Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 121 Strong Enemy

After finding the West York Fleet, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became much more relaxed.

In any case, now I finally know where the other party is hiding, and I can tell whether they are fighting or fleeing. Not to mention, the anxiety of being spied on was gone, and it felt so wonderful to still be able to see the Xijue fleet continuing to hide from Shimao right under his nose without realizing it, just like in a hide-and-seek game. You control everything in the game, and all that's left is to choose how the game proceeds.

On the Skynet screen, Little Thief No. 3 was far away in the distance. The telescope lens was monitoring the West York Fleet in full territory mode, while Little Thief No. 2 continued to approach the West York Fleet.

At first, the captain and staff of the Phantom Fleet did not notice anything unusual. However, as the surveillance footage of Little Thief No. 2 got closer and closer to the opponent, some people began to feel that something was wrong.

Little Thief No. 2 is too close to the opponent!

When a fleet is lurking, it is impossible not to have electronic ships around for reconnaissance and warning. If Little Thief No. 2 and Little Thief No. 3 avoided each other's eyes and ears and found the other side's fleet, everyone thought it was a surprising but quite normal thing, then, the current progress of Little Thief No. 2, It has completely fallen into the extremely abnormal range.

What they want to do is to rush forward to see clearly what is hidden. Which fleet of Xijue is in the darkness, or are they preparing to simply crash into it and tell the enemy that Bandit Nian is coming?

"Stop, God." One captain stood up suddenly, pointed at the screen and shouted urgently: "Make them stop."

Following the captain's anxious voice, almost all the Phantom Fleet officers in the collegial room stood up. In front of their eyes, Little Thief 2 was getting closer and closer to the West York Fleet, so close that people's hearts almost jumped out of their throats. Even Tony, Isaac, Garfield and Diana lost their composure and changed their expressions in horror.

There was chaos in the conference room.

However, the anxiety of the Phantom Fleet officers did not seem to attract the attention of the bandit officers.

Tony and others discovered that amidst the captain's anxious shouts, the bandit communications officer in front of the Skynet console did not make any move, while Bratt, Fe Owen and other bandit generals turned their attention to Fatty.

Their nonchalance was in sharp contrast to the anxious captains.

What's going on with divination?

Tony, who is extremely observant, quickly looked at Margaret next to the fat man..." "Like the bandit officers, Margaret's face also showed no trace of anxiety.

Sensing the strange atmosphere, the anxious captains stopped shouting in confusion.

The conference room fell into sudden silence. Time passed by, and the distance data on the virtual light screen showed that Little Thief 2 had slowly flown into the airspace less than 500 kilometers away from the West York Fleet.

A red flying dragon with fangs and claws, a knight in armor..." "\\\u0026The emblem and serial number on the bow of the Western battleship gradually appeared on the far-sighted instrument, becoming more and more clear!

At a distance of five hundred kilometers, the Jie Pen Royal Dragoon Fleet..." The captains stared blankly at the telescope image sent back by Little Thief 2. Their minds were already blank. Whether it was Little Thief 2 at this moment The distance between them and the enemy, as well as the power represented by the enemy's warship's bow emblem, were enough to completely petrify them in shock.

"Dragon Cavalry Fleet?" Fatty's surprised voice broke the peace of the conference room. "What is this?"

"The Dragoon Fleet is one of the five most elite super group fleets of the Jiepen Royal Family." Margaret, who was explaining the emblem to the fat man in a low voice, said with a solemn face, "its commander is named Potter. O'Brien, who is a member of the Jiepen Military. The famous general second only to Sanjl Yuuto, nicknamed the One-eyed Python. He is one of the enemies that the space navies of all countries least want to encounter."

As she spoke, Margaret asked for a basic information document on the generals of Western York from the staff beside her, and handed it to the fat man: "Obuen is ranked twenty-eighth in the ranking of famous generals, but, in the ranking of space navy generals, Among them, his ranking is higher than Yuuto Mikami.”

When he heard that he was ranked higher than Mikami Yuuto, the fat man was frightened.

He never dreamed that the gangsters who used to play bricks would meet such a person just after they drew their swords. Judging from Margaret's tone and the reactions of the officers present - this guy has a gun!

He is just a fat man who was born as a mechanic and has not received any training in this field. Therefore, his understanding of these famous generals is not as good as any military academy cadet.

When students make these famous names a part of their lives in their homework, chats and ideals, to the fat man, famous generals are nothing and have nothing to do with them. They want breasts but not breasts, they want butts but not butts, a group of men with thick beards and unshaven hair, what are they doing?

