Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 102 Space Carrier

The stronghold of democratic forces, brightly lit.

On a silver-white oval metal body. The countless bright portholes look like a honeycomb.

Four metal beams with a diameter of one hundred meters spiral around the outside of the fortress. Long train guns, individually moving Beetle-shaped turrets, and four terrifying-looking heavy fortress guns were flying through the universe along four metal beams, like soldiers guarding a queen bee. Bees, densely packed.

At this moment, in order to welcome the arrival of the fleet, all the lights in the fortress have been turned on.

The navigation tower lights suspended outside, rows of huge moving lights on the fortress hull, and hundreds of super search lights criss-crossing in the air, illuminated the entire airspace as bright as day.

Five black space carriers were quietly suspended in the void outside the Democratic Forces Space Fortress.

The light beams of searchlights opened the black night curtain from time to time and fell on their majestic and mysterious bodies. Whenever their blade-like bows and the completely enclosed hull, which is completely black and without any seams or external equipment, are exposed under the search light pole, everyone can't help but let out an exclamation of obsession.

These five black space carriers are so beautiful.

Their bodies are as elegant as mermaids. Their lines are as smooth as river water. Such elegance and fluidity. What it brings is not only the beauty of art, but also the ferocity and fierceness created by the peak technology of modern industrial weapons.

Even though they are just floating there quietly, everyone will feel that they are roaring, as if they will break free from their shackles and attack at any time.

Compared with them, the Unicorn-class battleships of Feiyan's Thirty-Second Army around them were like mice under the feet of a Great Dane. Even the huge God-class space carrier is nothing more than a cat.

Their hulls have almost no luster, and they have quite strong stealth capabilities in the dark. If it weren't for the fortress' web-like searchlight beams, it would be difficult for people to spot these five behemoths blending into the black void. They are like the children of the Night God. Because of their noble blood, they are naturally favored by the universe ruled by darkness.

"Oh God!" The generals in the cabin stared blankly at the five behemoths.

No one can believe that there is such a huge and beautiful space carrier in this world. Although the performance data of this kind of mothership is not yet known, just based on the resources and technology required to manufacture this kind of warship, everyone knows that these are definitely not five big and useless toys!

"Fat man! What is this?!" Medina, who had completely gone crazy, reached out to grab the fat man's collar. However, there was obviously nothing to catch on to the fat man's naked body.

"The bandits' new space carrier." Fatty didn't have to hide these generals who were personally selected by Old Farley and Hastings to participate in the exercise. He smoked his cigar, looking proud and disgusted: "I designed it all by myself."

"Did you design it all by yourself?" Medina looked at the fat man and wanted to slap him.

Battleships are not mechas. The amount of engineering work involved in each system is as huge as building a city.

A few years ago, this fat man was a mechanic. Even if he didn't eat, drink or rest, and spent all his time on drawings, it would still take at least ten years to complete the structural design of a battleship. Not to mention the combat system, electronic system, defense system, etc., which are so complex that they are confusing.

Even Feiyang's current main aircraft carrier, Martin Company's Gods-class space carrier, was designed and produced by Martin Company using 100,000 employees and hundreds of related companies to work together through division of labor.

And just think about it. After the apocalyptic space aircraft carrier designed by Meteor Company was defeated by Martin Company's Gods class, it took many years to recover. Think about Martin Company's new aircraft carrier. It has been in use since before the war broke out. We started developing it but have not yet produced a finished product. We know how much resources and time it takes to design a space carrier.

Everyone believed that the fat man drew an outline on a white paper with a pen and then asked researchers to develop it. But this guy wants to brazenly say that he designed it all by himself. Not to mention Medina, everyone present wanted to give the fat man a slap in the face.

You are a genius in military command and deduction, everyone recognizes you.

You *** are a special forces soldier, a super mecha warrior. You dare to risk your life against fifteen snipers by yourself, and everyone accepts it. .

However, if you are so outrageous in ship development, you will simply not be able to sleep if you are immortal!

"What he said is true!"

As the automatic door opened, a group of people walked into the cabin.

The people who came in and the generals in the cabin were a little confused when they saw each other.

The reason why the people who came in were so confused was that they never dreamed that more than a hundred of Feiyang's most outstanding generals were all wearing only their underwear when they were all gathered together.

The generals were confused because the person who spoke was too familiar to them.

The man was short, with a big belly, not much hair left on his head, and a tall, big nose on his red face. It is Matt, the president of Meteor Company!

Moreover, what is even more shocking is that the first words Matt said when he entered the door were to testify for the fat man!

There was a "boom" and the entire cabin was in an uproar.

