Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 109 Reunion (5)

After the member states declared war on each other and started fighting, fifty-eight of the more than sixty countries and regions in the human world have been involved in the war.

This is the largest, most cruel, and most tragic war in the history of the human world.

The scope and intensity of its impact are far higher than the war of independence and the racial war between immigrant races when the Earth Federation disintegrated.

More advanced technology, more abundant production capacity, and a larger population have turned into more sophisticated weapons, more majestic battleships, and a larger army. Humanity has lost control of the situation. Every country and every person can only run wild as the war progresses. If anyone wants to stop running in front of the monster of war, then he must be mentally prepared to be crushed by it.

Whether active or passive, picking up a gun and going into battle is the only choice for everyone in this era.

The war continues to spread. One after another, immigrant planets ushered in battleships that blocked the sky; one city after another, they were swallowed up by the tide of mechas.

Judging from the situation, Western York, which was the first to launch the war, still occupies a greater advantage. The democracies of the Filipina Union paid a heavy price for their pre-war indecision and blind optimism.

At the beginning of the war, Xiyo, who had been fully prepared, quickly captured dozens of important space jump points in the human interstellar territory with a lightning-fast offensive, holding the key points of the entire interstellar main channel in his hands. Immediately, countless fleets blasted open the closed doors of democratic countries, and countless mechas were delivered to the planet by giant transport ships. The democracies that hastily organized resistance could only retreat again and again in the face of Western York's aggressive offensive.

In 63 years |, the Spanish army completely captured Mannu, the capital of the small western country of Batoria. This small member of the Fei Alliance, which only has one galaxy and two immigrant planets, became the first victim of this war. Unlike the Lere Federation, the Batoria Federation is completely occupied. Her neighbor, the Empire of West Orans, declared Batoria its third province.

On 827, 63, the Pusi Republic, located in the northwest of the human interstellar territory, lost its capital star and was defeated by the last of the three immigrant planets on its border. Because the waterway was blocked, the Philippine Alliance forces were unable to increase their troops for rescue, and the remaining remnants of the Pusi Republic itself were no longer enough to continue to resist. The Propaganda Department of the Western-Jordan Alliance announced the victory of the Battle of Pusi in advance.

On the same day, the Fuen Federation's jumping point in the southern theater was breached. The coalition fleets composed of three Western countries swarmed in and blocked the main force of the Fuen Federation fleet that had no way to escape in the Blue Whale Nebula obstacle area. After sixty hours of fighting, the three core fleets of the Fuen Federation were completely annihilated. From then on, there was no longer a warship belonging to the Fuen Federation in the starry sky of the Fuen Federation. Fuen's defeat was a foregone conclusion.

August 28. The Battle of Sheen River, the capital of the Republic of Shia, ended. The Republic of Shia was defeated. Sixteen armored divisions and twenty-two fully mechanized infantry divisions were wiped out. The road to the capital was opened on August 29. The Rigi Democratic Alliance forces were defeated. The Fall of Regis on August 30

situation. It became more and more tense because of the excitement in Western York at the end of August. People of all member states of the Fifa League. Every day I get depressing news. The entire Fiji League. Caught in a storm.

anxiety. Panic. Let more eyes. Concentrated in the central theater and southeast theater.

Central theater. There are leaders of both camps. The Binart Empire and the Feian Republic. As well as the Naga Federation and the Lane Republic, the two most staunch followers of the two chief states. these four big countries. It's like a table with four legs. If any one is broken. So. the other side. will have an overwhelming advantage.

but. Both the Binart Empire and the Feyant Republic fought in Carlston. Or the feud between the Naga Federation and the Lane Republic. They are all in a stalemate stage. Want to decide the winner. It's still too early. therefore. Everyone really cares. It is the southeast war zone second only to the central war zone in importance!

Southeast theater. It is the starting point of this unprecedented battle. It is also the focus of competition between the two camps. because. Among the top five major member countries in Western Europe. There is three. They are all located in this star field.

The three empires of Desik, Jeppon and Suss are three-headed monsters in the eyes of any member of the Fiji League. These three empires, which have a long history of expansion and aggression, have always been eager to unleash their force and wield their claws. For hundreds of years, they have been locked tightly by the Fei Alliance and the Supreme Council of Mankind, unable to move. But now, the belt binding them has broken.

With the central passage of Lelei opened, the three empires have been connected. Together, they are enough to swallow up the entire Southeast Star Territory.

This situation is enough to make every Fifa people feel anxious.

After the split of the Lere Federation and the betrayal of the Salega Federation, the Fei Alliance has completely lost control of the southeastern star field. The three great empires of Western Europe can travel freely through the Lere Central Passage. Whether the three empires march north to the Carlston Galaxy or conquer the southeast to completely uproot the Fei League's power in the southeast, it will be extremely dangerous for the entire Fei League.

Fortunately, the Chakna Republic intervened in the southeastern war in time. Now, their army has launched a strong counterattack against the Sous Empire in the Lesk system. Their fleet has entered the main southeast channel and, together with the Feiyang fleet, poses a threat to the flanks of the Western Allied forces. Although the counterattack came a little late, it at least allowed the panicked members of the Fiji League to see a glimmer of hope and prevent their confidence from collapsing.

