Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 73 Feeling confident

Throughout the night, the lights in the main halls of the two major genres, Juesha Ryu and Poshan Ryu, were on.

The reporters waiting in the cold wind did not get any news. However, taking pictures of the livid faces of the two major schools entering and exiting the mecha hall is enough to produce a program that meets the occasion and maintain ratings.

Even the name of the program has been thought up by the reporters.

"The two major factions stayed up all night studying countermeasures, or they may take revenge on Tailiu"

Few people pay attention to other genres. The only ones who can really challenge Tailiu are Poshan and Juesha. If Juezha and Poshan, determined to retaliate, gain the upper hand again, these schools that were kicked out of the gym might send someone to fight Shunfeng Fist. If Juesha and Poshanliu swallowed this breath, then they would never jump out and fight Tailiu. It is a small school anyway, and the real shame is that Juesha and Poshan are standing in front of them.

Everyone is waiting.

One reporter, who was worried about the world being in chaos, even posted a Mars Express on the door of the Jue Killing Stream.

"He said, if you don't kick him back, you will be pigs"

This huge title is scarlet and dazzling.

"If you ask me, send everyone out today to compete in all Tailiu branches!" In the conference room of Juezhaliu, a bearded man roared: "I don't believe it, these idiots, It’s really become a climate!”

As a third-level mecha war god of the ultimate killing style, Harriman has always been so direct in his words and deeds, and he has always had an indomitable and domineering attitude.

Unfortunately, there was dead silence in the entire conference room. No one echoed Harriman's words.

Now, it is not a question of whether to fight or not.

Whether it's a killer flow or a mountain-breaking flow, it's hard to get off. This hotel must be kicked back. The question is, who will take the lead in the decisive blow or the mountain-breaking? Facing the Thai Liupu branch. Who has absolute certainty? If you avoid the Puluo branch, where can you put this face?

As for Tailiu, this evil wolf, he definitely couldn't be beaten to death with a stick and would eat people if he turned around.

If they start a provocation like this, what's their next move? Will he play into their hands if he rushes to play in the gym?

No one knows the answers to these questions.

The sky outside the window has become brighter.

Everyone turned their attention to Kilbourne, the leader of the Juetsu style who was sitting at the head of the table. This man is only forty-six years old. The genius who has been the first-level mecha god of war in the world of mecha fighting for sixteen years has been the pinnacle of the ultimate killer style. Only he can make the final decision.

Various speculations. All the various hypotheses that need to be mentioned have been put forward. All that is needed now is a decision.

"Our eyes cannot be set on Poshanliu." Kilborn quietly watched the live battle played repeatedly on the virtual screen. His eyes flashed: "In terms of rankings, we are first and they are second. What really focuses our attention is our absolute kill style. This provocation does not allow us to retreat at all."

"Since we're going to fight, we can't let Tailiu have any ability to fight back!" Kilborn smiled coldly. He was quite confident in the strength he controlled: "Whether it's Xiyo or Fei Meng, No matter what, I'm afraid there are people watching this conflict. The loser of the conflict will be eliminated. However, Mars Freeport is still our world now. So I decided that all branches will distribute points to all Tailiu at the same time. Pavilion challenge. Order the ultimate army to assemble and stand by..."

Although I had known that such a day would come. All the members of the Juesha style present could not help but feel shocked.

Everyone knows what the Killing Legion is.

It was probably not just Tailiu who was torn apart by the claws of this fierce tiger.

Once activated, give it your all.

This is a war!

Either. The killer flow has since disappeared. Either. The absolute killer flow Yiqi Juechen. From now on, there is only number one. There is no second, no third...

"Kilburn is more restless than we are."

The atmosphere in the mountain-breaking conference room was far more relaxed than the reporters who were waiting eagerly in the cold wind outside the fighting gym imagined. Little Boxar, who inherited his father's legacy and took over the position of the main sect of Poshanliu for only two years, gently blew the floating tea leaves in the teacup with a calm tone.

If it weren't for Poshanliu's steady dominance over Tailiu in the past two years, firmly ranking second in the rankings, almost everyone would not believe that this young man who is only 30 years old and only has the title of Level 3 Mecha Commander could actually Able to lead the mountain flow.

His composure could easily be seen as incompetence.

However, only the core members of Poshanliu know that the biggest difference between Boxar Jr. and his father Boxar Sr. is that Boxar Jr. has never been a real fighter. Even if he gets the title of Level 3 mecha commander, the time he spends on controlling the mecha will not be more than one-tenth of that of other level 3 mecha commanders.

