Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 21 Fairler’s Counterattack (please vote for me)

"The 1st Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division in the Nelson neighborhood was attacked."

"The No. 2 logistics station in the East Third District was attacked."

"The B13--B07 defense line of the Inland River was attacked by the enemy. The fourth battalion of the 1st Regiment of the 7th Armored Division responsible for the defense was defeated by the enemy and is currently fleeing along the west bank of the Inland River."

"Report, I just received news that the inland navigation bridge was blown up by the enemy."

In the Northern Alliance headquarters, except for the toneless report of the staff officer who was responsible for reporting the battle report, the entire room was enveloped in an extremely depressing atmosphere, and there was a dead silence.

Those who could remain silent tried to use gestures to indicate that they had to speak, and the combat staff also kept their voices to a minimum, almost whispering. And the staff officers and orderly soldiers who shuttled back and forth also kept their footsteps softer than a cat. Everyone's lips were tightly pursed, their brows were furrowed, and their faces were serious. In the silent hall of the headquarters, these Northern Alliance officers who were previously high-spirited and energetic now looked like a group of silent and exhausted ghosts.

The source and center of the depressing atmosphere surrounding the headquarters was Fehrer, who was sitting at the top of the oval combat conference table on the left side of the headquarters.

The cold-faced man who was originally stern now turned blue with coldness. In the deep blue eyes under the low eyebrows, a pair of eyes were like a knife shining with cold light. Not to mention meeting each other, even looking at him from a distance would make people shiver. Everyone knew that the Chief of General Staff, who was said to have superior computing power, was surprisingly angry at this moment. Just now, he was slapped hard by his enemy in the area where he was best at it. Moreover, it seems that the opponent who is evil to the core has not had enough. He is using the mechanical and numb voice of the staff officer responsible for reporting the battle report to slap Fairer in the face one after another. However, Fairler could only listen to such a battle report!

Staff officers present. Many of them have received systematic study at military academies in various countries. Why don't they understand this kind of competition between commanders?

Although we can't meet each other, we can control every chess piece. They are all more intense fighting than hand-to-hand combat. It was a bloody battle of intelligence. Regular soldiers, surprise soldiers, calculations, traps. Conspiracy, conspiracy, even if ordinary people try to understand the mystery, they will vomit three liters of blood, let alone think about it. And for every commander. This is what they pursue throughout their lives. They would rather die on the battlefield. I don’t want to be defeated on the map either!

On the semicircular central console that occupies half of the wall of the entire headquarters, the live three-dimensional map of the central city displayed on the huge virtual screen is like a mirage suspended above the head.

The central city defense area on the map is already in flames.

After annihilating the two companies of the Second Armored Camp of the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment, the crazy bandit mecha squad completely changed its previous tactics of firing one shot in the east and the other in the west, and instead swaggered along the main arterial roads of the city. All the way south, attack any target within their combat radius along the way, covering the entire Northern Alliance defense line. It was all broken up.

Fairler mobilized troops before. The containment plan deployed after precise calculations suffered a complete failure.

Although every unit mobilized strictly followed his orders. ^^Jun.Zi.Tang.Shou.Fa^^ arrived at the specified place within the specified time and participated in the encirclement and suppression. However, the bandit mecha squad easily jumped out of the encirclement, turned around, and killed three in and three out.

The more they understood Fairer's record, the more they admired his computing power, and the more they understood the thoroughness and meticulousness of this containment plan, the more terrifying the staff felt that the bandit mecha squad was.

They are like a group of invisible ghosts, free in the dragnet. They even took advantage of the mobilization of Northern Alliance troops and turned the besieging troops into delicious food delivered to their doorsteps. Under their encroachment, the Northern League's defense in the central city has dropped by two levels!

Especially the armored force, which was the main force, lost half of its strength. Now Fairler even had to mobilize the armored battalions of the mechanized infantry division with low combat effectiveness to strengthen the defense around the base. This also means that all the defense lines in Central City are basically a group of helpless infantrymen, wide-eyed and frightened. Once attacked by armored forces, the trenches they dug would naturally become their graveyards.

The staff officer looked at the electronic map and was stunned. They didn't understand, how could that mecha squad escape the encirclement of tens of thousands of infantrymen and thousands of mechas from the Northern Alliance? That is an impenetrable encirclement! Not to mention such a conspicuous mecha team, even a mouse would be impossible to pass through the city without being discovered.

After seeing the battlefield records returned from the front line, everyone will inadvertently have a ridiculous thought in their hearts--could it really be an army of Satan? !

Not to mention these staff officers, even Fairler didn't think about this problem.

While the bandit mecha squad annihilated the 4th Armored Battalion, he ordered the 1st and 2nd Armored Battalions to coordinate defenses, and cooperated with the deployed 3rd fully mechanized infantry division and other troops to occupy the bandit mecha squad's activity space. Constantly compressing.