No one dares to look down upon the Republic of Chakna.

This is the third largest country in mankind after the Fejan Republic and the Binart Empire. If we add her legends in previous wars,

The weight of our country in this war is not much lighter than that of the two superpowers.

When Chakna fully intervened in the war in the southeast, no one dared to boast about defeating Chakna's Haikou, even if the three great empires of Western York were united and the famous general Yuuto Mikami was in command.

Anyone who has studied the war history of this country will know that as her opponent, any optimistic prediction before she completely breaks out is ridiculous. Never claim victory without completely destroying this country, occupying every inch of its territory, and annihilating every one of its armies.

Because of the full intervention of the Chakna Republic, the battle situation in the southeast is full of variables.

To what extent will the Fei League and Xijue collide again in this star field that has been scorched by war? What kind of strategic arrangements has the opposing camp made in this star field? .

These questions are only mixed in people's minds along with various gossips, and no one has an accurate answer.

And for some people who have eyesight or can come into contact with some clues, one thing is unquestionable - there are dark clouds over the southeastern star field. A storm is coming.

The curtain of history is always pulled open by a small rope.

In the year 2063-94, which was full of speculations, a break-through ship carefully completed the jump.

This [Pegasus] cargo spacecraft, fully loaded with light munitions and some medicines, arrived at the last stop of their destination, the Leray Central System, via a small jump point in the free channel.

Now, their destination is a secret space transfer point not far away. As long as you reach the transfer point and throw the space container to the designated coordinates, there will naturally be a mining ship from a certain mining company that will quietly bury the container in the mine cabin as it passes by and bring it into the Lere capital star in batches.

This Pegasus has done something like this more than once. Because of the reliable response and experienced free channel pilots, this line has become a fixed route for this barrier-breaking ship. However, today it appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There was no warning, no inquiry or warning. Just ten seconds after it finished its transition, several terrifying energy cannon light groups completely swallowed it up.

No one could survive such an attack. The civilian cargo ship without energy shield turned into a blooming firework in the starry sky, with wreckage of various sizes scattered in all directions.

The largest piece of debris in the entire ship is the bridge, which is three-fifths the size. In this wreckage full of broken flesh and blood, the radar screen that automatically activates the power storage is still flashing green light. Dense spots of light surged on the radar screen.

After a moment, the radar emitted a series of sparks and stopped working. The only light disappeared, and the dark wreckage floated silently in the starry sky.

The wreckage first hit the port side of a giant battleship painted with the Decik Golden Oak logo. After shattering and rebounding, it was hit by the cold and hard bow of another battleship painted with the Binart Empire Sword and Shield logo. open.

Compared with these giant ships, the largest wreckage of this cargo ship is just a mouse next to the giant elephant.

The wreckage tumbled, becoming more and more broken.

Countless warships passed by it, one after another, endless. The huge fleet covered the entire starry sky.

"Target, Blue Stone Star!"

In the communication system, Douglas's voice was cold and calm.

Four Feiyang A-class fleets, hundreds of warships, turned at the same time and moved closer to each other. A strict formation is taking shape quickly. The quiet void is surrounded by countless stars. Behind the fleet were pieces of floating wreckage.

After two days of travel, the 19th Group Fleet arrived at the jumping point to the Longbow Galaxy from the hidden depths of the Hermit Crab Galaxy.

There is no suspense in the battle to break through the jumping point. Dozens of Jiepen battleships were completely defenseless. Before they could even complete their battle preparations, they were hunted down by four Feiyang A-class fleets that suddenly appeared in the airspace at the jump point.

The command room of Douglas's flagship aircraft carrier, the USS Athena, is a honeycomb-like hexagonal hall.

The hall is twenty meters high from the ground to the arc-shaped dome. Most of the thick and solid metal wall is occupied by white shadowless lamps and a huge electronic map. Only a small part of the corner can be seen in its original iron-gray color.

Directly in front of the command room is a window six meters high and eighteen meters wide. In front of the window is a row of main control consoles with a large desktop, complicated buttons and hundreds of display screens that are flashing with colorful lights. Hundreds of Feiyang officers and soldiers were busy walking back and forth nervously in front of the equipment.

Behind the control desk is an oval, half-height platform, which is where the combat staff is located. Among the combat staff who were frowning and whispering in front of the electronic interstellar map and the deduction table, the lowest-ranking ones were all lieutenants. Compared with the ordinary officers and soldiers in front of the console, their uniforms are more beautiful and their eyebrows are more arrogant.

Further up from the operations department is the central command podium.

This is the core center of the entire fleet. The control seats of the three liaison officers, intelligence, combat, and logistics, are in an inverted shape, tightly surrounding the central command seat.

The central command seat is in the shape of a horseshoe.

It protrudes forward and is located in the center of the entire command room. Standing at the central command seat, you have an unobstructed view of the entire command room. It gives people a feeling of having everything under control.

On the milky-white metal console on the front, three virtual light screens suspended in mid-air changed the light, making Douglas's face flicker.