In a sense, Boxar Jr. is the real genius.

Unfortunately, he has no interest in controlling mechas at all. His only interest lies in mecha design and manufacturing. He is one of only a few Grandmasters in the free world.

After the death of old Boxar, he became the new leader of Poshanliu - Poshanliu had the lowest mecha control level in history. At the same time, he is also the most respected sect leader in the history of Poshanliu.

No one dares to underestimate Boxar. His insight, vision and calculation made Poshanliu prosper. At the same time, the mecha design and manufacturing he led also greatly innovated and improved the school's mecha control techniques. Everyone was convinced.

After a night of discussion, it was time to make a decision.

"We can just watch and watch the competition." Little Boxar seemed to have never had a sense of honor as a pilot: "Let the decisive flow take the lead. Anyway, their ranking is ahead of us. The number one school, We must have the first awareness.”

Amid a burst of laughter, little Boxar looked out the window that was gradually getting brighter, staring at the buildings in the distance that were gradually becoming clearer, and said solemnly: "I estimate that this time the conflict cannot be resolved by traditional challenge methods. We have been in business for so long, and now that we have broken up, it will immediately be a fight to the death. Let us notify you, and prepare all the military camps for battle."


After a brief commotion. There was an unspeakable silence in the conference room.

In the free world, which force has no foundation at all?

The long-term struggle between the weak and the strong has made everyone understand how to protect themselves in this world.

The Jiulu Po Military Camp is a militarized organization that breaks the mountain flow.

There are all selected children of the family who have been together in Poshanliu for several generations. Their loyalty and their fighting prowess are unquestionable.

However, is it really time to use them? When the star's light once again shines all around Liberty Square. When the statues of pioneers with different expressions and smooth and flying lines were covered with a golden haze, the central city of Mars woke up in the morning. .

Seems like in the blink of an eye. On the originally cold suspended highway that looked like ribbons in the mid-air of the city, flying cars gathered one after another into a flowing traffic flow. The shops on both sides of the street opened their doors, and crowds of people came out of the space city and rushed past along the street.

The fully automatic breakfast shop was already full of people. The explorer spacecraft that set off early is ready to take off. Merchant ships in the space port are constantly coming in and out. The huge mechanical arm hoists the separate cargo compartments from the space transport ship to the dock, and then is loaded and unloaded by the transport mecha. Several loud rally horns sounded, and mercenary bases scattered across the city had begun training and gatherings, and some community halls also burned incense and gave lectures.

The war has not had any impact on this noisy world. People are still living their lives as usual.

Without resources, everything in Mars Freeport can only be maintained by the planet's special geographical location on the waterway.

Full of ore. Solid energy blocks and various material transport ships are gathered here, processed into various products through enterprises in the free world, and then transported out. These products include armor and ships. Weapons, but also food and light industrial products. There are many varieties.

Mars Freeport has many industries that are among the best in the universe. For example, there are handmade shoe workshops in a few streets in the southern district of Central City. Many wealthy people from various countries even send people by spaceship to the handicraft shops here to make customized leather shoes. Of course, the most famous. It is also a private mecha manufacturing industry guided by the folk mecha school.

free social form. Forged the prosperity of Mars Freeport. In the free world, there are no banned substances. If you are not afraid of being hacked. Even if you're transporting a whole shipload of drugs, no one will care about you here.

Therefore, today, when the war breaks out in full force, this place has also become the center where ships from various countries transporting strategic materials gather.

As the saying goes, a man will not be rich without windfall, and a horse will not be fat without night grass. The more blocked a country is, the easier it is to make money. For example, the current Leray Federation and the Gacharin Republic have been severely lacking in many materials that have always relied on trade imports due to the tight border blockade by Western countries such as Desik, Sousse and Jepen.

Whether it is machinery, energy blocks, electronic products, metal raw materials, food and medicine. As long as one ship can be transported in, profits can be obtained immediately that are ten times or even dozens of times higher than the value of the transport ship itself.

This kind of profit is enough for most people to risk their lives. For smugglers and business groups in the free world, such opportunities are rare. Their whole life is to take a chance when such an opportunity comes.

This is Freeport. Living every day on free trade, manufacturing, adventure, gambling, fighting, and robbery is the life of Freeport people.

