Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 11 Battle in Dust and Smoke

Pusen stared blankly at the mecha leaping past him.

Streamlined fuselage, rigid lines, external armor with curved protrusions, and overall stamped shell. This mecha has been with him for almost two years. Even if the mecha is melted into molten steel, he can still see it at a glance. It is recognized.

In a counterattack three hours ago, he drove his mecha to kill two [Fushan] vehicles that broke into the position, but also paid the price of severely damaging the mecha and losing its combat effectiveness.

He asked Shen Ming no less than ten times if he could repair the mecha. But Shen Ming's answer was a silent shake of the head. Several other mecha soldiers in the mecha squad also had the same helpless frustration on their faces.

Therefore, he could only pick up the gun, leave his mecha, and go into battle as an infantryman. This is not difficult for him, after all, mecha warriors usually undergo the same training.

The fight lasted for so long that Sampson himself doesn't even remember. He only knew that he climbed up to the shooting position again and again, shooting the enemy mechanically. Until a crashed spacecraft brought a group of motley soldiers wearing blue uniforms.

When the evil and shameful fat man in this group of motley crew actually tried to repair his own mecha as an excuse to avoid fighting, Sampson became angry.

He clearly understood the seriousness of the damage to his mecha. Even Shen Ming, who dealt with [Taihang] every day, couldn't repair it. How could that fat man, who had never even touched [Taihang] before, be able to repair the mecha with a maintenance arm that had no mecha drawings or data?

More importantly, there are not enough parts on the battlefield!

There is no worse lie or excuse than that. Staying for even a second longer would feel like an insult to his own intelligence.

The fat man who took off his major general uniform and only wore a ridiculous cold-proof vest shouted at the soldiers to leave the mecha trench before attacking his mecha. He was afraid that he could not help but beat the fat man to death.

But when he saw the fat man running into the front line of the position, he vaguely felt that he was wrong.

When the fat man sniped and killed three Jiepeng soldiers, the idea became stronger and stronger. It was so intense that he couldn't help but want to drop the gun. Go and see if another miracle is born in the mecha trench.

And when he saw the mecha in front of him, he finally understood. Maybe I missed something

Sampson turned his head and his companions on the surrounding positions were firing mechanically. But. He could clearly see their shock from their eyes.

The sun fell on the craters and sparse shade of trees at the front of the not-too-open position on Highland 347. Torn to pieces and mottled.

The soil and gravel thrown up by the explosion rose one after another like water columns rising into the sky. Broken wood and dead branches shattered and bounced in the rain of bullets. The earth is still shaking, the smoke is still blocking the sky, and the deafening sound of gunfire is still echoing in the valley.

However, all of this turned into a still scene the moment the ragged [Taihang] jumped out of position.

The mecha was charging forward at high speed.

Only half of its head was left. The part on the left side of the forehead with the left eye observer looked as if it had been chewed by a wild dog. Half of its left arm was broken off and only an ugly shield was welded to the elbow. Its casing is covered in thick metal patches, making it look like a downtrodden beggar.

The most incredible thing is that its right leg is a weird thing, thick, ugly, and very twisted. Between the black frame and silver filling metal, you can even see the line gears and the rapidly telescopic transmission rod!

Is this the [Taihang] that was lying in the mecha trench just now? The soldiers looked at each other and felt a stream of blood rushing to their heads. The answer is undoubtedly. Are there other [Taihang] in this position?

But, how can it move? !

Everyone couldn't help but turn around to look for the figure in the camp.

The fat man stepped on the muddy water and ran in the trench. Then he suddenly stopped, put his head in, and fired!

In front of the position, Corporal Jiepen, who was running between two big trees with his waist bent, fell to the ground.

The looming Jiepen soldiers among the jungle slopes stopped advancing and looked for cover in the woods and small hills in a panic.

The fat man changed his position and used the probe gun!

The gun in the hand of another Jepen soldier who was lying on the ground and firing at the position went silent. His head hung to the side in a strange way, and blood flowed from his torn neck, soaking into the dark brown soil.