Besides, even if you want to read it, the editor of the porn magazine will not introduce it.

"Is this guy very powerful?" The fat man flipped through the information and couldn't find Obuen's measurements for a long time.

Margaret nodded seriously and said: "Although Mikami Yuuto is ranked higher than him, that is because of Mikami's height at the strategic level. And O'Brien is recognized as a leader in space fleet command and tactics. An expert, his fighting style is like a giant python, silent before launching an attack, and once launched, it will tightly entangle the enemy until it is swallowed up. Because O'Brien had one eye injured and blinded, he was It’s called the One-Eyed Python.”

"If you were the one commanding the battle, how many would you win?" Fatty asked in a deep voice.

"Less than thirty percent." Margaret said calmly, not at all embarrassed by the officers present.

This is the truth. Even though she has military talent and was trained by Hasting Jin himself, she is still too young compared to these famous generals who have become famous all over the world many years ago. Which of these old foxes is not experienced in many battles, and how much less talented is he? Their rich experience is enough for any young genius to jump into their trap without knowing it.

The price of underestimating them is to fall like a meteor!

The conference room was silent because of Margaret's resignation.

The fat man looked around and found that none of the officers looked good. Obviously, the name O'Brien brought them more shock and threat than he imagined.

Haha, the fat man laughed naively.

That O'Brien is a bastard, I'm afraid I have to reach out and touch him!

The war has reached this point jl, do I have any way out! How many challenges lie ahead, and how many famous generals are grinning. If the bandit army is frightened to stop because of one person's reputation, why should I struggle until now? ! .

He turned to look at Fei Owen and Chel. The two pillars of the Leray Space Navy were looking at him with bright eyes. Blatter and other army generals on the side also looked indifferent. For four years, Leray fought with Jiepen, fought with Suss, fought with Gacharin, and fought with Desik. Who did the commanders of this country fear?

"Okay", the fat man looked at his watch: "We still have one hour before ending the fifth segment..."\\\u0026"

He walked to the chair jl in the center of the Skynet console and sat down. He entered the Oxtail system's interstellar map into the deduction program and said, "Let's make a plan to see how to kill this one-eyed dragon."

Want to fight? !

The fat man's words were like dropping a bomb in the conference room. No one expected that after knowing the opponent's identity, General Tian would make such a straightforward decision to fight. It was as if he was facing a rookie who could chop melons and vegetables as he pleased.

"Sir, the opponent has an advantage, and their strength is 1.5 times ours. Even if we win, we will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred." A captain jumped up and said: "I don't agree to fight.

"Yes, the opponent is the famous general O'Bun of Jepen," a staff officer said worriedly: "The possibility of expecting him to make a mistake or defeat him with a weak force in a head-on confrontation is almost zero!"

"Although we know the other party's whereabouts, once we pass through the obstacle area of ​​the fifth flight segment, we will be exposed in front of the other party. There is no other way to get behind the other party. Knowing or not knowing the other party's whereabouts, we have no control over the fight. Any influence. Unless we don’t pass under their noses.”

"I'm not afraid of war, but we can't fight this war!"

"Using the masses to overwhelm the few and defeat the few with the many is the correct way of war! You cannot annihilate the enemy with superior force at the time and place you designate. Even if you win, you will lose the battle! After the troops have fought, what else will you use in the battle behind? Teeth biting?”

The officers were all talking, and the more they talked, the more excited they became.

Margaret didn't say anything about the almost unorganized noise of the Phantom Fleet officers. Although she knew that as long as she glanced around, she could silence the entire conference room.

She knew this unit too well. These people are not afraid of fighting or any opponent. They just don't believe in fat people now!

They are all elites who came out of the most elite troops of the Feiyang military.

They receive the most rigorous training in the universe and serve and fight in every corner of the universe. Even in peacetime, their combat intensity is higher than that of most armies today.

If it weren't for their grandfather and themselves, they would never have put their lives in the hands of a fat stranger.

Any suppression against them will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If the fat man wants to win their respect and obedience, he must lead them to victory. There is no other way!

However, the opponent is the Jiepen Dragoon Fleet and Obuen!

This is a figure that even Hastings dare not despise. He is the king of air combat in the eyes of the Jiepen people. He was entrenched in the star field that the bandit army must pass through, spitting out the letter, waiting for the fatal blow.

Defeating him would be a blow to Xiyo's head. The entire Fei League will cheer for it.

Can the bandits, who show off their swords for the first time, defeat this powerful enemy? .

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