Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 21 Blitz (4)

The vast land of hundreds of square kilometers west of Yangshan has turned into a noisy battlefield.


The attack positions, with their teeth and claws open, stretched from the southern end of the Sunset Mountain defense line, along the undulating mountains, through valleys, plains, and rivers, to the northern section 20 kilometers away, with no end in sight.

The Xijue troops scattered all over the mountains and plains were like ants, so densely packed that even one could not count them. On the winding roads farther away, there are more follow-up troops, just like trickling tributaries, converging here.

By this time, West York's Northern Army Group had already set up a fierce offensive formation.

With Frenzo Town holding down the Fei League troops and taking over the western part of the Sunset Mountain Basin in a flash, they no longer had any scruples, and there was no need to be secretive and pretend to be polite.

This is to use force to bully the weak, to use force to suppress others! In the eyes of all Western York officers and soldiers, it is only a matter of time before such a heavy concentration of troops can capture the crumbling Sunset Mountain defense line.

To the east of Intercity Highway No. 3 from Qixing Town to the Sunset Mountain Satellite City, the hills that stretch all the way to the north of the road, which is 18 kilometers away from the Sunset Mountain Range, disappear under a gentle green slope and turn into a wide plain. The grass and trees are dense and flat. It extends to three kilometers away and ends with several slowly rising hills.

Because it is located at the intersection of several highways of different grades, it has naturally become a temporary garrison for many troops.

As Xiyang Mountain failed to be conquered for a long time, more and more troops and logistics supplies gathered here along Intercity Highway No. 3 and its two wings. Under the order of the Terbium headquarters, three engineering battalions and thousands of engineering mechas worked together to build the largest forward base for Western York's offensive forces under the Sunset Mountain.

Human engineering capabilities, in this era of mechas, are staggeringly efficient. From selecting the area to cutting down the trees and leveling the site. It only took two hours to build a huge base.

In the base, build thirty huge warehouses and barracks that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. These combined buildings are evenly distributed in nine square areas in strict accordance with defense requirements.

The base is surrounded by long modular metal walls, and there are guard towers equipped with large-caliber base-type energy cannons every fifty meters. At the four corners and the center of the base, Caizhi also assembled five large energy shield generators connected to everything.

Looking at it at night, the blue energy-shield glows. It spreads upward from the corner of the wall, crosses the wall, climbs up to the sky along the huge metal bracket, and tightly wraps the entire base, leaving only a circular channel above the temporary platform for small transport ships to take off and land. Like a huge blue bird's nest

At this moment, the base was bustling with people coming and going. Teams of motorcades and transport mechas filed in from the east and west gates of the base with bright and dazzling lights.

Because they had just 'ended' a round of futile offensives and re-formulated the strategic and tactical headquarters. It will take time to assemble and deploy the troops. Therefore, the troops who arrived at the base were not yet sure where they were going. The soldiers rested as they were and took the time to sleep and eat.

From time to time, everyone will turn their attention to the northeast corner of the base.

It was a mountain col surrounded by two hills that were 40 to 50 meters high. At a glance, you could see some prefabricated barracks and bright lights. No one came near there, though. an hour ago. Martial law has been imposed there. An entire Suss armored battalion had a three-layer cordon deployed outside the camp area.

Even when facing his companions, the soldiers in charge of guarding had a tigerish look in their eyes, eager and fierce. It seemed that a sudden explosion would occur at any time, tearing apart anyone who dared to approach or spy on the camp.

In fact, what they are guarding is no longer a secret.

Even if he is just a new recruit who has just joined the army. I also know what is in that camp - apart from the legendary Adjudicator army, who else is worthy of such a big fanfare and labor, just to show a serious attitude?

In a war like this, the soldiers who don't know whether they can survive are more hopeful than curious.

After the storming of Sunset Mountain was suspended, the commander never issued any new orders. Obviously, in the next battle, it's time for the army that makes everyone's heart beat faster whenever they hear their name.

"General Reinhardt and Marshal Bellev are scheduled to launch a general attack at six o'clock." In the tightly guarded camp, rows of black judges stood quietly under the light of moths lingering "Admiral Seuss Langman The Adjudicator looked around at the ghost-like silence, then turned back and respectfully addressed Reinhardt beside him.

Unlike those judges who covered their necks and behind their ears, Reinhard just stood there calmly, with his collar turned down and no hat. The silver metal head is integrated into the flesh and blood body with a smooth industrial shape. Instead of feeling scary, it has a strange beauty.

Being able to expose the body's flaws so calmly. Faced with people's surprised looks, he was so calm and calm. One can imagine the strength and tenacity of his heart.

Based on this alone, Longman knew that the captain of the adjudicator was definitely not an ordinary person.

Seeing Reinhardt nodding, Langman continued: "In order to cooperate with you, we have formulated a new combat plan. Within an hour, the deployment of combat troops can be completed..."

