Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 57: The bandit army emerges

On the road 600 kilometers west of Feiyang's capital Heidfield, a team of vehicles was speeding westward under the escort of mechas.

After passing through a flying road nearly two hundred meters wide. The lead off-road vehicle suddenly turned and entered a branch road leading to a farm on the endless plain.

The huge convoy was obviously unable to turn right at the same time and squeeze into the suddenly narrowed intersection. Some military vehicles simply roared and rushed down the shoulder of the road, speeding through the wilderness full of sand, gravel and tufts of weeds.

Viewed from the air, the rolling traffic rushing down the road looks like a herd of running cattle, spreading out after crossing the river. The rough-looking military vehicles and mechas stirred up dust and sand in the sky as they flew. The rotating and beating wheels and swinging mechanical legs form a sharp contrast between movement and stillness with the solid and vast earth.

Several armed helicopters flew through the sky. At both ends of the short wings, two cylindrical ion engines emit streams of blue light. Higher up, a small transport ship was gradually descending under the escort of fighter planes. Already through the clouds.

When the speeding convoy rushed into the outer gate of the "farm" surrounded by five consecutive metal isolation nets, the transport ship's huge and cold black steel hull had already slid past less than a hundred meters above the convoy's head. The shock-absorbing landing gear under the belly of the ship has been opened, and rows of indicator lights are flashing. The roar of the huge anti-gravity engines was deafening.

The convoy was chasing the transport ship that was almost within sight, and the sentries at the perimeter fence and the wall gate were instantly left behind.

"Oh, my God!" the second lieutenant driving the lead SUV shouted in disbelief.

Next to him in the co-pilot's seat, Feyant Army Colonel Barak stared straight ahead. Glazed eyes.

Endless flames gathered into a sea of ​​​​fire one kilometer ahead. Some vehicles were parked far away, and hundreds of soldiers and ambulance personnel were running back and forth chaotically amid the piercing sirens. Buildings collapsed behind them. Huge balls of fire rose behind them.

Before the off-road vehicle could stop at the third gate, Barak, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had already opened the door.

"The medical team joins the rescue, everyone else gathers! Quick, quick, quick!" Barak roared. The soldiers under his command jumped out of the transport vehicle, and the medical mechas quickly deployed close to the base. The medical soldiers carrying the stretchers pressed their military caps blown by the strong wind while running, and the individual mechas quickly lined up to assemble.

When he walked towards the crowd commanding the scene, Barak's face was already pale. As the closest garrison to "Nagy Farm". Less than twenty minutes after receiving the emergency call from the Ministry of National Defense, he led his troops to arrive here. However, he never dreamed of it. This secret base called the farm has now turned into this.

What happened? !

Facing the raging fire, Barak Wang walked outside the temporary headquarters crowd composed of several high-level military and government officials, and heard a huge sound coming from his left side. That was a transport ship that was forced to land. Even with the cushioning of the shock-absorbing landing gear. Some of the unhardened land was still smashed out by the heavy spaceship. pit.

"Mr. Minister Wellington, Barak, commander of the 1st Regiment of the 232nd Armored Division of Feiyang Army, reports to you." Barak saluted a gray-haired official.

"Nice to see you, Colonel." Defense Minister Wellington had multiple injuries on his body. Even after being bandaged and changing into a temporary change of clothes, his hair that had been burned by the fire still made him look a little embarrassed. "Your people are all injured." come yet?"

"I brought a battalion over! They are all over there." Barak looked at the injured Wellington in surprise, and then turned his head quickly. "Do I need to trick my soldiers into entering the fire scene to join the rescue?"

"Your mission is to maintain the security and defense of the base. The rest will be completed by the National Security Rapid Reaction Force." Wellington waved his hand. He turned his attention to a group of soldiers in black uniforms who were running quickly down from the small transport ship.

"Yes!" Barak felt uncomfortable in his heart. Salute and prepare to leave.

He didn't know what happened at the base. However, he did not like those cold and expressionless members of the National Security Rapid Response Force. He looked at the time and raised his head slightly.


Although the National Security Rapid Reaction Force is annoying. But he had to admit that these guys from Heidejiande came very quickly—even faster than him!

"Get out of the way, quickly!"