There are no exposed enemies on the front.

As if he saw something with his peripheral vision, he turned around quickly, and the muzzle of the gun trembled ever so slightly after swinging through an arc in the air.

On the far left side, a Jiepen soldier who had just poked his head suddenly raised his head and fell to the sky with a bloody hole on his forehead. A bright red blood band composed of dozens of large and small drops of blood was helplessly thrown into the air as he shook his head violently.

Before the blood spilled on the ground, the fat man had already shrunk his head, bent over and ran quickly to the next sniper point.

There was total silence in the camp.

"Pa!" A Corporal Chuckner slapped him hard on the cheek: "I'm a pig!"

Seeing a superior soldier next to him looking at him in surprise, the corporal glared and cursed: "Whatever you are looking at looks like a fucking pig!"

The gunfire became sparse.

The Jeppon infantrymen huddled behind jungle mounds and rocks, leaning against the angle of the hillside to hide themselves.

Most of their officers had fallen behind them. If it weren't for the bloodthirsty and cruel low-level nobleman threatening them in the most vicious language on the regional communication channel, they would have retreated long ago.

Never before had they seen so many officers fall in battle. That unpredictable sniper had already cast a layer of haze in their hearts that could not be dispelled.

The fear of having a gun pointed at their head at any time was like invisible smoke, gathering from the bodies of the sniped corpses and suffocating them. It was a death that could be felt and smelled.

When everyone is charging, they still have a sense of luck. But when everyone leaned down, they were unwilling to take the risk of becoming the target of that damn sniper.

Besides, there is a mecha.

At the front of this position, which is only a hundred meters wide, a mecha is almost invincible to the infantry without the protection of the position. Soldier Jiepen had every reason to wait. The sniper in the cover position without mecha firepower was more effective. They are warriors and dead warriors. According to the rules of mecha coordination, they should wait for their mecha to kill the opponent's junk first.

Rags rushed towards [Fushan].

When it jumped out of position, it was first a spirit

After falling forward and to the left, he kicked off his left foot and turned his body again.

Jumping through it in a z-shape, it looks like a silver lightning. Amidst the sizzling sound of electricity, it struck at [Fushan] who was in a daze with lightning speed.

The breathing of the Chakna warriors present became extremely rapid.

When they saw [Fushan] who had come to his senses, they had turned their guns to target [Taihang]. When the muzzle of the cannon wrapped with light suddenly lit up, their rapidly beating hearts felt as if they had been severely grabbed by a hand!

It was just a mecha that took twenty minutes to put together from various parts! Facing the intact [Toyama], there is almost no chance of winning!

But now people have opened fire!

Nash closed his eyes and pounded his head on the ground. Shen Ming lowered his eyes and muttered, not knowing what he was talking about. Feng Laosi next to him stared straight at the fat man, while Sun Ping gritted his teeth and turned his head away nervously.

The energy cannon flashed by. [Taihang]'s body was slightly tilted, like a silver fox leaping in the forest, and he erratically dodged the cannonball.

The shells fired directly into the slope and exploded into the sky. The broken roots of a big tree instantly turned into fragments that shot out in all directions. In the falling mud and rain, the distance between [Taihang] and [Fushan] was less than sixty meters!

The armor is so tattered but its movements are so beautiful.

After a brief silence, the ground burst into cheers that resounded through the sky!

"I'm a pig!" The superior soldier who had just been scolded looked straight at the eyes of the corporal beside him that were almost crazy with surprise and gave him a slap in the face.

He didn't hope for a miracle. But at this moment, a miracle happened. The mecha stood up after being repaired, jumped out of position, and dodged the enemy's shells! I don’t care whether I can win or not! This moment is already a victory!

"Fire! Fight them all!" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"Hit!" The Chakna warriors who came to their senses clenched the trigger with trembling fingers. The sound of gunfire was like the first note of a high-pitched symphony, reaching its climax.

