Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 140 Return!

President Isao, it's time for us to leave. "Milotin No. 6 Airport, an advisor from the Children's Office walked through the empty port berth, walked to President Flavio's side, and said softly.

Flavio waved his hand.

The consultant opened his mouth, but finally stopped trying to persuade him. He just sighed and walked towards the waiting crowd.

Starlight is like frost, shining in the silent airport, a vast expanse of white. Except for this small group of people on the dock and Flavio standing quietly by the berth, the huge airport was deserted.

The prosperity of the past has disappeared without a trace.

In peacetime, there are spaceships traveling back and forth, busy loading and unloading robotic arms, speeding rail cars, and bustling tourists. Smiling airline staff, jumping children holding parents’ hands.”

The picture of peaceful times fades away. When the war broke out, it became a busy military base.

One after another, the majestic and mighty Federation warships slowly sailed to the berth with the guide ship. The heroic Space Navy officers and soldiers stood on the bow of the ship like javelins and saluted as they entered the harbor.

The conductors on the ground were holding flags and shouting semaphores quickly, and the ground staff were rushing back and forth. Fighter planes. Like a proud eagle, they sailed past the pier and boarded the mothership hangar one after another. Teams of army soldiers driving mechas passed by in high spirits and stepped onto the deck of the transport ship.

Year after year, month after month, day after day.

The bustling scene seems to be still in front of you, the military songs during the expedition, the cries of the farewell crowd and the affectionate exhortations seem to still be in your ears, but there is only a deserted place here.

Airport terminal. It already looked desolate and dilapidated, with thousands of port berths empty, save for one or two small, dilapidated patrol boats. The automatic robotic arm that was not working was drooping silently by the dock. The rail car that was also not working was also parked next to it, and the carriage was covered with dust.

Flavio stood quietly on the empty dock, looking up at the stars.

The old man's thin body was lonely and rickety under the starlight.

All spacecraft that can take off have already taken off. Passenger spaceships, cargo ships, mining ships, exploration ships, training ships. Various spaceships are filled with the people of Milok, flying into the vast universe and flying to the Galileo galaxy.

This is a huge migration, an arduous journey away from home. The departing people will arrive in the Galileo Galaxy, the last administrative district of the Leray Federation, in three days.

They might sail further afield, perhaps stopping at Galileo.

No one knows how long Galileo will be able to resist. Everyone just knows that it is the last piece of pure land in the LeLei Federation. Soon she will burn for freedom until she is reduced to ashes.

A great sadness suddenly struck Flavio at this moment.

This veteran, who always stood erect and as strong as steel in front of the people, squatted down, covered his face with his hands, let tears pour out of his eyes like a flood, and cried bitterly.


The name rolled in his choked throat.

Through his eyes blurred by tears, he seemed to see Hamilton smiling calmly.

He seemed to see in the bright starry sky, the fleets under Brown and Schneider and the fleet led by Malki at this moment overlapped. They fought under endless gunfire. Those young Lelei warriors, driving the old Lelei battleship, shouted long live Lelei and faced the enemy's artillery fire.

He seemed to see the backs of soldiers who jumped out of the trenches to charge during the four years of the Patriotic War. He saw the army soldiers with their faces covered with dirt building fortifications, writing suicide notes, and collecting weapons and ammunition on hungry stomachs, waiting for the battle to come.

In my ears, there is the endless sound of artillery, the roar of fighter planes piercing the sky, the cries of the people, the roars and loud bugles of the soldiers fighting!

Four years ago, Hamilton and Bernadotte defeated Gacharin and launched a strategic counterattack starting from Miloc.

Four years later, this star farm will fall in his own hands!

Flavio squatted beside the empty berth, crying. Tears and snot were mixed together, flowing down his old face uncontrollably, and large drops dripped from the tip of his nose.

"I am the most incompetent president in the history of the Union!"

The old man knelt down in pain.


The cry was heartbreaking in this lonely port.

The consultant turned his head away, a female confidential secretary wiped her tears with her hand, and the crowd watched silently. The old man and everyone were in tears before they knew it.

They know that these days. Flavio, who sleeps no more than four hours a day, has done something for this country. .

They also knew that this aggressive veteran never gave up. He keeps fighting. He is the hardest person in the Leray Federation!

The old man is not crying for himself.