On the surface, today is still an ordinary day. However, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that there are more dignified and excited expressions on the faces of people coming and going.

Whether it is on the street, in a shopping mall, in an office building or in a factory workshop or port dock, whether it is a clerk in clothes or a sweaty worker, they are all discussing the same topic. When acquaintances meet and say hello, even if they don't have time to say a few words, they will exchange some meaningful expressions in their eyes.

in this era. There are many messages that can spread across the entire planet in just minutes or even seconds.

Now, no one doesn't know about Tai Liulian playing in the ninth hall. This explosive news has completely shocked the entire free world.

Solemn, because everyone knows that it is time to reshuffle the cards in the free world with the disputes among genres. And excitement is a common question.

The nine major schools that were kicked out of the gym. Will he be kicked back?

This question actually has an answer.

The special feature in Mars Express has been read and read by everyone. Starting from the first duel with Qian Junliu. The fat Tailiupuo Branch Library Director didn't give other schools any chance. He just brought more than a hundred Tailiu members to visit each gym one by one and defeated his opponents. No matter what technical style you are facing. No matter what level of opponent he was, he would only say two words.

"Kick the gym."

Nine halls, eight games, the fat man didn't have any fancy moves at all. He got into the mecha, rounded the mechanical arm, and rushed forward to start smashing. There were at least three pilots who were unable to fight back. He immediately smashed her alive with a heavy blow. Whether it is a second-level commander or a first-level commander, in front of him, they are just a group of chickens and dogs with ashen faces.

All the mecha halls on First Avenue in Puluo Town were blocked by one person one after another.

At that time, thousands of people gathered on the entire First Avenue could only watch from a distance as Tailiu's people poured into a mecha hall. When he walked out after a while, the kicked mecha hall immediately closed the door, extinguished the light on the sign, and turned the green indicator light representing business into a white indicator light representing the closure of the museum.

It can be said. This is Tailiu's resounding slap in the face to all orthodox mecha schools.

Everyone is waiting.

Waiting for a shocking conflict that is bound to break out.

To the south of Liberty Square in Central City is a small circular square.

In the central fountain of the small square surrounded by Gothic churches and several red-spire buildings, there is a statue of the Bronze Horseman. The warriors on horseback stood up, holding their heads high and neighing. The rider on the horse is as straight as a cypress. Wearing the three-cornered hat characteristic of Mars Freeport. The eyes are determined. In his hand, a fluttering flag pointed into the distance.

Behind the Bronze Horseman. It is a small goose-yellow building. The small building is a typical Mars-style building. The yellow brick walls on the outside are not neat, but it has a unique charm. The overall lines are square and simple, decorated with a small amount of white edges, making it bright and quiet. This is the seat of the Freeport Government, the nominal highest authority in Mars Freeport.

In the octagonal office on the third floor of the small building, Thelwall, the chief administrator of Mars, sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee in his hand and frowned. He had maintained this posture for a long time without realizing it. The reasons are all in the Mars Express in front of you.

"It's finally chaos." Thelwall seemed a little confused. Gradually, his brows unfurled, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Is the time already up?"

In the office, dozens of well-dressed and elegant men stood quietly in front of Thelwall. Although there were many people, there was no sound in the entire office. .

Some of these people are the top brokers in the trading room, some are the presidents of a certain mecha manufacturing company, and some are the leaders of well-known mercenaries and pirates. Almost everyone is a leader in various industries. However, at this moment, in the eyes of these stomping people who would tremble in the free world, it seems that Thelwall, who is not tall, is the only one left in the world.

Here, they have only one identity. That's a member of the Northern Business Alliance! This identity was given to them by Thelwall, and it is also the basis for their foothold in the free world.

The Northern Business Alliance is the first of the five major business alliances in Mars Freeport. It owns countless commercial fleets, manufacturing companies and security groups. Three years ago, Alliance President Thelwall won the right to govern the Mars Freeport through a sky-high bid, which became a big news at the time.

As we all know, in the free world, the so-called power to govern is just another name for the power to preserve life. Those who get this right are basically the losers in the competition between the major forces. Participating in the auction itself means lowering your stature and surrendering. All major departments and the military in Freeport are infiltrated and controlled by major forces. The ruling alliance has no benefits at all, except for some tax compensation and the neutral status of staying away for four years.

For the Northern Business Alliance, which was at its peak. Bidding for the right to govern is simply an unreasonable decision.

