Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 125 Front

God! "The staff officer of the Ming Feiyang cruiser stared blankly at the porthole No. 6※

The visual impact brought by this violent scene in the universe is too strong. One after another, the Western York warships emerged from the void and were smashed into pieces in front of the overwhelming torpedoes and missile clusters. Countless wrecks. Scattered around.

On the huge hull of the giant steel ship, fireballs burst out one after another, like blood-red epiphyllums that bloomed and faded.

So eye-catching!

"God is not here." The vice-captain, who was running around in front of the Skynet console like a lion, suddenly kicked the distracted staff officer on the butt. "What a fart, it's our turn, we

! "

"Fifteen hundred quarters left, full speed." The pilot in charge repeated the captain's instructions loudly.

"Electronic interference activated" The electronic soldier hurriedly flipped the dense switches on the console, his hands were so fast that he could only see an afterimage.

"The main gun is charged 8185%." The gunner in the main gun cabin stared at the charging meter, breathing heavily like a bullfight waiting for the gate to open. "The power cabin supervisor was almost jumping on his feet and shouting wildly, and his soldiers were instructed by him not to touch the ground.

"Quick, quick, quick!" The captains' wild roars echoed, and every battleship seemed to have exploded.

The officers and soldiers, trembling with excitement, ran quickly and roared. The sound of typing on the keyboard is like a heavy rain hitting a lotus pond. The turret was spinning rapidly. The radar is locking, and the steel body of the battleship is turning. The huge fleet is like a group of migratory birds flapping their wings and gliding on the water, preparing to soar into the sky.


"Let's go, let's go!"

"Follow up!"

A series of blue energy shields, like the lights of the city at night, light up one after another. In this wonderful light, the huge bandit fleet started to move.

The shuttle-shaped fleet's sailing formation was changing rapidly like a ball of thread being pulled away.

The high-speed destroyers took the lead in attacking. These small warships were like a group of hounds that had broken off their leashes, running wildly. They rushed toward the enemy fleet overwhelmingly. Behind them was a cluster of cruisers. These larger warships were more like the outflanked rangers on ancient battlefields, riding horses across the sand and arrows raining down like rain.

When the main guns were fully charged, the four-pronged cruise ship group erupted into a dazzling light at the same time.

Countless streams of light passed straight through the black void and plunged into the enemy's fleet. A moment later, as if it had been doused with gasoline, several dazzling white lights erupted from the West York patrol group that had already been caught in the explosion of fire. This white light was so intense that the entire Yulei was lit up.

The flagship command hall is tense and tense.

The fat man stood on the command seat with bright eyes and issued an order: "The first patrol group will take a detour to the left, and the second patrol group will attack the entrance area and attack the main battleship array of the enemy fleet."

"The First Patrol Group understands."

"The Second Patrol Group understands."

The excited replies from the two fleet coordinators sounded almost simultaneously.

"Start the electronic attack with full force." The fat man dragged the situation map on the tactical computer while looking at the densely rolling intelligence and data. He ordered one after another: "The main formation fired a volley, and the coordinates were positioned to attack Xu Wanjiu Du 7 and follow the flagship's circular movement. , automatically adjust the shooting elements"

Every time he gave an order, the officer in charge responded loudly. For a moment, the whole command hall was filled with a high-spirited voice of "yes".

No one questioned his order anymore, and everyone's blood was ignited in the fireworks in the distant starry sky.

That's O'Brien!

He is a master tactician and air combat expert known as the One-Eyed Python!

However, when his fleet emerged from the darkness. What they encountered was an extremely precise head-on strike from thousands of missiles and torpedoes!

Is there anything more crazy than this? !

"Report of enemy fleet damage!" Fatty shouted.

"The center cluster lost 35%, the tail cluster lost 41%, and the battle cluster lost 3.6%," Tony reported loudly.

As Tony spoke of the data, even at the busiest moment, a burst of uncontrollable cheers erupted in the command room.

The staff high-fived each other despite their busy schedules. Before the first wave of attacks ended, two-fifths of the enemy's patrol group had been killed. This was a perfect start!

However, Fatty was obviously not very satisfied with this data.

Tonyan found that after he reported the loss of the enemy ship, the fat man frowned visibly.

"Sir, our torpedoes and missile clusters have just completed the third wave of attacks, and there are two more waves to come," Tony couldn't help but remind him.