Initially, the plan was implemented very smoothly. The activity space of the bandit armored team was once only a small strip along the inland river. However, when the extended cordons of several troops were connected, they discovered that the bandit mecha team had mysteriously disappeared!

The ensuing battle situation quickly escaped Fairler's control.

As the supreme commander, he can only make deployments at the strategic level. As for the specific battles and tactics, it is absolutely impossible for him to interfere. That was the response of grassroots officers based on the local situation at that time. Even the military god Hastings cannot control a specific battle remotely.

Therefore, the only news that Feier got about the bandits again was from the battle report after a certain unit was attacked. Falling behind step by step, although Fairler had quickly made adjustments and directed his troops to desperately assist in defense, he still could not catch the enemy's tail. That damn fat man LeRay always seems to be one step ahead of his schedule!

When he learned that the troops rushing to join the 1st and 2nd companies of the 2nd Battalion were blocked on the bank of the nearly three-kilometer-wide inland river because the inland river highway bridge was blown up, he realized that the two companies of the 2nd Battalion had It's dangerous! While going around in circles, the bandits led them into a trap. The blown-up bridge cut apart the two groups of troops protecting each other. ..::Zi::Tang::Shou::Fa ..

really. He had just given the order for the two companies of the Second Battalion to move closer to the east bank of the inland river when he received news that the troops had been attacked by a bandit mecha squad.

Those fifty mechas only took less than half an hour. He swallowed two companies of more than 200 mechas in one go. When the remaining third company of the Blood Shadow First and Second Battalions arrived at the battle area. The bandits have long since disappeared. In the Evergreen neighborhood, only burning wreckage was left.

The combat effectiveness of this mecha team has exceeded Fairer's imagination.

From the attack on the Perfume Street defense line to now, the Northern Alliance has lost nearly a thousand mechas and nearly five thousand soldiers! Countless people were injured! There were also the logistics transfer stations that were burned down. Warehouse, base. A broken defense system. A mecha squad brought a catastrophe to the Northern Alliance!

Fairler had a hard time believing that this was reality and not a nightmare. His plan was perfectly cracked, but he didn't know how the opponent used the land, and his defense was torn to pieces. But he couldn't catch his opponent's shadow. His armored units were annihilated by the formation. The opponent did not lose even one mecha!

On the side wall, a live battle scene full of blood and fire was played repeatedly.

Inside, there was a voice howling: "Long live Satan!" A sense of powerlessness came to Feierer's heart. He had heard countless shouts during the charge, some calling for God's blessing, but none calling for long live Satan. ! A mere fifty people galloping deep behind enemy lines, this is a devil's army!

"Report, the first airport outer checkpoint was attacked."

Fairler was quietly lost in thought. It was as if nothing was heard.

The staff officer in charge of the report had his lips trembling. Although he tried his best to sound robotic. However, such information. Every time he reported it, his courage disappeared. Now, if he was asked to repeat what he just said, he really didn't have the courage.

Fairler waved his hand gently, freeing the sweating staff officer.

During the attack on the first airport, Fairler had already judged the action route of the bandits with great fanfare.

The fat man did not hide his strategic intention at all. As the largest ground airport on Mars, the first airport is directly connected to the sixteen spaceports controlled by the Northern Alliance. There is an important material transfer base for the Northern Alliance, and it is also the most important strategic base for the Northern Alliance!

Because the Mars Freeport is blocked by the Supreme Council of Mankind, strategic weapons such as fighter jets are not allowed to exist. Therefore, after the faction war broke out, there was no competition for air supremacy in this war. Strange, but true. Without fighter escort, the transport ship is slow to take off and land. If you want to transport troops within the atmosphere, you will have to face missile attacks from other forces.

Especially in the Central City, which is watched eagerly by the surrounding forces, any transport ship or even a battleship being restrained by the atmosphere means death. Therefore, if you want to carry out rapid troop distribution at a strategic level, you must rely on the facilities in the ground airport that can escape missile strikes - the Tower of Babel.

The so-called Tower of Babel is the energy docking channel between the space port and the ground port. It is not a building in the traditional sense. Shuttles that transport personnel and shuttle ships that transport cargo can travel between ground and air in a very short time through the ejection acceleration of energy channels.

Only by relying on the Tower of Babel between the ground airport and the space port can the troops be transported to space, then transported to other space ports via the space fleet, and finally landed through the Tower of Babel again. Only then can the distribution of troops be realized.

The direct carrying capacity of the shuttle ship in the first airport is thirty times that of an ordinary port!

If the first airport is attacked, then if you want to mobilize troops stationed in other ports back to the central city through transport ships, you can only rely on small airports for transfer. Not to mention the time delay, you are still under the threat of other forces on the space line. . Especially the Longxing Society, they still control 30% of the spaceport outside the atmosphere! Facing the Northern Alliance Army transporting in space, it is difficult to imagine what they would do.

However, even though he knew the goal of the bandit team, he also knew what the first airport meant to the Northern Alliance. Feier, but there was no way to stop the bandit team's actions.

