Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 53 Oasis Trap

"Calm down, be calm..."

After learning that Feiyang's fleet had entered the jump channel and that Chakna's fleet was unable to retreat, Fatty felt like smoke was rising from his orifices. Rear Admiral Salmon of the Feiyang Fleet is simply an extremely stupid person! So stupid that I can't even see the side!

"What are you going to do?" Fatty cursed in his heart with a sincere look on his face: "Is there anything we can do for you?"

What the current bandit army lacks is the time and space for development. No matter what, we cannot let the beautiful and free shield of the Mars Front be broken. The fat man has never understood the profound and sophisticated truth of lips dying and teeth falling cold. But he understands better than anyone else that if he wants to hide in the side and fight Taipingquan while the black hand spits at a distance, he must have a good physique in front of him.

To the current bandit army, who else is more stupid than the roaring Fiji Alliance Army?

Looking at the fat man's sincere and sincere eyes, Zhang Pengcheng gave a bitter smile and sighed in his heart, why is it that the person leading Feiyang's fleet is not the calm, determined and upright Major General Tian in front of him.

Although he didn't point it out clearly, he was not a fool. How could he not understand the little tricks of Rear Admiral Salmon of the Feiyang Fleet?! He just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to gain some credit! How many of the armies in the world today are pure soldiers? The thoughts of making money and power are more important than the other. On the contrary, it was Le Lei who had looked down upon him before. During the past few years of the Patriotic War, he had beaten up a group of men with straight backs! I have always thought that if I can fight, I know how to fight. The Chakna people who pride themselves on daring to fight respect the heroes who fight with real swords and guns in blood and fire the most! After Leray's public speech in memory of Hamilton by exiled President Flavio. These days, countless Chuckna people come to LeRae's embassy in the capital of Chuckana every day to express their respects and greetings, and to present a bouquet of flowers to Hamilton.

Thirty million Lelei people fought to the death and remained unyielding, which was enough to make the Chakna people stand in awe. Chakna's calculations at the beginning of the war. There are also reflections and criticisms among the people.

Now, let’s not talk about Major General Le Leitian’s early warning. The 1201 fleet avoided the trap of running into the Sussians. The calmness and calmness that they still maintained after knowing the serious consequences that the Feiyang fleet's reckless behavior might cause is admirable.

"I know that the bandit army has always been under the leadership of General Tian..." The fat man was about to explain. Zhang Pengcheng waved his hand and said: "I know General Tian's difficulties, and I have some words to say. Just tacitly agree with each other. This time, things have become like this, and I can't ignore death. After all, Chakna is on the ship of the Fei League. If people are separated from Feiyang because of this, it will be detrimental to the current situation."

Seeing the noncommittal expression on the fat man's face, General Zhang Pengcheng smiled bitterly and said: "Le Lei has paid a sufficient price for this war. Since the memorial meeting for President Hamilton, the Filipina Alliance will not look into what you have done. At this time, who should stand by and watch? I can’t blame you. Besides, the bandit army is in name only. It’s not Le Lei’s army. But we Chakna can’t do this. Now, the eyes of all the countries in the Fei Alliance are fixed on us.”

There was silence.

"That's it!" Zhang Pengcheng straightened his back: "This is a battle between A-class fleets. You should find a way to leave as soon as possible. If I can return to Mars alive, I will give Salmon a good beating, and then please you drink!"

He stood at attention and saluted: "Thank you!"

Communications were cut off. Zhang Pengcheng's serious and straightforward square face seems to still remain in his retina.

The fat man grinned and wanted to say something, but in the end he just stared at the screen in a daze.

"The jump will end in twenty seconds."

On the battleship Black Tulip, the monotonous and mechanical electronic sound of the central computer echoed in every corner of the battleship.

"The jump will end in fifteen seconds."

Even though the battleship's reaction force system had been activated, the crew members who were rushing around still stood down and found safe seats scattered throughout the ship to sit down, firmly grasping the handrails, and some even fastened their seat belts.

"Ten, nine, eighty-four, three,

The electronic sound kept counting down, and in the control room, the crew members raised their heads and looked nervously at the main screen on the center console.

"One jump over."

Following the prompt of the electronic sound, on the dark home screen, a vast starry sky came towards my face.

The fiercely decelerating battleship hull made various strange sounds, and the electronic lights embedded behind the translucent metal wall flickered on and off. The reaction force device roared sharply, trying desperately to offset the inertia of the spacecraft when it decelerated. Even so, everyone on the ship could feel that their bodies were being squeezed and pushed by invisible forces. The arms holding the armrests had already The veins are showing. .

"Here..." The roar of the reaction force device began to become deeper and gradually weakened.

The invisible pressure slowly disappeared. The crew members, who had long been accustomed to this kind of end-of-jump state, quickly left their safe positions, and the silent battleship resumed its hustle and bustle.

"General Salmon!"

In the central control room, a staff officer in front of the central computer loudly reported: "The Suss transport fleet has been discovered and the radar has been locked."

