Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7, Chapter 75: One against a group (Part 1)

There is no imaginary reprimand or conflict.

After the fat man reported in, he was sent to the dormitory assigned to him by Carolina with an understatement of "waiting for orders." Seeing that all the Feiyang people in Carolina's office looked unhappy, the fat man tactfully excused himself with his tail between his legs.

He knew in his heart that he was just a polished commander in the Mars Front. The Feiyang people, who have a B-class fleet and two class-class armored divisions, really don't need to worry about themselves.

Although everyone knew that the bandit army was their own team, they obviously didn't pay much attention to this small force that did not obey orders. For the Feiyang people, the planet would still turn without the bandit army. Sooner or later they will take over this star field.

The takeover work is already underway in an orderly manner.

Under the control of Cheng Zhixuan, an upcoming mecha competition that is linked to the list of ruling alliances and the legitimacy of the genre is enough to attract most of Mars' forces.

There are hundreds of genres scattered throughout the Freeport of Mars. After the bandits took away the top schools such as Black Ryūdo and Akishin-ryu, for the Tai-ryu and Zetsu-ryu that suffered heavy losses in the school war, as well as the second- and third-rate schools that were overwhelmed by the first-rate schools. , this trick done by the Feiyang people may not be an opportunity to turn around.

With the participation of these factions and their affiliated forces, Carolina is completely able to re-create a free port governance system under her control in Mars. And these schools can also take this opportunity to come to the forefront. Become the mainstream of Mars.

After a period of time, when the dust of the arena competition has settled, the genre legality review and approval work has been completed, and the governing system has been established and started to operate. The faction mutual aid alliance will be completely marginalized. After defeating the Sussians and taking complete control of Mars, Carolina might dare to put the bandit army and the Broken Ghost Fleet on the elimination list. At that time, no matter whose army the bandits actually belong to. They will completely withdraw from the stage of Mars.

Fatty had to admit that the Feiyang people were indeed very talented in this trick. With their strength and their gangster logic, they have intervened in every corner of the human interstellar territory for decades, with no disadvantages.

Room is No. 1308. It used to be the first airport hotel. It has now been renovated and turned into officers' quarters.

but. The only changes are the lobby foyer and the signs outside. internal. It's still a hotel style. Thick carpet. Beautifully wallpapered. Soft bed. Leather sofa. Gorgeous furniture and the hotel's centralized automated service system.

As the nominal second-in-command behind Carolina. Fatty's treatment is naturally very high. Building No. 9 in the distribution area. There are dedicated guards. There are more than a dozen rooms in the building. He was basically the only one. The room is a deluxe suite. Whether it is decoration or furniture placement. Even the model of the automatic service system. All are the best. At this point. The Feiyang people seemed to have no intention of making things difficult. The job is done beautifully in order to save face. but. Just stand on the balcony. You can know the arrogant and narrow-minded thinking of Feiyang people——under the balcony of the room. Huge garden with parking lot. It has been converted into a training ground.

Fatty is in the middle of the night. Was awakened by the sound of emergency gathering.

He was wearing shorts. Went onto the balcony.

In the training ground downstairs. The lights are bright. The Feiyang soldiers made chaotic sounds of footsteps, slogans, and counting. The officer shouted. The roar of the mecha was deafening. Mecha ground spotlight. Wandering around. Move him to the small building where he is. It shines brightly.

The fat man raised his eyebrows. These Feiyang people. intentionally!

The fat man stared intently at the Feiyang officers downstairs who glanced upward from time to time, and remained silent without saying a word. Finally, with an unbearable attitude, he slammed the door and returned to the room.

The automatic control system of the room lights was set up with more than a dozen opening and closing procedures at different intervals. The fat man put on an opaque eye mask and put a listener in his ear that was set up with a complete filtering program. Continue to sleep soundly.

This night. Feiyang people gathered together dozens of times urgently. The commotion lasted almost until dawn. When one company is done causing trouble, another company comes. Anyway, he keeps making noise.

This was not a deliberate order, but the two Feiyan armored divisions stationed at the base had long known what happened at Airport No. 15 the day before. The junior officers were dissatisfied. After knowing that Major General Le Lei was placed in Building No. 9, everyone tacitly began to disgust this polished commander who dared to go against Feiyang.

Seeing the lights that came on in the room upstairs from time to time, all Feiyang's junior officers felt a sense of joy.

The commander of the First Army of the Mars Front, Fatty Leray, is just a lost dog who escaped to the free world, a fool who is against the Feyant Republic! Why doesn't he understand that the Feiyang Republic is the backbone of the Feiyang Alliance! In the conflict between Chakna and Feiyang, where is his turn to take the lead?

Enough support!

Arrogance, anger and humiliation always make people lose their judgment. Although most Feiyang officers and soldiers also felt vague contempt for Salmon and felt uneasy about the innocent sacrifice of more than 30,000 Chakna soldiers, this did not affect their anger towards the fat man Lele.