He felt sorry for the officers and soldiers of Leray's fleet who were destined not to come back, and for Admiral Malki who insisted on personally commanding this last battle.

The battle at Newton's Jump Point has been an unrelenting battle from the beginning.

There is no way for those old, slow warships to turn around and retreat. Only by driving the enemy fleet away from the jumping point can the fleet have a way out.

And this time, they won't come back.

They will no longer be seen in this empty berth!

The starry sky is bright.


"This is glorious!"

Malki looked away from the communication records on the electronic folder, stared at the Skynet screen, and muttered to himself.

The narrow airspace of Newton's jumping point has been completely enveloped by the light of the naval gun. In the starry sky, battleships moved back and forth, engaging in fierce exchanges of fire. Space fighters flew in and out of the criss-crossing energy cannon light.

Standing in the middle of the battlefield, all you can see is the dazzling light, the explosions one after another, and the smoke and debris left behind after the explosions!

The fire ball suddenly lit up outside the port side window, and sometimes lit up outside the starboard side window. Battleships are exploding, and fighter planes are exploding.

The huge explosion of a battleship suddenly exploded like a rapidly expanding ball of light, and several fighter planes that were hit one after another turned into a series of flying red flames in the air.

The battle has reached its most brutal stage.

Following Sheldon's order, the entire Binart fleet came out!

Seen from a distance, the "Shen"-shaped small chapters in the entire Sheldon fleet are composed of the forward fleet Chishuanfan team on the front. The "Tu" character below is the huge Sheldon at the rear. The fleet's main formation.

One after another [Vampire] space fighters took off from the Binart space carrier, and the Binart destroyers and cruisers rushed out of the formation and rushed forward crazily.

The main formation composed of hundreds of Binart battleships will launch a salvo every two minutes and forty-eight seconds. The terrifying white light erupted from the bow of the ship pierced the universe and swept across the entire airspace.

No battleship dared to block this white light, no matter it was a battleship, floating wreckage, flying fighter planes or tumbling space pumice. As long as it is enveloped and swallowed by this white light, it will melt into the void in an instant. After the white light passed, the ashes disappeared, the clouds disappeared, and there was no trace of its existence.

Time passed by minute by minute. A full hour has passed since the conversation between Sheldon and Malki.

The Binart fleet pressed closer and closer, and the entire formation at the front and rear was almost compressed together. One after another, Lelei battleships exploded under their gunfire. But more Lelei battleships were scrambling to face the gunfire and rush toward them at high speed!

They were still firmly blocked by the Leray fleet at the exit of the jump point airspace. They had the upper hand but were still unable to complete the final breakthrough!

General Le Lei fought bravely from beginning to end!

The flagship shook violently.

The nearby Leray battleship, in order to cover the flagship, turned into scattered meteors under the opponent's salvo.

"All the immigration spaceships have taken off and entered the channel. Our mission is completed." Looking at the bright white light outside the porthole, Bumalkishe burst into tears, silently stood at attention, saluted, and slowly said to the communications officer: "With friendly forces Contact the fleet and ask them to break away from the battle and withdraw from the battlefield. We will defend them!"

The communications officer took the order and left.

At the same time, the signalman on the top of the flagship's bridge sent out light signals to the surrounding Leray battleships.

Lantern language - the last glory!

The Leray fleet began to shrink toward the center.

"They told us to retreat..."』"

Vice Admiral Pang Longqi, commander of the Chakna fleet, looked at the communication record in his hand absently. On the communication screen in front of him, the fleet commanders of Tatania and Puditok also looked at each other in silence.

The three Allied fleets that broke away from Fijincella's fleet were placed on the flanks during this battle.

Before they could put up a serious fight, they were asked to retreat.

In the central battlefield in the distance, the Leray fleet is shrinking. One after another, the old-fashioned Leray battleships rolled up their petals like a black tulip in the sky full of gunfire. Everyone knew that it was a silent declaration. Those proud Lelei people are preparing to complete their last and most gorgeous bloom in this universe.

"I will miss them." Pang Longqi, who was over forty years old, raised his chin and gritted his teeth: "They are the bravest and most proud group of lunatics I have ever seen.

The young Commander Tatania turned away with tears in his eyes. The old Commander Putitok, with an iron face, looked solemnly at the Leray Federation fleet in the distance and remained silent for a long time.

