Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 25 Directly Affiliated Guard Company

"Fairler, Fatty, I'm coming!"

Amid this earth-shattering howl, the entire Northern Alliance base was in complete chaos.

A long section of the outer wall of the base, which is eight meters high and two meters thick and equipped with two layers of bulletproof walls, has collapsed. On the piled bricks and stones, in the open space in front and behind the wall, and on the nearby buildings, the light of the explosion flickered one by one, and in the flying dust and smoke, rubble and broken bricks flew everywhere.

Five or six Northern Alliance mechas had turned into burning wreckage, scattered around the gap in the outer wall. Inside the base, the Northern Alliance soldiers hid themselves behind various bunkers and fired desperately at several cyan mechas that were running rampant in the gap. The soldiers who retreated from the gate and the perimeter were scurrying around in the energy machine shell chain of the blue mecha. Try to rush through the wide and dangerous open space inside the base.

Fatty's right hand danced rapidly on the virtual keyboard, and his left hand pushed the universal joystick to the third and fourth gears, and held the trigger of the energy cannon tightly.

The cyan Ranger No. 01 rushed into the base at the lead, like a fat bird, drawing a beautiful and dazzling arc in the air. The mecha's engine made a harsh roar, and the fuselage shook violently as it violently jumped forward. The bullet chains of the energy machine cannon were like two waving whips in front of him.

The bunker composed of a row of sandbags and isolation nets exploded and jumped in the bullet chain. The Northern Alliance soldiers behind the bunker had no time to react before they were turned into torn flesh and blood. The head, body, limbs, whatever is hit by the 80mm caliber energy machine shell, will bloom like blood flowers and turn into a puff of blood mist under the light.

This horrific scene frightened all the Northern Alliance soldiers who were still staying behind similar bunkers nearby. As soon as their unlucky companions were hit, they left the paper-like fragile bunkers and headed toward nearby buildings. Stagger around corners or deep inside the base and run away. Try to find a safe bunker. However, without a fixed energy shield and a large number of mechas to protect the base, no bunker can stop this attack.

The other nine cyan mechas followed Fatty. Run at high speed and run rampant in the base. As the mecha advances. The two ammunition chains of each mecha are constantly changing direction and angle. Co-ordination. The energy of the entire team was like an octopus, sweeping away all resistance along the way. Although the other soldiers are not as precise in fire control as Fatty, they are terrifying enough for these poor Northern Alliance infantry.

Rows of bunkers were blown up, and barracks were built one after another. The guard tower and warehouse were destroyed.

Things that the 80mm energy cannon can't solve, a few rounds of 260mm energy cannons can solve the problem.

This is the most important base of Northern Alliance. Those stationed here are the most elite troops of the Northern Alliance. Facing these cyan monsters in a high-speed assault, the Northern Alliance soldiers had tried their best to resist and used all available weapons. However, they still could not stop the attack of the bandit mecha squad. $jun$zi$tang$first$fa$

In just a few minutes, the Northern Alliance soldiers lost all the defenses near the base's outer wall and were forced to retreat to the vicinity of the base's mecha training ground. Rely on the buildings outside the training ground and the uneven hills inside the training ground to block.

at this time. The garrison troops of the base were finally fully mobilized. An entire regiment of infantry was driven out from various areas of the base and concentrated on the front of the bandit team's attack route. Various anti-mecha weapons were also sent up. However, this still cannot stop the advancement of the bandit mecha.

This was a one-sided massacre. To the Northern Alliance soldiers, the ten cyan mechas in front of them were invincible.

It was different from the mechas they had seen before. These ten mechas. Simply devilish. They are moving at high speed every moment and changing direction every moment. They are able to move freely through dense webs of vitality. Ordinary firearms have no effect on them, and anti-mecha missiles and portable energy cannons cannot hit them!

Besides, hitting that engine won't solve the problem.

Whenever they see the energy shield of a certain bandit mecha being turned red, but then returning to that blue color under the cover of their companions, the Northern Alliance soldiers almost lose the will to resist. The companions beside them were falling one by one, but the opponent was unscathed. This gap made everyone crazy.

Therefore, when they saw their armored troops arriving, all the Northern Alliance soldiers had the same thought, thank God!