"General, the target coordinates are 45732.4312.95947.6. It is located in the first section of the Yanhu Barrier Zone, with a distance of 28,000 kilometers." The radar operator's report followed closely.

"All ships in the fleet have successfully completed the transition, their formations have been adjusted, and there are no ships left behind."

"The main power cabin has restarted, five minutes to prepare for the countdown."

"Propulsor No. 1 is activated. Thruster No. 2 is ready."

"A malfunction alarm occurred in the No. 4 torpedo room, and the logistics and maintenance department immediately went to investigate..."

The reports and instructions from the staff members echoed one after another in the command room.

Looking at the podium. As expected, the Tesus transport fleet appeared on the radar, and Salmon took a deep breath. He is waiting.

"God Suss Fleet!" The radar operator's horrified voice almost flashed at the same time as the dense dots of light on the console radar screen: "A-class fleet, port side, 60,000 kilometers away from us!

Salmon looked at the main screen of the center console. Sixty thousand kilometers away, there are countless Sousse battleships. The transition ended and emerged from the void. That ferocious bow. Pointing straight at the B15 fleet. His heart sank to the bottom. The intelligence of the bandits is true. This is indeed a trap.

"Everyone speed up!" Salmon firmly grabbed the armrest of the command seat and stood up suddenly. The order was given: "Right rudder 700 seconds, engine fully on."

The sudden appearance of the Suss fleet made people confused. The officers and soldiers of the B15 fleet, who were still immersed in the excitement of discovering the Suss transport fleet, were in a panic.

Following Salmon's order. The entire fleet seemed to have been blown up. The spindle-shaped fleet formation swung its tail in a messy manner, and the stream of light ejected from the tail thrusters of the battleships became dazzling in an instant. The spindle formation, like a ball of gauze thrown together and thrown to the ground, stretched out in the air. The battleships suddenly opened up the distance between them, and started one after another, each flying forward to the right.

"The Suss fleet is chasing us." The radar operator's words could almost be called nonsense, which made everyone on the battleship feel cold. Except for Salmon. Few people know what will happen after the jump ends. The appearance of the Sussian fleet. For them, it was too sudden.

And with the high-speed launch of the b15 fleet. The Suss fleet that had just completed its jump quickly caught up with them. This in itself illustrates the fact that the appearance of this Suss fleet was not accidental. When they discovered Feiyang's fleet, they didn't even hesitate at all! They have been prepared! This is a trap!

"The escort ships of the Suss transport fleet are approaching us!" The radar operator's mouth always burst out with bad news, making everyone want to sew it shut!

"They're shooting at us!" This time, it was the observer.

Dozens of white light groups and hundreds of tiny red light groups suddenly flashed on the port side of the fleet, rushing into the Chinese fleet at high speed, and suddenly seemed to jump into the rain curtain from under the eaves.

The energy shields of several destroyers and cruisers located on the left wing of the fleet changed colors under the impact of the white energy light group. Dazzling and terrifying. The violent shock wave generated by the energy explosion caused the battleship to swing left and right. The left wing of the fleet suddenly became chaotic.

"The port turret is suppressed by flowing fire, don't stop, speed up and escape!"

Salmon's teeth itched with hatred, but there was nothing he could do. The Suss transport fleet, which was originally the prey, turned into a hound beside the hunter, trying to use its attacks to slow down the speed of the B15 fleet. But at this time, there was no way he could stop and kill them. This feeling of suffocation made his eyes red.

After all, the Feiyang B15 fleet is equipped with Feiyang main battleships.

Five Unicorn-class battleships rushed forward and could almost ignore the intercepting firepower of the Suss transport fleet. The eight Shark-class heavy cruisers and twenty Young Lion-class destroyers located on the left wing of the formation, with the port side rotating turret fully firing, were enough to make the Suss transport fleet retreat.

In the starry sky, the two fleets passed by each other, more than 10,000 kilometers apart. Countless ship-borne energy cannon light groups criss-crossing like a network intertwined in the void between the fleets like meteors. The one after another explosions and the trembling and changing light of the battleship's energy shield illuminated the entire universe. The stars in the distance were also eclipsed in this colorful light of death. .

After paying the price of a Young Lion-class destroyer, the Feiyang B15 fleet finally broke through the fire interception of the Suss transport fleet, cut across the void, and penetrated 12,000 kilometers away from the Susss transport fleet. The Smoke Lake Obstacle Area. The few minutes of delay by the Suss transport fleet have shortened the distance between the Suss A-class fleet on the flank and them to 30,000 kilometers.

There is an experience in ancient cold weapon warfare. It is called "no entry in every forest". In the interstellar wars of this era, this experience has been transplanted to space pursuit battles.

only. The woods here refer to obstacle areas and nebulae with dangerous environments.

Fighting in the void without asteroids and line of sight is completely different from fighting in obstacle areas and nebulae.