The Allied fleets on both sides began to fight and then retreat. When the Allied warships in the rear were the first to break away from the battle, they retreated along the wings of the airspace to the location of Leray's fleet. The officers and soldiers left their seats one by one, crowded around the portholes, and silently stared at the Leray battleships that were looming in the gunfire.

Some people's eyes flashed with tears, and some people's eyes were full of reverence. The officers paid attention and saluted solemnly, and the female soldiers covered their mouths and turned their heads away, unable to bear to look anymore.

They knew that they were about to leave, but these Lele comrades who had fought side by side with them for three months were destined to stay here forever with their beloved battleships!

On those old battleships are young and flying lives.

They sweat profusely on the training grounds of the base, they sing loudly in the wine, they make excuses to talk to the female soldiers of the Allied fleet, and they salute and smile with themselves every sunny morning. During the fleet exchange, they crawled on the ground to wipe the deck together, hid in the room to drink together, and were caught together and scolded by their superiors.

No, not just these three months. They have been together for several years! The Leray soldiers beside them appeared one after another and left one after another. "This is a country of heroes, and we will never be conquered!" They fulfilled their promise with their lives.

In the distance, nearly 10,000 Vampire space fighters had taken off from the space carrier of the Sheldon Fleet's main formation. They formed a dark cluster, passing through the debris floating in the airspace, and pounced on the LeRay fleet.

That was the trump card that the Binart fleet, which had never paid much attention to space carriers, always held in its hands.

When their fleet had almost pressed against the bow of Leray's fleet. Sheldon, finally took out his last piece of killer steel.

The role of fighter planes is to kill at close range!

In a few minutes, these fighters will rush into the LeLei fleet without a space carrier and begin their bloody massacre without restraint.

A Chuckner correspondent connected the Leray Fleet regional channel to the Allied fleet public broadcast. The Allied officers and soldiers finally heard the voice of the silent fleet on the other side of the silent starry sky.

Malki, General Leray, speaking to his soldiers.

His voice echoed in every corridor of every Allied warship.

"The three-month battle is finally coming to an end. At this moment, we will hold hands and face our final battle."

"I know you have gathered around me, I can feel your heartbeat.

It is my honor to fight side by side with you until the last moment of my life!"

"I am proud to be born in this country of heroes!"

"I am proud of every brave Lelei soldier around me."

"When we die, we will not go to heaven or hell. We are born to belong to the starry sky where countless Leray heroes are buried, the starry sky of the Leray Federation! We will carry our pride and stay forever it's here!"

"Our relatives will be proud of us!" "Many years later, our sons and daughters, our descendants, will be proud of us!" "Just like we gazed at the heroes who died in the Leray War of Independence three hundred years ago, they too

Will stand at the moment

"We are fighting for our elderly father and mother!"

"We are fighting for our beloved wives and children!"

"We don't know how much pain this son of a bitch war will bring to our loved ones. We have no time to grieve. The final battle is about to begin. Let us start charging and don't stop!"

Allied officers and soldiers stood quietly in the corridor, looking up at the broadcast, with tears streaming down their faces.

"At this last moment, I will give the final order!" "For Lelei's ancestors!" "Each ship, fight on its own!" "Fight to the death!"

Outside the porthole, the Leray fleet gathered together and began their final charge! The petals they rolled up suddenly bloomed at this moment. They shot out like arrows towards the enemy's central formation.

Some female Allied soldiers were already crying. The male soldiers gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, and let tears flow silently down their faces.

"God bless LeRae." Colonel Puttock knelt down by the porthole.

With tears in my eyes, I saw the Lerey battleship in the distance, advancing at high speed. The lights in their portholes were so bright.

The lights of each battleship are sending the same signal in the same rhythm. .

That was the roar of the Leray officers and soldiers that shook the universe.

"Long live the Leray Federation!"

"Long live LeRae!"

Looking at the pictures sent back by the stealth reconnaissance ship that had already jumped to the jump point, looking at the stubbornly flashing light signal surrounded and drowned by countless Binart warships, all the bandit officers and soldiers howled loudly!

Bratt cried, Fei Owen cried, Mitch cried, and even Russell's eyes were red..." "Every mature and steady old man from LeRay, who had not shed tears for decades, all cried like a group of people. Lost and separated, the child finally met its mother.

"We're here!" Fatty wiped away his tears desperately.