With that said, Langman took an electronic folder with a faint blue light from the staff, handed it to Reinhardt and said: "The breakthrough point selected by the command is Highland 152 in Area 3. This is detailed intelligence information. The general can Let’s get familiar with it first. Then, my eighth attack position

Arms, armored division

He took the electronic folder from Langman's hand. Reinhardt glanced quickly.

The Rusi people obviously put a lot of effort into choosing a breakthrough point. No matter from any aspect, the 152 highland is located in the third area of ​​​​the Sunset Mountain defense line. Chia is an ideal target.

There is a straight-line distance of six kilometers from the main peak position of Sunset Mountain. If the weather is fine

During the day when visibility is high, the two positions can even see each other with the naked eye.

The loss of position 152 is like a tight iron chain being broken in the middle for the entire Sunset Mountain defense line, no matter how strong the two wings of the defense line are. Nor could it stop the breakthrough of the Western troops. panic. It will spread around when the first ray of sunshine shines on Sunset Mountain in the morning, and the complete defeat of the Fei League defenders is inevitable. .

"Excellent choice." Reinhardt exchanged the folder in his hand to Longman, the handsome

An appreciative smile appeared on his face: “I don’t have any objections.

Langman, who originally felt a little uncomfortable among a group of cold-faced and ghostly judges, was affected by Reinhardt's smile and tone. He relaxed and said with a smile: "General Reinhardt. That's a bonus. Choosing this point as a breakthrough point is also based on the powerful attack of you and your troops.

He casually handed the folder to the staff officer beside him. Shaking his head with self-mockery, he said: """To be honest. I originally thought that I could break through the Sunset Mountain defense line in one go. Unexpectedly, the Fei League withstood thirteen attacks from the "Xiu-Army" in succession. In five or six hours In a short period of time, I lost two regiments just in position 152. This is why I am so shameless and ask for your help.

"The defenders of Fei Yi are already at the end of their strength." Reinhardt gently twitched his palms with his gloves: "I think, even without our participation, it will be a matter of time for you, Mr. Langman, to go down to Sunset Mountain. , things. Speaking of which, we are just the icing on the cake.

Reinhardt's humility greatly increased Langman's favor.

In fact, everyone knew that this time the northern cluster hit an iron plate. You must know that before this, the main force of the Northern Cluster, which occupied a large number of towns and strategic locations west of Sunset Mountain, had only lost two divisions in total. In the battle of Sunset Mountain, three divisions were lost in just five or six hours. This has exceeded Longman's psychological bottom line.

Adding these three armored divisions, the strength of this battle has dropped by 25% so far! What's even more embarrassing is that. Although on the surface it seems that the entire strategic plan is progressing smoothly, Qixing Town and Xiushuihe Town are still like two nails stuck in the western part of the Sunset Mountain Basin.

In other controlled areas, the Western-Jordan coalition forces did not gain complete control and had to slow down their advance.

The fact that the defenders of the Fei League's Sunset Mountain were able to respond so quickly and organize such a level of resistance was beyond the expectations of many people. If it weren't for the judge who could be called the sea-suppressing needle, and if it wasn't that the whole battle could be won by just conquering the "Sunset 2" defense line, I'm afraid what Langman would consider now is to go home.

Langman really didn't want a well-planned battle to go wrong because he couldn't break through Sunset Mountain.

If the Battle of Sunset Mountain was defeated due to excessive losses, he believed that Bellev would not hesitate to push him to the front as the scapegoat.

In Seuss, being the scapegoat in such a critical battle usually means being sent to hell for eternity.

The former General Garcharin in front of him was humble and peaceful, without the slightest arrogance, even though he was leading Binar't's most top-notch troops. He is also able to put down his body and work together, making him a rare partner. Looking back at it now, Langman even felt that Reinhardt's cold metal head was pleasing to the eye.

He secretly made up his mind to take down Sunset Mountain. The biggest credit must go to Reinhardt anyway.

As General Ru, he knows a lot about the referee. But there are far more legends than ordinary soldiers. A squad of ten mechas can cut through an armored division head-on. Twenty such squads, placed on this battlefield, would be no less powerful than twenty nuclear bombs!

The two countries Su and Jie do not have the right to command the Duelist troops. If there is another similar war in the future. If Reinhard can show mercy and send one or two teams to help, he may not be able to experience the same turmoil as the Ryan War Zone in the southeastern star field.

Langman was thinking in his mind, and was about to invite Reinha Cheng to his headquarters to have a chat. But Reinhard turned his wrist to check the time, turned to him and said: "I have been sleeping on the transport ship for most of the night. Since there is still more than an hour left, I think it is better to stretch out some muscles first."

"Activity.""" Longman said in surprise: "General Reinhard is preparing to personally..."""

"Know yourself and know the enemy and you will never be in danger," Reinhardt said calmly: "War with Skynet is one way of fighting, and war without Skynet is another way of fighting. Compared with Skynet's ubiquitous war, we In fact, I prefer to fight under the shady curtain.

He turned his head and clapped his hands to his ancient subordinates, and said expressionlessly:

Enemy information to launch an attack is a lesson.

It was a contest before the war began.

"Control the battlefield, and let us shield the Feimen first.

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