Those who arrived were not those useless mechas from the infantry regiment. That platoon of mechas had already been killed by the bandit mecha squad outside the base. Although there are still three armored battalions left by the two 3rd and 5th Infantry Divisions in the central city, they are distributed on various defense lines outside the base. If the bandit team wants to appear in the base, they must start from their defenses. area passes. But until now, they didn't even have an alarm. When these wastes arrive, I'm afraid they will only be able to collect the bodies for everyone.

What appeared in front of the bandits was the Guards Armored Company of the Northern Alliance Command! These one hundred mechas are the direct guard company of Thelwall. Only the most loyal and outstanding mecha warriors can become a member of this company.

All along, the members of this company have always put their eyes higher than their heads. Not to mention the Northern Alliance infantry present, even the members of the Sharp Knife Company in the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment, they did not look down upon. Originally, they were the best there. Many of them had trained in mecha groups from various countries. After coming to the free world, they also joined the school and learned mecha close combat. Many of them have been promoted to core disciples by major sects because of their outstanding talents.

However, they hide their identities and have no loyalty to the school. The purpose of learning those techniques is just to perfect their own killing skills! Those sect fighters who teach their techniques would not realize that beneath the respectful appearance of these guys, there is contempt for the fighting skills of civilian fighters!

This company is the representative of the most elite force of the Northern Alliance. \\\\\\Starting.\\\\\\They enjoy all kinds of privileges. Pilot the best mecha, give priority to supplies, enjoy the best treatment, get the most generous salary, and live in the best dormitory. Even for meals, they have a special canteen in this base.

Of course, they received the most rigorous training.

Everyone admits it. These guys who look down on everyone are the most elite forces in the Northern Alliance.

And now. This force finally took action when Thelwall and the entire Northern Alliance were threatened! .

Seeing the cold Guards mecha company crossing the infantry's already riddled defense line without saying a word and rushing towards the bandit mecha squad, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Some soldiers who were on the verge of collapse even thought maliciously that if five of them were beaten, one would be beaten to the pulp. If you fight one of these ten, what will happen?

When he saw the first mecha that appeared in the field of vision, Fatty knew that Bei Meng had already taken out what was at the bottom of the box.

When the machine repairs the soldiers. Fatty has come into contact with most military mechas. In the laboratory of the Garipalan Military Academy, in the subsequent battles, Fatty's understanding of mainstream military mechas from various countries became more and more abundant. He recognized the mecha that appeared in front of him at a glance.

It resembles the limbs and body of a feline, and the head of Pharaoh Khafre. Apart from the seventh-generation Sphinx of the country Suss, what other mecha has such a form?

Fifth to eighth generation mechas. It is a watershed moment for modern mechas. Although the development and production of seventh-generation mechas like the Sphinx began more than ten years ago. However, various countries have formed a consensus on strengthening close attack capabilities in terms of mecha technology reserves. Some technologies were first used on sixth-generation mechas. By the seventh-generation mechas, they had already developed quite systematic close combat capabilities.

The beast-type mecha is a type of mecha that is particularly favored by mecha designers from various countries in order to enhance its speed and agility in close combat. Gacharin's Devil Tiger and the Sphinx of the Sussian Empire are among them!

As an established big country and an established military power. Sphinx performance. Naturally, it far surpasses the Demonic Tiger. This kind of mecha inherits the simplicity and practicality of Seuss mecha. It is very reliable in any combat environment and combat intensity. It also inherits the extreme ideas of Suss mecha designers. It is very powerful in terms of close combat performance.

Its speed can only be considered moderate, but ordinary mechas find it difficult to adapt to its speed of dash and change of direction. Moreover, its limbs have powerful attack power. Once many mechas are hit by it, the armor and shell will be torn apart instantly. More importantly, the combat method of this mecha focuses on dogfighting. This means that its defensive capabilities are very strong and its combat durability is also outstanding.

Fatty once studied this kind of mecha. He found that from the category of beast-type mecha, this kind of mecha is the same as the Warcraft mecha. It has a standard structure of mecha and has strong upgrade potential.

Judging from the external components such as external armor and weapon systems of the hundred Sphinxes that appeared in front of them, they have obviously been upgraded.

After a hundred sphinxes exuding cold air crossed the defense line, the surrounding Northern Alliance soldiers, who were already suffering from the beating, stopped their unnecessary shooting. This is not because the Guards Armored Company has any quirks of chivalry or the awe of the soldiers. In fact, the soldiers just didn't want to put artillery fire on their own mecha's butt. Such shooting would not only have no effect on the bandits, but would also affect the advance of the Guards Armored Company.