Douglas tapped his fingers on the virtual keyboard on the side of the armrest

, switching one of the screens. Immediately, the fleet formation diagram appeared t|

Each warship with its own numbered cursor has entered the space specified in the formation diagram. When the last space in the lower right corner of the formation was filled by a cruiser, Douglas felt the space carrier [Athena] tremble obviously.

From the seat loudspeaker, the fleet coordinator's instructions and the responses from each ship came. Douglas looked out the huge window and saw that hundreds of warships clustered around the mothership had all turned on their tail thrusters. Hundreds of blue ion streams were like stars gathered together, dazzlingly bright.

Four [Gods] class aircraft carriers, thirty-two [Unicorn] A-class battleships, eighty [Shark] class heavy cruisers, one hundred and twenty [Lion] class destroyers and more than thirty non- Battleship!

This is the power in his hands that stretches across the Southeast Star Territory!

The low roar of the reaction force device became more and more dull, and a force was pulling on the body. Douglas closed his eyes. He had experienced this situation countless times when the ship accelerated, but every time, he would have an out-of-body feeling.

He fell into a deep sleep. Before that, he had not slept for more than thirty hours. He knew what he was carrying, and he was always walking on thin ice.

Time passes silently. When Douglas opened his eyes again in response to the call of the biological clock that he had rigorously cultivated, a blue planet had already appeared in the battleship's optical far-sighted instrument.

The Jiepen fleet hastily launched in the space port, the patrol ships on the periphery trying to approach and intercept, and even the Jiepen soldiers running on the pier are all clearly visible.

Douglas looked out the window. In the starry sky, Feiyang battleships with full power were like lions staring at their prey, roaring, trying to break free from the rope. .

"Attack!" He spat out the word that had been stored in his heart for a long time.

The huge body of the vast aircraft carrier turned a corner in the air. The six secondary guns that had been aimed at the enemy ship ahead of the ship's bow simultaneously sprayed out six light groups with straight trajectories. The desperately rotating turret shed thousands of energy cannon lights in the empty universe. In the gunfire, more than a dozen flying fighter planes attacked the enemy planes that rushed into the main formation of the fleet and opened fire with all their might.

In the starry sky of the Rose Galaxy, countless flashes of light appeared one after another. The entire universe was illuminated by the light of the energy cannon. The flashing cannon light was like a string of silent electric light cannons lit in the dark night.

"What about losses?!"

In the noisy and chaotic command room, Zhang Pengcheng had to yell loudly to make his problem clear to the staff officer who was almost touching his nose.


An energy cannon hit the port side of the Vast. The huge battleship shook violently. Zhang Pengcheng almost pinched his fingers into the hard metal armrest of the command seat, and managed to steady his body without falling. The staff officer next to him had been thrown out violently, and his forehead hit the railing of the podium, bleeding profusely.

The lights in the command room flickered quickly.

"Damn it!" Zhang Pengcheng knew that this was a sign that the mothership's power system was damaged.

"Our flagship fleet currently has two battleships, two cruisers and four destroyers destroyed, and one cruiser has lost its combat effectiveness." The staff officer stood up with a bloody head and reported.

"Where's the dragon spear and scimitar?!" Zhang Pengcheng roared loudly.

"Can't contact you yet!" Big drops of blood from the staff officer's head fell on the deck.

Outside the window, countless energy cannon light groups crisscrossed the void.

On September 4, 1963, the coalition forces in the eastern theater of the Fei League were formed, and the Republic of Chakna immediately launched a major counterattack aimed at completely eliminating the Leifeng Star, the second immigrant planet of Lesk, where Sus had settled. On the same day, the Sus Empire completed its sixth troop increase in the Lesk system. The focus of competition between the two sides in Resk has shifted from space to the ground.

On September 5, 1963, the fleet of Feiyang's 19th Group successfully launched a sneak attack on the Bluestone Star Base in Salga, Western Europe.

On the same day, two Royal Elephant-class fleets of the Binart Empire and the Fifth Group Fleet of the Desik Empire quietly arrived at the central system of Leray.

It was also on this day that the Suss fleet that attacked Mars Freeport, under the command of Gershkov, suddenly gave up its week-long pursuit game with the Chakna Twelfth Fleet that had been lured to the Rose Galaxy, and went at full speed. Jump to the Ernst Galaxy jump point.

The Chakna fleet, who did not understand the reason, was forced to retreat in order to maintain the threat to the Sus fleet. Unexpectedly, during the retreat, the Sussian fleet used the ambushed electronic ships to launch a concentrated attack to obtain the electronic control area first. The main force suddenly turned around in the Christmas Tree Nebula and launched an attack on the Chakna fleet. At the same time, the two Sussian ships that had been missing were The A-class fleet also appeared behind the Chakna Twelve Group fleet.

The maneuvering space of the fleet of the Chakna Twelve Group was closed, and they could only fight with all their strength, but were dragged into a decisive battle by the Suss fleet.

Lightning and thunder in the southeastern star field!

In the early morning of September 6, 1963, the bandit fleet entered the Longbow Galaxy and sailed along the Vine Nebula towards the Bermuda Galaxy Jump Point. .

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