An old man in the car frowned slightly and said calmly: "It's too harsh, and it won't do us any good. It's a matter of killing the goose to retrieve the eggs. Just have fun once in a while, and let them not go too far."

"Yes." The middle-aged man sitting next to the old man responded respectfully.

The old man's name is Su Kezhou. Among the ordinary people of Freeport, few people know this name. However, if all the leaders of the major forces in Freeport were gathered together to conduct a questionnaire survey, among the names that cannot be ignored, Su Kezhou would definitely be ranked in the top five.

Even if someone doesn't know who Su Kezhou is, then someone only needs to tell him that the boss behind the Longxing Chamber of Commerce is this thin old man. That's enough... No need to say another word.

If you understand, you will always open your eyes immediately and remain silent. If you don't understand... there's no need to let him understand. In Freeport, those who don’t know about the Longxing Chamber of Commerce are just idiots.

In many places in Freeport, you can see the word "龙" written in cursive. On the ships of the armed commercial fleet, on port buildings and giant robotic arms, on the outer walls of huge warehouses, shopping malls and space cities, on mechas, on hover cars, and even on the tattoos of gangsters fighting in the streets.

This is the logo of Longxing Chamber of Commerce. Everything with this mark belongs to the Longxing Chamber of Commerce.

This chamber of commerce is different from the traditional chamber of commerce. This is a well-organized group with extremely broad and complex business scope and involvement.

Under its flag. Not only transportation, import and export. Entertainment, catering, hotels, warehousing, as well as shipbuilding, electronics, machinery and other manufacturing companies. and. It also controls nearly eight percent of Freeport's ports, has a militarized training mercenary force and two armed fleets, and has its industries and its security groups in major cities in Freeport.

Over the past thirty years, the situation in the Freeport has been changing, and the groups that ranked ahead of the Longxing Chamber of Commerce collapsed and dispersed. Only this old chamber of commerce remains unmoved.

One can imagine how powerful the boss behind such a group is. .

No one can ignore Su Kezhou's instructions. Now that he has spoken, all criminal activities within the Longxing Chamber of Commerce's sphere of influence will disappear without a trace. Anyone who dares to look for food after Su Kezhou's order will pay an extremely heavy price.

"The notification has been sent out." The middle-aged man Borg turned off the communicator and said softly.

"Yeah." Su Kezhou looked out the window with his wrinkled eyes half-open and half-closed, and nodded casually.

Outside the window of Bonaparte's flying car. The endless stream of refugees is like migrating takin. Slowly moving forward in groups. Su Kezhou watched quietly for a long time. He asked as if talking to himself: "I heard that the pirates on the waterway have been getting more and more aggressive recently?"

"Yes. President." Borg nodded. As the security director in charge of all the armed forces of the entire group, including mercenaries and fleets, he knew the situation of the pirates very well. He immediately continued: "The Sus Empire has gathered heavy troops at the border of the Salaga Federation. The entire Chak The main channel from Namibia to Salega has been occupied by their escort fleet. Now, merchant ships in the free port can only go around through commercial channels and edge channels. This is a good opportunity for pirates to start."

"I don't care how they get rich." The old man's eyes became as sharp as a knife: "But if someone breaks the rules of the free world, this is not something I can tolerate. A free port can only be our free port. This Help the pirates and the forces behind them, your hands are stretched too far!"

"We have received the news." Borg said: "Xiyo has been buying pirate groups recently, providing them with weapons, warships and financial support. Now, these pirate groups not only attack smuggling ships that break the blockade of hostile forces, but also Attack the military transport ships. Their strength is expanding rapidly."

"This is something Xiyo often does." The old man waved his hand: "If the entire human society is a big war, then in the free world, it is a small war! There are some people behind the major forces here. We all know what the background is. Sooner or later, our enemies will show their fangs. Now, the rampant pirates are just a signal for the free world to reshuffle."

"What should we do?" Borg leaned forward uneasily and said: "The three major pirate groups of Scorpion, Bloody Butcher's Knife, and Devil's Eye have obtained West York's cruisers and destroyers. Although they are old-fashioned ships, they are Complete military equipment was unimaginable before."

The old man frowned and said: "The destructive nature of pirates determines that they must be restrained. We could control them before, and we can do the same now."

"What do you mean..." Borg whispered: "We..."

"We don't need to do anything!" The old man looked out the window and said calmly: "Right now, the relationship between several pirate groups is very tense. Stillman, with the eyes of the devil, has been waiting for the opportunity to attack Hayreddin. Everyone. The big forces have even placed their bets and are waiting to see this good show, so there is no need for us to get involved. As long as we add a little oil to the fire at the right time, it is enough."