Anyway, there are ten times more enemies. With the strength of the Guards Armored Company, how could it be impossible to lose? Some soldiers even took the time to adjust their battlefield recorders, preparing to capture exciting scenes.

Looking at the auxiliary electronic glasses, the Northern Alliance soldiers' faces were obviously relaxed. Looking at the Sphinx, who was like a pride of lions, marching like the king of the forest, coldly approaching him, the fat man lit a cigarette, bit it sideways in his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and laughed.

"I said..." Fatty chuckled: "Let's give them something to shock them?"

"Okay!" A group of soldiers geared up.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred Sphinxes had spread their wings, surrounding ten gangster mechas standing in the middle of the open space.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened with every movement.

The commander of the Guards Armored Company obviously had no intention of underestimating the enemy. After completing the encirclement and approaching a suitable distance, he quickly gave the order to fire. The surrounding Northern Alliance soldiers only felt their eyes light up. After a hundred rays of light came and went, dense white light groups rushed towards the center of the encirclement.

Just hearing loud blasts like a barrage of cannons, the location of the bandit mecha was completely covered by energy fire. The violent explosions piled up together and were deafening.

The sight of the sphinxes has been completely blocked by the light of the explosion and the flying dust. In the flash of white light, they can only see their companions. Even the mecha on the opposite side of the encirclement cannot be seen clearly, let alone the distance. Those Northern Alliance soldiers there.

Therefore, they did not know that the expressions of all the Northern Alliance soldiers changed at this time.

The infantrymen were farther away and stood a little higher. Therefore, they understood what happened at that moment far better than those sphinxes.

At the moment when the white light of the explosion flashed together, ten cyan mechas jumped into the air. They are like acrobatic jumping performances, unhurried. In the air, after their upward strength disappeared, they stood up at the same time, and their bodies rose strangely again. That speed and amplitude were definitely not the effect of turning on the auxiliary thrusters!

When the explosion was most intense in the center of the encirclement.

They had reached the highest point under the cover of dazzling white light. Then, they rolled straight up, feet up and down, and then, the mecha flexed and stretched in an instant.

Like fireworks exploding, ten mechas were divided into ten directions and crashed into the Sphinx's group of mechas like shells... Su Kezhou's words. (The word count is not included)

I didn't expect that such a foreshadowing plot would attract so much discussion. Let me explain this.

First, the world in the book is not equal to reality. You don’t have to be persistent.

Second, the scenes and backgrounds in the book must be derived from reality. Some are allusions, some are borrowed, and some exist on one side. Various characters, various cultures, and various traditions give this country multi-facetedness, some good and some bad. . There are those who seem to be proud, and there are those who seem to be looked down upon.

Resistance and compromise are the plots this book attempts to interweave. Su Kezhou's words are actually the introduction to the complex country of Chakna. To put it bluntly, this country will eventually embark on a passionate and continuous road of resistance, but before that, they still need to make a very complicated struggle. Otherwise, the story wouldn't be interesting. YY said that it was the fat man who was influencing this country, which had completely opposite traditions to Leray, but was more restrained and more realistic in this war.

Finally, there may be traces of China in Chakna, but one must not equate the two. What I need to extract is our civilization, a deep-rooted thing. Although it is temporarily covered, it will burst out as long as it is stimulated. And this point is inseparable from the main line that has been hidden in this book.

That’s a lot to reveal, I guess there’s no need to argue anymore. For Su Kezhou, this is a family story, revealing a more recent plot. All glory belongs to Chakna, and it is not because the fat man is a Chakna.

You can chew on this sentence more, connect it with the previous chapters, and think about what kind of situation will happen next under the command of the coalition command.

In addition, I have made it very clear before. All nations were formed based on different regions after humans embarked on the path of space immigration. For example, the Weibo people, such as the Kentai people who immigrated later. After the disintegration of the Earth Federation, there was a great melee in various star regions, and all nations were disrupted. I say the only ones who have remained independent are the Chakna people, just like pebbles in a pool of muddy water, they always have the name Chakna and are a single nation. However, Chakna is not synonymous with China. In the book, the name Cage is obviously not a Chinese surname. It is undeniable that I want to give some Chinese elements to the country of Chakna, but to equate it with China is not what I want to see. Perhaps, I should draw a clear line directly into the chapter later.


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