In the endless void, the fleets of both sides competed with each other on the strength of their ships, and their tactics changed. Cooperation and coordination between ships, as well as electronic attacks to suppress interference and intensive and accurate firepower. And among the obstacles and nebulae. The effectiveness of all these factors has been reduced by 80%! When fighting in obstacle areas, the most important factor is geographical location!

On countless asteroids, gravel. In the gas and dust, if the opponent occupies a favorable terrain first. That almost means a crushing defeat.

This is a radar restricted area and a holy place for ambushes and sneak attacks.

Whether it is light reflection, ultrasonic waves, particle sensing radar, or material scanners, they are all subject to the complex and harsh geographical environment in the obstacle zone, and long-distance spectral analysis and optical telescopes are not available. The particle storms, electromagnetic disturbances and gravitational reefs that often appear in the obstacle area are a nightmare for all electronic systems of the warship.

Including electronic attack systems, ship control systems, and coordination systems. communication system. The more electronic the command system becomes, the harder it will be hit. it's here. The most reliable and safest is the simplest and most primitive machinery.

You can imagine how tragic it would be when a fleet penetrates deep into an obstacle area surrounded by asteroids and various harsh environments and is ambushed by an enemy fleet that occupies a favorable terrain.

However, seeing the Feiyan B-class fleet plunge into the Yanhu obstacle area, Alexander Brunridge, the commander of the A1 fleet of the first fleet of the Sussalega Front, only showed a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth. The fleet under his command, without any hesitation, followed closely behind Feiyang's fleet and plunged into the obstacle area.

The commander of this Feiyang B-class fleet chose the right strategy, but not the right direction.

The Yanhu Barrier Area has a radius of 800,000 kilometers and is of varying density. In addition to various harsh environments, there is also a barrier-free space connected to the jump channel. This kind of space is called a space oasis by humans who come and go. When ships sailing in the obstacle area arrive at this space oasis, it is like arriving at a calm harbor from the stormy sea.

If the entire Smoke Lake obstacle area is compared to an irregular dough, then this space oasis and the jump channels connected to them are like three matchsticks inserted upside down in the dough. The space oasis is three match heads put together. Through the oasis, the ship can choose to enter any jump channel and leave the Smoke Lake Obstruction Area, or on the contrary, jump into the Smoke Lake Obstacle Area from other places and change direction to enter the Smoke Lake Obstacle Area section of the main channel leading to the 1851 or 1871 system.

For the Feiyang B15 fleet, the best way to escape the pursuit of the Suss fleet is to arrive at this space oasis and then leave through one of the three jump channels. As long as they jumped out of the pursuit range of the Suss fleet, there would be plenty of space for the fleet to maneuver in the 1861 galaxy alone.

But it's a pity...Brunridge was playing with a jet black jade pipe in his hand, staring at the small oasis on the interstellar map. This Feiyang B-class fleet will not know that the space oasis in the direction of their advance is not their door to escape. Instead, they had followed Admiral Gershkov's plan and automatically jumped into a deeper trap.

The A1 fleet will always drive this impressive B-class fleet to the oasis. As expected, the Chakna fleet will appear there in twenty minutes.

Next, there is a fight! Wait until the Suss A2 fleet passes through the jump channel and suddenly emerges there.

When the time comes, the expressions on the faces of the Feimeng people will definitely be wonderful! "The Feiyang fleet has entered the Yanhu obstacle area and is running towards the oasis. The Suss fleet is only 12,000 kilometers away from them!"

"The Chakna Republic fleet has turned and sailed out of the obstacle area and entered the jump channel."

"The tail formation of the Feiyan fleet was attacked by the Suss fleet."

"The reconnaissance ship can't keep up and has lost track of the Feiyang fleet and the Suss fleet."

"The Suss transport fleet has diverted its course, passed the first leg of the obstacle area, and is entering the second leg."

On the battleship Holy Sword, Fatty sat quietly on the chair, letting the reports come one after another in his ears.

The battle between A-class fleets is definitely something that the current bandit fleets cannot directly participate in.

It was like a stumbling lion cub trying to intervene in a battle between several adult lions... The only outcome was to be shattered into pieces and covered in blood.

"Order the No. 03 reconnaissance ship to go to the oasis airspace." Fang Xiang's voice came to Fatty's ears: "No. 02 reconnaissance ship, continue to closely monitor the movements of the Suss transport ship. No. 01 and 04 reconnaissance ships, withdraw to the Yanhu obstacle area edge."

"Second leg" The fat man sat up straight. No matter what the battle situation was between the Fei League and the Suss fleet, at least he had another chance to attack the Suss transport fleet heading towards the exit of the Yanhu obstacle area!

With ten thousand Feiyuan of materials, a giant transport ship that can be fully used for aircraft carrier transformation is really a great addition!

"If a person dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of thousands of years."

The fat man wiped his mouth.

Eat this transport fleet first! Later, the mortals also began to exert their strength. To be honest, being told that I don’t have enough stamina is still a bit sad and infuriating. Hereby apply for monthly ticket support and see how high you can reach once the counterfeiting is exposed! !


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