However, the huge Northern League group had no objections to Thelwall's decision. In the face of confusion from the outside world, the spokesperson of the Northern Alliance only said lightly: "The Northern Alliance does not want to get involved in any fight that is not conducive to the unity of the free world. We are not forcing anyone to bid for the right to govern. In fact, we are not forced by anyone. No one can force us. In addition to declaring a neutral attitude, we hope to make some due contributions to the Free Port."

No one took the spokesperson's words seriously. This world believes in taking. Give back shit!

People's speculation is that there is some kind of crisis within the Northern Alliance. In order to prevent the crisis from being exploited by other forces in the next four years. They occupied the only recognized and protected neutral position of Freeport in advance. This was a common method used by many societies or enterprises in the past.

This speculation was forgotten a year later.

There seems to be no discord within the Northern Alliance. On the contrary, all members of this organization are still firmly controlled by the elegant and approachable president named Thelwall. Their caravans span the universe, their security team is powerful, and their shipyards and mecha manufacturing companies still produce the most advanced ships and mechas. In all walks of life, the giant BeiMeng can be found.

And after the war broke out. The benefits gained by the Northern League through the power of power made everyone jealous, and at the same time, they finally understood the foresight of the Northern League in winning the power of power.

In addition to the influx of a large number of refugees into the free world and the various taxes that have made the Northern Alliance weak, there are also ships breaking through the border. The gathering of smuggling ships and pirates has also brought the free port's trade to an unprecedented level. Every day, the tens of billions of transactions in the free trade hall only mean one thing. That is the income obtained from the Northern League bush.

more importantly. When a local government trades, taxes. When transportation, defense, even public security, port management and other powers are concentrated in the hands of one organization, no one can tell how much benefit the industry under this organization's name will gain.

Even though many of these rights were only nominal before this.

Anyway, what people know is that the highest priority in and out of the port is always Northern Alliance merchant ships. On the waterway, the safest ships are also Northern Alliance ships. In the trading floor, it is Northern Alliance that controls the allocation and supply of resources. The most beneficial business cooperation with other countries is Northern Alliance.

In Thelwall's hands, those rights that were originally scattered and that people didn't care much about, not only became hot after the war broke out, but also gradually gathered in the hands of the Northern Alliance. The strength of Northern Alliance ensures the implementation of these rights. And their silent neutral status and the means of using their power have made the major forces and alliances completely lose their temper, and they can only compete with them to cooperate.

At this time, no one wants to offend the Northern Alliance. If you don’t want to suddenly find that you have many more competitors and fewer business partners, you don’t want your ship to be unable to enter the port, you don’t want your stored goods to be detained or delayed for any reason, and you don’t want to pay taxes, transactions, and capital accounts, There are some small failures at critical moments, but they are enough to change the ending. Then, you'd better not provoke the Northern Alliance easily. At this time, Thelwall's reputation has reached a respectable height both within the Northern Alliance and in the entire Freeport. People suddenly discovered that it turns out that governing power can still be played in this way. It turns out that to implement certain rights, there is no need to fall out with other forces. Sometimes, cooperation can produce greater benefits than before.

While people admired Thelwall's foresight, no one knew. Thelwall made this decision not three years ago, but twenty years ago - when he was sent to run a small shipyard in Mars Freeport, he was already ready to become a Preparation of the chief executive of Mars Freeport.

Thelwall is not a prophet, a prophet or a time traveler from the future. What he cares about is not interests, nor any conventional neutral status. What he needs is a name - a name to sweep away all opposition forces and rule the free world!

At the beginning of the war between Gacharin and Leray, Thelwall knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for for many years had arrived.

The descendants of the royal family left all over the world have been waiting for this day to arrive.

Thelwall took the reigns. As a neutral, the Northern Business Alliance was separated from the battles between those factions. For Thelwall. These rules of the free world are a joke. Those ridiculous mecha schools control the world with their traditions that are incompatible with the world. In fact, they are just a bunch of bitches. A group of jealous bitches who each gathered a group of prostitutes! In the face of absolute strength, the only thing these bitches can do is to take off their pants.

Over the past three years, the Northern Business Alliance has quietly used its power to extend its reach to the entire free world. Now. Two-fifths of the army in Mars Freeport is already under the absolute control of the Northern Commercial Alliance. Those free docks and space stations scattered across the waterways and star systems. A considerable part of it is also in the hands of the Northern Business Alliance. .