Medina was speechless and looked at the fat man and then at Matt with a strange expression. Roxani opened her mouth wide and stared at the fat man's face with a pair of eager eyes. She didn't even pay attention to what Margaret beside her was saying.

There are also Lieutenant General Michel, Admiral Frith and others. Everyone's eyes were straight, looking straight ahead, as if they had no focus.

Only the fat man suddenly put down the wine glass in his hand, quickly squeezed out of the crowd, strode up to Old Fari, opened his arms and gave a warm hug to a beautiful female officer in a blue uniform.

"Sister Xiang!" Fatty shouted happily.

"Damn Fatty, you..." The smiley Fang Xiang's original joy suddenly turned into shyness when she was hugged by the naked fatty. Her pretty face turned red, and she pressed hard on the fatty's waist with her hands. He twisted and said angrily: "Look what you look like!"

The fat man is also very shy: "They have to compete with me to see whose underwear looks better...does my elephant look better?"

While this bitch was talking nonsense, Medina and the others had already surrounded Matt.

"Matt, you just said that these five space carriers were designed by the fat man?" Medina grabbed Matt's arm and asked in surprise.

"Who is he?" Matt said matter-of-factly.

Everyone was in an uproar, and no one could believe that what the fat man said was actually true. However, with Matt's position among the arms dealers, it was absolutely impossible for him to lie. Michelle on the side quickly interjected: "How do you know? This is made by your Meteor Company?"

"Who am I?" Matt's old face became even redder, with a proud look on his face. It makes people want to slap him when they see it!

"Old guy, if you say 'Who is it' again, believe it or not, I will beat you up!" Medina shook his fist. He and Matt are about the same age and have been good friends since they were young. On the night when Matt's company failed in the competition for the aircraft carrier order, it was he who accompanied Matt to drink until dawn.

"But... Meteor Company is Feiyang's company. How could we not know about this kind of warship!" Admiral Frith on the side said what all the generals wanted to ask.

Everyone immediately surrounded Matt with all kinds of talk.

Perhaps the lieutenant generals present are not qualified to know about the latest warship developed by Feiyang, but even Admiral Frith, who is in charge of the procurement of Feiyang's space navy fleet, does not know about it. That was so bizarre.

You must know that the production plans of arms dealers must be subject to supervision and restrictions. Weapons that are not allowed to be exported are not allowed to be lost even if the company goes bankrupt.

As for the space carrier in front of us, although we still don't know how powerful it is, but based on its appearance alone, we can already determine that this kind of ship is much more expensive than the gods-class aircraft carrier currently installed by Feiyang. If someone uses lower technology and equipment than the God-class aircraft carrier on such a valuable battleship, he is definitely out of his mind!

"Meteor Company is just a manufacturer, and the developer is General Tian." Matt said calmly: "In recent times, Meteor Company's overseas subsidiaries and Chakna's weapons and equipment department, Fulong Sword Company, have been cooperating. This The construction technology of the five space carriers does not belong to Feiyang, but to Chakna and the bandits."

Chakna and the bandits... General Feiyang suddenly felt empty in their hearts.

"What are their names?" Medina murmured as he looked at the majestic battleships outside the porthole.

"The end of the world!" Matt said slowly.

When he said this name, his fat body was much more erect than usual.

"The end of the world?" The generals were silent for a while. Everyone knew that in the original battle for aircraft carrier orders. Meteor Company’s [Doomsday]-class space carrier, which has more advanced technology and better combat effectiveness and performance indicators in all aspects, lost to Martin Company’s [Gods], which was backed by politicians. So much so that Meteor Company almost collapsed. And the [Doomsday] ship that was sent for selection was also permanently sealed by Matt. .

But now, this unforgettable name of Matt has appeared on five motherships that are far more powerful than the God-class space carriers. From this, we can see how deep and profound feelings Matt has placed on these motherships. Plenty of confidence.

This name and these battleships symbolize that Meteor Company has picked up where it fell after many years.

After being snatched away the order for the twelfth-generation mecha by Meteor Company, Martin Company. They will face the challenge of Meteor Company in their strongest field.

"Are you wondering what the newly developed space carrier developed by Martin Company will look like?" Matt asked, "Will it be more advanced than our new [Doomsday]?"

He lit a cigar and blew out a stream of bad breath that he had been holding back for many years from his nostrils.

"You will understand after the exercise. Compared with the bandit fleet, their battleships are just garbage. Compared with the apocalypse, their space carriers are just junk!"

"Bah!" He spat: "That's scum!!"



. There have been too many things these past two days, and I have been too tired. I'm exhausted. I have to fly out tomorrow. We can only try our best to keep updating, there is probably no way out if it breaks out. Thank you for your understanding. Please also help keep your position on the current monthly vote list.


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