Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7, Chapter 77: One against a group (Part 2)

Margaret was brought up in Hastings.

In the Feiyang Military Headquarters, she grew up from a five-year-old girl who knew nothing, to a fifteen-year-old girl who conducted simulations and confrontations with dozens of Feiyang senior generals and discussed combat plans, to a senior At the age of twenty, he graduated from the military academy and entered the army to participate in the war as a military staff officer. Her experience and knowledge are countless times more than those of ordinary girls.

In real life, Margaret's social circle is very wide. She has a wide range of interests and is willing to make friends with anyone of any status. Whether it is a chat circle among common people's young people, or a banquet held by the rich and young, the children of high-ranking officials in the Feiyang Republic. Whether it is a high-society private party or a neon-lit nightclub, she can be seen everywhere.

As you can imagine, such a woman. What kind of vision do you have. No matter from any point of view, it seems that she should not have any emotional fluctuations in an ordinary fighting sparring session.

But now, Margaret discovered that she had been absentminded for a long time.

She had seen countless fights. There are competitions in the formal arena, life-and-death fights in the black market, eye-gouging and throat-biting on the battlefield, and combat training conducted every day in the army. However, she had never been so shocked as now. The shock and impact of this fight had reached the point where her hair stood on end and her scalp went numb.

Judging from the appearance alone, Margaret felt that the white and plump fat man in front of her, compared with the black and strong "white goose", was simply born to look like a beaten man. However, in the battle just now, the fat man turned into a ferocious and terrifying humanoid machine in an instant! Made of iron and steel, his strikes were like lightning... The sound of the fists clashing still echoed in her ears!

This kind of head-to-head confrontation is something Margaret will never be able to experience personally... In combat, she is more than enough to kill a few ordinary soldiers, but she has to go against these special forces. Not to mention the white goose who is like a heavy artilleryman, even if you randomly pull out an ordinary special forces soldier, she will probably not be a match!

Not to mention fist-fighting with a white goose like the fat man, even just imagining two fists colliding together at lightning speed, the severe pain caused by the flesh and finger bones made Margaret feel weak all over.

She had to admit. After all, I am still just a woman!

When she listened to the heavy rain and the fierce beatings of artillery, looked at the white goose's right arm hanging softly beside her, and saw the fat man's fist on the white goose's face, blood spattered... .....She seemed to see a pig beating a lion!

The expected scene. Being subverted simply and completely. It was filled with scenes of violent subway blood. Let her earth center. Almost jumped out.

"How about. Why don't you just bring in a few more?"

Deadly silence in the training ground. The fat man's cold voice sounded. Margaret came to her senses. Look closely. But he saw the fat man standing there coldly. Scanning all the Di Feiyang warriors. A simple and honest face. After removing the disguise. With undisguised contempt and vicious ridicule: "If you're afraid of getting hurt, it's okay not to come."

Margaret's gaze. It swept across the faces of Jason and all Feiyang officers and soldiers. She saw the ground. There was just shock and stupor. Just a few minutes ago. They were still waiting to see the fat man's jokes. Waiting for White Goose to give this fat man a good beating. Waiting to show off warriors to other places. Describe the embarrassment of a fat man.

But. They never dreamed of it. A few minutes later. Lying on the ground. It's a white goose. Being humiliated and teased into a corner. It's these Feiyang special forces headed by Jason! The true face of this fat man. So arrogant and hateful. His sullen expression. Deceived everyone. He easily toyed with the entire special forces battalion to applause.

A group of people fight one. It turned into a fight against a group of people! Fatty sneered. It's like a sharp sword piercing the heart!

"Come on! Why, you really don't dare?"

Looking around at the shocked eyes, white lips and aggrieved expressions of Feiyan officers and soldiers, Margaret felt her face burning.

Jason's previous words. They were all returned by him. The training of those Feiyang soldiers is based on actual combat. The worst they can do is lie in the medical box for a few weeks and talk eloquently. Looking back now, it seems extremely ridiculous.

To fight tooth for tooth, this fat man refuses to suffer any loss. There was still dead silence on the training ground. Finally, Jason took a step forward with red eyes, reached out and unbuttoned his clothes one by one, and slammed his uniform to the ground.

Following his lead, the five Feiyang warriors who had just been selected for combat training also took off their shirts. The strongest men in hand-to-hand combat from the six special battalions surrounded the fat man with livid faces.

A fierce battle is about to begin......

"What are you doing? What do you want to do?" The fat man panicked: "I was just joking..."