If we say that factional forces are nothing more than the cohesion of various groups for a certain position and interest. So, the Northern Alliance. Under Thelwall's leadership, it has become a closely structured paramilitary organization. The core members of the alliance are directly controlled by Thelwall. Every word he said was an order that must be strictly implemented.

The most important thing is that the Northern Business Alliance has reached an agreement with the Sus Empire. For the Suss Empire, during wartime, it was a dream to have such an organization with a name and power as an ally to ensure the stability and safety of the free world's waterways.

Thelwall had been waiting for an opportunity. A chance to pit the ridiculous factions of the free world against each other. obviously. Now, the opportunity has arrived.

Thelwall drank the coffee in the cup and issued his first order to rule the free world without raising his eyelids.

The instructions are simple. Only four short words.

"To add insult to injury."

At the silent dining table, Helen gently drank the white porridge. From time to time he raised his eyelids to look at the fat man sitting opposite.

The fat man with five finger prints on his left cheek looked sanctimonious and ate his breakfast as if nothing had happened. He saw Helen looking at him. He gave a questioning look and asked: "What, what's the matter?"

Helen's teeth itched with hatred and she really wanted to add five more finger prints on the fat man's right cheek.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people. This damn fat man was caught by himself. How dare you ask yourself if you don’t like wearing clothes! Got a slap. There were five finger prints on half of his face, as if nothing had happened. It's like nothing happened.

"Bah, scoundrel!" Helen spat.

Fatty's former heroic image has completely collapsed. Now, Helen, who has gradually accepted a completely different image of a fat man, doesn't know what she feels in her heart.

Nothing good happens when you meet this fat man. Previously on the Blue Rose, I was hugged by him accidentally. Now, he's been exposed again...

Helen's cheeks suddenly felt hot when she thought of the fat man's expression when he asked her in surprise in the bathroom - she actually stood there blankly and let him watch her full.

For a moment, he was upset, and the fat man's surprised voice came to his ears again: "Huh? Why is your face so red?"

If there hadn't been a knock on the door, the porridge in Helen's hand would have been spilled.

The fat man opened the door.

Outside the door, there stood the third elder Sanki, who was still wearing bone-joining finger gloves.

Behind Sankey were two middle-aged men in their forties. One of them was slightly thin, and like the fat man, he was also yellow. From this person, Fatty could see an aura of vigor at a glance.

The fat man's mind turned. No need to ask, this is Tailiu's god of war, the seventh elder Wei Jianshan. The fat, kind-faced, somewhat bald man next to Wei Jianshan was naturally the fourth elder, Jeffrey.

According to Barbarossa's intelligence, the third elder Sankey, the fourth elder Jeffrey and the seventh elder Wei Jianshan are the traditional forces of Tailiu. Back when Tailiu was still a third-rate sect, these three people were Tailiu's best young disciples. If Jeffrey, the fourth elder, had not disdained intrigues, the position of curator would never have fallen into Cooper's hands.

Fatty knew that these three people had actually arrived at the Puluo Branch last night. He had caused such a big mess, and they could wait until this moment to confront him. Obviously, preparations have been made.

"Third Elder!" The fat man's acting skills always come as he says, with surprise in his eyes: "Why are you here? Come on in and sit down."

The fat man enthusiastically pulled Sankey towards the room. I didn’t know the local people, so I thought I was meeting an old friend in a foreign land. Little did he know that just the night before, he had broken someone else's thumb.

"Haha." Sanji smiled slightly, broke away from the fat man's hand, and said calmly: "Should I call you Elder Guo or General Tian?"

There was a "clang" sound. In the room, Helen accidentally dropped the bowl in her hand and broke it.

"This prodigal bitch." The fat man acted as if nothing happened and laughed loudly: "You can call her whatever you want. What does it matter? Who among us is following whom."

In the room, Helen was almost going crazy with her ears pricked and frightened expressions on her face. How could this fat man still laugh after his identity was exposed?

Sankey looked strange, and Jeffrey and Wei Jianshan looked at each other for a moment. They usually see a lot of people, but they have never seen a guy like this. It seems like the identity has been revealed. It was such an ordinary little thing, and I didn't take it seriously at all. His thick skin is unparalleled.

"Then I'll call you General Tian." Among the three, Jeffrey was obviously the leader. This middle-aged man with a kind appearance and a bit of a belly smiled slightly and walked into the room first.