"Why did the Red Beard Pirates disappear recently?" In the trading hall of the Freeport Center, a middle-aged man with a wretched description was talking happily: "Their batch of ore has been in the hands of Old Klaus for almost a month. If you don’t come back, according to the rules, this batch of ore will be given to old Klaus!”

"Yes, these red beards disappeared immediately after saying they didn't see you!" There was a lot of discussion in the hall: "That batch of ore is worth a lot of money! The Gasol business group that was robbed is still waiting to buy it back!"

"Klaus, you've made a lot of money now!" a trader shouted to an old man with a leisurely look in seat 201 of the hall.

"Profit?" The old man Klaus looked serious: "Even if I paid the down payment, I can't eat this batch of goods. In business, credibility and conscience are important! Hayredin is my old customer. This batch of goods , no matter what, I will keep it for him."

"Hahahaha!" There was a roar of laughter in the trading hall.

Everyone knows that in this free trading hall where everything is bought and sold, the top trader Klaus is an old fox who has plucked his feathers. Ask him to show his conscience. Don't even think about it. If he was talking about credibility and eating this batch of goods according to the rules, that would be a sure thing.

"The Red Beard Pirates, I'm afraid, have become history?" on the sofa in the lounge area of ​​the hall. A bald man with a cigar in his mouth crossed his legs and looked leisurely at the other end of the sofa. Stillman, who was drinking wine with a calm expression, said: "Captain Stillman, please tell the truth today. Eye, have you taken action against the red-bearded pirate?"

"Master Petrov is laughing. With your Arctic Gang's intelligence, don't you know?" Stillman smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "The red-bearded pirates have dominated the Golden Triangle for so many years... They are not our little place. The Eye of the Devil can afford to offend us. Besides, ten years ago, we were their defeated generals. Now, everyone is just keeping their distance."

"Hehe." The bald Petrov smiled and said: "Stillman, if you want to tell me this, it's boring. Look at the cruiser you parked in the port this time, and say you are afraid of Hayredin. Here Not many people believe it. Tell the truth, when will I take action, I will bet heavily on you!"

Petrov's words immediately resonated on the trading floor. Everyone knows that this time Stillman came to Freeport not simply to take out a few batches of looted goods. He is showing off his power. That cruiser didn't even remove its serial number when it entered the port. It is clear that he has the support of Western forces behind him.

When the cruiser changes its color in the dock and spray-paints the Devil's Eye logo, the Red Beard Pirates may be in trouble.

"The Red Beard Pirates will definitely lose!" The middle-aged man with a wretched description said categorically: "Although I have little money, I have staked all my fortune! If nothing else, look at Captain Stillman's calmness , I’m worried about 1.2 million! If I were Hayredin, I would pack up my bags and go back to the Golden Triangle Star Territory! This is not a place where he can play around!” “That’s right! That’s right! I also bet heavily on it. Focus on Commander Stillman. What about you?"

"What do you need to say? I even spent my wife's private money!"

"After this battle, for the pirate forces, it is our Captain Stillman who will carry the banner! No matter how flattering or flattering I am, if you don't hurry up now, you will have the nerve to take advantage of our Demon Eyes in the future. Eat? I'm just flattering you!"

For a time, there was a flood of flattery.

"Haha." Stillman smiled without saying a word. From his reserved face, everyone could see his pride. With that fully equipped military cruiser, Devil's Eye does have the capital to be proud. Even the larger battleships and heavy cruisers in Freeport may not be a match for his cruiser.

In this world where the jungle prevails, modesty and low-key are of no use. If you have strength, you must be bold and strong. As long as you have enough strength, you can get more. Your strength will make many forces that are ready to move away from you, and will also make many people cheer for you.

Just like now, the transaction fee for goods sold by Devil's Eye has been reduced by five percentage points. The transaction credit rating has also been improved by one level. And when the Red Beard Pirates are defeated, they will officially become one of the most important forces in the free world.

At that time, Stillman will be able to sit on the negotiating table of the free world and discuss the distribution of interests with those super groups. Before the cruiser showed up in port, the bet was 1.2 to 1 on Devil's Eye vs. Redbeard, but now, it's 3 to 1! This already shows that Stillman's words are gaining more and more weight.

Just waiting for the ending.

"Klaus..." The trader in seat 202 slid his chair next to old man Klaus and poked him with his arm: "Who are you betting on?"

"I don't gamble!" The old man shook his head like a rattle: "That thing is too exciting, I can't stand it."

"Oh..." The trader was a little disappointed. Before leaving, he asked without giving up: "Red Beard Pirate, didn't you contact me?"

"No." The old man looked confused: "I'm also wondering, what happened to them?"

The trader slid away. He didn't see a glint in the old fox's eyes. .

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