It can even be said that this kind of anger is simply due to the embarrassment of feeling wronged and accustomed to being domineering.

However, no matter what thoughts these Feiyang officers and soldiers had, they had obviously forgotten Fatty's identity and underestimated Fatty's shamelessness.

Early the next morning, the fat man, who always refused to suffer losses and acted recklessly, got up in high spirits.

After breakfast and finishing weight-loss gymnastics on the balcony, the commander of the First Army of the Mars Front assumed the posture of a commander. With a knife-like look in his eyes, Shi Shiran walked into the training ground and took charge of the training. The officers summoned...

"Is this how intense your training is?" The fat man pointed at a major in front of him and was frothing: "Look at these soldiers under your command, are they called soldiers? Bah, they are not even as good as pigs... ..”

"Sir!" A captain next to the major became angry immediately. He immediately interrupted the fat man and said angrily: "You are an insult to our Feiyang soldiers. Please apologize!"

"Apologise?" The fat man pointed to the epaulettes on his shoulders shamelessly: "I am a major general, you are a captain, I am a commander, and you are a subordinate. I am giving you a lecture. Don't you listen carefully, do you want me to apologize to you?"

Everyone was confused. This was the first time in their lives that they had seen such an incompetent and shameless major general.

I was speechless for a moment, listening to the fat man continue to rage at the poor captain: "What do you call Feiyang warriors? Just by your words, I can convict you of sowing relations between the Allies! Now. The countries of the Feiyang Alliance They all belong to the leadership of the coalition command, who is dividing the country? I lead you, and your General Fisichella is also leading the Leray army? Everyone works together to fight bloody battles, and you are here to sow discord! Now, listen to me Password, turn back...".

The captain was in a daze and stood still.

The fat man glanced at him coldly: "Why, do you want to add another charge of disobeying military orders?"

The major quickly stabbed the captain. The fat man is hateful because he understands everything he says. Since the establishment of the Coalition Forces Command. The successive promulgation of coalition regulations has centralized the command power of various countries. This was originally a method used by the Feyon Republic to unify the war situation and control the allied forces. It is also the need to fight against the already closely integrated West York. However, these regulations are far from being fully implemented.

However, if there really was a debate, the captain was in the wrong. After all, these regulations had been formed into documents and issued. The fat man's accusation of the training intensity of Feiyang's soldiers was from the perspective of the coalition commander's instructions. In addition to being the commander of the First Front, he was also the deputy commander-in-chief of the Mars Front. Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Operation Department!

With his status, everyone really could only listen to Feiyang's officers and soldiers. Interrupting him during his lecture like this and asking him to apologize is, in theory, the same as the captain directly reprimanding a Major General Feillant. No matter which country you are in, this is incredible.

After being poked by the major, the captain also understood. Even though his face turned purple, he could only listen to the fat man's order and stand upright and turn around.

"Around the training ground. Run a hundred laps for me!" The fat man waved his hand: "Reflect on it!"

The captain ran away helplessly.

"What kind of qualities!" Fatty Crow laughed at Pig Hei, but he didn't think so.

Just when many junior Feiyang officers were glad that they were not as impulsive as the captain, they saw the fat man turning around with endless anger on his face: "I will continue... .You are embarrassing our Philippine Alliance Army! With such intensity of training, what kind of soldiers can you train?"

All Feiyang officers had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the fat man ordered: "Now, all soldiers, please run a hundred laps around the training ground for me! You go too!"

The first confrontation. It didn't end until Carolina arrived after hearing the news. When she arrived. An armored battalion officer and soldier who was running in a circle around the two-kilometer-long training ground was already running in a mess. Even Carolina. It was impossible to directly revoke Fatty's order. She could only end this farce by performing other tasks.

Margaret, who had just moved into the room next to the fat man, saw all this clearly. She knew that the current mood of Feiyang's officers and soldiers was somewhat inappropriate, but this was not what she wanted to consider. She just wanted to see what else this fat man could do.

"One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, change your posture and do it again."

The next day, Margaret was awakened by the fat man's voice. Gently opening the corner of the curtain, she discovered that on the balcony next door, the fat man was shouting the rhythm to himself, swinging his arms and kicking his legs, his cheeks shaking like breast waves.

After doing the exercises, the fat man went downstairs again. This time, what is going on on the training ground is combat training.

This time, the fat man did not use his authority again. He just pointed at the nose of a lieutenant colonel and didn't know what he said. The lieutenant colonel, with a livid face, selected a few soldiers from the group of soldiers who had already been unable to restrain themselves.

The morning light filtered through the gaps in the curtains and sprinkled into the room. Margaret poured herself a cup of tea, put on a chair, and crossed her legs elegantly.

She really wanted to see if the clumsy-looking Major General Leray was as powerful as he was when he beat Salmon against the fighting elites of the special forces of the Feiyan Armored Division.

.thanks for your support. The foreshadowing has been completed, and the subsequent plot will become more and more exciting amidst the foreshadowing conflicts. Please vote for monthly support! I want to pop the white goose's anus back.



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