"Good morning." Jeffrey, who walked into the room, bowed slightly to Helen gracefully and said with a smile: "As expected of the flower of Leray, Miss Helen is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world."

Seeing the three elders filing in, Helen stood up helplessly after her identity was revealed, nodded in greeting, and turned to look at the fat man. But I saw that this guy was still smiling and didn't look nervous at all.

"I can't believe..." After sitting down, Ryuumiyama with a cold face said coldly to the fat man: "The eleventh elder invited by Director Cooper with special authority turned out to be a well-known member of the Leray Federation. The hero of the Federation. Kill Gandy and destroy Monroe. Seal nine buildings in a row within six hours. I wonder which song General Tian is singing about?"

The fat man chuckled. As his name suggests, this Longjianshan man doesn't mince words at all and gets straight to the point as soon as he walks in.

Since the skylight had been opened, the fat man didn't bother to say anything and lit a cigarette. He asked leisurely: "We'll talk about it later. I don't know how the three of us know our identities."

"The dragon has its own path, and the rat has its own path." Jeffrey said with a smile: "Other people may not know you. But, it is not difficult for us. Now that we know you, we naturally also know about Miss Helen. Identity. What we don’t understand is what your intentions are in condescending Tailiu to be an elder with your identity.”

"I heard that Tai Liu was thinking of colluding with Xi Yue." Fatty said, "I'm just here to stir up trouble."

As soon as these words came out, the three elders were stunned at the same time.

Ever since they learned yesterday that Fatty had kicked nine gymnastics games in a row, they arrived at the Puluo branch as soon as possible.

Then, the three people locked themselves in the room and watched the video materials of the gymnasium all night.

The more they watched, the more shocked and excited they became. Later, after learning the identity of Fatty through a certain channel, their first reaction was that Cooper and Feimeng had come together. But then, this speculation was refuted by another news. .

Therefore, before coming here, they already knew that this fat man and Cooper were not in the same group. I also know that this kick-off was not caused by Cooper's instruction.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Now that I know the identity of the fat man, I know the relationship between him and Cooper. Although the three elders still didn't understand the fat man's intention, they already had some guesses. Therefore, out of some consideration, they decided to meet Fatty.

Unexpectedly, the fat man unabashedly confirmed their suspicions without saying a few words.

This answer caught all three of them off guard. You know, they are all Tailiu people. What is being protected must also be the interests of Tailiu.

He is probably the only fat man in the world who can do bad things so confidently in front of the person he committed.

"What do you mean?!" Jeffrey's face turned livid first. He slapped the table and stood up: "So, you are causing trouble by sneaking into our Tailiu!"

Jeffrey's suddenly raised voice made Helen turn pale in fright.

After all, there were few similar experiences, and Helen found that her courage did not seem to be as courageous as she had imagined before.

Immediately, she heard the fat man's maddening reply: "Why am I here if you don't cause trouble?"

Helen's heart was already in her throat.

However, instead of the violent conflict as imagined, the living room was filled with dead silence.

Only the fat man still didn't know whether to live or die: "Why are you staring at me? Are you jealous that I am more handsome than you?"

a long time.....

Jeffrey said coldly: "Do you know that as long as I call you here, you will die immediately without a burial place!"

"I know." The fat man's voice was still unhurried.

"Aren't you afraid?"


"Then how did you..." Jeffrey looked at the fat man as if he was seeing an idiot.

The fat man took a puff of his cigarette without raising his head: "Don't worry, if I don't want you to scream, none of the three of you will have a chance to make any sound..."

"Ridiculous!" Long Jianshan slapped the table, and he and Sanji stood up at the same time.

Jeffrey said loudly: "I will..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man sitting on the sofa suddenly jumped up, and like lightning, he reached out and scratched his throat, then turned sideways, stretched out his legs, and pressed his toes firmly against Sankey's throat... ...

With this grab and kick, it was almost to the extreme. Jeffrey and the three stood there blankly, cold sweat soaking through their clothes. If the fat man hadn't kept his hand, their throats would have been unable to make any sound at this time.

"Soon..." Jeffrey swallowed hard and gritted his teeth: "You can kill two at the same time, but there are three of us."

As soon as they finished speaking, the three elders felt their eyes blurred. The fat man's toes touched Wei Jianshan's Adam's apple like a phantom, and then pressed back against Sanji's throat.

Jeffrey slowly sat on the sofa.

He knew that if Fatty wanted to take action, he could definitely kill the three of him silently and instantly. .

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