Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 119 Calling a Deer a Horse

Li Fu stood in the splendid and bright banquet hall of Caesars Palace Hotel) in the middle of the screaming and shunning chaotic crowd. Eyes full of bloodshot eyes and tears were staring at the fat man. That handsome face was extremely terrifying because of its extreme distortion. For some reason, he suddenly remembered this morning. At that time, he was standing on the viewing platform in the backyard of Beverly Hills.

At that time, the sun was just a red ball wrapped in thick fog and smoke on the top of the mountain in the distance. The sunlight shone on the fog that shrouded Beverly Hills whiter and brighter, but it was still unable to penetrate this layer of gauze and reveal the figure.

When Barbara walked downstairs happily, crossed the living room, came to him, put her arms around his waist and kissed him on the cheek, he stopped stroking his sister's hair lovingly. He didn't expect that that would be the last time he and his sister said good morning to each other.

A great sadness struck Li Fu's heart at this moment. How wonderful it would be if time could stay at that time, or if we could go back like thoughts!

The pain of this thought was unbearable. It was like an awl piercing his heart, like a sledgehammer hitting his chest. It's like being suffocated by drowning in the water, like being burned at the stake, like poison flooding through the body, like the skin and muscles being cut off piece by piece... the pain is unbearable! How he hopes this is just a dream*..."

Without this fat man, the presidential election would not have been lost, and Barbara would still be standing beside him with a smile. Just like when I was a child, I rolled my eyes slyly, pretended to be angry, and acted coquettishly with myself. It’s like when we grow up, we hold our arms and walk together, drink tea together on the backyard deck in Beverly Hills, tell jokes, and laugh like silver bells.”

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes and almost burst. Barbara's body lying in a pool of blood, and her eyes that remained fixed, turned the whole world into black and white. Only the blood soaked on the ground and the golden hair spreading like clouds were still so bright. This day is Barbara’s birthday, her thirty-sixth birthday! ! Everything was originally so perfect.

Because he has prepared birthday gifts, because Dawson is about to become president, because he is about to surpass Hastings, because a dynasty that is far larger than the previous Nademik has already unfolded a grand blueprint in front of him. !

I have already faced the wind and spread my wings...\

,"However, that fat man made everything burst like a bubble with one gorgeous move.

The moment the flying eagle jumped off the cliff and flew high into the wind, it turned into a chicken whose hands and feet were tied, its throat cut, its blood drained and thrown into a pot of boiling water. "Bite me f" is just three words, which is endless provocation, contempt, ridicule and ridicule!

The fat man's extremely hateful face was right in front of him at this moment. He had a simple and honest expression, his eyes were bewildered, and his pair of ears naturally stretched forward, as if he was waiting to hear his answer. This is the most vicious villain in all mankind!

He openly and tearfully accused Barbara of raping him in front of the entire Feiyang people. He held Barbara hostage and forced himself to beg him to follow his instructions and remove all the guards.

For the sake of Barbara, I did it without hesitation and lowered my body to the lowest position.

However, after the fat man got his almost unconditional satisfaction, not only did he not repay the favor, but he cut Barbara's throat with a knife as hard as he could.

Li Fu's body was shaking uncontrollably. It was extreme sorrow, extreme anger, extreme humiliation, and even more extreme regret.

Fatty's viciousness has exceeded his imagination!

It has always been him who controls the fate of others, who decides their life and death! He never understands the feelings of those people. To him, it is a matter of course! He never imagined that one day, someone would dare to take revenge on him like this. "Kill him!" Li Fu's throat roared like a wounded beast.

Although he is Admiral Feiyang. Although in his hands he holds powerful power that can conquer the stars, and holds wealth that no one can even dream of - "" But none of this can change the knife that wiped the throat! ! ! Barbara is dead and will never live again! No one can change anything in the passage of time, not even God. Now, the only thing he can do, and the only thing he wants to do is to kill the fat man! Outside the lobby, there are heavily armed guards, and outside the hotel, there are snipers!

Although Hastings still controlled the military, not all of these people were loyal to him. However, the identity of the fat man at this moment is just a murderous gangster! He must never let this man live, he must let this man be buried for Barbara! ! "Kill him, kill him!!!!" Li Fu shouted loudly one after another. His roar echoed in the banquet hall. This voice had completely changed its tone due to extreme pain and anger. The chaotic crowd around them became even more chaotic because of this cry.