The light net of bullets intertwined and pounced on the Jie Pen soldiers halfway up the mountain. The soil was flying in the torrential fire, and the rocks were shattering. Every note composed of the gunshots and roars was so surging, so intense that it was deafening.

They want to use this gunshot to accompany the mecha warrior who rushes towards the enemy like lightning!

In the sudden high-pitched gunfire, the distance between [Taihang] and [Fushan] became closer and closer.


Cozmo suddenly pulled the control stick and hit the ground, crashing into the enemy like a cannonball.

"Trash, seeking death!"

[Toyama] A cold snort came from the loudspeaker.

All the Jiepen people, including Corleone at the attack position at the foot of the mountain, felt it was a bit ridiculous that a piece of junk that looked like it would fall apart at any time dared to attack Jiepen's medium-sized individual mecha [Toyama] Launch a charge? !

In modern warfare, the performance of mechas is the biggest factor that determines the outcome of the battle. In terms of performance, [Toyama] and [Taihang] are already close to each other. If [Taihang] was a complete mecha, the outcome might be uncertain. But look now

This has nothing to do with arrogance, this is common sense! Mechas are weapons of war, not toys! Who would believe that a mecha with two different mechanical legs could win in a life-and-death showdown? !

[Fushan]'s mecha warrior snorted coldly. He stepped forward suddenly, and punched with great force, directly towards [Taihang]'s chest.

As a level five mecha warrior, he has experienced countless battles, and countless enemies have fallen in front of him.

Among them, there are many high-level mechas and many strong men! But there has never been an idiot who piloted a piece of mecha like this! Although he can't compare with those armored division mecha warriors, among the mechas, he is definitely a master.

He wanted to meditate on the squeaking and patchwork parts of the mecha in front of him, and the sky was filled with iron rain. He wanted to crush the last glimmer of hope that the Chakna people had put together!


The collision of the two mechas was like a huge bomb, exploding in the jungle.

The harsh sound of metal collision was breathtaking, and the shock wave rolled up dust all over the sky. The branches of the trees that had been blown bare were swaying violently. The few remaining leaves were pulled away from the branches, and drifted into the sky along with the diffuse smoke. fly.

The soldiers on both sides of the war all held their breath.

The dust obscured their eyes, and they could only see two black figures fighting each other in the smoke and dust in the deafening crash.

A big tree was broken and fell down. A huge piece of bluestone turned into countless rubbles and flew around. The earth trembled under the frantic footsteps of the mecha, its fists and feet tore through the air, making an ear-piercing scream, and a strong wind blew.

"Five Four Three"

The fat man was half-crouching in the trench, reloading the magazine of his sniper rifle.

His body was covered with mud, and his face was streaked with sweat. He wore a cold-proof vest over his green military shirt. His blue trouser legs were stuffed into his boots, and two holes had been worn out on his knees. .

Beside him, two or three wounded Chakna soldiers looked at him without blinking. Listen to the slow countdown from his mouth.

After patting the magazine and turning on the energy blaster again, the fat man smiled at the wounded soldiers and counted to himself: "Two one.


The violent sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly stopped! Amidst the endless gunfire and smoke, the tattered [Taihang] broke out of the sky like a demon walking out of hell, and amidst the smoke and dust in the sky.

It strode towards the position.

The dust in the sky swept behind it and spread with the turbulent wind in the mountains and forests.

Everyone's eyes fell on its hand. The Chakna warriors gritted their teeth and trembled with excitement. The Jie Pen soldiers lying on the mountainside began to retreat one by one. First, one or two people were sliding down, and then more and more people joined the sliding team. In the end, three rows of stragglers had turned into a desperate retreat!

Less than twenty seconds before and after! [Fushan], who originally showed off his power, has become a soft dead dog in the hands of [Taihang]!

Cheers soared into the sky. Dozens of ecstatic men howled at the top of their lungs.

There was great joy on the battlefield.

. .

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