"We're here! We're here!" He kept repeating the same words, wiping his face with both hands, but the tears grew more and more!

The fleet has assembled at the jump point. Ten Doomsday and eleven Miracle-class space carriers are at the front.

Each battleship divination set the end coordinate of the jump at the deepest point of the jump point. Almost behind the Binart fleet.

The fat man hurriedly opened the fleet communicator and burst into tears.

"Kill,"... Get in! He, ". Mom, give me. "Kill in!" He roared like crazy, shouting, "Rescue Malki...", rescue me, rescue everyone! " "

Bandit fleet, start jumping!

Leray's fleet rushed into the enemy's battleship formation.

"God, I am not your believer, so this is the first and last time I pray to you.", ""

In the main gun compartment of a Leray cruiser, Lieutenant Leray stared at the fire control system screen with red eyes: "Bless me, let me give that naughty bastard the other side a hard shot!

"Amen." The second lieutenant pressed the main gun launch button hard.

In the starry sky, the shabby Yunle Lei cruiser suddenly opened fire with its bow main gun.

White light cuts through the universe and disappears in a flash. It plunged into the port side of a Binart cruiser hundreds of kilometers away with great accuracy, blasting a terrifyingly large hole in its hull.

But at the same time, five swooping Binart space fighters also attacked the Leray cruiser that was firing.

Ten straight energy cannon light chains blasted from the bow of the Leray cruiser to the stern. Pieces of battleship shell armor cracked under the light of energy cannons and flew around in the explosion of fire.

The pirate ship trembled violently.

"God is a son of a bitch!"

The ungrateful ensign and observer burst into laughter.

He felt proud that his false prayers had deceived the superior god who had put LeRae into misery.

The five space fighters each avoided anti-aircraft fire in the air, then turned around and pointed their noses at the Leray cruiser again.

Like five ruthless vultures. "Long live the Leray Federation!"

The second lieutenant and the observer roared, tore off their collars, and exposed their chests to face the oncoming Binart battleship maniac. 』1. "Come on, you bastard, fight here!"

They scratched each other's shoulders and kept thinking of the oncoming Binart space fighter, waiting for the last moment of their lives.

Time seems to have frozen..." Suddenly, several huge white lights lit up from behind the main formation of the Binart fleet not far away. Hundreds of fighter planes pierced the void and appeared in their field of vision, overwhelming them.

The five Binarts [Vampires] that had just turned around were intercepted by a dozen silver-white space fighters that came out sideways before they could get close to the Leray cruiser, and each one exploded in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was filled with such silver-white fighters that broke out of the sky. They are like petrels coming from heaven. Accompanied by the holy light, they appear in groups and fill the entire sky in an instant. They flew around, passing back and forth, biting each [Vampire] until they exploded.

The ensign and his companions' eyes widened.

A silver-white fighter plane intercepting an enemy plane passed by outside the window. They saw that under the extended wings was the military emblem of the Leray Federation. Under the military emblem, there is a huge

The word "bandit"!

The ensign and his companion looked into each other's eyes in disbelief.

Suddenly, the two people jumped up like crazy.

"It's the bandits! They're back."

They were jumping, shouting, waving their arms towards the countless fighter planes outside the portholes, and tears bursting from their eyes.

"They're back!"

A Leray destroyer charged in the sky full of gunfire.

Two meteor-like main gun beams of light passed by the battleship. Several Binart cruisers fired wildly, hitting her body again and again with their side guns.

The energy shield of the Lelei destroyer was like a candle in the wind, and large chunks of the shattered armor fell off the hull. She was so scarred that even the main guns on the bow had turned into twisted metal tubes. However, she was still charging forward - charging towards the Binart cruiser that was turning hastily in front of her. .

"Don't hit!"

Two Chakna fighter jets escorted her.

Every time pilot Chuckner passed by the LeRay destroyer, he could see the no longer young lieutenant colonel on the command platform through the bright portholes. He could see him crowding beside the portholes, smiling and waving to himself. , or the Lelei warrior who saluted and thanked him.

Tears blurred pilot Chakna's eyes.

The mothership has sent the final return signal, and the fleet is about to evacuate.

They pulled up the fighter plane and watched the Leray destroyer gradually become smaller at the tail of the fighter plane.

Watch her hit the Binart cruiser like a flying missile, getting closer and closer.

"These LeRae lunatics!"