Everyone present knew that Li Fu had gone crazy. They know better than anyone else the position of Barbara in Li Fu's heart, and they know better than anyone the kindness of these siblings!

This blow was really big for Li Fu.

It's so big that he can't bear it!

At this time, Li Fu could no longer be rational. In order to take revenge, he will not hesitate to make the entire Feiyang a river of blood! Some frightened people had already begun to crawl under the table.

They heard the messy footsteps outside the hall, and they knew that in the next second, gunshots would be heard throughout the banquet hall! There will be countless bullets passing through the air, and countless people will rush towards the fat man! But in front of him, Li Fu had already drawn his gun!

"Bang!" There were several loud sounds, and several doors around the banquet hall were pushed open at the same time, and hundreds of soldiers rushed in. However, no gunshots were fired. What echoed in the hall was a voice that sounded to them like a thunderbolt from the blue. "Admiral Liver." Hastings's voice rang in the empty hall.

As soldiers swarmed in, Hastings was pushed in a wheelchair by Haig into the banquet hall. Old Fari was by his side, and behind him were the new presidents Zhao Xi and Shen, the supreme commander of the Allied Forces, General McKinley, as well as the heads of major families and dozens of senior Feiyang officials. general! Looking at the huge crowd, everyone in the hall borrowed it.

Hastings' wheelchair stopped in front of Li Fu. The old man looked at Li Fu coldly: "You just said, who do you want to kill?" Li Fu swayed, looked at Hastings blankly, and then looked at his right hand. .

Just as Hastings and others led the soldiers to push open the door and swarm in, a sniper bullet penetrated the window glass and accurately hit his palm, cutting off half of his right palm and three fingers. The gun blasted away.

The gun fell on the carpet. The blood flowed downwards in a trickle, and quickly merged into Barbara's blood pool.

After a brief period of confusion, Soze and Pires quickly took a few steps forward and tied his arm with a napkin to stop the bleeding.

The sudden appearance of Hastings and the shot at this critical moment were perfectly coordinated. Everyone present felt cold in their hearts. They knew it was a warning.

Hastings personally took action, coupled with the newly elected President Zhao Xi, taking advantage of the power of a complete victory in the presidential election, who among the National Security Bureau and garrison officers responsible for security work outside had the courage to stop them, and who was willing to spare no effort at this moment? A loser who bets his own future to protect himself? ! The snipers placed around have obviously been eliminated. "I heard something happened and rushed here immediately." Hastings did not look at Li Fu, nor did he mention the sniper outside, as if nothing happened. He looked around and said calmly: "It seems that I'm not too late." Not too late? The people in Li Fo's camp turned blue. After the fat man killed Barbara brazenly, this group of people packed up the escort troops outside and then barged in with great force. Of course it was not too late!

Li Fu, who had bandaged his hand, slowly turned his head. Every trace of blood on his face has faded completely, and he is so pale that it is almost transparent. The forehead was also soaked with sweat due to the severe pain. However, his face no longer looked as crazy and ferocious as before. "Your Excellency Marshal, this man killed my sister." Li Fu looked straight at Hastings. "He committed the murder in public. Should I order him to be shot?!"

Li Fu's tone seemed very bland, not even a hint of pain or anger could be heard. It seemed that he had forgotten the palm that had just been blasted by a sniper, he had also forgotten Barbara lying in a pool of blood, and he had forgotten the war with the Hastings camp.

He didn't say a word else, he just insisted on the fact that the fat man killed someone in public at this party. Suoze and others on the side gritted their teeth tightly and straightened their bodies. This mind, this city, this is Li Fo! You can afford it, you can put it down, you can kill decisively at critical moments, and you can advance and retreat in critical moments!

Although Barbara's death and the strength of the presidential election left him distraught. But when danger comes, he can still grasp the most critical place in an instant.

Now, he is still Admiral Feiyang. Gambier was also the interim president of Feyant. Many of the people present are still Feiyang government officials and party leaders!

Unless Hastings directly turns his back and goes on a killing spree, killing everyone present, otherwise, he must give an explanation!

Although when Barbara was killed, the media at the scene had been driven out. However, this fat man's kidnapping of Barbara was clearly visible to all Feiyang people! Under the watchful eyes of the public, Li Fu will cling to this truth! If you want to blame, blame this fat man, he is too arrogant! "I don't know what happened here just now, and I don't support the abuse of force. Even if he kills someone, he should be tried. The only one who can punish him is Feiyan Law." Hastings greeted Sauze and others. His eyes were bright and his face was frosty: "Since I'm here, I will definitely come and deal with it..." He turned his head and ordered: "Arrest this person immediately!"