A group of people rushed out of the base with several stretchers, and Barak subconsciously stopped. Perhaps the wounded on the stretcher were of high status. Several senior officials, including Wellington, rushed forward in confusion. Through the crowd, Barak suddenly saw a brown LeRae uniform. And the person lying on the stretcher turned out to be Zha

A thunderbolt flashed through the mind of Barak, the LeRae immigrant. The voice of the friend who received his call yesterday afternoon was echoing in his ears.

"Tomorrow? I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow. God. How could it be such a coincidence? It really won't work.

Well, to be honest, Admiral Bernadotte is meeting President Francis for tea tomorrow. I can’t leave for a minute.”

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ballack stood outside the blazing base.

Wellington, the injured Defense Minister, and Bernadotte, who was injured, could not hide his panic. Officials rushed over quickly. The National Security Rapid Response Force afternoon tea. President Francis's well-guarded secret military base. A series of words were threaded together in his mind. Everyone was there. His eyes were shaking.

A feeling of panic instantly sent chills all over his body. When Margaret sat in front of her with a serious face. When he was about to speak but stopped, the fat man realized. Something damn happened.

He closed the pornographic magazine in his hand. After he boarded the battleship, he snatched this from a Captain Feiyan. It took him five or six hours to finish watching Cover Girl.

The excitement of meeting the beautiful woman on the cover after a long absence. Already gone. Returning from the fantasy of big breasts and fat buttocks to the depressing reality, the fat man was dejected for a moment. He raised his eyelids and saw that Margaret, who was wearing clothes, was obviously not as charming and lovely as she was without clothes.

Seeing that Margaret opened her mouth but no sound came out, the fat man's eyes became confused.

That's not Margaret's style. Her extraordinary intelligence is not only reflected in military talent, but also in language expression and emotional control.

Without her, the book will be ridiculed in 08 Shanxun

No one knows this better than Fatty. You know, it was this banshee who dared to call herself my mother, play dangerous taboo games with her, and rape her brazenly! .

The fat man thought with tears in his eyes that if there was something that made her hesitate to speak, it must be something more serious than raping him.

The room was quiet, and the rest cabin of about 40 square meters looked full of industrial coldness. This is the typical style of Feiyang's Shark-class cruiser both inside and outside. The Shark-class cruiser is a weapon that relies on speed to rush into enemy fleet clusters and fight at close range. Even the dormitory of a senior officer does not have any consideration for comfort.

Expensive smart butler systems, soft leather sofas, and beautiful wooden window sills are simply a luxury for such a warship with a very high battle damage rate.

The fat man put the magazine aside and moved his butt.

He really wanted to tell Margaret that if you have something to say, say it and let it go if you have farts. Fatty has a very strong psychological endurance. You little witch dares to rape me. What else can you say that you are too shy to say?

Of course, this was just a thought. He didn't want Margaret to kill him without saying anything.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt excited. Does she want to do it again? The fat man's tears were welling up in his eyes, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or aggrieved.

The battleship shook for a while, and the sudden dimming of lights and the sudden loud and low sound of the engine indicated that the battleship was passing the space jump point. This means that the warships that have been carefully avoiding the West York fleet finally no longer have to maintain oppressive silence and light control to circle around in the dark universe.

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of life and death on the battlefield. Because of logic and mecha martial arts, there are only a handful of people in the world who can kill him. Most of the time, he bullies others. When others might bully him, he can easily escape.

But on a battleship, you can't even run. The whole time he was thinking, God knows when an energy cannon bigger than a train would turn the battleship and himself into space junk.

"I just received news that President Francis was assassinated and General Bernadotte was seriously injured." Margaret suddenly said at this time.

The fat man glared at Margaret.

"The general's condition is very bad and he is currently being rescued. He is not out of danger yet!"

The fat man's face gradually turned livid. His teeth were clenching unconsciously. The hair all over my body stood up, like a frightened and angry porcupine!

"What did you say?" he asked carefully.

Margaret didn't answer. She knew that the fat man had heard clearly, and she also knew that he didn't really want to hear it again. So, she nodded seriously!

The fat man looked at Margaret blankly, his mind went blank Feiyang, the president of this superpower. Just die so easily?

at this time? !

"Old man." The fat man clenched his fists unconsciously, "Why are you with President Francis?!"

"Admiral Bernadotte was invited to visit the Feillan military base and discuss with President Francis the next step in military-industrial cooperation."