This was another slap from the opponent. It was extremely slow from the time it was taken to the face, but it was impossible to dodge. This feeling of humiliation made Fairler almost break his teeth!


Fairler turned his head and looked at Thelwall, who was looking at him with a worried expression.

"I think maybe we should give up this battle." Thelwall put the battle report in his hand on the table. He patted it lightly with his fingers. The tone was low and authentic.

Fairler knew that it was the battle report from Pro Town.

Up to now, the battle situation in Puluo Town is still in a stalemate. The infantry of the bandit army. Surprisingly tenacious. And the only armored regiment of the bandit army was still sparing no effort to contain and harass the outsiders. The attacking troops had already suffered a lot at their hands. Obviously, Thelwall has already had doubts about the future direction of the war.

Faced with this question that was almost pointed at his nose, Fairler said nothing.

"Just now. Chuck and I talked on the phone. His tone was very unkind about us not giving him accurate information and concealing the battle plan." Thelwall avoided Fairer and looked at the ceiling. He changed the subject and said: "Originally, if Puluo Town could be captured quickly as planned, I would support your plan. But now, the situation is out of control, and the combat effectiveness of the bandit army has exceeded our expectations. If we continue to fight. Even if we continue to fight. If we win, we will also be greatly injured. This is not in our interests. I suggest that it is better..."

"You want the Sussians to get involved more deeply?" Fairler interrupted Thelwall. Coldly.

"The Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment is our most elite unit." Thelwall, who had his mind exposed, said angrily: "But now, we have lost four battalions!"

Thelwall is different from Fairer. He is more like a realistic politician, and he has an innate keen judgment on interests.

The reason why the Sussians were allowed to gnaw hard bones was to provide cover for other forces attacking Puluo Town, to prevent Suss from playing an excessive role in the Northern Alliance's occupation of Mars, and to prevent the behemoth Suss from getting deeper. intervention. However, as the war progressed, Thelwall felt a little distressed when he saw that the strength he had built up was squandered by Fairler. Without these troops, he is nothing in the revival meeting! .

Fairler is a genius in the eyes of the old men in the Renaissance, but Thelwall has gotten to where he is today thanks to decades of hard work!

It is better to defeat Mars with the help of the Sussians, and then find a way to control the power in the end, than to fight with the bandits now and lose both sides. Moreover, as the bandit mecha squads continue to tear apart Central City's defense system, Thelwall can't even be sure of his own safety now.

Once Longxinghui takes the opportunity to send troops, the Northern Alliance will face a disaster.

"Is there anyone who will not die in a war?" Feier looked at his watch and gritted his teeth: "Our previous battle plan has already considered the most unfavorable situation. When the war has reached this point, we can no longer turn back. We will be beaten again. The bandit army will get time to breathe and develop, and we will forever lose the opportunity to kill him. Big deal, let's play bigger!"

"Play bigger?" Thelwall looked at Fairler blankly. In the battle plan, Fairler did formulate a battle plan against Longxing Society's intervention. Obviously, he was prepared to implement this plan to the end. It would be an all-or-nothing battle. If you win, you win the entire free world; if you lose, you will lose everything.

Thelwall straightened up. He wanted to object, but when he thought that Puluo Town's defense might be breached in the next second, and when he thought that Longxing Club had not taken any action until now, he hesitated. At least, Central City is still safe now. Otherwise, wait and see?

"Order, the Third and Fifth Battalions of Blood Shadows stationed in the northern industrial area will set off immediately and return to the central city to assist in defense."

"Order, the 3rd Machinery Infantry Division, which is part of the 1st Machinery Infantry Division, to abandon the outer positions and retreat to the outside of the base to the inland river. Order the Eastern District Garrison Force and the Southern District Garrison Force to compress towards the central city."

"Order, the Third Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division stationed at the First Airport must hold its position. All troops near the airport immediately rush to the airport to assist in its defense."

"Order, the third company of the Second Blood Shadow Battalion will be merged into the First Blood Shadow Battalion, under the unified command of the First Battalion Commander, and rush to the First Airport for support."

After issuing several consecutive orders to adjust the defense system, Fairler gritted his teeth and said: "Order the 1st and 2nd Armored Regiments of the Warriors to immediately separate from the logistics convoy and rush to the northeast theater of Puluo Town at full speed. Order the 6th and 7th Blood Shadows Battalion, move closer to the mixed regiment."

His eyes flashed with crazy light: "Order all other troops to maintain a diversionary offensive and launch missiles into the central area of ​​Puluo Town 24 hours a day to provide long-range artillery coverage. Carry out indiscriminate strikes!"

The staff officer who recorded the order recorded the order with trembling hands. He knew that the nearest troops to the central city of Puluo Town were only twenty-seven kilometers away. The two million civilians in Puluo Town will all be covered by artillery fire. If the indiscriminate attack really lasts for twenty-four hours, that place will become a hell!

This is Fairler's counterattack against the opponent who humiliated him! How strong are they? ., more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading! )


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