Several soldiers rushed over like wolves and tigers, and quickly caught the fat man. The fat man stared into Li Fu's eyes with a smile, showing no resistance at all. "Take him away!" Admiral McKinley, who was standing next to Hastings, ordered: "Interrogate him immediately and overnight! In a panic, the fat man was escorted out of the banquet hall.

However, less than ten seconds after he went out, several soldiers stumbled in: "Report, the criminal suspect suddenly broke free from our control and ran away!"

The acting skills of these soldiers are really bad. Their stumbling and affected expressions are just like children in kindergarten playing the role of white rabbits, thinking that all they have to do is raise two hands, use their index and middle fingers as ears, and jump around!

Gambier, Dawson's specialist, felt a tightness in his chest and was so angry that he felt like stars. Li Fu, on the other hand, remained calm, his expression extremely ugly. Everyone knows that this is intentional!

"Marshal, don't you think it's ridiculous to do this?!" The red-eyed Sauze stepped forward and asked, "All Feiyang people have witnessed with their own eyes Lieutenant General Le Lei Tian Xingjian taking hostages! He killed Miss Barbara, and everyone present can testify! You are covering up!"

"General Suoze, you must behave yourself when you speak. As a soldier, don't you salute your superior?" Old Fari on the side sneered: "Besides, some words are not said casually. The gangster escaped and everyone was very angry. However, if you want to accuse the marshal of covering up, this is a false accusation. According to military discipline, you can be sent to a military court!"

Old Fali finished speaking slowly, looked at the livid Suoze, and continued: "Besides, this person is not Lieutenant General Tian Xingjian at all. If you put it like this, I really doubt your motive for instigating Allied forces to unite!" Suoze Ze Nuji smiled back: "Such rhetoric can block Youyouzhi.?"

Old Fali snorted contemptuously and ignored him at all. Admiral McKinley on the side pointed at a few strangers beside him and said to Sauze with a smile.

"Admiral Soze, let me introduce you. These are Feiyang's most famous facial recognition experts. Just now, they have jointly signed identification documents proving that the gangster who kidnapped Barbara and Lieutenant General Tian Xingjian not related."

McKinley sighed and continued: "Although they look 60-70% similar, it has been scientifically proven that the skeletal models based on their faces are completely different." Scientific proof -..." Expert..." "'Soze's body shook for a while. "I will prove it with my honor." Hastings took over the words and said calmly: "When I came here, General Tian was still with me, and now he is outside...*..." Li Buddha has almost broken his teeth.

"General Li Fo, do you need me to ask General Tian to come in and meet you? The gangster has escaped, but General Tian is still there. Besides, their looks are so different. How can they be the same person? See you all. It would be nice to meet and clear up the misunderstanding." Hastings smiled, his tone sincere and gentle. Shameless, so shameless! People looked at Hastings with strange eyes. How is this still the upright and selfless Hastings in the hearts of the people!

This is simply an old gangster! The skill of referring to a deer as a horse and confusing right and wrong has reached the level of proficiency! "It seems that General Li Fu doesn't want to see -7 0"

McKinley sighed, shook his head, and said to Li Fu, "General, I see that you don't look so good. You must be sick. Since everyone is not in danger, we can rest assured." "General McKinley, I suggest that you issue a wanted notice immediately. Order, arrest the criminals!" Haig said with a smile. "That's for sure." McKinley said seriously: "Okay, let's go!"

Before leaving, Lao Fali walked up to Li Fu and whispered in a voice that only Li Fu could hear: "Feiyang talks about evidence. If you have evidence, just go and sue us." The crowd surrounded Heisi. Tingsi walked forward yearningly. Some members who were originally from Li Fo's camp also eagerly followed after exchanging glances. The faces of Gambhir and others were already ashen.

Li Fo stood in the dead silent hall, his body suddenly shook, his throat felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a pop!

, starting from 700 votes, I will write and remember each vote! Don’t worry, everyone, I will come out more no matter what! First update delivered. This chapter is not very satisfying to write, but it has been revised for a long time. If you change it again, you will have to write it down again. Please bear with me. How's it going? Please log in for more chapters and support.


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