By this time. Tony had completely abandoned all suspicion of Fatty. From the fat man's amazing ability to read intelligence and deduce, to this incredible genius battle plan, to the violent explosion of light outside the window at this moment, everything only shows how accurate Hessen's vision is! ※

The battle has begun and there is no retreat. What I can do now is follow the fat man in front of me and witness a miracle.

Tony had no doubts. The possibility of this miracle.

"The next two waves cannot cause much damage." Fatty, who had been staring at the tactical computer, shook his head unexpectedly.

"Why?" Tony and the senior generals surrounding the fat man were all shocked at the same time.

"Keep the distance. The left wing is led by the cruiser USS Odom, turn left for 600 quarters, and the right wing is led by the USS Tennessee, turn right for 800 quarters." Guangdong Boon's roar was extremely cold: "Bordeau. Caesar. ,Fang "Derbyshire", Wada, No. "Yamada".

Following O'Brien's instructions on the tactical computer, more than ten named warships suddenly crossed the Zhuo body in the air, either forward or backward, up or down, and stopped behind the bursting fire ball.

In front of these warships, warships that were riddled with holes were struggling in hell. Countless missile fish with light tails and smoke tails jumped into the flames of the explosion one after another. Some hit the battleships or wreckage in front and exploded, while some passed through the gaps and shot at the battleships that had just passed over.

Behind him, hundreds of battleships had already begun a difficult turn.

Although the formation was crowded and the movements were slow, these battleships finally had time to breathe behind the blocking wall of battleships in front.

A strong man breaks his wrist. The sacrifice of more than ten warships isolated the spread of missile and torpedo attacks. The address of this site has been changed to: Liaolian Ao Pengqing. Please log in to read.

O'Brien gritted his teeth. He never dreamed that his sneak attack would completely fall into the opponent's trap. .

Everything is an illusion.

When the Fei Alliance fleet appeared in front of them, shutting down the energy shield and engine, and preparing to jump, they had prepared thousands of missiles and torpedoes, waiting for their fleet to jump.

Although I don't understand how the other party discovered its fleet, and how it accurately calculated the coordinates and time of the jump airspace. However, these are no longer important to O'Brien.

What matters is. Although the dragoon fleet suffered heavy losses, the fleet did not lose the battle.


O'Brien has used experience to calculate the bottom line of damage caused by the opponent's five waves of missile attacks. The last wave arrives. It was the battleship that came forward four minutes later. Enough to block the fourth wave. When the last wave arrives, the fleet that spreads to both wings will be able to escape the enemy's attack range and release enough induced bombs.

Losing more than a dozen warships and preserving more effective forces, O'Brien made the decision without thinking at all.

At the same time, he also saw the naivety of the opposing commander in the light of genius.

If when he sets the coordinates of missiles and torpedoes, the penetration is stronger, the attack waves are more concentrated, and some torpedoes are allowed to be aimed around the target airspace instead of being so greedy, then he can completely attack in the first wave At that time, the patrol group of the Dragon Cavalry Fleet was completely deprived of combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, he missed the best opportunity.

Although now in all aspects of the battlefield situation, this unnumbered Fiji fleet has an advantage. However, don't forget the strength of the dragoon fleet. One and a half times theirs. It's just slightly less than them at the moment.

This is the Dragon Cavalry Fleet. He has experienced hundreds of battles and is not afraid of death.

in this fleet. Except for the officers and soldiers of Jie Pen who did not hesitate to rush forward to meet the missiles and torpedoes when given the order. There are also six space carriers and battleship clusters that are currently intact!

Since he couldn't make a sneak attack, he would defeat the unknown commander head-on.

It won't take long for him to understand from the slowly reversing situation and the dragoon fleet strangling like a giant python. No matter how good his strategy and tactics were, he should not provoke the one-eyed python O'Brien.

This name didn’t come from a sneak attack!

In the command room of the Supreme Glory, hundreds of dragon cavalry fleet staff members were like a high-speed operating machine. Classify, analyze and process intelligence and data. Four floors above, every tactical discussion room was opened. Countless real-time combat plans and deductions were continuously transmitted to the senior staff led by the chief of staff, and then to O'Brien's tactical computer.

O'Brien, who was as calm as a stone, looked at the tactical computer with a hint of ferocity at the corner of his mouth.

Dragoon fleet. The danger has been avoided and it is shrinking. But the Fei League fleet attacked too hard. Located on their left. There is a wonderful gap in the airspace between the two squadrons. .

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