Margaret gently grabbed the fat man's hand. He whispered, "The attack occurred at three o'clock in the afternoon. The president, his secretary, bodyguards, and seven senior military and political officials were killed on the spot, and dozens of others were injured."

"Who is the murderer?!" The fat man's voice was trembling, and his whole person looked like a powder keg with a fuse lit.

"Base Guard Company!" Margaret held the fat man's hand and looked into his eyes and said, "After the attack, except for those who were shot down in a firefight with the presidential escort, everyone else in this company has committed collective suicide. ! One hundred and forty-six people, not a single one alive.”

Her eyes flickered coldly: "Obviously. This was an assassination that was planned for a long time! The target is President Francis. General Bernadotte just happened to meet him."

"So, the old man is just incidental?" The fat man gritted his teeth and laughed, his voice making people's hair stand on end. "Old man, you are really fucking worthless!"

"The military has launched an investigation, and General McKinley has rushed back to Heidfield as soon as possible." Margaret looked at the fat man who looked strange with worry and comforted, "This matter. We will definitely get to the bottom of it. President Francis cannot die in vain, and we will also have an explanation for General Bernadotte!"

"Just mind your president." The fat man waved his hand and turned his eyes to the window, "We will handle the old guy's matters ourselves."

"Fat" Margaret's heart trembled. A hint of ominous premonition was confirmed on the fat man's cold and iron face.

No one understands fat people better than her. She knew that once this guy was cornered, he would be more terrifying than the craziest lunatic in the world! The expression on the fat man's face now is exactly the same as when those honest and cowardly people who are afraid of death rush towards the gangsters with a knife when they can't bear it anymore.

There is a repressed hysteria, a frightening neurosis.

"I need to make a phone call." The fat man ignored Margaret. His eyes were looking straight out the window. The scene where I met Bernadotte now plays over and over in my mind like a movie.

Military Academy at Garipalan. The old guy had a straight face, and after giving himself a commendation, he sent himself to the Cato front line.

When welcoming returning prisoners of war at the Garipalan Airport. The old guy stood at the forefront of a group of senior generals with his head held high and his hands raised in salute to Mars. The old guy wrote a letter telling himself that he was proud of himself

In Chuck Nahan King, the old guy came up to him, opened his arms and hugged him hard, smiled and said to himself "Welcome home!"

Every shot in the past is so clear.

Bernadotte and Russell are different. He is not a famous general, and he does not have the deep military command skills of Russell. However, he is selfless, calm and determined.

He has the most typical characteristics of the Leray Federation. He is the hero of all Leray soldiers


The fat man didn't understand that he had lost Hamilton. Schneider, Brown, after losing thirty million LeRae warriors. How much price does the Leray Federation need to pay for this war?

Those damn bastards, how many more people do you want LeRae to sacrifice? How dare they attack the people around them? !

"No matter who you are, I will personally deliver you

The fat man looked out the window coldly. After hearing the automatic door close as Margaret left. He stood up and walked to the table and picked up the phone.

Closing the mobile phone in her hand, Fang Xiang stared at the phone blankly for a long time. On the streets of Mars Central City, people were coming and going, and many passers-by looked at Fang Xiang with amazement. However, no one knows that this beautiful woman wearing a pleasing mix of casual clothes and standing on the street with a shopping bag is the actual controller of the Mars Freeport. .

There are a wide variety of products in the shop windows on the street. The bustling crowd, with their brisk footsteps, brings the world a fast pace and vitality.

The highway is like ribbons flying in the air. Countless flying cars were speeding along the highway. Some flying cars left the traffic flow and turned off the side road. Others crossed the viaduct and carefully drove out of the merge lane, then accelerated and merged into the traffic flow.

Over the city, there are the unique clanging sounds of construction sites everywhere. Countless majestic one-arm tower cranes are rotating on their respective sites. On the space cities wrapped in thick I-beam work frames, hundreds of construction mechas are like ants carrying dirt in their mouths. The nest is as busy as worker ants walking back and forth.

After experiencing the Mars genre war. Freeport is recovering at an astonishing speed.

War has given the free world far more opportunities than in peacetime. Smuggling ships, free business groups, and mercenary organizations gathered from different places. Large chaebol companies, while enjoying Mars' interstellar routes extending in all directions, have also gathered their wealth here.