The Chuckna pilots could not suppress the grief in their hearts and could not bear to watch any more. They turned off the tailviewers on their goggles, put off their headphones, and burst into tears.


The fighter planes left the star field flashing with countless cannons and fires one after another, and sailed in the silent universe.

A Chuckna pilot finally couldn't help but look back. Immediately, his eyes widened and glazed over = "Yao la) That's our fighter plane:\\}"

The companion turned around and saw huge white lights in the starry sky, like a meteor ship suddenly flashing out. One after another, huge warships rushed out of their majestic bows. And countless Chakna [Lightning Mu], as if being ejected by this white light, instantly accelerated through the void and appeared directly in the battle group.

That silver shuttle-like grid $!, that short wing with a special shape, and the main wing that draws back like a swooping falcon.

Yes, those are Chakna fighter planes! Thousands of them..." "No, it's twenty thousand, thirty thousand..." "Countless Chakna fighter planes!

At this moment, these silver-white fighter planes were escorting the Leray destroyer that was ramming straight into the enemy ship. They were like guardian angels sent from heaven, soaring under the starry sky together with the Leray destroyer.

The destroyer did not hit it.

She faced the scarred hull at the last moment, flying proudly over the lava-like enemy ship that had been beaten into a ball with fiery red cracks.

The flagship, trembling under gunfire.

The clustered command cluster has already rushed into the enemy's battleship formation.

General Malki put on his military cap upright, pulled up the hem of his clothes, and stood upright on the command podium. The enemy plane clusters on Skynet's radar are getting closer and closer. That is the long-established power of the six space carriers in Sheldon's main formation. When they come, it's time to commit suicide.

The flagship il was advancing under fire. Standing on the command podium, looking at the Lelei battleships advancing side by side, and watching the wreckage of the destroyed enemy ships flying backwards, Malki felt very high-spirited.

Each salvo fired by the command group will destroy several enemy ships facing the front. These old battleships are like old horses, galloping with themselves on the final battlefield.

He thought of his wife and son.

He thought of the day when he was young and swore an oath under the military insignia to defend this country.

Enemy ships and fighter planes were approaching.

"Come on!" He stared at the telemeter screen and smiled proudly.

Countless white lights rose from the telescope screen and from behind the Binart fleet, blocking out the sky and the sun. The oncoming group of enemy planes was instantly overwhelmed by a larger number of fighter planes from behind.

Countless silver-white elves are flying in the black void.

Countless warships broke through the void, revealing their majestic bows painted with the bandit army's emblem.

An electric current crawled up from Malki's back and covered his whole body. The hot blood in his chest suddenly boiled at this moment. He clung to the railing of the command podium, and the fleet officers and soldiers beside him had already jumped up!

Thunderous cheers resounded across the starry sky!

The Allied fleet is still reluctant to leave this star field.

Madmen, bastards, paranoid, fools, heroes..." 'They don't know how to describe these Leray soldiers. But they know that they will never forget the scene in front of them7.

Never forget these LeRae Space Marines who earned their admiration and tears.

"God bless LeRae!"

On the retreating battleship, officers and soldiers crowded around the portholes and under the telescope screen, bidding farewell to the star field with shining gunfire and praying.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes froze.

They saw countless warships appearing behind Binart's fleet, and countless fighter planes involved in Binart's fighter jet cluster, firing wantonly!

The starry sky was dyed red by dense flames.

The final trump card of the Binarts looked so pitiful in a cluster of fighter jets that were seven or eight times more numerous than them!.

A Captain Chuckner turned around suddenly and ran towards his combat post.

Wu Jian: "Everyone left the porthole and ran in the corridor!"

On the radio, the voice they wanted to hear came, the voice of the fleet commander.

"go back !"

"Let's go back!"

As if hearing a horn from outside the starry sky, Flavio raised his head. He saw a liaison officer running to the side of the crowd.

Then, everyone jumped up crazily and ran towards him. Advisors from the President's Office, senior government officials, and the female confidential secretary who burst into tears.

They rushed across the empty pier, arms outstretched, tears flying.

"The bandit army is back!" In an instant, he heard only this voice and he was drowned by the crowd.

The last day of January 2064.

Bandits, return to LeRay.

, this is the most painful few days since I wrote a novel. I used to have plenty of time, but now I don’t. I’m sorry for the interruption. I spent four days writing this chapter.


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