All Feiyang people, including Margaret, felt a rush of blood rushing to their brains, and there was a buzz in their heads... all the sounds disappeared, and only the fat man's loud voice was heard. He yelled: "You are really here, do you want to be shameless? Six of you beat one, are you embarrassed? Is it honorable to win?!"

On the training ground, a gust of wind picked up the dust and leaves on the ground, swaying leisurely...

It's like five thunders striking the top. Of course, the six soldiers, including Jason, blushed and stood there in shame and anger. The faces of all the Feiyang warriors nearby also turned blue and white. On the one hand, everyone was so ashamed that they wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, and on the other hand, they were so angry that they wanted to squeeze the fat man in front of them who had been stabbed a thousand times to death!

I have seen all kinds of evil, but I have never seen anything so evil!

Damn fat man! Margaret bit her lip angrily and amusedly. She realized that she had really underestimated the fat man's shamelessness. Although she had been with Hastings since she was a child, she was used to seeing rough seas and all kinds of characters, but she had never seen such a shameless rotten person.

In other words, this guy is not a person at all!

No wonder that even though they heard that the six armored divisions led by Douglas had a conflict with the Lere people led by Fatty in Gacharin, they could not find out the specific situation, and everyone from top to bottom remained tight-lipped. ...........

From the current situation, Margaret can completely imagine Douglas's embarrassment. If you win, it doesn't matter. If you lose, I'm afraid I would keep it secret.

However, if Douglas had been teased by the fat man in the same way, how could he have such a high opinion of the fat man with his pride?

"Forget it, forget it." On the training ground, the fat man also took off his uniform, revealing his white flesh. He glanced at Margaret shyly, sighed helplessly, and waved: "Since everyone is here, Then let's discuss it." The bitch put on a posture and warned her earnestly: "Don't tell anyone about this kind of will be very embarrassing!".

Damn fat man, this is too much! Margaret couldn't stand it anymore.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to start the first confrontation silently under such circumstances.

It should be fun to have such a shameless opponent!

With a chuckle, Margaret's eyes moved, and she said leisurely: "Since General Tian has said so, everyone should let go. With General Tian's fighting level, let alone six, even if it is twelve, he Take it! There is no shame in the internal discussion among the Allied forces...Worrell, Tagore, Ivey...the six of you will also come together."

The fat man stared dumbfoundedly at the six Feiyang warriors walking out of the crowd, and at the expressions on Jason and the others' faces, which changed from shame and anger to ferocious. Before he could speak, the evil Feiyang woman gave an order: "Start! "

Dead woman! The fat man shouted: "Wait a minute!"

"Everyone, come on, don't stop!" Margaret smiled.

"Fuck!" The fat man had no time to speak. He only heard the crackling sounds of fists and kicks. The Feiyang special forces swarmed up and surrounded the fat man, launching attacks like a violent storm. The fat man was left and right, and his hands were dancing. It was airtight, so I could barely resist it.

After all, the Feiyang special forces are not a group of embroidered pillows.

White Goose lost because he didn't understand Fatty's details and lost the battle in the first head-to-head fist fight. Now, with his lessons learned, all Feiyang warriors will not fight with Fatty.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four. What's more, now the fat man is facing twenty-four hands!


The two Feiyang warriors, one on the left and the other on the right, kicked the fat man's neck with their legs at the same time. The fat man blocked it with both hands. Just as he was parrying, Jason in front of him kicked him straight to the chest with lightning speed.

The fat man flicked his feet, and the white fat body turned somersault backwards. When avoiding Jason's attack, he also avoided the sneak attacks of the two Feiyang warriors behind him. But he failed to avoid the knee collision of another Feiyang warrior. I took several steps back before I could stand firm!

"Okay..." The fat man was about to say a few words, but was stifled back by the fists and kicks of the swarming Feiyang warriors. In the midst of his busy schedule, he glanced at Margaret resentfully, only to see the woman raise her eyebrows at him. The eyes of the two collided fiercely in an instant, and it seemed that the sparks of electricity produced by the collision in the eyes could be seen in the air.

Twelve elite soldiers with the highest level of combat in the special operations battalion, including Jason, the number one master in strength above White Goose! No one thinks the fat guy can win.

Margaret was counting the time. She wanted to know how long this fat man could last. I fell asleep. I was too tired after running outside all day. I'll rush out a chapter this morning, I hope it's not too late. Everyone will read it first, and I'll continue typing. ., more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!


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