The cruel pirates all over the waterways have been wiped out by the bandit army, including all major space docks and space stations. It is also under the absolute control of the bandits. Business groups and smuggling ships traveling through the waterway no longer have to worry about the safety of their property and lives. They can buy food at reasonable prices, and they can also sell their goods on the free port exchange for a painless transaction fee.

Low transaction and transportation costs, safe transportation channels, and war blockade of main waterways. The star regions touched by the Mars Free Channel Network are hungry for various supplies, making Mars more prosperous than before.

The wealth of the bandits is growing at an alarming rate. Audrey, who has outstanding talent in business, relies on the war to block the entire human interstellar territory, in an almost predatory way.


In addition to making money from smugglers and business groups. Audrey also earns money from Western countries, and from Fifa countries. A girl with a modest temperament, looks innocent and lovely, and has the fatal temptation of a mature woman. She is among the businessmen who come and go every day, even the Lelei Federation.

However, it was precisely because of her operations that while the gold coins of the Brody regime flowed far into her pocket, the smugglers were one after another breaking through the blockade of Western York and rushing towards the Atlantis planet controlled by Flavio. area.

With sufficient funds, the development of the bandit army can be said to be rapid. Smugglers coming and going. Business groups and enterprises have great energy in their respective fields. The cooperation of Jis has allowed some scarce strategic materials to flow into Mars continuously.

Based on this, the current bandit army has quietly grown into a behemoth under the leadership of Fang Xiang!

In the Longbow Galaxy, Russell leads the eight-class fleet, the main force of the bandits. These battleships consist of the latest Leray battleships and the captured Binart battleships, all of which have been refitted. Possess the ability to split, impact and become invisible. Mars' technology gives them stronger defense, mobility and combat effectiveness.

At the same time, in the Mars Freeport, there are still four super fleets that are undergoing intense modification work. Most of these warships came from transactions with Fengli Kingdom. After the warships arrived in Mars. Will go to the ship.

Army-wise, the potential of the free world of Mars. Already completely aroused. The bandit army currently has a low armored army, with a total of thirty divisions.

Twenty of them, including Dijiang and the Second Armored Division, have completed the installation of Lianhe Ranger mechas. The remaining ten newly recruited divisions are also forming combat effectiveness.

Mars' abundant source of civilian pilots has allowed the bandit army's army combat effectiveness to stand at the top of the world from the beginning. And the control training plan formulated by Fatty was at the forefront of the war. Once the strength of thirty armored divisions is activated. Even Fang Xiang himself would feel scared about it.

Sometimes, Fang Xiang even wonders, if that fat man is a conspirator with strong ambitions, what kind of disaster will he bring to the world when he masters this power!

More importantly, as the production lines of the twelfth-generation mechas of Chuck Nafur Dragon Sword Company and Meteor Company were put into production, one after another, the ferocious-looking mechas were coming off the production lines one after another. The mecha industrial zone established in Mars Freeport is also under intense construction.

It can be expected that the bandit army, which can complete the transformation of the twelfth-generation mecha within half a year, will be so powerful. In front of these advanced warriors and the twelfth generation mechas they drive, ordinary armored troops. There was no room for fighting back. They will be torn to pieces the first time they encounter the bandit armored group!

Also, Meteor Company's shipyard has begun building the battleship designated by Fatty, and the progress is very fast. To outsiders, these are all small warships with the grotesque style common to Mars pirates. No one knows, for these battleships. Mars is recruiting pilots in large numbers and is ordering fighter planes from Chakna.

There are many mercenaries and pirates in the free world of Mars who rely on space for a living. These guys who fly pirate fighter planes to rob homes are turning into fighter pilots for the bandit army.

Every time I think of hundreds of aircraft carriers releasing tens of thousands of fighter planes to swamp their opponents; I think of the high-level mecha warriors driving the twelfth generation of gangsters, fighting against the enemy's armor with a combat method that transcends this era. When the massacre started in the cluster, Fang Xiang felt palpitated.

The strength of the bandit army is visible. Everyone in this army is excited about this every day. They protect their mechas and battleships like they protect their own eyes, and wipe their partners spotless every day. This is a message, a desire to fight.


But now, standing on the street of Fifth Commercial Avenue in Central City, I received a call.

Fatty made a decision.

He will release this caged beast!


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